Here are the events from inside the Big Brother Asylum:
- Dick, Daniele, and Zach complained about Jameka's behavior. They said she was slamming around things packing, waking others up as she did so, moping, and not mingling with anyone.
- Dick fussed that everyone wanted Jameka to go home.
- BB gave them more beer and wine.
- They played Quarters (including Jameka).
- After the game was over Dick was saying once again he'd like to see Jameka leave this week.
- Eric and Jessica had another smooch-fest.
- As it went on, Jessica got more talking about the game than into the kissing. She's worried that she will be evicted.
- As far as I know, despite Dick's complaints about Jameka, the plan is still to evict Jessica this week.
- All is quiet on the western front.
Shhhh...sounds like we may have some game coming. Jameka has to have no game to believe what Dick told her and to be bashing around, being annoying. She is a silly hamster for sure.
Jessica better stop worrying and smooching (bad visual) get dealing.
Perhaps` it's time for Jessica to leave, second guessing is useless, Despite previously having made a deal with another pair in the house At the end of the day; as number's get lower the strongest players amongst two pairs generally makes the Bold move, Apparently Dick & Dani are not only the strongest but the smartest. I don't feel bad for Jessica/Eric. You don't allow emotions to overcome your thinking within a game.
I think Jessica may be getting bored with AmERICa's player.
I wish Dick and Jess were playing together, & Eric and Daniele were going home. I know that's not realistic, but I can't stand Eric or Daniele.
Both Dani and Jess are spoiled princess', but I'm so tired of Daniele's whining voice and her using her father to do her dirty work.
It's getting kinda boring for me...
~Susan in MA
I agree, I can't stand listening to Dani's whining either. I am losing interest, thinking that Zach, Dani or Dick could win the money.
So disappointing. I would love to see Jessica win. I also think Eric would have had a better chance had he not been AP. I feel bad for him there!
Eric knew what he was getting into when he accepted the job of AP. Why feel sorry for him. He is coming out of all of this better off financially than the second place winner with a lot less effort on his part.
the winner? Who cares. Its a game and the nastiest will win. It happens every year and the producers are still the puppetmasters.
Yeah,I don't feel sorry for Eric in the least either. He accepted the job and,as such,should have been prepared to follow through. As I said earlier,either shut up about what he's doing(with Jess)and do what WE tell him,or give the money back. I'm not for making this easy for him,thus the vote for him to vote Jess out! Most of the things he has earned money for have been too stinking easy and I just don't like him. I wouldn't have liked him if he'd been playing the game without AP and think he'd have been voted out long ago,what with his mouth and personality.
I can't stand the sitting,feet on and everything on the counter where they eat and most of them never even wipe it off. Eric has sat on that counter at times. EEEWWWW!You'd think with all the time on their hands,maybe they would clean up,just for something to do. Dani and Jess seem to think they are to be waited on and that's a job for the others.
I am really ready for this show to end. It is dragging out now.
I am ready for Survivor!
Enjoy the day everyone...
To Sharon,
Eric HAD to accept the job or he would NOT have been on the show. Once they told him about AP, it was in or completely out.
To Riseandshine,
My dog is a "he" and he's got those great big St. Bernard eyes (although he is a Great Pyrenees.) Thanks for the kind words.
To Lynn1,
I'm going to jump on the Dick bandwagon also, because of his age! I'm 43 and I'm a little tired of TV reality shows making it seem like life ends at 30! Even Survivor had the curse of the 40-year-olds. The dating shows - forget it. C'mon old people!!!!
To everyone else,
I've come to the decision that Dick is an ass, but also the smartest one in the house. Jess has NO game - she had all kinds of moves last week and this week BESIDES backdooring Dani and she made NONE of them. How is it that Dick and Dani managed to swing a deal with Zack last week to keep him if he wouldn't put them up and Eric and Jess made NO DEAL with him, even though they had the POV.
How come Jess has made NO DEAL this week with anyone to save her? She doesn't have to promise the moon or swear on Amber's daughter's life, but TALK TO PEOPLE!
