'Big Brother 8' - Live Feeds Into Thursday Morning 8/16
<--- The Jenius at rest. Again, houseguests are still up as I get this entry in. Eric, Jen, and Jessica are talking in the HOH room. Here's a quick take on the house happenings since the last update:- While Jessica was in the HOH room celebrating Dick's supposed demise (from the game, not real) with Dustin, Amber, and Jessica ... Eric was talking to Daniele.
- In the Eric/Daniele conversation, they talked deal and going to the F4 together. That would be Daniele, Evel Dick, Jessica, and Eric.
- Eric made it sound like he would convince Jessica because neither trusted Dustin.
- Daniele told Eric that Jessica herself would have to talk to Zach because he told her he gave his word to vote Dick out.
- Eric and Daniele know that Jen has lied about many things.
- Dustin, although not AS cocky as originally, joked that he would walk out in his King's robe if evicted.
- When Eric and Jessica got together, Eric continued to work Jessica over to the evict Dustin plan.
- When Dick talked to Daniele about her talk with Eric, he told her that they shouldn't even think of taking Eric out next week if he does this for him this week.
- Meanwhile, Jessica said Daniele and Dick should go on the block next week, but Eric reminded her of the deal and said the veto replacement would have to be voted out.
- Jen and Eric started hiding items to make the others think there are more clues.
So, that's where things stand right now. It appears that the deal with Eric, Jessica, Dick, and Daniele is on (at the moment). If it lasts through to the show tonight, it will be Dustin leaving ... in his robe.
When Jam and Wamber find out that Eric screwed them over, they're gonna tell ED and Dani about the incest comments. That's not gonna be pretty.
Arrrgghhh. It's SOOOOOO frustrateeeennnn!! Oooops, Daniele moment here. YAY!! Two evictions in a row when I'm not sure who's leaving until it happens! I have to admit I would enjoy seeing Dustin's face if he's evicted.
I'll settle for how funny it was to watch the faces when Dick won POV with his last croquet shot if I have to. Ahhh, treasured memories.
I'm acutally looking forward to tonight's show! Uh oh, I think I should be ashamed of myself LOL
Now we got game! If Dustin is the first person to sequester, the remaining players should be careful about who they send next...the amount of smack talk in sequester could really sway that final vote.
I think that this AP choice was a game turner.
I bet Eric wishes he kept his sicko comments to himself.
Oh I hope that Dustin leaves.
"sasha said...I'm acutally looking forward to tonight's show! Uh oh, I think I should be ashamed of myself LOL"
it's ok...i'm right there with ya!!!
I so agree anon 7:03. If anyone thinks ED has been been out of control before, wait until he and Dani hear about those incest comments.
If Eric has any brains he'd get ED out now regardless of the AP money.
Imagine if Eric was alone in sequester with ED once ED knows. Seriously.
And how can Wamber and Jam think they'd have numbers if they evict Dustin? They're playing stupid.
Its scary that ED can talk to all these people they way he does and then they keep him. Short memories I guess.
Laura in IA
When Dustin leaves, whether tonight or at some future eviction, he will discover what America has been saying about his arrogance and his gray shirt. Then he may wish his robe was really a Invisability Cloak. Sue
I don't see how Dustin will go home just because Eric votes to evict him. Jen, Amber, Jameka, Zach are all voting Dick to go. Jessica can't vote so that leaves Danielle and Eric to vote to keep Dick. That's only 2 to 4. What am I missing?
Jen: She acts as if she wants Dick out, but will most likely give the vote that best suits her in the house. If she isn't certain Dick will go, she will vote Dustin out. I don't think she cares a lot one way or another. Either would get rid of her if they stay. Watch her in the background of videos as she makes herself scarce when the hollaring starts,(any scene will do) but keeps near enough to hear. For someone who loves attention, she is expert on staying just out of the line of fire. I said it at the being, she is playing by Pageant rules.
Amber & Jameka: Lately they remind me of two little girls who sit on the sidelines and whisper together, as they watch the big kids play on the school yard. Jameka ate some of Dick's slop. Whats up with that? She got some pats on the back for standing up to Dick and since then has been following him around waiting for a chance to do it again. I think it makes her feel good and she would be dissappointed if he left the house. I know she also might think taking out the Devil would earn her points with her church, but I really think she feels she is God's voice against Evel and doesn't want it to end. Her claim to fame. She will whisper the words to Amber....Vote for Dustin.
