I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Monday, September 03, 2007
'Big Brother 8' - 9/03 Live Feeds - A Screen Cap Speaks 1000 Words
It's been basically a very quiet day in the Big Brother house as most nap it away. Daniele decided to make cookies. That seems to be her specialty in the kitchen.
Is that an ant in the pan? I do believe it is! Yuch!
Dick sleeps on his round bed, stirring now and then.
Okay, now I'm not a huge neat freak or anything, far from it. But what's with the feet and crossed legs sitting on the table as she prepares the cookie batter? What's up with that? I guess an ant in the batter won't matter.
Zach joined her and HIS feet are up on the table, too! Dirty socks and all! That's it! They cannot come visit me! So there!
As far as game talk, there's been very little. It's almost uncomfortable watching (eavesdropping) as Daniele and Zach talk. He seems to think she actually enjoys his company, yet I know she's using him and doesn't have any interest in him as even an acquaintance. She talks about him behind his back and doesn't respect him at all. They talked a bit about Dick telling Jameka she's going home. Daniele feigned confusion over that.
Sitting crosslegged on the counter to cook? I've been cooking over 40 years and the last time I remember sitting on the counter I was 3 or 4 and helping my mother stir a pan of melting sugar (constant motion across the bottom of the pan) when we made Aunt Bill's Brown Candy. Shortly thereafter, my dad built me a stepstool/platform so I could be tall enough to help.
A few years ago, a coworker wanted to have a "cookie baking party" at her house, but I couldn't bear the thought since she'd inappropriately shared details of christening the cooking island with her husband. I'm not opposed to the idea, but didn't need the visual. I'm not sure there's enough Clorox for all the dirty socks that have been on the table and counter.
Jackie, once again, you've rocked all season with the blog.
Thanks Jackie......I really think it would turn it upside down if Jessica leaves....... The cookie and ant theme recalls my high school days when the teacher made us eat a burnt cricket, and chocolate ants...yuck then yuck now! My Mom came home from the hospital...and is settling in...to watch...you got it BB!
This is the second time I have seen Daniele sit on the counter rolling cookie balls. This chick needs to put on some weight, seeing her in her bikini the other day-- she is quite skeletal.
Nana in the NW: I **DO** have a life and don't have time to read the fine print! :) Doesn't summer start July 5th and end the day after Labor Day?
Joy n- You bring the bleach...I started my list of things to bring, but then I decided it was getting too long and I would just bring the matches instead. What's your take on that, does that sound like a plan for the BB Senior House?
Julie - Don't ya just love people who share those kind of stories for no apparent reason? I recently had a coworker tell me in detail about her last gynecological visit. Now this is a woman old enough to be my mother, we've never shared personal info before, and she just plopped down at my desk one day and started "chatting." Ever since, I've been dodging her in the hallways, in fear of what other stories she is saving up for me. Anyway, I completely understand why you would not want to roll out cookie dough on that island, ROFL! Although if you are ever at a social event with her husband, it might be fun to mention his "island adventure." Maybe he would put a stop to her blabbermouth.
Gawd, these people are sooo incredibly boring. I agree with an earlier poster about the Dustin eviction being the climax of the season. I wish Jess and Eric would start to figure things out. Jess I think knows that she's the target and if it weren't for Eric, she would at least be doing soemthing to save herself. She needs to go to Zach or D and D and work out a deal but who does she hang out with it...Jameka. The one person who can't help her. Oh yeah and she sleeps. I can't believe Eric has such blind faith in D and D and the LJC alliance. You would think with all of the other seasons he's watched he would realize that they're going to betray the alliance the first chance they get. This is just like Will and Boogie. Everyone last season knew they were together and would do anything to get themselves further in the game and yet no one had the gumption to get them out. It was so silly.
