G'morning! I just wanted to get a post up here addressing some of the conspiracy controversies, grassy knolls, and mistaken ideas about the final HOH comp for the season.
First, let's address the HOH comp -- it's the last one of the season. Zach will be playing even though he's the most current Head of House. If they do it like previous years, it will be in three rounds. But, in this final one, the current HOH does indeed get to compete.
Now to the grassy knolls and conspiracy theories ...
The letter Dick received from his son Vincent as part of his HOH package was pre-screened by the production staff. I watched as Dick talked to Daniele about the "secret code" he thought was in the letter. The key "code" was Vincent saying "I'm a suckster now." That is NOT code, although Dick and Daniele clearly think it is! I understood it right away. What Vincent meant by that is that he's frequenting/addicted to the survivorsucks.com site. They're a great site for both Survivor and Big Brother. Despite the "sucks" name, it's kind of like jokersupdates.com -- it's a good site for show fans.
And, frequenters of the site often just refer to it as "sucks" and when Vincent says he's a suckster, that's all it means. It's not referring to anyone in the house like Dick thinks it is.
On another note unrelated to the show ...
I want to make mention of a great loss to the TV Squad family. On Thursday talented writer Adam Finley was killed in a bicycle accident in Minneapolis. He was only 30 years old. Adam welcomed me when I came aboard as a writer there and his writing and choice of subject matters was intelligent, clever, and witty. He will be missed. My condolences go out to his family and friends.
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, Jackie. Thank you for sharing the news with us. Sue
Dear Jackie, I too am so sorry to hear about Adam. That is so sad.
xoxoxo QGD
Regarding the Suckster comment: I know Dick is trying to make a code out of that, but earlier, Dick himself said that he and Vincent had worked out a code that used last letter in a sentence and first letter in a sentence to show who not to trust and another way for Vincent to tell him if he could trust his main alliance. Dick's letter was received after Eric (supposedly the one whose initials Vincent used) was gone, so it didn't make any difference to the game. Main alliance is Dani, so that also didn't make a difference. If Dick had won HOH earlier and had received the letter sooner, then who knows what it would have done. But...I wonder if Dani had a similar plan in the works and that explains the scrapbook type letter from Nick. Maybe it was put together quickly by a production assistant to replace one that might have said too much about the game. And why was Amber thinking code in letters when it had never been mentioned before that I know about? D & D were playing the game even before they came into the house. And that is smart thinking. I wish we could have seen their game play up against someone else who played as well as they did. The boring part came with their having little competition. Sue
I too would like to thank Jackie for her blog. I have been reading this for about three years and have never commented even with the nerd/herd who I did not care for. I am a Janelle fan and was glad to see her on BB8!
In the beginning I was a ED fan. I like how he played at first. But now I am totally disgusted with his behavior. Not only is he rude, foul mouth and abusive but when he called Zack a racist, what does he think he is! A biggot, another name for a racist. He called Dustin out, was abusive to Jen and other women, and he was offensive to Christians.
As Christians they have the right to believe the way they want without being made fun of by him. He made fun of Amber, Kail, and Jameka for praying and several people in this blog has too. I was also a Kaysar fan, and he prayed several time a day. Did he get harrassed for this. To my knowledge no. So, why can't people of other religions worship, pray, or whatever they want without being the brunt of jokes?
I really do hope (and pray if I want to but I choose not to pray over this game)that Zach can pull through. As long as D&D are winning or have won something that gives them the advantage they are happy and nice but once they are between a rock and a hard place, the whinning, foul language, the I hate you, life is not fair begins. THIS IS NOT A STRATEGY, IT IS WHAT IT IS. IMMATURE, BRATTY, ABUSIVE, I CAN'T HAVE MY WAY BEHAVIOR. I am a kindergarten teacher and these two do not even act like my five year olds at school they act like pre-schoolers! If D&D were in school, they would have been sent to the SST (Student Support Team) and referred for B.D. (Behavioral Disorder) BB needs to enforces some stricter guidelines on behavior!
