As I type this, they're still up talking about their impending marriage -- they'll be married for 80 years, mind you. He'll live to be 107! I personally can't see these two walking down the aisle, but I think a close friendship at the very least will be there for years to come. In a way, it's a bit refreshing, although a bit schmaltzy, in a game which has been so nasty this year.
Here are the late night happenings into the dawn from that Big Brother House of Best Friends and Worst Enemies:
- At one point Daniele said that Jen complains about everything. Evel Dick and Zach just froze in place and stared. (Pot - kettle - black)
- The HG joked about getting CBS to pay for Jessica and Eric's wedding and doing a spin-off show like Rob and Amber.
- Amber thinks Jessica is fake because she knows she doesn't like Evel Dick, but is being nice to him. She's also mad that Jessica gave the go-ahead for Zach to vote Dustin out.
- Amber thinks Jameka is lucky and safe due to not being able to compete for HOH. She's not sure if God wants her to make a deal with Daniele.
- Amber thinks that Dick is smart, but he's scared of Daniele getting mad at him and together they're "brutal."
- Jameka thinks she'll have white friends once she gets home.
- Amber still wants to be an inspirational speaker and asked Jameka if the DR said anything to her about it. (I can see her now ... "I live in a trailer by the river...!")
- Amber also thinks that she'll have folks sponsor her nursing education now. @@
- Amber loves Dustin, if you didn't know.
- Zach says Jen is annoying him while Jen thinks she's been nice to everyone except Daniele.
- Zach seems to be pushing for a Jen nomination almost every time he talks to Dick or Daniele.
- Daniele told Dick that she's tired of his personal habits, all the people in the house, and his trying to parent her. He said he'd give her her space and just left the HOH room.
- Dick had an impromptu "Dick Show" alone with the cameras saying he didn't know what to do, Daniele complains about everything, she's never happy no matter what and he told her brother Vincent he misses him because Daniele is being a real pain.
- Eric told Jameka that Zach told him he threw the veto for Dick last week -- he surely threw it for someone, I say! I'm bad with strange foods, but he didn't even try!
- It appears that Jameka and Zach have a "date" planned this week. Since Jameka thinks Zach is the sneakiest player in the house, I'm sure she's planning on fact gathering.
- Jameka doesn't know whether to approach Daniele or not (about the votes this week). She doesn't think she's a threat in the game. (Don't question divine intervention!)
- Jameka told Dick she knows he has an alliance with Eric. It's all good, y'know.
- Jameka told Eric she thinks Daniele will put him on the block. He told her he wouldn't cut a deal with her. (Like he needs to! He's safe for this week, at least.)
- After everyone else headed to bed, Jessica and Eric stayed up talking about just about everything and anything. About the only interesting game talk I got out of their schmaltzy talk is that Eric likes only Jessica and Jameka in the house and can see only being friends with those two after the season ends. Jameka, eh? Interesting. She doesn't seem to share the feeling from what I've seen.
I agree, Jackie - Jessica & Eric are kind of cute together, they are refresing to not jump into bed together, just getting to know each other
I just hope that Jessica remembers what she said about not wanting to get too involved while playing the game, when she learns about Eric's status
Good Morning Jackie, Time for the Times and a Bagel, right? Or rather no time for the Times until BB is over. Whateva. That reminds me, I was trying to read some of the live postings to catch up and the silliest thing was happening. Every time Jessica spoke, I could hear her voice in my head. Not the sound so much as the cadence. That first word taking a roller coaster dip..."Sooooo, we'll , or "Buttttt, I could" Daniele could have come out of this game as America's Sweetheart and given Janelle a run for her money, if D had tried at all to be likeable. Anything at all...instead of being the opposite. I am puzzled and have been from the beginning about the hgs and Amber. They all seem to give her more gamepower than the fans see. I don't get it. Thanks Jackie, Sue
So, what should Daniele do? Getting Jen out through the back door would eliminate a strong player...but one who they could all use later on in an alliance. I think breaking up the Eric/Jessica lovefest might be a better idea.