Then, I see Dani go to Zack with "trust me, you need to get Jess out" "Why?" asks Zack. "You've just got to trust me." Dani is an idiot.
Even Eric...why didn't he make a deal with Zack last week. Especially after they decided to keep Zack, Zack didn't know that, they could have traded nothing for some deal with Zack for this week.
Only Dick (hard to believe when you look at him that he's smart, isn't it?) has been thinking ahead the entire time. Dick thinks up all the deals, even the ones Dani makes. (Isn't he the one that told her to make a deal with Amber when Dani was HOH and Amber was on the block?)
I hate to say it, but DED (disgusting evil Dick) deserves to win. His only mistake was his petulant, vengeful attack on Eric after the Nick ouster. But he managed to survive that - barely - by making a deal with Eric!!! Kudos to DED, he's the only game player in the house.
Hey Jackie and Jackie fans!
Good to see you continuing with your passion and I enjoy reading your blog. (wondering if you remember me :)
I got way too involved in this show the past 2 seasons, though I've been watching since the first. I decided my real life Reality Show is much more compelling.
I normally look for the good in people and accept the bad and go from there. No no ... not 'the good people' ala Amber/Jameka or the Nerd Herd.
Some quick thoughts:
I dislike Eric - I just cannot warm up to him at all. I will give him props on the mimic Dick task (his execution was funny - mostly because it was Dick and Dick played it back well)
Dick - he's vulgar and has an abusiver personality. He's also funny in many ways, interesting, and deep. I admire that he wants to fix his relationship with his estranged daughter. I don't admire that he doesn't appear to take responsibility for why it's there in the first place.
Dani - I like her and I'd like her to win. Maybe it's the mother/mentor instinct in me, but there is just something there. Her life does not sound like it's been the best andThe whining? They all whine but she seems to have received that tagline by various posters who use 'whined' instead of other very usuable words like ... 'said' or even 'complained'.
-she's a great competitor and anyone thinking she's riding Dick's coattails is delusional.
NOTE: I live in LA and I don't know anyone who has not been WHINING about the heat. It's unbearable and the air is stagnant. I cannot imagine being at that house where major claustrophobie must have set in a long time ago.
Zack - There is something about him I like. He gets the 'Underdog' award and I'd like to see him in final 3.
Jameka - I wanted to like her, but I can't. She lost me with the religion/praying/self righteous thing very early on. She has positives - I'm just having trouble coming up with them at the moment.
Jessica - she does have a brain, she is a good competitor, she annoys me. She reminds me of BB6's Jennifer. Hold that thought ---- Eric is BB6's Maggie.
Gut feeling is that Eric will win HOH on Thursday (it will be a quickie and most likely questions with a fast elimination). I expect he'll put up the Donatos and quite possibly Dick will go.
Anyone who complains about them getting Jessica out this week and their not honouring the agreement ... Jess has been gunning for them and had J/E had planned to take one of them out this week. IT'S A GAME!
Twig in LA :)
To Twig in LA,
Do we know why Dani is mad at her Dad? Everyone assumes he was a bad parent, and I'm not suggesting he was a good one, BUT Dani's personal blog listed him as her best friend. He's not Ward Cleaver, but that doesn't mean he ever did anything really bad either.
And he seems to take responsibility for being imperfect. Dani is the one who runs away and won't take any responsibility. Her constant whining that "you don't get it" sounds like a 16-year-old not a 22-year-old. And when he asks her, quite kindly, to explain she huffs and puffs and walks away.
I don't know what started the problem, but I really think Dani is the one most responsible for the current state of affairs.
Even if Eric wins HOH and puts up D/D, I don't think it is clear that Dick goes home (assuming Jess goes home this week):
If D/D win POV, then Dani comes off and Zack goes up. This MAY lead to a Dick ouster, since Jameeka will probably vote against Dick, Dani votes for Dick, Eric breaks the tie. BUT lets not be too sure that Eric ousts Dick. He still seems to be the one person everyone wants to be across from at the end. And Dick could swing a deal.