Eric: He didn't create the 'vote Dustin out' campaign, but it came at a perfect time for him and he took advantage of it. He has lost all hope of being friends with Jessica on the outside, though. I think up until her HOH time, no matter how bad he was, he kept her out of his sneakiness. Not so now, and she didn't forget being screwed over with $5 and she won't forget this, of course she probably won't find out about it until she is voted out.
Zach: He is the Thinker in the house. Unfortnately he also seems to be the Talker, the Carrier of Tales. One trait cancels out the other. He has been pretty firm with D & D for a while now, so I would have to guess he will vote to keep Dick and all the other was excused by his type of 'game play'.
Daniele: She will have to vote to keep Daddy (although she should have given a sympathy vote to keep Nick and didn't) I think if Nick were still in the house she would have voted out Dick happily. Not a people person, but a people user. But not strong enough to override peer pressure and stand up for herself...make that parent pressure, since she seems to have no peers.
Just what I am thinking, I may change my mind by noon. Smiling with you Jackie, Sue
Anon 8:51--We don't know at all for sure who Jen or Zach are voting for as they continue to tell both sides they are voting with them.... last I checked.
Laura in IA --Wamber has never played smart that I can see, lol!!
I think that D&D hearing about Eric's comments would roll off their backs completely, or with no more than a minor grumble/flash in the pan. I'll preface by saying this comment has nothing to do with my feelings about incest or the vitcims of it, it's about Dick's reaction in the game to Eric's game play.... Dick has said FAR wrose or AS BAD things 100 times more and should be a big boy and able to take a dose of his own brand of gamesmanship from another player.
If ED is pursing Eric for a deal this week, and indeed gets saved by Eric, I highly doubt he'll not go ballistic (for once) to hear it. I only see him reacting if it serves ED in some other way in the game -- intimidation, whatever. But if he's all hooked up with Eric, I have a hunch he might even give a wry chuckle about it.
To me, it doesn't matter if it was to his face or behind his back. It's a game where doing things on the down low is mostly the way things are done. DIck's telling it to people's face thing is another way to play to me, not a virtue or honesty so much. I just don't happen to hold one as better than another.
Well,I guess I am sitting at the counter of the Waffle House this AM,because I have NO idea how the vote is going to go down. And,as I said before,I really don't care much one way or the other,cause then that's a moot point and the real fun begins when we see who wins HOH and the plotting and scheming starts all over.
Let's just hope that whatever this "twist" is,that it's way,way better than how their AP worked out. I still think it was a joke and a loser. Don't know if it's because of the hamster they picked or the fact that nothing made much difference in the game...so far.
Ok so I just watched some of the live feeds from a friend- it was Jen and Eric and Jessica reviewing information in the house in the HOH. She knows everything- and when I say everything I mean everything- I think Eric and Jessica know they have to take her out- she is smart- she must be one of those book smart people cause her social skills S@cks!
welll....gang.....this is a twist in itself...I really hope Dustpan hits the skid with his robe on...now that would be good to see Chenbot react to that one!
sheesh, this early in the morning for me and I am already cynical...how can that be?
sharon, can I have some of that waffle? Im hungry
I wonder if they are bringing back
a former houseguest.
They did it before
If they want to keep the AP position intact, they can't bring anyone back. Nick has been interviewed since the show (on Joker's) so we know he's not in another sequester, Kail was told about AP, I believe they told Joe when he was evicted and Nick has talked to him since the show so we know he's not in sequester. I have no clue about Mike or Carol, but I'm sure they told at least one of them...
That's only 2 to 4. What am I missing?
8/16/2007 8:51 AM
"For a lie is but the truth in masquerade."
What truly lies behind a mask? Dustin would have to be evicted if he's not part of the " Alice IWL game twist " I'm leaning more and more towards; could explain why there's so many shifting, Dick will now have to convince Danielle why he'd have to keep Eric for a week, once again creating a mind boggling effect from Dani. Therefore OIMO - for the time being, despite how Dick previously felt about Eric; Dick would have to align with Eric. I finally got caught up in my reading; It appears Jen threw what we call a reality TV " plug in " directly at Eric, referred Eric " Mr. America " perhaps, by midday it'll begin to make sense. Not all directly on what mini mad hatter chanted repeatedly, My focus is on how HG's have shifted throughout game thus far. Though perhaps, I'm giving HG's to much credit for their erratic behavior. HMMmmm I'm incline to believe its all role playing, ( for show time ) may the best mole win. Lack for a better word " Manipulating viewer Audience, all in good faith?? It's being done in a lot of reality TV show's today, though more often in daytime soap.