Gawd, these people are sooo incredibly boring. I agree with an earlier poster about the Dustin eviction being the climax of the season. I wish Jess and Eric would start to figure things out. Jess I think knows that she's the target and if it weren't for Eric, she would at least be doing soemthing to save herself. She needs to go to Zach or D and D and work out a deal but who does she hang out with it...Jameka. The one person who can't help her. Oh yeah and she sleeps. I can't believe Eric has such blind faith in D and D and the LJC alliance. You would think with all of the other seasons he's watched he would realize that they're going to betray the alliance the first chance they get. This is just like Will and Boogie. Everyone last season knew they were together and would do anything to get themselves further in the game and yet no one had the gumption to get them out. It was so silly.
Who needs "fine print"--some of us do HAVE A LIFE!! LOL
I have been negligent in extending by thoughts and prayers to debie in ca. and those others who are struggling through family illnesses. It's wonderful to see/read people from all parts of the country can come together in support of those in need of some comforting words. I believe it is a testament to the kind of people who are part of this blog-family.
Lynn 1--never apologize for expressing your feelings. Sometimes it helps to talk to "faceless friends". Although this is a BB Blogsite we are also here to help others vent. Remember to take care of yourself, also.
Is it really that Eric has blind faith in D&D or does he really just not care?
Think about it. He CAN'T want Jess next to him in the final 2. He's better off with Dick or Zack or, frankly, Dani. The jury is packed with former LNC members who love Jameeka and Jess. If I were in the house, those are the two people I would NOT want to be across from.
After this elimination, the numbers aren't as important as the comps.
Imagine if E/J and D/D went ahead to the final 4. The only thing that would matter would be the HOH/POV comps. No matter who won HOH, he/she could put up both of the other pair. The POV ends up determining who goes home.
Eric doesn't suffer as much without Jess as it would appear - other than the fact that she is better at comps than him!!!
anon at 10:42 and 10:43 - I agree. I could see being nervous about making the move on D&D, but Jessica should have realized she had a great opportunity when she put Zach in replacement instead. Maybe they were thinking that they would be the final four and could battle it out then? Silly hamsters! This is BB8 for goodness sake, and they've watched it. I think it shows to go you that trust is a funny thing....we need to feel it, we want it, we give it, we want to give it. Then, when we do give it and realize we shouldn't have, reason goes out the window and emotion takes over. Even though they KNOW it's game, that trust thing trips lots of BB player up.
to Joe in NY.... is that you and your dog? If so, I love the way he is looking at you with such love in his eyes and a smile on his face. If he is a she, I apologize, just switch the pronouns for me.
I also wonder if Eric is just now so into Jessica and trying to preserve her trust for when they are outside the house that HE is totally distracted from his game. You are right is a student of not just this game but of most reality shows so he knows better.
Sydney, I read your note. Thanks for sharing and caring.
Nana in the nw Thank you for understanding. I appreciate your support.
Now back to BB8. I think I am going to root for Dick. In the scheme of the BB show he could be considered a Senior Citizen at 44 years old. Us old timers gotta stick together! LOL
Jackie, (or anyone else who knows the answer to this). I've been watching BB since its inception. Now to the best of my recollection, when there is a double eviction week as there will be this week, doesn't the entire house (including the HOH) have to pack just in case they are the next evictee? I was also wondering if they all DO have to pack, what reason are they given for everyone having to pack? Are the HG's that dumb that from prior seasons that they can't figure out that all of them having to pack means double eviction? I'm so confused!! Help!
I was just thinking! These people in the house are so dirty. You would think they would want to clean up and pick up after themselves. Wonder if they live like this at their place. No wonder they have ants. Another thing. As much as I hate to say it. Dick and Daneile have played the game better than anyone in the house. They know how to get into everyone's mind. Just think about it not any of the others have really done anything. I just don't know who I really want to win. Maybe D/D. Eric can't play. America is telling him what to do. I feel sorry for Zack. He might just win this thing. JK from N.C.
In regards to you knowing the day in the life of Daniele: You really don't have a life do you!!! :P
If Daniele does nothing but: sleep whine eat throw up fight with Dick tan shower bitch moan says "This SUCKSSSSS" says she misses Nick throws up fight with Dick make cookie balls throws up says "It's so frustratingggggg!!!" gives a shout out to 1 5 3 ( 1 4 4 Daniele) throws up says "Ohh my gawd" fight with Dick throws up eat junk food goes to sleep
If all the hg packed their bags they would know it was a DE. I think they have the staff pack up the stuff of the second evictee (or maybe do outside lockdown and let the person back in to pack).