Call me crazy, but I just can't see anyone watching BB stepping up to pay for Amber to attend nursing school....geez.
Remember when Daniele was HOH before and for a brief second it appeared she might make a major move and put her dad up? I just can't believe she would do that this time....BUT, she does seem to be manufacturing a fight with her dad. If she escalates the cold shoulder, he could turn on her with one of his screaming fits and that would give her the 'right' to push him out the door. All while she cried to people that she didn't want to, but had to save them all from his temper. She has been laying the ground work for that kind of move for a week or more. She blames him for Nick leaving and Nick's letter told her to trust Zach. You see what I mean? She is manipulative (and proud of it) doesn't want anyone else to win ( especially her dad), it might be her last chance to have the control of HOH since she doesnt' have any friends in the house. Last time she was HOH was early in the game and she still needed him and she managed to ask him sweetly to leave her alone. The tone seems to have changed and Daniele (thinking of her smiling in the DR saying her early tears/rant was a strategic move)might have an updated Backdoor Plan. Meaning one that no one in the house is in on. So is she singing a new song "Daddy Was a Stepping Stone?" Or do I just need to tone down my imagination? Sue
Riseand Shine -I agree wouldn't it make more logic in attempting to break two players whom are obviously going to stick together such as Eric/ Jessica?? Dani stated she wanted to be absolutely positive who'd she nominate, and if Amber or Jameka won POV, she would nominate Jen, if she wanted to backdoor Jen then why not have allowed Amber/Jameka to win POV, instead of being what I consider greedy, well I know putting Jen on the block by saving Amber will be Dani's biggest mistake, my personal insight of course! : )
Sue -- I'd love to see it and I like your scenario! But I truly think Danielle doesn't have the giblets to do it.
IF -- and that's a BIG if -- Amber ever won any power, I'd bet my life that she'd go after Dani first, regardless of her BS speech last night to Dani (about having never spoken badly about her and how she'd previously refused to put Dani up when the whole house was for that yada yada).
Ms. D showed her true character when she actually spoke somewhat sincerely to Amber, consoling her over their "shared" experience of losing your BBF in the house, how the first week is the hardest, how it sucks, how Dani is there for her if Amber needs her to talk to. Wiritng it now it sounds like the BS it was, but when I watched it on Sho Too I thought, ya know, they have so many hours in this house, maybe sometimes people actually have moments where they can be sincere. And maybe Daniele in this one moment is actually comiserating because she's got it in her outside of the house (OR is in such a good mood having gotten a letter from Nick and won HOH). Amber felt better, walked away....
Within minutes Dani was @@ to her Dad about Amber and the convo they had.
Yes, it's a game, I know.... she's well built for playing it then....
But hey, Amber then went to Jameka and unloaded what she'd said ot Dani word for word, as if she'd pulled off the BS fest because Dani seemed sincere. OY
Dani putting up Dick would be her worst move EVER, IMO.
Everyone is trying to figure out how to break up that duo, she would only be doing their work for them. Hopefully she realizes if she got daddy out, the rest would be "thank you very much, now your next". She would have no one.
IMO, her best bet would be to leave the nominations the same, and get Amber out.
With Amber and Jameka left in the house, there is always a chance of them sticking with Jess and Eric.
Also, if and I say IF Amber won HOH, should would put up Dani in a heartbeat.
Dani could make a deal w/Jen, that she won't use the veto to backdoor her, if she won't put her up if she gets HOH the next week. I get the feeling that the one person Jen would like to work with the most is Dani. (could be wrong)
I am a Dani and Dick fan, but have to say right now Dani is being a brat.
Just when you think the game is going to get interesting you have to slog thru BS like Amber and Dani.
I know, thats the game..
Eric and Jessica? Barbie and Ken? Once she fins out about AP that little lovefest will shrink like Erics anatomy
Wow...the back door Dick plan is gutsy, but I think that would leave Daniele alone and then out.
