I couldn't resist putting this new graphic by Zoetawny up -- I think it's more funny than risque, don't you?
My latest feed report is up over on TV Squad. Just a note of explanation -- I link the actual article here, so you don't really see the jump. But if you're reading the main TVS site, I can't post any spoilers before the link to read on. So, I'm not entirely bonkers. But it dawned on me that you guys often don't see the jump link.
I'll be live-blogging tonight's show in a new entry. Please stop back!
why is there nothing bout the two going to the er? jeannemarie
I wrote about that Friday night when it happened. They should be airing it on tonight's show, but it's way old news now! :D
Zoetawny, your graphic is perfect! You nicely frame the only assets she offers to the world.
This really feels like watching children trying to play grown-up.
Zoetawny and Jackie....you make this whole show!
ZT that graphic is one of your best yet....I know this group gives you all new inspiration dont they?
Hugs to you both for the great job of making BB9 bearable!
ROTFL! I didn't think this one would go public. :D I was reading about the orgy and how everyone was eating off of Nat's "tats" and that someone put a smiley face on them. I just got inspired, LOL, and sent that one to Jackie for a good laugh. These people are really a joke if and when you stop feeling disgusted at their behavior.
Still waiting for the show to begin even though I know what's going on from Jackie's blog reports.
We are having fun together aren't we?
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