If D/D don't win POV, I think Danielle is the one who goes home. Of the two, you'd rather be opposite Dick than Dani at the end. And Dani has been the best in the house at the comps overall.
Here's a fun game.
Rank the remaining 6 houseguests in Strength of Game Play. (not who you like, but who you think has really played the game the best).
My list:
1. Dick - only one who really thinks strategically.
2. Dani - a moron, but she's killer in the comps.
3. Eric - he wouldn't make the top 10 all-time in BB history, but this is a weak group. He has done well with some of the curves AP threw him and he did work the Dustin ouster to give the Big Four. But he has missed many opportunities to make deals in the last several weeks - inexcusable at this point.
4. Zack - tough call. His game is transparent, but he does try to work little deals with every HOH. He has made a couple alliances that served him (Kail & boys early, D&D late).
5. Jess - won a couple of comps. But she does almost no strategic thinking and refuses to get her hands dirty. Relies on Eric for strategy and execution.
6. Jameeka - No game at all. Don't know how she has survived. She traded 5 HOH competitions to save someone other than herself! That alone should put her in the bottom 10 all time.
[Interesting note: Looking back over the list, it is almost the reverse of the way I would rank them if I were asked who I LIKED the most - although Dick would have to move over Dani and maybe Eric.]
Joe said "(Isn't he the one that told her to make a deal with Amber when Dani was HOH and Amber was on the block?)" - The way I remember it, Dani did that on her own and Dick was actually upset with her because she didn't include him in her deal in any way. I don't think he had anything to do with that one.
Additionally, all we know about the Dani/Dick fight is that he loaned her money, she didn't pay it back, and he handled the situation badly. That's what his son, Vincent, said. I agree that she probably had more to do with the situation than he did, but he's not innocent...
The next couple of days are going to be a snoozer.
Hey does 33 1/2 count as old? I think my husband should apply for BB, he's 39, and he tears these people up all day. I should remind ya'll that when the show started he gave me major grief for watching the show, then got sucked in, then started reading the blogs, then started watching the feeds.
I find it a bit amusing that neither Jessica or Jameka are not fighting to stay. Jessica continues to play her floater game and will float on out the door. I can't wait to see who walks out after her.
Ready for Survivor and DWTS, I have no idea who I'm rooting for this year-- poor Cheryl is dancing with Wayne Newton, how could they do that to a two time winner!
Happy Tuesday all :)
I agree that this has been one of the worst seasons of BB ever. I don't want any of these people to win $500,000! This reminds me of BB4 (I think) when the F2 was Jun and Allison. I'm so ready for this torture to be over and looking forward to Survivor!
Everyone is asking who Cheryl pissed off at the network...but maybe she can make something of Wayne even if he is 68. And Etyna of the horrible drapery fabric over the bikini bottom got hottie Cameron from AMC. Go figure. Now we'll see if she can dance. She's pulled some bad partners for the last couple of years.
BB is so lame this year...Jess and Jam not even trying to save themselves. Jam talking to God...Jess to Eric who gave her flawed advice last week. I agree with Joe that Dick, though disgusting, is working everyone...he bitch slaps Zach before the comp and then cuts a deal with him after. He's very immature for 44, but far more mature than any of the other house guests who seem particularly immature even for their young ages. What's with this delayed adolescence that's so popular these days. At one time people wanted to become adults. Now it seems everyone wants to be a kid until they die!
Wayne Newton looks embalmbed...hard to believe he's still alive much less dancing with Cheryl Burke. Maybe he'll surprise us. She is very mature and professional for a woman of only 22...disciplined and hard working.
JOE IN NY --that is one huge "puppy"..what a beauty..just saw the picture...
I know Dick is a foul mouth petulant strutting rocker wanna be, but I like him...he does have game. Dani shold be kissing up to him for the fact he has kept her in...