Lynn 1 --it's a good thing Dick's in the game now. If he went in with most of old ladies that mouth of his wouldn't have last one day!!!
Sydney--your right--Eric has let his feelings for Jess distract him from the game. He is working too hard to protect her rather than further himself. It is going to be the downfall of both of them. Although he has already won --with his stipend and AP winnings he will leave the house making more than the 2nd place finisher--won't that sit well with the HG!!
Plaidchick--NO, I don't have a life....I take care of 3 grandkids everyday.... but salvation is coming... school starts in 2 days!!!! This site and the show is an escape from MY REALITY!! (But I love them dearly and wouldn't have it any other way!!)
I'm going to jump over to Joker's and see what's cookin'--Jess should be getting up about now.
I know they can tell the HG's taht they're gonna finally fog the house to get rid of the ants and they need to get their stuff packed up for safety reasons. These guys are so stupid that they would probably buy it. Ha! Ha! The ants are a plant. It's the big twist this year. kay
I will be so glad to get rid of Jessica. That little girl voice of hers is so annoying. I think so many of us were able to ignore it next to Ambers even more annoying crying. Yes, Dani talks about people behind their backs, but isn't that all Jess, or any of the others do too? Dani does at least attempt to hang out with others in the house. And there is much laughter from Dani too, especially when she is with Zach. Who by the way, she has hung out with ever since the beginning of the show. Jess can only have fun lying in bed flirting with Eric, or when she's getting drunk. We all thought the men in the white coats should greet amber at the door on her way out, but I personally think AA should greet Jess on her way out. Jess barely does anything in the house except to sleep most of the day. And when she is awake, her time is spent flirting with Eric. She very seldom spends time with any of the others, besides Jameka, unless she is playing her drinking games. JR
By the way, someone commented about Jess's parents being proud of the way she conducted herself in the house. Riiight, I would be sooo proud if my daughter went on tv and made herself look like an alcoholic. And how proud I'd be if my daughter would have talked in such an annoying baby voice. Or how about when Eric asked her if she enjoyed sex and she told him yes, and then he asked "what do you enjoy" and she said "everything". Yeah, real proud parents they should be of that! Especially telling a guy she barely knows that, AND on national tv. What a wonderful daughter she is! JR
LOL Nana...I thought about Dick's mouth in our "seniors" house, and saw all sorts of chaos...you're right, he wouldn't have the chance to have more than 1 outburst. Then again, at 44, he wouldn't make it in. Sigh...what a difference a decade makes.
It looks like it's "All aboard the bye-bye Jessica train" in here. For the game's sake, I'd wish she would start dealing. Even if she went home anyway, there'd be some action and some second guessing.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...Daniele is not so bad, she's just 21 and a product of child rearing done wrong. Alone is not a good thing for a kid. I hope she gets back to school, does something with that knack for photography she seems to have, and makes up her mind to be ok despite her resentment and pain.
Good morning To All it feels like a Monday, Jackie I agree in regards to placing feet on tables esp while cooking, Ouch at one time, I was obsessed with cleaning however it was generally an obsession with restrooms Labs in my home, along with my house floors, although today my obsession is with smell, perhaps it could be from partial hearing loss due to years of wearing Headphones. Thank goodness Classes resume, one of my daughter's has taken over my clean obsession, would you believe All Bathroom-Kitchen towels, I kid you not; Have to be washed every 6 hrs with a different color towel replaced, plus towels must have that snuggle fresh scented smell, I'd estimate we use a 32 oz bottle of fabric softener every 3 days, imagine this she's in Medical School, I begin my career 100 yrs ago in Medical School, darn it, Hahaha However, I eventually changed careers, there are times I miss working with patients,though in today's fast paced world, I enjoy being my own boss. Thanks Jackie you Rock! Let's all have some tea or coffee.