I'd back door Eric if I were her. Jessica can be talked to....she's believed crazy stuff before. Jen, Dick and Zach would vote Eric out
Jessica would vote either J or A out and J or A would vote eric rather than the other. In fact, I'd taken Jameka off the block because she'D have to vote eric rather than Amber, and she can't do HOH.
Hey, this might work!
I agree with Sydney. Daniele doesn't have the giblets to back door her dad. Who would she whine to if he were gone? Who would she use to get her out of trouble if he were gone?
I dont think Amber nor Jameka are willing to make a deal with Danielle, both want Eric out, with Danielle right behind him, seems Danielle likes to second guess herself after a nomination or eviction, isn't any where near how Janelle was, I write this cause Dick compared Danielle to Janelle, first Amber making a Janelle comparison now Dick @@ None of them even come close, their both whiny wishy washy unsure of themselves after the fact, grow some backbone sure winning Hoh and Pov's is competitive on Danielles part, but not being able to play wisely without thinking whats best towards the end, is something she lacks mainly cause her Dad is trying to change her mind, but even if he isn't, it seems Danelle ends up blaming him for whatever mistake she herself has made, so Dick is stuck between a rock & hard place.
Jackie, I absolutely love the "Pot - kettle -black" line, it suits Daniele perfectly.
Daniele has been a favorite of some here but I have never warmed to her. The whiny voice cuts me to the core and her foot-stomping-tantrums and about faces are just too much. Whenever she gets in a position where she can't whine her way out of it, she walks away. I thought it was priceless the day Jameka would not let her leave the HOH room until things were talked through.
Dick has many flaws but I feel he is being sincere when it comes to bending bridges with Daniele. The comments he made during the "Dick Show" are so true.
I have a 22-year-old daughter and if she acted as whiny and spoiled as Daniele then I might be tempted not to talk to her for awhile myself.
Now before anyone gets on my case, I know we do not know the whole story with D&D but as so many posters have noted before, the characters we see inside the house are a reflection of who they are in the real world. Daniele needs to mature, learn how to be a better communicator, and not complain so much.
Can someone please help me?
I want to find the clip of Amber saying she could be on ANTM. A friend of mine thinks I made it up.
Pretty please help!
Sorry folks - mending bridges - not bending them.
Well maybe bending is a good word. Daniele seems to want everyone to bend over backwards to make life perfect for her but she is not willing to bend a bit to help herself.
Rant complete.
I don't get it...why does everyone dislike Dani so much? I haven't seen anything too negative from her except to her father and telling off Jen once. Are they afraid of her because she wins so much? I don't have the feeds so I might have missed a lot...if anyone has a clue???? please enlighten me.
One of the reasons I dislike daniele is that she plays the blame game. She blames everyone else and thus far has not accepted responsibility for her own actions.
She twists the truth to make herself out the victim.
She voted for Nick to be evicted and then says why did everybody vote for Nick to go home.
According to her she fought tooth and nail for him to stay yet she was one of the votes that evicted him.
She had an emotional conversation with folks in the HOH room last week saying that she gets blamed for Dick's actions and how they don't try to get to know her. She then went to Dick and laughed about her tearful performance.
I totally get that to win this game you have to plot and scheme a la Chill Town.
Will did it with finesse, often making himself look like the target.
Daniele is a beautiful girl and could have been the superstar of BB8. Her personality and immaturity will be her downfall not just in the game but in life.
I feel like I should borrow from another poster and sign myself in as "anybody but Daniele."
I think the thing about Dani is that she really has no personality whatsoever. NONE. She relies on her looks to get people attracted to her but she has nothing to behind the looks to keep anyone coming back. She's negative, just like Jen pointed out at the very beginning of the show. She whines nonstop about everything. She's very judgmental of other people. Last night she was talking to ZACH about how she was SO SICK of everyone in the house and WHY she was so sick of them. I'm surprised she didn't let it slip that she can't stand him either because we all know she can't.