Well according to Jokers site, Jess, Eric, Daniele & Dick are in an alliance now. It seems Jess has agreed to vote out Dustin if it's a 3-3 tie. It sounds as if Zach will be voting Dustin out as well.
I also read that if D&D get HOH that they will put up Amber & Jam in hopes to backdoor Jen.
Goodbye Dustin !
Eric may be working Jessica over to evict Dustin, but unless there is a tie vote, Jessica doesn't have any control over it...
I can't believe I'm saying this, but as long as Dick continues to play "nice" I'm actually liking this Eric/Jessica/D&D F4.
Based on this F4 and who might be in sequester and on the Jury, I'm sure if Jessica is one of the final two with any of the other three it would be a no brainer... she'd win, IMO. And I'm saying this after when she first came into the house, most of us thought she was a silly little girl. Silly right to the bank... Silly us!
Can't wait for tonight to see what's happening! Going to be fun!
I think, from Eric's point of view, it would be a big mistake to keep Dick. If Eric, Jess, Dick and Daniele make a deal for final four, they need one more person along temporarily for votes. And if they can get to final five with that person (probably Jen or Zach), I'm sure both Dick and Eric will turn on each other and try to use that 5th person to vote out the other "team."
And I think they're all crazy if they backdoor Jen, because she would be the perfect person to be up against at the end, if you want to win.
But I do hope Dustin gets booted to the Chenbot couch tonight, just to see the look on his face.
WHAT DID I DO WITH MY TYLENOL??? This is mind-blogging!! There are sooo many possibilities with these clues--I'm loving reading everybodys ideas.
I think it's going to have something to do with the HOH game tonight. Remembering things about the characters and what was said.
As much as I dislike Dick I think an alliance of D/D/Eric/Jess is a very smart move for all of them.
It's time to hook up with the strongest players and that is NOT Amber, Jam or Zach. Jen is very game-smart and needs to be evicted(after all, she doesn't want the money!).
I think between the after eviction interview and the early show all the evicted HG have been told about the AP twist.
So many clues....so little time.....
Nana in the NW
I agree that alligning with D&D may not be Eric's best move. Maybe he's FINALLY figured out that America isn't supporting their Player's alliance and that he'll be forced to make moves against his group if he continues. Keeping Dick in the game could be dangerous - the LNC would never forgive Eric & Jess for joining Dick.
I'm an Eric & Jess fan so if they could swing Zach and Jen then they eventually get out everyone else. I think they all could win challenges if they tried - Eric and Zach seem to have thrown some before.
Just a thought.
I just read today's latest comments and they prompted two things:
1. "For a lie is but the truth in masquerade." Reading it just now made me realize that Eric has been masqueradeing as a houseguest since Day 1. Sorry if someone said that long ago and I just missed it.
2. Before the house opened we were hearing the theme would be meeting your enemy or rival or something like that. I see that coming true. But then I always try to make BB and the players smarter than they play. Here is what I was thinking: Some (maybe all) are 'getting back' at some one. Dustin won the HOH on a question about Joe. Jessica won the HOH on a question about Carol. In essence Carol and Joe helped their so-called enemy win HOH, so Dustin and Jessica 'got back' at their enemy. I don't know, but suspect, there are other examples of similar things. I just wasn't paying attention. Jessica wanted loyalty from Carol, I think she said she couldn't trust her to have her back....kind of like the trust she expects from Eric and thinks she is getting. So Jessica is being confronted by the same animosity she had with Carol. Or will be when she gets out of the house.
Did Alice have an enemy? The rabbit, of course, led her down the hole when he 'was late for a very important date'. They date alot in this house and I think one of the clues was about numbers that made a date.
Something to think about. Has the theme of enemies been on going and we forgot about it after the season started? Sue
So what's the deal w/Eric and Jess and D&D?? is it final 4 is it this week..what?? and can they really be trusted?? how many other "till the end" deals do they have out there?? I just don't know which snake I'd trust..Dustin or D&D..
And am I the only one that feels sorry for Zach??? not in a "oh lets help him along" kinda way but a "hey i'll throw you a bone and talk to you" kinda way..he just looks like someone ran over his puppy..