Sorry to hear about your friend Jackie.
Does anyone know what really happened with Jameka during the veto compotition with the balls?
So sorry to hear about Adam. What a tragedy for such a young, talented man. My heart goes out to his fsmily and friends.
When I watched the feeds in the later part of the evening after feeds came back from the POV comp, Danielle and Dick were talking and elated over the POV win. In their conversation either Danielle OR Dick mentioned something about planning prior to them entering the house. This led me to believe that Danielle and Dick planned together prior to entering the house and that this whole "not talking to each other for the last 2 years" was over and done with way prior to the show starting in July. This would further lead me to believe that they acted out for both the house guests and the American Public (including live feeds) their personal problems. Now, I'm not saying that they didn't have these problems prior to the show starting. What I'm saying is that their problems were resolved long before entering the house and that they both knew the other was going to be a house guest. They planned together how they were going to act towards each other when they were in the house, including Dani who kept saying to Dick "I don't want to do this here" when he wanted to air their dirty laundry to the cameras. Finally and most importantly, they planned their game play prior to entering the house. I'm sure all of Dani's bouts of crying that she wanted to go home because she hated the house was very real and I won't minimize those feelings. I'm just wondering a) if Carol/Jessica and Dustin/Joe knew the other was going to be in the house; and b) does anyone think the same as I do about Dick and Danielle?
EW.com has an article up where their TV Experts talk about the final 4 and who is going to win. In there is this little gem from Ken Tucker:
"I agree with Jeff that Daniele would defeat Jameka, and that Daniele is the brains behind her father..."
I am glad to see Dick and Dani in the final 3 and I hope they make it to the final 2! They have always played strategically (although Dick is quite gross at times with the spitting and farting, and others drive me nuts too, Jameka chewing , Dani whining)
But they deserve to be there.
I am very sorry about your friend Jackie, such a tragedy for all involved, I am truly sorry, he was a very talented writer.
Anonymous 12:27 p.m. wrote: "I was also a Kaysar fan, and he prayed several time a day. Did he get harrassed for this. To my knowledge no." I don't know if you'd call this harassment because he prayed five times a day as required by the Koran, but Ivette repeatedly call him some truly vile things that weren't aired by producer Aaron Shapiro, including "fake Muslim" and "Sand Nigger." According to the Wikipedia article on the season Shapiro said "I wouldn't want my name on a show that was having those kinds of things spoken."
Anon 12:27...Kaysar was never belittled for his beliefs because he showed his faith at all times, never lying or calling people nasty things behind hg's backs. He didn't pray to win, he prayed to keep his peace and faith, to me, that's the big difference between him and Amber/Jameka. A/J prayed to win a game, sorry, not good.
Jackie, sorry to hear about Adam...I do believe, only the good die young. My condolences to you and his family.
Anonymous said...
Okay, it was my cat and I can take up for myself thank you very much. I was just asleep and therefore wasn't here to defend myself. I put him in the shower and I'd do it again if I had to. Unfortunately, Junior died last year and I still miss and love him. He was one of the best cats I have ever had. He used to sleep with me every night and every day when I came home from work he was right there meeting me at the car...most likely wanting to eat but still he didn't meet anyone else in my family. I have an elderly mother who has difficulty healing from cuts and the like. She currently has a sore that we've tried to get healed now for the past three months and it's still not properly healing despite repeated trips to the doctor for it and antiboiotics and neosporin. I loved Junior but it wasn't just me he was biting. It was either the shower or put him down at that point. I chose the shower. The only thing that was hurt on him was his pride and he had too much of that. I can't help it. it was partly my fault. I spoiled him. When Junior who was fully grown moved to our house, he had been abused by his previous owners. I never knew for sure but I could kinda tell you know so I didn't want to spank him. I did spank him once with a rolled up newspaper but he turned around and attacked it and tore it to shreds and I felt guilty as hell about that. After the three shower incidents, he never bite or scratched anyone again. I think he finally realized how good he had it at our house where he was allowed to come in every day, sleep in a big soft recliner, watch tv whenever he wanted, got first dibs on all the food and slept in a big soft feather bed while the other cats were outside looking in. I loved him the best probably because he was such a brat. If he had wanted to move back to his old house, he could have. He spent a lot of time outside, whenever he wanted in fact. He wanted to be with us. We wanted him here with us. We all loved him dearly.