Dani and Nick were eye candy......Jess and Eric make me want to puke. I think back home she is an ok gal, and she will be appalled as much as Amber how she is portrayed on BB....remember she is the one who didnt want to be the house "Ericka"
The point of this game is to be deceitful,manipulative, and not get caught.
I couldnt stand Mike Boogie, but he played the game, and he was smart to keep Ericka as his 2nd, no one respected her....
Yuck just saying his name makes me want to spit!!!
To Terry in CA - I totally agree about Mike Boogie! But even then I think Janelle and Will had much more game.
Eric kind of reminds me of James. James thought he was a brilliant strategist, James claimed to be a brilliant strategist, but James screwed himself up every time he tried to make a move!
To Orkmommy, I remember Dick being mad at Dani for not including him in the deal, but I also have a vague recollection (someone with a better memory, help?) of him advising her on the matter beforehand.
Either way, she still doesn't rise higher than #2 on my list of current strategists.
I think my list accidentally proves that you need to be a scumbag to play BB. (AND THAT ANNOYS ME, because I WANT to believe that you can play with honor and still win.) Otherwise, why would the people I think are nicest be at the bottom of the people who I respect as strategists?
Is it only me?
Joe in NY: I think that what you've discovered is a beautiful inverse relationship between strategist and nice person. And that, is the essence of BB :)
It's not only you. I'm happy to opine that this inverse relationship does NOT hold true on Jackie's blog!
Joe in Ny: I'm with you on it seeming like the scumbags usually win.
Many folks who appear to be generally nice, decent strategists and good in competitions come close but they never seem to win.
It isn't just on BB either. I have noticed it happens on Survivor too.
I think the best strategy is to make the other players think you care about them but to have the ability to stab them in the back with no hesitation.
In BB loyalty is a weakness not a virtue.
plaidchick--33 old??? LOL
I think the rule book says
you have to be a member of
AARP(you have about 20 yrs.
to go) for the Senior edition. Maybe you could be one of the people that
"encourage" the HG in the DR or lurk behind the walls.
joe in ny--here's my list--
Dick--knows the game and is always thinking ahead
Eric--played well despite AP, did a good job of covering himself until he let personal feelings get in the way
Zach--having not joined an
alliance he has managed to stay in the game and could very well end up in the final 3
Jess--good in comp. and been friendly with the others. which will be her demise(no one wants to be in the F2 with her)
Dani--does well in comp. but is only still in the game because of her dad
Jameka--aligned with the wrong people and gave up 5 HOH comps.(which is way she is still there)
Many people have commented about Jess's drinking--she is a college student and that's what most do on the
weekends. It seems the others drink just as much(other than Dani)-- out of boredom. If the house gave them something to do it may be different.
As for Dani's throwing up--
she had commented about it,
has been heard off camera in the bathroom throwing up, and Jess has made reference to being sick and needing to throw up like Dani.
Wayne Newton embalmed--LOL
great description.... poor
Cheryl, they are really testing her skills!
I want to join the "blue ink" alliance!:( What do I need to do?? I can whine, lie, spit, fart, and pretend that I like everyone!!! Or is this alliance the "good people"? I can pray, say hmmmmm, believe everything is pre-ordained, live in my own little world.....
Just tell me what to do!!!
I won't tell ANYBODY ELSE!
nana in the NW...
Interesting list, we are in total agreement except for Dani (I had her 2nd, you had her 5th). As a strategist, I think that's right, but I felt she needed to get credit for comps. I've lost track of how many POV/HOH comps she's won.
By the way, is there an official (or unoffical) record for comps won in a single BB competition. [I would guess Janelle has the all-time record, but that was over 2 seasons.]
Hasn't Dani won 2 HOH and 3 POVs? That's a lot of comps.
I totally agree about "nice vs. scumbag".
If my list was based on morals and ethics:
It becomes disheartening to watch some of the reality shows as you see the good guys leave and know that anothe scumbag is going to lie and backstab their way to big money. Before anyone jumps on me about "YOU DON'T HAVE TO WATCH"....I
know. Something draws me to seeing the interactions of different personalities. Good thing I have this site to go to where I can complain and know that someone out there understands!!!