Clementine - Eric's point of view doesn't really matter. He can't play his own game then follow America's directions which are proving to be the direct opposite. I think he's finally getting the hint of what America is thinking and wanting and is working with it now.
Anon 7:23 -- If the sequester house is anything like the big house, they have 4 weeks to waffle, and continue waffling as each new HG is booted and brings new info and manipulations due to how they were feeling when they left!
Sue -- I keep meanign to tell how you much I enjoy all your comments! Original!
MEB said "I can't believe I'm saying this, but as long as Dick continues to play "nice" I'm actually liking this Eric/Jessica/D&D F4."
Me too Meb... If Dick can let go all the smoke and mirrors, I would so prefer to see the true students of the game or real players duke it out at the end (and I would include Jen in that description) than see Amber and Jameka putter to the final 2). Zach is still undefined to me. He's from his won universe, still not full revealed ;-)
Celmentine, I completely agree with your Eric vs. Dick theory, but at least we'd be watching real game going on rather than These are the Days of Our Abuse... BUT I also agree with YOU REALITYFAN.
Nana, got any leftover tylenol??? I LIKE this kind of headache!
Sorry -- I meant Zach is still undefined to me. He's from his own universe, still not fully revealed.
Will someone pls explain to me what you mean by you think Eric is catching on and this is why he's forming an alliance with D&D? I read it twice here and am not connecting the dots. Thanks!
To all those saying it would be a bad move on Eric's part to align with Dick: I think you're dead wrong. America has spoken, and Eric is trying to listen. Eric realizes that unless he gets out of his current group, America will continue to try to screw him over. He was assigned to give Jessica the silent treatment, and now to try to evict Dustin... he must be getting the message by now that America isn't happy with him being w/ the LNC remainders, and will continue to try to hurt him if he doesn't change his game. Besides, think on this for a second: if he and Jess flip to Dick & Daniele's side, and Dustin is gone, that leaves just Amber and Jameka from the old group -- and Jameka still can't play for HOH, so the only real short-term threat is Amber... who is useless. Whatever buys you a week or two of not being a target is a great move.
I think the D&D Jess/Eric alliance is the smartest choice for all four of them. They all have proven that they are strong players and have won comps(minus eric, but I think that is for strategic reasons) Jameka can't win HOH for (4) weeks, & if Amber won something I'd be shocked. The only strong one in that group is Dustin & he has proven his greediness(took the trip & $5,000),his power trip & his sneakiness(talking & promising Kail). Sometimes it is best to keep your enemies closer and it would be easier down the road for D&D/Eric &Jess to start knocking out eachother and not have to worry about emotions at the end. Jess & Eric need to wake up & realize that Dustin/Amber/Jameka are the tightest & they fall behind them in importance with that alliance. Plus Eric seems to have finally picked up on the fact that most of America can't stand the "Turds" and knows that it will make his life easier if he sleeps with his enemies... Of course I will not get happy by the latest developements until it actually happens... Tonight should either be really great TV or a big bummer if Dick goes...
Sydney asked: "Will someone pls explain to me what you mean by you think Eric is catching on and this is why he's forming an alliance with D&D? I read it twice here and am not connecting the dots. Thanks"
Sue wrote: I didn't say it, but think the comment meant that Eric has clues as to how America feels about the hgs. Who we like and who we don't like. From the people we want him to vote out, he should be getting a feel that Dick is popular and because of that want to align himself with Dick.
But I may have it wrong. I am amazed at how often that happens! : ) Sue
Anon 7:48... I'm sure Eric would like to get rid of ED now, but he really doesn't have a choice. It is not a matter of him giving up on the AP money or not, he doesn't get a choice. His vote has to be what the majority of America voted.
Sydney - Hey Girl!!
Eric is "catching on" because we told him to give Jessica the silent treatment and we wanted him to get Dustin nominated. Now it looks like we want him to get Dustin evicted. If he's smart, he'll put 2 and 2 together and realize that we don't approve of what's left of the LNC. Additionally, the banner that said "The LNC is the Nerd Herd" should have been a huge neon sign for him. If he's truly a student of the game, he knows that America didn't like the Nerd Herd.
Does that clear it up for ya?
I think the J & E alliance with D & D is a mistake. I think it will only serve to further D & D in the game and it will weaken J & E.
