Amber didn't cry.
It's been some day in the house, but there have been no more visitors or unusual happenings. The houseguests' theories have run the gamut. Anything could be possible!
Here are the evening happenings from that Big Brother House of "We're All Mad Here" -- a quote from the Cheshire Cat in The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland:
- Zach walked up to Daniele and said something about sharing their secrets. When she didn't respond, he said, "No response. Very interesting." Then he walked away.
- Evel tried to reason his way into a deal with Eric (and Jessica). Eric seemed leery, but obviously taking it all in because he wants Dustin evicted this week.
- Evel regrets giving the slop pass to Jen instead of Daniele.
- Jameka and Amber think the numbers are shifting to a Dustin eviction.
- If Dustin goes, they both think they'll be the next two targets.
- Eric asked Zach if he saw the Sanskrit writing on Mini-Mad's shoes. Zach said he did, but can't read Sanskrit.
- There was no writing, Sanskrit or otherwise, on Mini-Mad's shoes.
- eric reported the conversation with Evel Dick to Jessica. She realized that some of what she said in confidence to Zach was repeated by Dick.
- Eric and Jessica talked about it being a 4 to 2 vote for Dustin to go -- that way she wouldn't have to be the tiebreaking vote.
- Zach reported his "date" conversation with Jessica to Dick -- he tried to campaign for Dick to stay.
- Daniele talked to Jessica about an alliance with her father, her, and Eric. Jessica seemed receptive, but she tends to do that.
- Jessica and Eric talked about the proposed deal with the Donato's. Jessica is leery, but Eric told her he would take all the heat if they do it.
- Jessica is leaning more towards an evict Dick vote as time goes on.
- Eric told Daniele they should form an alliance because they're both in vulnerable positions.
- Jameka, Dustin, and Jessica are in the HOH trying to figure out the day's clues.
"For a lie is but the truth in masquerade." It's actually a Lord Byron quote from Don Juan.
Can America vote to vote the favorite out of the house? Geez that guy is full of himself. And BORING!
Good Lord, I'm gone for a little while and all hell breaks loose!
Glad to see Eric got the ESP messages that it was time to get with D&D.
I don't even know where to begin in regard to the Hamsters visiters today-- maybe they were there just to change their cedar chips!
I need advil!
The time they have to comeplete the task may just be 3 days until BB itself starts to inform the rest of the house guests that they should be smelling something fishy about their new guest (fish and visitors...)
JACKIE! JACKIE!! What shall we do BB8 and SYTYCD will clash tommorrow!!!
About my little visitor theory...
We already know that Eric is this year's twist so I think all the clues are about him or him being in the house. I thought it odd that Julie didnt tell Kail about Eric last week. I believe 1 of the 3 who know of eric or 1 of the 3 that dont (after one is evicted thur.) will return(3 can keep a secret...)
That person will then have to race against time to complete some task involving spilling the beans ('snitch'ing in time) about eric (if they know about him now) or finding out about eric then spilling the beans(if they are one of the 3 that dont )and if they win, no one will be evicted (saves nine).
The time they have to comeplete the task may just be 3 days until BB itself starts to inform the rest of the house guests that they should be smelling something fishy about their new guest (fish and visitors...)
Tina...Julie told Kail about Eric on the Early Show the next morning. She definitely knew about it by the time she was on Housecalls.
Okay how about this: The number 5 is important because one of the bunnies was wearing it and because it was the only number that was left out of the exact time. Now, three can keep a secret if two are dead: meaning one can keep a secret. If you list the HG's alphabetically they are
With Carol gone, Eric is number 5. Carol will be the one who will keep the secret. Maybe they have three days to discover that Eric is the AP and then, they're going to tell them. Gosh, I don't know. It sounded good until I wrote it down. I suck at riddles. I guess I'll figure it out when they tell me on the show tomorrow night.
Oh wait, I just had a thought. The little guy was focusing on Eric right. So what if all of the riddles were directed at him and only him. Maybe he only has three more days to be AP and then they let him, play his own game. Oh yeah, and what's the most important part of a masquarade: when the masks are taken off. Who knows? It's so frustrating.
I'll believe it when I actually see it but I was over at Jokers, sorry Jackie, and Dick might have pulled it off. Eric and Jess say that they are going into a four person alliance with D+D. Dustin is going to be evicted...I'm speechless. Really. I can't wait for tomorrow's show. Talking about all hell breaking loose. GEEZ.
Kay, you just may be on to something. Eric may not be AP for long
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