Susan in MA commented about Jess becoming bored with Eric--he seems to be a very needy BF--constantly needing reassurance of her feelings for him and if he is romancing her properly. Obviously not very experienced when it comes to women.
its amazing that knowing the show is live for 3 hours evey nite on showtime, bb or the hgs can't come up with anything interesting to do. I mean its tv, aren't they supposed to try to be entertaining? Playing quarters evey nite is the best they can come up with? I can't watch more then a couple of minutes before turning it off from boredom.
BB is a game that you have to have no problem stabbing someone in the back when the need arises. That is why people that try to play with integrity and honoe can't win. (Kaysur). Ivette had a choice of Maggie or Janelle, everyone knew her best chance to win was against Janelle but she chose Maggie out of friendship and lost. Stupid move if you want to win, good move if you want friends i guess. I am really suprised that Jameka has lasted as long as she has. I think that if she had been able to compete in HOH comps she would have been gone earlier so maybe that will help her in the long run.
To Chauncey,
I agree about Jameeka to a point. I can't decide whether being HOH ineligible has critically wounded her or kept her around longer than otherwise.
She was never going to be a high priority target. But being HOH ineligible has kept her at the bottom of the list.
BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, being HOH ineligible has made her a virtual non-entity in the house. No one even feels the need to make any deals/alliances with her.
Remember when Amber and Jameeka were up together the first time and Jameeka sent Amber to make a deal to save herself. Amber (swearing on her daughter a dozen times) promised not to put D/D up.
Jameeka was incapable of negotiating because she never had anything to trade.
In the end, I kind of think it has kept Jameeka around, but I think it has made her completely incompetent. She really isn't even playing the game, she's just in jail with a bunch of strangers for a few months.
OK, I had a dream last night with Orkmommy AND Eric (and I) in it... If the details were at all clear or amusing I'd recant them here but no go.
The other thing is that I can't get that stooopid loopy music that they play for America's Player out of my head... for DAYS now. Do you know the one I'm talking about? I need this show to be OVER, and I think the HGs do too. It will not be too soon for Survivor to come on. :-P
Hope everyone's having a great day. It's a short work week!
Sydney--what a tease!!! At least you could have lied and made up a good, juicy story....after all orkmommy is already having her own dreams about Eric :O !!!
Seriously--how do I get blue ink??
When you get old enough, your veins naturally turn to blue ink...
I know NOTHING about women. 1st Orkmommy is having dreams about Eric. Now Sydney is having dreams about Eric. Pretty soon Teri in Ohio and Steff will be having dreams about Eric. Jessica smooches with Eric. I CAN LIVE WITH WOMEN LOVING DR. WILL OR KAYSER - BUT ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jest testing.....
I wish Jess and Eric would fall off the face of the earth...those 2 faking all that romance makes me want to puke!!! He is so non-masculine, what real male talks that much!!!
Whether it is Jam or Jess...good riddance, and if a 2x eviction hope it is Eric out the door. Would like to see if Zach has been losing all on purpose all these weeks!!!
Thank you Jackie for the next Survivor candidates...interesting players so far!
Carol...excellent point about Eric's winning so far...vs the rest of em.
OMG--it worked!!!!
joe in NY--cute...do blue veins go along with blue hair?? I may be old but not THAT OLD!!
Sydney - Ooooo...you're dreaming about me. I didn't even know you cared...
Joe - I did not dream ABOUT Eric, I had a dream that I was in the house and Eric was there. I don't know why I called my boyfriend Eric though. They look nothing alike. My boyfriend is tall and manly whereas Eric is short and girly. :-)
ok..i'm testing too. What do we get if we turn blue?