Jess and Eric currently reside in the majority of five. Changing sides they will be in a group of six that Dick, not Eric will have primary control of. Plus D & D can actually wins comps unlike A & J, and Dick will play as viciously as he wants, whenever he wants, regardless of promises made.
Plus, if either Jess or Eric makes it to the final two next to D or D. Then who is the jury (Dustin, Amber, Jameka, Zach plus J or E and a D) going to vote for? Well Jen and Zach will vote for D, and the betrayed LNC people will also vote for D. Why would any of them vote for the two people who most betrayed them? Eric and Jess are playing into Dick's hands and will regret it as the game continues.
But whatever, I'm pulling for Jen to win!
Yup it clears it up -- thank you Orkmommy and Sue...
Since several brought it up I wondered if there was something concrete he said that missed on the feeds -- if he spoke to the cameras (I know, he never does this) or some diary room snippet where he actually SAID "I'm putting it together America that you don't like how I've been playing"... or "I think that America may want me to work with Dick" or you know... sorry, I'm rushed and am saying this sloppily.
He's smart enough to at least think about it, but I feel like he's been too wrapped up in saving his ass and his relationship with Jessica to see a bigger pic... but maybe now he is.
Wow Anon 2:54 -- Good points! Shite!
HOWEVER -- lol -- if it were down to Dick and Eric in the final two, do you REALLY think that the Turd Herd would reward Dick with $500,000 for the way he palyed the game over Eric for making another deal to get he and Jess further? I think Eric would give Jess the first spot in the end, and we don't even know if Eric CAN get to the end... maybe we'll find out more this week.
On PAst seasons of Survivor, I've seen people vote for the nasty person to win or someone who screwed them over IF they could not deny that they truly had the best game. WIth Amber, Jameka, Dustin etc.. I don't think that they would award Dick that money in the end, no matter who he was sitting next to. If it were Jess and Dani, I think they would give it to Jess. And I think that's personal too... though seems like some of them fell for her little drawn-out-vowel whinefest in the HOH room the other night so I could be wrong on that one. Just pondering.
I agree with Sydney. I think they would overlook the fact that Eric screwed them and only focus on the fact that Dick attacked their religion, homelife, sexual preference, etc. They're not mature enough to look at who played the game the best.
AND...before I get attacked for intimating that Dick played the game best, I'M NOT SAYING THAT! I'm just saying that they won't look at who did it best and will only look at personal issues and feelings.
Sydney--I would love to share my Tylenol--I just hope my bottle of 100 tabs is going to last the rest of the season!!!
Sue--You are right about the voting. I don't think Amb/Jam would vote for E/J to win after their betrayal
....unless they were up against Dick. He has hurt them too much on a personal level for them to forgive him and reward that behavior with $500,000.
Yep, I think Eric got the message--if you want to go further in this game then play it OUR way, otherwise we are going to sabotage your gameplan every chance we get!!!
Nana in the NW
I agree with Sydney who said: "He's smart enough to at least think about it, but I feel like he's been too wrapped up in saving his ass and his relationship with Jessica to see a bigger pic... but maybe now he is.
8/16/2007 3:08 PM"
I don't see how Eric can make it to the F2 because of being AP.All he can do is try to survive each week by whatever means he has (in this case D & D) This season it seems like every nomination makes for a big change in the house. Maybe it is always like that. About the only thing the real Nerd Herd had going for them was their solidarity.There was never a question about how they would vote. Even with all the talk and promises this week, I still don't know how Amber or Jameka vote...or how Dustin would have if he wasn't on the block. They are basically unknowns and loose cannons. Eric and Jess can be with D & D this week and be against them next week. Especially if Eric isn't on the block and can vote. Don't you just know we will throw Eric a curve and make him go against any promises he made.
What I question about Eric is if he has true feelings for Jessica and wants an opportunity to continue a friendship after the house. Ruining any hope of that is what he has done by aligning with D & D this week and it has nothing to do with the game. I can't see it ending well for him. Sue
Sue - I've studied Eric carefully and in all his talks with others, even in his more desperate moments, he always throws something in to save Jessica's chances, her honorable-ness (is that a word?), her well being first. He may be fighting for himself but he makes disclaimers about her not being dragged in with him just cuz they are close, or head of household, etc... I know he can talk his way out of a bag (andhas!) but my sincere-o-meter says he totally means it. I also looked at every word he said to her in private after that banner -- he wanted to stay in the house but his first and biggest reaction was to try to regain her trust. I think he was genuinely on the verge of tears and meant every word.