She's one of those peole that you want to know because she's pretty until you really know her then you run fast in the other directions to get away from her. People don't seek her out to be with her because she's NO FUN. That's pretty sad for a 21 year old.
As horrible as Dick is I don't think he would support Dani in putting Eric on the block. Eric saved his butt last week and I think Dick will honor his word about not having Eric put up. D/D still need E/J to get rid of Jen and Zach--they are not going to have the support of Amb/Jam.
An earlier post asked about Amb comment "I can't with her/him". I think she means she can't cut a deal with them. IMO . Maybe someone has a different idea.
Jameka will NOW have some white friends outside the house?? How do live to be in your mid 30's and work in a school environment and NOT have white friends?? That sounds like she has chosen to not have white friends--doesn't sound very christian to me.
Yes, Amber will have someone pay for something medical... intervention NOT education!! On Jokers
she was telling Jam she would not make a deal with anyone because"God has it worked out..leave it alone". SHE IS ON THE WRONG SHOW--SHE IS SO OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY!!!
Call me a sucker for a happy ending but I love the Eric/Jess friendship/showmance. I hope when the show is over she can understand why Eric had to lie to her and they can continue to see where their feelings take them.
Nana in the NW
but she did figure out the Eric/Nick connection. She (Dani) has some brains
I think the best move for Daniele would be to put up Eric. I think the plan I imagined earlier today about putting up Dick fits in her scheme of things, but I,too, doubt she could do it cold. That is why I feel she is picking a fight with Dick to bait him into attacking her (verbally) so that she could explain her action. The letter did contain a clue for her. Not the type Amber and Jameka spoke of, but Nick mentioned Zach...meaning he is the only person in the house Daniele can go to,meaning Nick gave his approval for Zach. If she has Zach to rely on she won't need her dad. Maybe she hasn't even thought of it, but her actions certainly lead to the conclusion she wants her dad out. Here is why I think that. First, It is always more exciting to have a conspiracy theory. Second, The estrangement is said to have been over money. If they already disagreed on how she spends money, then she would not want to be in a position of sharing the BB final winnings...that means dad needs to go. Third, He is talking as if they are a team and he is the leader. Another reason for her to want him out of her life (typical teen talk..and yes she is older than a teen, but acting like one)Four, Ironically, one way to get his respect is to bulldoze everyone who gets in her way. Isn't that how he plays the game? Even after giving her his winnings (offering the slop pass and giving her his Veto) he complained in the Dick Show about it. I think he will be throwing those up to her for years to come. So folks, that is only my opinion...I have not heard Daniele say anything about thinking this way. I only think she would do it if she thought she had the votes (Dick told her when he misbehaved he did it because it would make people vote him out and if she can get him to blow up, the house will revolt and take him out) and if she had a good cover story to show she was the innocent victim. We'll see.
What I would like to see is Amber left on the block and go to Sequester. She wanted to be America's Choice and it looks like if she is still on the block, she would be the AP's choice to evict. Be careful what you wish for, Amber. And to answer a poster about what made me not like Daniele...she has not shown any heart in the gameplay. Janelle was a fierce competitor and not above dirty tricks, but she had heart. Daniele is cold and calculating, but BB needs some heart to show, too. Sue
I,also,don't think Dani would ever put ED on the block. I think,too,that if they got down to the last two,she would expect him to step aside and let her win. And,I think he might do it for her,BUT,she would NEVER do it for him! She's been very plain from the start that she wants to win this game and she'd step on him as soon as she would any of the others.STOP IT,ED!!!
However,that being said,I think she would have an easy time getting rid of Eric this week or even Jess. Jam is still steamed at them both for Dustin,and Jen,Zach and ED would not have a problem voting out Eric. They should really think about splitting those two up or leave it the same and get either Amber(yes,please)or Jam out!