Has Daniele actualy been seen throwing up or is that someone's irresponsible gossip? Some people manage to be thin without throwing up. Even those who seemingly eat junk food. There are bodies and metabolisms out there that can tolerate many calories and not much excersise and still remain very thin. It is very rude to speculate that Daniele throws up because she is thin.
I don't think anyone has actually seen her throw up but she did make a comment after the surf and turf dinner about two fingers and the bathroom. Whether or not she was joking I don't know.
And another thing, I know that at one time or another we've all complained about the AP. I know that most people feel that it was a failure but then I think about all the fun we had with that. Mustard on Jen's shirt. The wonky votes. Getting Eric to turn on Dustin which was IMO the best show this year. Plus we got to scheme to get rid of Amber. And now we can have even more fun by having Eric vote out Jess. He doesn't have a choice. He has to vote the way we say. Even if D + D decide to keep Jameka, he's covered. He can simply say that they're lying to cover their own butts and he voted to keep Jessica. But will Jess believe him? And if Jess is voted out 3-0, she will have doubts about him from there on out, well at least until he ends up at the SH, which I'm sure will be ASAP most likely this week with the DE if he doesn't win HOH, and explains everything to her. I think it's a opportunity that D + D won't be able to resist, despite the fact that they can't stand either Jam or Z. They don't think they are very good compettitors after all and if they only have three minutes to think about it, they woun't be able to think it all the way through. The only problem then is whoever wins HOH this time can't play for the next HOH. I wonder if Jam's swearing off of the HOH comp will end with this HOH comp or if they will go by not competing for 5 weeks. At any rate this gives both Jam and Z better shots at winning this weeks HOH and evicting either Dani, preferably, or Dick next week.
joy n- I think I like your idea much better. If Mr. Clean and the Brawny Guy are going to be the one's to actually clean things up while we lounge, I cannot go against that!
Sitting crosslegged on the counter to cook? I've been cooking over 40 years and the last time I remember sitting on the counter I was 3 or 4 and helping my mother stir a pan of melting sugar (constant motion across the bottom of the pan) when we made Aunt Bill's Brown Candy. Shortly thereafter, my dad built me a stepstool/platform so I could be tall enough to help.
A few years ago, a coworker wanted to have a "cookie baking party" at her house, but I couldn't bear the thought since she'd inappropriately shared details of christening the cooking island with her husband. I'm not opposed to the idea, but didn't need the visual. I'm not sure there's enough Clorox for all the dirty socks that have been on the table and counter.
Jackie, once again, you've rocked all season with the blog.
Thanks Jackie......I really think it would turn it upside down if Jessica leaves.......
The cookie and ant theme recalls my high school days when the teacher made us eat a burnt cricket, and chocolate ants...yuck then yuck now!
My Mom came home from the hospital...and is settling in...to watch...you got it BB!
Guess we need to sanitize the whole place thoroughly before us SENIORS get there. I'll bring the bleach, who's going to bring the bug spray?
This is the second time I have seen Daniele sit on the counter rolling cookie balls. This chick needs to put on some weight, seeing her in her bikini the other day-- she is quite skeletal.
Nana in the NW: I **DO** have a life and don't have time to read the fine print! :) Doesn't summer start July 5th and end the day after Labor Day?
Joy n-
You bring the bleach...I started my list of things to bring, but then I decided it was getting too long and I would just bring the matches instead. What's your take on that, does that sound like a plan for the BB Senior House?
Ants can be high in protein.. Daniele needs it
Julie - Don't ya just love people who share those kind of stories for no apparent reason? I recently had a coworker tell me in detail about her last gynecological visit. Now this is a woman old enough to be my mother, we've never shared personal info before, and she just plopped down at my desk one day and started "chatting." Ever since, I've been dodging her in the hallways, in fear of what other stories she is saving up for me. Anyway, I completely understand why you would not want to roll out cookie dough on that island, ROFL! Although if you are ever at a social event with her husband, it might be fun to mention his "island adventure." Maybe he would put a stop to her blabbermouth.
Gawd, these people are sooo incredibly boring. I agree with an earlier poster about the Dustin eviction being the climax of the season.