I don't feel like I abused him. I also don't think Dick throwing tea on Jen was abuse either. It wasn't very nice but Jen wasn't scarred for life. (Gawd I'm having to defend Dick now. I will never forgive you people for thIS.) But then Dick isn't a very nice person is he? You don't know well enough to judge me. You've heard one story about me. If I was ashamed of it, I wouldn't have told it to you.
So in short, you raise your kids the way you want to. I'll raise mine the way I want to. I can guarantee you one thing though, my kids will be well-behaved.
Jackie, what a tragic loss to the TV Squad family. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
The code Dick and Vincent came up with in regards to if Dick could trust his current alliance was Vincent telling him "All is good with my girlfriend." or "I broke up with my girlfriend." The survivorsucks site states this in the thread he's on. Obviously that was for very early on in the game, and I don't believe Vincent ever said that.
As far as the code letters I haven't seen anything on the sucks site about that.
Kay,please don't feel you have to defend or justify yourself to any of us. We all handle things in our own way and your way of dealing with a biting cat is your business. Better to break the cat than have to take it to the pound and have it put to sleep because nobody would adopt a biter. And you loved that cat and gave him a loving home.Hey,I swatted my boys on their behinds when they were little,not PC now days,but they are both fine young men and neither are ax murderers!Some of the visitors in here are going to disagree with you,no matter what,and hide behind their anon.moniker.I now have a new cat,who is a biter,but a "gentle" one,when she gets too rough,all I have to do is get hold of her tongue and she quits....LOL.
Sorry to hear about Adam,Jackie. That is such a shame.
Steff... Your comment on Kaysar and his religion VS. Jameka and hers was very well put. I admired Kaysar for keeping his religion as prominant in his BB life as in his real life. He didn't use it as a tool to gain in the game, but kept it something more personal and pure. Jameka and Amber praying out loud for things in the game and using their religion as a tool while lying in the game was revolting. We hardly remember much about Kaysars religion because he didn't make it a part of the game, but instead a part of who he is. There is a BIG difference and Jameka & Amber could take a cue from him.
Jackie, so very sorry to hear about Adam. Gone way too soon...
Plaidchick... Love your new 'Donato' pic.... :)
Jackie...so sorry about your friend and fellow TV Squader. Loss is never easy.
My daughter has a roommate by the same name...I had to read that twice, again my condolences.
I'm very sorry to hear about your friend Adam. His family and friends will be in my prayers.
I felt like Amber was competing with Jameka on the religious front, like who loved God more. It wasn't til one of the last shows she was on that I picked up on it, but it was weird. Sorta like how she was competing with Dani on who was more upset that Nick was gone. That Amber's a weird fish.
Zach's newfound religion seems like a load of crap to me. He's just pandering to Jameka, and I hope she sees through that.
I guess on ew.com, they said the blue ball accidentally bounced into Jameka's tube on its own, but it didn't matter, because she kept playing. It was the smartest thing for her to do, so good on her.
I like how they've been laying it all out the past few days, all the strategies, all the secret deals. I don't really remember the last time a F4 did that.
Ok, so you all have cats. Throw them where you like, but don't stop talking about the show. That why we are here , after all.
My comment on the season, You have two people who were related, knew each other beforehand , and had the opportunity to plan their strategy before coming into the house. Not fair to any of the other houseguests.
Blood is thicker than water and no matter how you slice it, they knew what was coming and how to handle the rest of the guests.
How about putting strangers in the house. Now there's a plan. No Dr Will and Boogie, no father and daughter,- strangers.