Oh,and on the Amber being a nurse thing.Now I am praying to God,please don't let that girl near patients! You need a calm,cool head in nursing and I could see her,bawling her eyes out at every bedside if she had to stick a needle in anybody. She needs to be in a bed(in the psych
ward) and NOT standing beside one!
BAP... I agree, if they don't target Amber or Jameka this week, A&J could very well team up with Eric & Jessica and they would have the numbers to do it.
In regards to Dick & Daniele. I get the feeling that Dick has always had his hands full with Daniele & has probably had to deal with her attitude her whole life. He isn't the most conventional father and you can tell he has lived a rough(partying) type life and may not have always been the best father he could have been, but his love for her is very obvious to me. I think he cares & does the best he knows how by her, but that she obviously has a chip on her shoulder & possibly blames him for the past too much. Just a guess here....
Amber talking to Jameka again about ANTM & Inspirational speaking is too much. I can see her possibly talk to drug addicts to give them hopes of getting clean, but seriously, this girl needs more help than most people.
Eric & Jessica are cute, but my "Gay-Dar" goes off each time I see Eric do anything. Maybe he is on the fence about himself or something, but something there just does not fit.
Finally, I think Jen is a planted actress & that possibly Will & Boogie are coaching her in DR. She has called Eric "Mr America" & has made a comment on how she thinks America votes in each eviction (how could that be possible w/out someone in the house(eric's) vote be counted as ours? She claims to have not watched BB, but knows WAY TOO MUCH about the game. Plus, she seems very robotic & somewhat scripted... Don't know for sure, but I just can't shake the feeling of something being "off" with her...
Nana in the NW - Jameka is 28 not in her mid 30's.
It's possible to be her age and not have any white friends. She grew up, went to college, and works at a school that are all predominately black. Therefore, it is truly possible for her not to have any white friends. The way I see it before now she hasn't had much of an opportunity to do so. Also, just because she doesn't have any white friends now doesn't mean that she hasn't had any in the past.
I'm a black woman in my 30's who doesn't have any white friends right now either. I'm also a christian. I have nothing against being friends with anyone regardless of race. I choose my friends based on important things such as common interests and personality.
Daniele is a pain. It's her own fault that she doesn't have any friends in the house. At this point the only person I see her winning against at the end would be her dad. It wouldn't make sense for her to back door him. She should stick with her nominations and see what happens.
Yes Dani whines and is sick of everyone, but to be fair Amber and Jameka are sick of everyone. They "just can't" with everyone, over and over and over.
Actually they are just as negative or even more negative than Dani.
Amber tends to "hate" everyone.
Zach has also said he is sick of everyone.
Jen may also be sick of everyone, but she has no one to share that with.
Jess and Eric are kind of in their own little world at the moment, and Dick is Dick, just saying what he thinks at the moment.
I will say this again, I think if Dani uses the POV, and changes the noms, she will regret it.
Kim-1:56....This is way I love this blog. You offered a different point of view than me because you see the situation from her side. Thanks for the insight.
Nana in the NW
Someone get a Spoon out and stir this pot up!!!
It has been too boring of a weekend....
Daniele has PMS, I'm tired of her beaming about Nick-- who I still think is gay or bi.
Beer Pong and quarters z-z-z-z-z
As much as I would like to see Jameka and Amber gone, it would be smart of Daniele to get Jen out now. On the other hand, I think the 6 strongest players should duke it out, and neither Amber nor Jameka is a strong player.
There is no way in hell Daniele will back door Dick. She has him for her dirty work.
If Dani backdoors her ED, that really would stir the pot. Maybe she thinks that if she does backdoor him that it would make everyone else like her and leave her alone for a few weeks. I could see that working. The next HOH would focus their attention on Eric/Jessica or Zach/Jen or Amber. If Jameka can make thru this week she might be able last long enough to make it to the end. Since she can't compete for HOH no sees her as a threat and that might work to her advantage and give time to work on an alliance with someone.