I wish Jess and Eric would start to figure things out. Jess I think knows that she's the target and if it weren't for Eric, she would at least be doing soemthing to save herself. She needs to go to Zach or D and D and work out a deal but who does she hang out with it...Jameka. The one person who can't help her. Oh yeah and she sleeps.
I can't believe Eric has such blind faith in D and D and the LJC alliance. You would think with all of the other seasons he's watched he would realize that they're going to betray the alliance the first chance they get. This is just like Will and Boogie. Everyone last season knew they were together and would do anything to get themselves further in the game and yet no one had the gumption to get them out. It was so silly.
Gawd, these people are sooo incredibly boring. I agree with an earlier poster about the Dustin eviction being the climax of the season.
I wish Jess and Eric would start to figure things out. Jess I think knows that she's the target and if it weren't for Eric, she would at least be doing soemthing to save herself. She needs to go to Zach or D and D and work out a deal but who does she hang out with it...Jameka. The one person who can't help her. Oh yeah and she sleeps.
I can't believe Eric has such blind faith in D and D and the LJC alliance. You would think with all of the other seasons he's watched he would realize that they're going to betray the alliance the first chance they get. This is just like Will and Boogie. Everyone last season knew they were together and would do anything to get themselves further in the game and yet no one had the gumption to get them out. It was so silly.
Plaidchick--here is a day in Dani's life---
Get up and complain about it being hot
fight w/dad
eat junk food
lay out in sun
fight w/dad and go inside
take a nap
have some potato chips
out to the sun--complain about it being hot
bake cookies
ask Dad what's for dinner
have dinner
take a shower--complain about cold water
fight w/Dad
complain about hating everyone
go to bed
I'd be rail-thin if that was my day!!!
Who needs "fine print"--some of us do HAVE A LIFE!!
I have been negligent in extending by thoughts and prayers to debie in ca. and those others who are struggling through family illnesses. It's wonderful to see/read people from all parts of the country can come together in support of those in need
of some comforting words.
I believe it is a testament to the kind of people who are part of this blog-family.
Lynn 1--never apologize for expressing your feelings. Sometimes it helps to talk to "faceless
friends". Although this is a BB Blogsite we are also here to help others
vent. Remember to take care of yourself, also.
Plaidchick (Dani needs the protein) and Nana -ROFLMAO!
And Lynn1,Patty and ksl, I wrote a note on the last post to y'all.
Joy N-- Congrats on being in blue ink!!!!
To anonymous 10:43 & everyone else:
Is it really that Eric has blind faith in D&D or does he really just not care?
Think about it. He CAN'T want Jess next to him in the final 2. He's better off with Dick or Zack or, frankly, Dani. The jury is packed with former LNC members who love Jameeka and Jess. If I were in the house, those are the two people I would NOT want to be across from.
After this elimination, the numbers aren't as important as the comps.
Imagine if E/J and D/D went ahead to the final 4. The only thing that would matter would be the HOH/POV comps. No matter who won HOH, he/she could put up both of the other pair. The POV ends up determining who goes home.
Eric doesn't suffer as much without Jess as it would appear - other than the fact that she is better at comps than him!!!
anon at 10:42 and 10:43 -
I agree. I could see being nervous about making the move on D&D, but Jessica should have realized she had a great opportunity when she put Zach in replacement instead.
Maybe they were thinking that they would be the final four and could battle it out then? Silly hamsters!
This is BB8 for goodness sake, and they've watched it.
I think it shows to go you that trust is a funny thing....we need to feel it, we want it, we give it, we want to give it. Then, when we do give it and realize we shouldn't have, reason goes out the window and emotion takes over.
Even though they KNOW it's game, that trust thing trips lots of BB player up.
to Joe in NY....
is that you and your dog? If so, I love the way he is looking at you with such love in his eyes and a smile on his face.
If he is a she, I apologize, just switch the pronouns for me.
I also wonder if Eric is just now so into Jessica and trying to preserve her trust for when they are outside the house that HE is totally distracted from his game. You are right is a student of not just this game but of most reality shows so he knows better.