What I'm not sure he realizes is that once they are out of the house and all is revealed how he could lose her friendship or whatever. He finally siad last night I'm playing a totally different game that I thougth I'd come in here to play... I think felt all special to be chosen as AP and figured it would be a lot more fun than it is, and a chance to challenge his knowledge of the game and his own strategy. Boy, did it turn out to be a very different thing.
As to the whole Eric is gay thing due to his piercings (ear included), besides that he's talked about a woman he lives with who is a long time relationship, my instinct is that he's not... Not that it matters but for the sake of the convo... whether he wants something romantic with Jess outside the house or is just drawn to her, I think she is the one thing he cares about most in the game.
Sydney said "What I'm not sure he realizes is that once they are out of the house and all is revealed how he could lose her friendship or whatever."
If she's REALLY his friend in the house, she will realize that he did what he did in the house because he was playing a game. I completely agree that he always tries to look out for her best interests in whatever he's doing. When he played sick and she came to talk to him, you could tell that it killed him to have her walk away thinking he was upset with her. He failed the task because he was trying to assure her he wasn't mad.
I hope that they can both walk away from this with the realization that they had a true friendship that had nothing to do with the game.
Anon 2:54... If Eric doesn't hurry up and jump ship & join forces w/ D&D his own alliance will be voting him out soon. His alliance already talks of not trusting him & thinks he is in a secret alliance with Jen. Cutting ties now with them and getting rid of Dustin tonight makes the most sense. Amber & Jameka will be set adrift on their own & Jameka can't compete for HOH for (4) more weeks.
Plus Eric knows that America has been voting against his alliance and has probably already got the note from producers saying we picked "Dustin" for his vote. So his alliance may suspect he voted the other way & turn on him this week & he will be nominated by one of them if they win the next HOH. It is the most strategic thing he could do at this point to further himself in the game. Knowing that he is tight w/ Jess and that Dick is tight with Daniele gives them an even playing field if they make it to the final 4, plus they won't have the emotional ties at the end of who to take into the final with them, because they cannot stand D&D. Sometimes it is better to align with your enemy in cases such as this. I'm sure D&D are seeing it the same way. Anyways, this is how I see this alliance being the best... :)
I got that it as killing him too. I acutally think they will suceed as friends on the outside. Maybe she'll forgive Carol her $5 too! LOL That Jessica seems like another person at this point!
Deanna, I have to know how you put together that fabulous avatar... All those pics, all those poses... I think CBS ought to pay you for it!
Eric may be loyal to Jess but she is sooo not loyal to him. Remember when they were going to vote him out last week, she jumped right on that band wagon! Remember he was "strange and staring and her and making her uncomfortable, blah blah blah". I don't like Jess but I am rooting for the alliance because this show will be soooo boring if Dick goes.
I totally agree about Eric/Jess. I watch to see his reaction concerning her and it is always with her best interest at heart. When he was "sick" and she started walking away he knew he would fail the task but he spoke to her anyway--that says to me
her friendship/love interest is worth more to him than the money. I hope she will understand when she finds out that he didn't ASK for the AP, it was given to him. She would have done the same thing if she had been chosen to be AP. Knowing that he(Eric) will probably not make it to the F2 we will see him work hard to get Jess there.
With the exception of a few, I think this is a group of HG that will be happy to never have to see each other again!
Wouldn't it be funny if the F2 were blonde females and the two youngest players!?
Nana in the NW
I love how all the Eric haters have suddenly warmed up to him if it means their precious DICK will remain in the game.
Eric screwed no one over. He did America's bidding (the people who voted online and texted).
I dont mean to change the subject but I didnt see a So You Think You Can Dance post yesterday.
The Mia Micheals "Prince" routine was great, but seemed more like something Wade would do and Wade's actual routine stunk crap!
Tonight, I will watch "So you think..." and record BB8
waving at Nana in the NW ~~~shaking Advil bottle~~~ I still don't know what will go down, so I have been surfing reading the various grassy knoll theories.
This one I like:
"I have a theory for you... Personally, I feel at this point it is evident that the game is, unfortunately, totally rigged. The producers have made it clear as crystal that they are heavily involved at this point. I think that it is obvious that they have already let Eric know that Dustin was America's Choice, hence his heavy Dick lobbying. That being said, going by the scheduling of the program and relying in some part on the structure of past seasons, we still have two double evictions to look forward to before seasons end. The first of which is most likely this week.
