Finally - Life in the 'Big Brother 8' House - Current Screen Cap
Here it is going for nearly 4:30 PM here on the East Coast -- Jameka and Daniele just got up. Zach and Evel Dick are still in bed. Not together, of course!
Now, THAT is something they should do something about next season!
Thanks Jackie, I agree, they should have them out of bed for us here on the east coast & even the midwest. It is not fair that all we get to see is them sleeping all day.
Thanks Jackie for all you do~ you are amazing. Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. That is never easy.
I hope everyone has a good week.
Darn TENNIS is still on here on the East Coast....BB will be late late late as 60 Minutes still need to play.... I hate sports!!!
Tennis here, too. I'll have to see how far behind things will get once it ends. They'll skip the news, but never 60 Minutes!
In other news, I turned word verification on again because of a porn spambot which left links on dozens of older posts. Sigh.
So right, Jackie! Get those hgs on a wake up schedule. Gear it to times the most feeders are watching. No one wants to pay to watch greenish rooms and listen to snoring (or worst).
I also wish they would do away with the repetitive and rehearsed speeches made by POV holders before the ceremony, HOH spoken while lamely looking at 'the wall' of photos, and the various other speeches that mean nothing and waste show time.
I'd like them to do away with the continual updates at the beginning of the shows, but I can see that they want to fill in anyone who is watching for the first time. But still....
And I just watched a recorded ShowTwo. It was either last night or the night before. I deleted it after FFing through a half hour or so. OMG, no one spoke. At all. It may have grown into the best episode ever, but if it did, it was too late for me, because I deleted it before seeing much. ShowTwo could have been a good idea, if I wanted to hear what any of these guys were saying or doing.
What else should they do away with, next year? Sue
Frankly, rather than do away with things, they should give them more liquor, that always seemed to fuel excitement in the house. Of course, it also created conflict, but conflict is the soul of drama (no matter what people THINK they want to watch)
Hey Joe..You are right and the drinking has seemed different this season to me, also. They have beer and played drinking games and even had too much to drink some times. But, it all seemed more rationed or something this year. Maybe because of Daniele's age during the first half. Still, it couldn't have hurt to booze them up a little. Sue
Watching 60 Minutes (because BB isn't on yet!!!)
I've never been into opera, but I do know who Pavarotti was. They just did a clip of a free concert he did in Central Park and I HAD TEARS IN MY EYES!!! I have no idea what he was singing (it was in Italian of course) but the fact that such a beautiful sound was coming out of a human being brought me to tears!! What a loss his death was!!!
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