Joe in NY, i think it has helped her. You are right that she never was a big threat or target but i think she would have been a target the last few weeks if she could have competed for HOH and not competing has kept her in the game a little longer. If she stays this week and starts winning POV comps she could very well end up doing well. Just my 2 cents.
goodness. i would nenver want to be in BB.. i would be bored out of my mind!
I too will be glad when BB is over this year. I suddenly realized why. I think this year the reason why they chose to use the AP was because of last year. I have only watched all-stars and this one. I am in the process of watching BB6 on youtube but it's taking a while. (Still it's more interesting than this season.) Anyway, to me this is the season of rejects. They chose all of these people because they were boring and crude and practically useless. Because they knew that after last season with Will and Janelle that whoever was in the house this year were going to blow. They were right. We are disappointed.
I'm with Kay...I was on vacation and missed the first show and was so disappointed with the houseguests when I tuned in the second week I almost didn't watch...but it's summer tv folks and there isn't a lot on. What a dismal group of people. Hope the bookers do better next year. Frankly I don't care who wins.
I'm not sure the HGs are any worse than most other years. There are always a bunch of pretty nothings, a bunch of muscular morons, a group of people who want to "maintain their integrity, foster relationships", a lunatic or two, and a group of people playing the game hard.
I think the group of GOOD players is a little light this year. Eric, Dick, Zack, Dani, Kail, Nick were the only people who really tried to play much at all. And Kail and Nick were awful at it. Of the other 4, think back to BB6.
Janelle = Dani?
Eric = James?
Dick = Howie?
Zack = Maggie?
I'm not sure any season has more than 4 people playing the game with any aplomb.
OK, I know my memory is failing, but does one have to be deceitiful and manipulative to win BB? I don't recall if Lisa was in season 3 and I don't think Drew really was in season 5. Maybe I've just forgotten the bad ways.
Anon at 3:55 p.m. - I think Lisa pretty much won by default because the jury got to see all the diary room stuff and saw what Danielle really thought of them. If not for that, Danielle would have won easily.
As for Drew, I think he was a nice guy who won. It was between him and Cowboy and Drew had more friends on the jury.
to Joe in NY, it kills me to hear Dani compared to Janelle. The only resemblance would be her winning comps, and I think that's more a matter of the others sucking really badly rather than her ability. Dani has none of the buxom blonde's charm!
yeah lisa won because the jury memberss were pissed by the way Danielle played them and the voted personally not on who played the best. She was the best player not to win. Janelle was a good player but she did not listen to James who wanted Will and Boogie gone and we know the rest.
This is a reply to whomever said that Ivette (from BB6) was stupid for not taking Janelle into the final 2 instead of Maggie. I believe that The Friendshp Group (aka The Nerd Herd)said during the finale that they discussed it earlier and if anyone from that group took another person instead of someone from their own group, the ones in the sequestor house would automatically vote for the other person. So either way Ivette would have never won. I hated her but I kind of wanted to see her in All Stars just to see if she would have tried to get into Janie's alliance.
If Jamika stays this week - does she play for HOH on Thursday ?? is her 5 weeks up yet ?
Meb and Nana--- congratulations! It's fun to have a profile. Next maybe we'll all have pictures, or at least Avitars. Hey, I can't do crossword puzzles but I consider learning how to do all these things just as good to exercise the mind in prep for the Senior House. I have 2 years to go before I can join AARP but can't I qualify if I don't remember all the past players names or who won what season?
Sasha, thanks for reminding me that the words inverse and opine exist. My vocab has shrunken too much in the last decade.
Lynn1/Joe in NY etc: about only scumbags winning. I agree on the whole, but do remember one shining example of the fair, mannered, non-scumbags winning Survivor. I want to say it happened in the second season, because it was such a contrast to Richard Hatch's methods (another dick, the whole Snake and Rat speech by Sue as a result of her BFF turning on her at the end of the game. But I can't remember who won then. (See, I need to exercise those memory muscles) For sure the 4th season, when the F4 was all "good people" , and the F2 were the most inegritous of those -- Colby and Tina. And he was so damn nice, he virtually offered up first place to her by taking her with him, to, like Nick, stay true to her. And she won.