That being the case, my guess is that this could very well be the week that there is an HoH competition with an immediate live nomination ceremony directly afterwards. If that is the case, no doubt the producers will let Eric know as such. He could conceivably win HoH without being able to give America its say. So, my prediction is that Eric will win HoH (which, if so will be a total fix! At this point I have absolute zero faith in the producer's integrity so I wouldn't be surprised if they actually gave him the answers knowing he won't nominate their ratings whore, Evel Dick. We'll see what happens tonight!"
Now if this is a double eviction week and Eric does indeed win HoH and having to reveal his nominations at 8:56 pm EDT tonight (just a random time kids) with no input from US -- I will be PISSED!!!!
I think the visitors have something to do with HoH questions. I certainly don't think anyone is coming back-- those who have been evicted were told on the show, on the Early Show or on House Calls. It's not to say it's not possible, but what I would love to see is there is another mole that we don't even know about.
Is it possible that we are overthinking this twist thing, maybe the producers wanted to screw around with our heads a bit. For weeks I had been wondering why there were so many alice mirrors hanging up in the living room until I finally decided that they were just there for decoration.
I didnt care for the Wade's Mamma Fox routine either
Just a thought if one would come back they could be the new America Player and Eric would be released but not be told of a new one!!!
Good one. Who said that the AP had to be the same on all season
((((((( Jackie )))))))
Will voting be a tie?? Will Jess be able to evict Dustin if indeed it is? Sure! Though an eviction should be by a landslide, Let's get Wamber out along side Jameka, I heard from a friend ( joking of course ) that Jameka stated various off the wall comments, for sure Jameka stating to Wamber that she ( Amber ) could be America's Top model" both of them should apply for Amazing race" I had to do a double take," plug in "... without any doubt, Dani has stated similar comments from; The Hill's Lauren, during Jen's tea incident ( Dani had scripted for AIW role of Alice) this is why I raised an eyebrow higher than Eric's 2 weeks ago, having myself wonder if various HG's are part of twist, not just Eric. DeAnna -- I agree Eric is better off aligning with D & D, though I firmly believe if Amber & Jameka are nominated, Jen will not be backdoored for she'll win POV ( probably handed to her similar to Will/Jenelle ) Noms will remain and FINALLY Wamber is OUT! Hopefully next week :::: SIGH;;;; Augh ::::: Perhaps here's a bit of twist; if Dick is for some reason evicted tonight, I'm willing to predict, he'll be voted right back in.
Sydney... I wish I could claim the credit for it, but I find my avatars on photobucket. I wish I knew how to make them. I also found that "And Amber Cried" one there too. :)
Anon 6:38... Oh no no, I have not warmed up to the lil creep Eric, but in game terms he is the best option to keep Dick in the game & therfore I think an alliance between the four would be great. I still think he is a vile lil Turd, but it is a game & I'm thinking about what would be best for the game. After/if they reach the final 4, I hope Dick buries Eric!
PlaidCarrie--a new houseguest?? That would be great--maybe it would be someone that ALL of America could root for!!!
I am not rooting for Dick but I hope D/D/E/J form an alliance. I would love to watch Dick and Eric play King Of The Mountain while
Dani/Jess slip into the F2.
BTW--if you are playing the new drinking game "Gulp For God" get your glasses ready. BB will probably show some of Jam on the hammock thanking God for everything from her hands to her feet!!!! In a matter of about 1 minute I think she said God about 50 times(very loudly)!!
I'm off to see Hairspray so I will check back after the show has aired on ET.
Enjoy everyone...it's time for some good entertainment!
Nana in the NW
can eric not accept america's vote and make his own choice? I know it would not be a completed task, but does he have the option?
Eric has no choice when it comes to the vote.
are u guys an idiot?? the viewers who voted to kick out Dustion from the show?r we watching the same show? he such a good alliance and human being, come on now..we are comparin gh im with edD??geesz!!
eric so dumb if he really accept the task!! whoever texted this
whoever texted..must be bunch of ED-iotic fans!::stup stup fans:::
I agree that America is losing their minds about not liking the LNC and that we ARE in the Twilight Zone, but Dustin is not a good human being he is arrogant, a liar adn calls his black dog a ni**er b**ch! I like Amber, Jameka, Jess and Eric, but Dustin has to go after Dick
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