Amber is so delusional. She is so histrionic and borderline.
She sees herself as the center of the universe and everyone around her as a bit player is my thought.
Oh Amber...don't get me started on this girl. "I can't" with her. I loved last night when she has Jameka "Don't you love Dustin?" WTF kind of question is that? And the model/inspirational speaker part--oh good lord--this girl needs H-E-L-P. Jameka is so out of touch with whats going on in the house--but every conspiracy theory she brings up to Amber, she totally agrees with. "I bet you're right"--she'll say.
Amber MUST GO this week--God, in the millions of things you must handle in a day, I know this model is near the top of your list--get this girl out of this house!
Danielle's huffing - puffing a lot of hot air-smoke, I doubt she'll place ED on the chopping block, I have several nieces her age not a single one of them display such mannerisms, in fact one of my nieces mother had been in prison,there for awhile this niece had similar behavior ( mind you she was 14 ) however today she's in Medical School at a young age of 23, I have a high maintenance daughter, it's possible my daughter's behavior is probably considered by individuals who don't know her " spoiled " yet she's not at all, regarding Jameka not having any white friends, in the same token how about people who have never had any black friends it's not to say they are racist, IMO it very well could be areas in which people reside, my family had never heard of people making various issues race - related, until around the mid 80's, ( I know imagine that ) even after that for many years I didn't realize it was such a heated topic, my daughter was asked once by a neighbor " You've never seen a colored person " you know here again my daughter was probably around 8 or nine and confused by what she had been asked, later she told me she went to sleep that night wondering if there were indeed green people, of course this was years ago plus us having moved from a whole new environment, today she's in college has many friends amongst all races, therefore I can understand Jameka not having any white friends, I actually felt for her because I can relate somewhat, Back to Dani; I believe although it's a game people in general eventually tend to show their true colors, I'm confused with her behavior, though being spoiled by getting your way isn't necessary about money; having nice things, living in a huge house, with fancy cars, however Dani at times gives me the impression that's what she's used to, though I could be wrong but she gives me the impression she prefers money over family. Of course it could be she wishes she were rich therefore probably would bleed a man dry. I disagree in regards to her " looks " I don't find her appealing, she appears to bland, though could use a few pounds.
::::: rant over :::::
Tom` S
Lucy and Jackie,
I loved the pot-kettle-black and the "I live in a trailor by the river", LOL! Makes me want to look up old SNL Youtubes! :P
I agree Amber is histrionic and borderline, but I don't think Jameka is delusional. She's doing what she's done from the beginning with mmmhmmm and short remarks that don't say anything or give away what she's really thinking. Her convos are a real snooze for me.
While I loved Janelle when she was on BB, she was no genius. Twice she ended up THIRD. She made major mistakes both times she played the game and got outplayed.
Daniele's big problem is that she plays in the moment,she's reactionary instead of planning ahead. Now,ED has tried to get her to play that way,but she refuses. I also think most of the rest of them,save for ED,Zach and maybe,Jen play that way. Instead of Dani sitting down w/ED and Zach and talking out what happens if we do this or if we do that,she just makes up her mind and then lets it happen and then she reacts. NOT a great way to play. A&J are the same way,and really so are J&E to a great extent. I agree w/ an earlier poster who said they don't want a "floater" to win.
As much as Dani is "sick" of her Dad and being blamed for his actions she is not going to put him up.
It would be such a "slap in the face" to him that she would feel the repurcusions outside the house for years(her brother and grandmother).
Besides, her chances of going further in the game are with him than without him. If you took Dick out E/J would align with whoever is left and she'd be gone. I really want to see Amber leave but the smartest move would be to backdoor Jen....I can't believe I said that!!! I'm sick of backdooring!!
They have the numbers now and there is a strong possiblity of her being HOH next week--which could be double eviction!! Dick and Eric are master of this game so they should know DE is coming but I haven't seen any convo about it.
On with the show....
Nana in the NW
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