Joe in NY- I'll tell you this much... my dream was more about visiting Orkmommy at her house-- and somehow ERic was there, sitting on her wood floor (do you have a wood floor Orkmommy?) in his boxers, with one sock on and one sock off.
I think that was because just before I went to bed, i read back to around 5 AM that day on Jokers just to see how they wrote about him taking care of himself, so to speak. I blame my going there to look on NANA in the NW!!!
Couldn't stomach looking on YouTube, but until I read it here, I didn't think anyone had "gone there" publicly this season, like Howie and Boogie did.
Woulda told you that but I didn't want to get jumped on by the several anonomous posters that were offended by the blogmance fun the other day. ;-)
Jones/Maria/RBennie and Anon's- Agree about them not finding more creative ways to perk up the Sho Too hours. I've been turning it off within the first few minutes as well. I think they are as ready to have this season end as we are.
Frankly, I think it's' been tiring, hot, claustrophobic in the house. People are sick of each other, ants, nothing to do. Some are frayed some bitter.
Early on Dustin gave a pilates class to the girls, Carol lay on the floor outside HOH and talked to the cameras as they zoomed in on her, Eric did some kind of gymnastic/ice-capades flipping stuff with Jess. No more Magnus and Cragnus, etc... Just an occasional Dick show -- speaking of, I think Dick pulled Eric's pants down in the back yard last night in front of Jessica. only 2 hours 58 minutes left to fill. No wonder producers put Janelle in this week to spice things up a bit.
I PROPOSE that we continue to entertain ourselves in THIS house, til the new Fall shows come on and we have some real action again. Though we do have a show tonight, so ...
If you were in the house what would you do with what little they have to work with that might perk up the Showtime hours?
Dick does not DESERVE to win over anyone else. He complains about Jameka's sense of entitlement, however, he has one himself. Also, he bitches about Jameka clanking a few drawers because she's mad but conveniently forgets what an asshole woman hater he has been the entire show.
ANON at 3:22 PM, I totally agree with you and Kay. This has been one of the more boring BB's. I sure hope they find better-more entertaining-houseguests for next season, or I may have to watch the more interesting local PBS station or the History Channel documentaries. This has truly been one disappointing and uneventful and boring season so far......snoozzzzeeeee!
Sydney...I purposely didn't go to that site to see Eric because I knew it would be embedded in my brain...Now you've put that in my mind and I'll probably dream about it tonight. "one sock on and one sock off" on Orkmommy's hardwood floor... LOL
Rbennie: I agree with you... Dani can, in no way, compare with Janelle ... blond hair ... that's it!
Also Joe in NY...when James was encouraging Janelle to get rid of Chilltown, he was using her because at the same time he was going to put her up if he ever got HOH.
Gosh, it MUST be boring this year if I'm back to talking about last year's strategy.
Joe in NY...I KNOW that Eric had to take AP or not make the show(how I wish he had declined)and since he DID accept,he knew the rules and should abide by them. His leaking info to his "showmance..ugh,the very idea makes me ill)just so she won't be so pissed at him,in my opinion,goes against what he's supposed to do.
And,I stand behind my opinion that he would not have lasted this long in the game without the help that the DR,BB and AP afforded him. He would have gone week 2 or 3 for me,especially when he started shooting off his smarmy mouth. And delee,I am so with you on the making out with Jess thing,it almost makes me ill to watch...ick!
Just to echo a few others comments on why someone "good" or "bad" has won...
Season 3 there was no sequester and the jury saw everything including the DR sessions they aired on the CBS weekly shows. Danielle was not kind to anyone. Lisa wasn't a total jerk. She didn't bring back (was it Eric, her firefighter bf) when she was given the chance, and I think the jury respected that as a good game move. To not be distracted in the house nor bring a possible strong player back into the house.
Drew pretty much played a "good guy" game, unless you count cutting Diane loose at the last minute a "good guy". She did a lot of his dirty work in the house and he knew he couldn't beat her with the make-up of the jury (in sequester for the first year in BB history).