Karser had to pray many times a day, but he always did it privately and not on camera. He also acted out his beliefs rather than preached them..he never acted superior or that his religion give him a particular link to God. Jam and Amber did way too much praying for the cameras and Amber then foul mouthed other religions, people, etc. Jam at least seems sincere. And if Zach studied theology I believe religion mattered to him in some form...that he didn't "use" it before doesn't mean he's not religious. Jess too said she was religious but preferred not to do her praying in front of a camera. She was pretty discrete for a shomance too...not letting Eric's hangs wanter south.
I agree that the double Ds, Dirty Dick and Diva Dani deserve to be in the final two...no matter how they got there we have to deal with the fact that they ARE there and it took winning and strategy.
So sorry to hear about your wrist, what happened? Did you at least get good meds?
If you need someone to hold your good hand, I'm here!
Jackie, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your colleague at TV Squad. He was so young and such a sudden, tragic death.
There sure have been a lot of deaths of notable people with 2 US Representatives just dropping over dead: Rep Paul Gilmor and Rep Jennifer Dunn and then the death one of the greatest opera singers of all time, Luciana Pavorotti.
To Carol,
D/D were under the gun because of their relationship early. It helps later, hurts early by making them targets. There were plenty of opportunities to get rid of them, but they persevered and survived. I don't think there's anything unfair about that. EVERYONE knew they were related.
The only really unfair advantage (if there was one) would belong to Eric. He was AP, unknown to the other guests, and was receiving info from outside the house that the other guests didn't get. Even then, I think it was a mixed back - helped him sometimes, hurt him others.
People who complain that D/D had an unfair advantage just don't like them and are trying to rationalize their hatred. IMO
Joe in NY... I completely agree with your 4:56 post.
I was going to type a response, to the D&D (supposed advantage) but you said it so well... :)
I have been a BB fan from season 1 but never into it on the internet until this year for some reason... now I wish I had been! I've missed a lot of the BB experience not following online.
But once i found your site it is the first one I check every day, several times a day.
You do the best job of anyone, IMO. Concise, easy-to-read, spot-on news & commentary.
I've never been moved to actually leave a comment until now. But not about BB.
I am SO sorry to hear about your friend Adam. How very tragic. I will keep his family & friends -- and YOU -- in my prayers.
Tricia in OR
anon 12:27 I agree with you.
It is a lot of critizing on Jameka and Amber on what how they were when it came to their chrisitanity. Who gave the fans the right to be the judge. No one can really say if they were doing it for the camera purpose or because they really believe; and furthermore, even being christian you fall short of what God want you to do because they is no perfect person walking on this earth. We all have flaws. IMO it is just as wrong to joke about praying regarding if is trying to quote Jameka or Amber. I believe that I strive to be a good Christian and I have not like any of the statements made toward these two ladies concerning their religion because it is not our place to judge. As far as them doing in camera view they did not do it BB did that. I am sure they know about all the comments being made about them and their religion belief so they probably make it a point to show this. It was not built up with Kaysar so it was no need to focus on him. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion but some things are better left unsaid. To me religion is a sacred thing. I could never joke about it for whatever the reason is. The season is almost over and nobody would have to be concern if these people is real in their belief ever again.
Kay, I'm glad you wrote your cat note. And, I hope your mother will be well soon. (I probably should have led withe the Mother Best Wishes, instead of mentioning the cat first..sorry). The first comment you made about the shower (and that was a while ago, wasn't it?) I thought of the Paula Poundstone routine I heard years ago. She talked of her cats sitting outside the shower and watching her get wet. She thought they were feeling sorry for her being in the 'torture chamber'. I used to give our cat baths..which some might think was mean,and the cat never did really like it, but she pranced around, very proud and feeling very happy when she had been dried and clean. Your cat still loved you, so getting wet wasn't the worst thing in the world. Sue
Anon 1:16AM
I agree regarding D/D. They have made multiple comments over the last two months about "how they never thought it would be this hard" to be in the house together, etc.
If they had not already planned to see each other in the house, that type of comment would not apply.
Nice write up about Adam (I write with you on TV Squad, you may know me as the Jen from team emails). I am still a bit shaken up by the news-- can't quite believe it.
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