Sydney, I read your note. Thanks for sharing and caring.
Nana in the nw Thank you for understanding. I appreciate your support.
Now back to BB8. I think I am going to root for Dick. In the scheme of the BB show he could be considered a Senior Citizen at 44 years old.
Us old timers gotta stick together! LOL
Jackie, (or anyone else who knows the answer to this). I've been watching BB since its inception. Now to the best of my recollection, when there is a double eviction week as there will be this week, doesn't the entire house (including the HOH) have to pack just in case they are the next evictee? I was also wondering if they all DO have to pack, what reason are they given for everyone having to pack? Are the HG's that dumb that from prior seasons that they can't figure out that all of them having to pack means double eviction? I'm so confused!! Help!
I was just thinking! These people in the house are so dirty. You would think they would want to clean up and pick up after themselves. Wonder if they live like this at their place. No wonder they have ants. Another thing. As much as I hate to say it. Dick and Daneile have played the game better than anyone in the house. They know how to get into everyone's mind. Just think about it not any of the others have really done anything. I just don't know who I really want to win. Maybe D/D. Eric can't play. America is telling him what to do. I feel sorry for Zack. He might just win this thing. JK from N.C.
Nana in the NW (Dustin big sigh)
In regards to you knowing the day in the life of Daniele: You really don't have a life do you!!! :P
If Daniele does nothing but:
throw up
fight with Dick
says "This SUCKSSSSS"
says she misses Nick
throws up
fight with Dick
make cookie balls
throws up
says "It's so frustratingggggg!!!"
gives a shout out to 1 5 3 ( 1 4 4 Daniele)
throws up
says "Ohh my gawd"
fight with Dick
throws up
eat junk food
goes to sleep
If that was my routine I'd be a rail too.
Hell I guess I don't have a life either!
Ya Lynn1 get on the DICK BANDWAGON!!!
Hugs to you and your family :)
If all the hg packed their bags they would know it was a DE. I think they have the staff pack up the stuff of the second evictee
(or maybe do outside lockdown and let the person back in to pack).
Lynn 1 --it's a good thing Dick's in the game now. If he went in with most of old ladies that mouth of his wouldn't have last one day!!!
Sydney--your right--Eric has let his feelings for Jess distract him from the game. He is working too hard to protect her rather than further himself. It is going to be the downfall of both of them.
Although he has already won
--with his stipend and AP
winnings he will leave the
house making more than the
2nd place finisher--won't that sit well with the HG!!
Plaidchick--NO, I don't have a life....I take care of 3 grandkids everyday....
but salvation is coming...
school starts in 2 days!!!!
This site and the show is an escape from MY REALITY!!
(But I love them dearly and
wouldn't have it any other
I'm going to jump over to Joker's and see what's
cookin'--Jess should be getting up about now.
I know they can tell the HG's taht they're gonna finally fog the house to get rid of the ants and they need to get their stuff packed up for safety reasons. These guys are so stupid that they would probably buy it.
Ha! Ha! The ants are a plant. It's the big twist this year.
I will be so glad to get rid of Jessica. That little girl voice of hers is so annoying. I think so many of us were able to ignore it next to Ambers even more annoying crying.
Yes, Dani talks about people behind their backs, but isn't that all Jess, or any of the others do too?
Dani does at least attempt to hang out with others in the house. And there is much laughter from Dani too, especially when she is with Zach. Who by the way, she has hung out with ever since the beginning of the show.
Jess can only have fun lying in bed flirting with Eric, or when she's getting drunk.
We all thought the men in the white coats should greet amber at the door on her way out, but I personally think AA should greet Jess on her way out.
Jess barely does anything in the house except to sleep most of the day. And when she is awake, her time is spent flirting with Eric. She very seldom spends time with any of the others, besides Jameka, unless she is playing her drinking games.
By the way, someone commented about Jess's parents being proud of the way she conducted herself in the house. Riiight, I would be sooo proud if my daughter went on tv and made herself look like an alcoholic. And how proud I'd be if my daughter would have talked in such an annoying baby voice. Or how about when Eric asked her if she enjoyed sex and she told him yes, and then he asked "what do you enjoy" and she said "everything". Yeah, real proud parents they should be of that! Especially telling a guy she barely knows that, AND on national tv. What a wonderful daughter she is!