Ivette did not play smart. If she took Janelle, she had a chance. She had NO chance against Maggie with Jen, April, Rachel, and Howie (who was sort of a D/D vote in that he was going to vote however Rachel voted). Ivette was horrible to Rachel in her good-bye message and sealed that vote up against her no matter what. Long story short... she should have trusted her nerd herd alliance to vote for her and she would have won. Bo, Jen, April, and Maggie. 4-3... Ivette wins S6.
Boogie, gag me... I can't even comment. Ugh, I must go throw up now. :)
OMGosh...what happened to my blue. LOL
I think you have to sign in with your gmail account then as usual, plug in Jackie's blog address and when you comment it should already have your identity listed as Meb, above "other" and Anonymous.
If not, it should in that same place give you the option of signing on with your blogger display name and you can sign in right there, but in the past I have lost my comment.
Hope that helps? Notice Chauncey and lilly B are blue too. Maybe they can help if I'm not.
And Kay -- I meant to add your name to the 5:17 post...
If I were to pick the most ethical and morally good player on BB this season, I'd have to say none of them. Each of them has lied, backstabbed or bad mouthed another player (some more vocal than others,OBVIOUSLY)... But that is how these type of games are played. When you are switching alliances and directions to keep your own butt in the game longer, it is essential to your survival.
The Best players "currently" in the BB house:
1. Dick- is the only one thinking far ahead and knowing what to say & how to say it in order to rattle cages (LOVE IT!)
2. Dani- not the strategist, but has dominated the comps this season.
3. Eric- With curve after curve, he has managed to keep his agenda hidden and protect his relationship thus far w/ Jess
4. Zack- has managed to have no alliance, but be able to work each HOH to keep him safe and then had the guts to nominate the girl who thought she had him wrapped around her lil finger
5. Jessica- has won a couple comps but is no strategist (AT ALL)
6. Jameka- I honestly think this girl was picked up on the side of the road and forced onto the show never having seen it. She has NO game play what-so-ever!!
Maybe next year, they will have a bunch of HG's that don't ever yell, cuss, scheme, lie or backstab. Each person would just come out and totally explain there strategy to each HG in detail so as to not be considered a liar.They would calmly pay board games all day, since the need for secrets wouldn't exist. There comps would be planned so as to not hurt another HG by beating them out (taking turns w/ HOH would work)... WOW, that would be as exciting as watching paint dry!!Lol....
Yes, Im being sarcastic... I've read one to many articles complaining about the HG... ;)LOL~~~
Thx Joe in NY for the great list idea... Always fun! :)
sydney-Thank You so much for the post to us that have a loved won battling Alzheimer's.
Many thanks Jackie for allowing us to coast off track occassionally.
sydney- I meant to say "One" not "won"
Amber moment! I must be thinking ahead to the final!!!
Joe In NY --yes!! ERic is JAMES! so right on...I totally forget about James.
I want to clarify my earlier comments about scumbags always winning.
Although I guess by definition scumbags are generally not nice people I was not judging "the good people" verus "the bad people" a la Jameka's and Amber's criteria.
In my opinion Mike "Boogie" is a scumbag and was one before being on BB and still is.
Winning the game by lying, scheming, backstabbing,etc do not make a person a scumbag or a bad person.
In fact one of the reasons this season has been so lame is the lack of lying, scheming backstabbing, etc.
Personally there are a number of reality show "stars" that I would not want as neighbors.
It isn't because of how they played the game but that they use those same strategies in everyday life.
Lynn 1
LOL, Sydney. Since I qualify for the Seniors BB I need to be sure to exercise my brain so I had to dig deep to come up with those words :)
Not to worry, I have many senior moments that will help me in the BBSE comps!
BTW, I'm thinking qualifying for AARP isn't too awfully old. How about needing to be a member for 25 years? I'd be SO happy NOT to qualify...yet :)
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