LOL Nana...I thought about Dick's mouth in our "seniors" house, and saw all sorts of chaos...you're right, he wouldn't have the chance to have more than 1 outburst.
Then again, at 44, he wouldn't make it in. Sigh...what a difference a decade makes.
It looks like it's "All aboard the bye-bye Jessica train" in here.
For the game's sake, I'd wish she would start dealing. Even if she went home anyway, there'd be some action and some second guessing.
I've said it before and I'll say it again...Daniele is not so bad, she's just 21 and a product of child rearing done wrong. Alone is not a good thing for a kid. I hope she gets back to school, does something with that knack for photography she seems to have, and makes up her mind to be ok despite
her resentment and pain.
Good morning To All it feels like a Monday, Jackie I agree in regards to placing feet on tables esp while cooking, Ouch at one time, I was obsessed with cleaning however it was generally an obsession with restrooms Labs in my home, along with my house floors, although today my obsession is with smell, perhaps it could be from partial hearing loss due to years of wearing Headphones. Thank goodness Classes resume, one of my daughter's has taken over my clean obsession, would you believe All Bathroom-Kitchen towels, I kid you not; Have to be washed every 6 hrs with a different color towel replaced, plus towels must have that snuggle fresh scented smell, I'd estimate we use a 32 oz bottle of fabric softener every 3 days, imagine this she's in Medical School, I begin my career 100 yrs ago in Medical School, darn it, Hahaha However, I eventually changed careers, there are times I miss working with patients,though in today's fast paced world, I enjoy being my own boss. Thanks Jackie you Rock! Let's all have some tea or coffee.
Has Daniele actualy been seen throwing up or is that someone's irresponsible gossip? Some people manage to be thin without throwing up. Even those who seemingly eat junk food. There are bodies and metabolisms out there that can tolerate many calories and not much excersise and still remain very thin. It is very rude to speculate that Daniele throws up because she is thin.
Patty - 10:07PM: Ooh, no matches. How about we just bring Mr. Clean and the Brawny guy and let them do the clean-up while we lounge around the pool?
Sydney: I LOVE my blue ink. Thanks.
I don't think anyone has actually seen her throw up but she did make a comment after the surf and turf dinner about two fingers and the bathroom. Whether or not she was joking I don't know.
And another thing, I know that at one time or another we've all complained about the AP. I know that most people feel that it was a failure but then I think about all the fun we had with that.
Mustard on Jen's shirt.
The wonky votes.
Getting Eric to turn on Dustin which was IMO the best show this year.
Plus we got to scheme to get rid of Amber.
And now we can have even more fun by having Eric vote out Jess. He doesn't have a choice. He has to vote the way we say. Even if D + D decide to keep Jameka, he's covered. He can simply say that they're lying to cover their own butts and he voted to keep Jessica. But will Jess believe him? And if Jess is voted out 3-0, she will have doubts about him from there on out, well at least until he ends up at the SH, which I'm sure will be ASAP most likely this week with the DE if he doesn't win HOH, and explains everything to her. I think it's a opportunity that D + D won't be able to resist, despite the fact that they can't stand either Jam or Z. They don't think they are very good compettitors after all and if they only have three minutes to think about it, they woun't be able to think it all the way through. The only problem then is whoever wins HOH this time can't play for the next HOH.
I wonder if Jam's swearing off of the HOH comp will end with this HOH comp or if they will go by not competing for 5 weeks.
At any rate this gives both Jam and Z better shots at winning this weeks HOH and evicting either Dani, preferably, or Dick next week.
I like to stir up the pot.
What does everyone think?
Anon @ 7:47-- there was reports on the feeds that there were sounds of Daniele throwing yesterday. No confirmation.
joy n- I think I like your idea much better. If Mr. Clean and the Brawny Guy are going to be the one's to actually clean things up while we lounge, I cannot go against that!
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