The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this entry as it airs. Please forgive any typos as I'm writing this a bit off the cuff. As always, I want your take on the show in comments! After all, that's where the fun is!
It's the black and white recap. I wonder who decided the older stuff should be balck and white. Oops! Color, it must be new now! ;-)
They're all hugging after the nominations ceremony. Alex thinks it's Amanda's fault he's on the block, So, it's still all old news. He's fussing about James going back on his word.
Matt and Natalie are talking. He's mad, but he's not blaming Natalie for being on the block. Alex is sulking and trying to avoid Amanda. He's being rough on Amanda, but he has a point.
Allison is relieved not to be on the block. So Sheila is pointing out how much she's changed to Mattalie. She claims her gut feels betrayed by Allison. Matt confronts James and he pretty much points out that they're playing Big Brother. Alex is out there, too. James tries to convince them it will be a great POV.
Sheila confronts Allison saying she's getting a weird vibe from her. (I've seen this ... I think it's mostly in Sheila's head, but she made it into a situation.)
Time to pick players for the POV comp -- one wild card couple -- Sharon and Joshuah. The host will be Adam. Matt and Alex went into the storage room -- one of them MUST win and they're still buddies despite being on the block against each other. James is a bit oblivious to them.
The POV is ready to start. They have their hardhats on and they're in the backyard with electrical stuff and radioactive barrels. They all have sweats yet they're shivering. They're supposed to restore communications. They have to go into bins of peanuts, hook up communication wires on poles which would allow them to reach the outside world ... or something to that effect. In pouring rain, Joshuah and Sharon won.
The news from the outside world was McCain leading, Barack Obama is leading Hillary, Britney Spears gossip ... then a fake story tying in with Jericho about the Hudson River Virus cutting off people from the outside world. (I think I caught that when I fell into the Hudson some years back!)
Amanda cheered both Republican and Democratic. Most of the houseguests mispronounced Barack as they read aloud from the ticker. They made it barrack as in army barracks. @@
Sheila's back to ranting about Allison. That drove me crazy on the feeds. She was on her rant too loudly, too long. She built it up in her mind and now Allison has reason to turn on her. Sharon eavesdropped and is now reporting to Allison, Ryan, Chelsia and James.
Allison has to go talk to her. I see no problem with that. She is being slimed by Sheila's oddness. Sheila reminds me of a boss I had decades ago who called me a smart-ass college kid (when I had graduated college a good decade before!).
Ryan and Adam come in and they're right. Allison was NOT backstabbing Sheila. Not friends any longer now!
Sharon is instigating a bit, but Sheila was out of line. All of a sudden, Allison had to go to the DR -- she's having some sort of allergic reaction. As she's talking to the nurs, Amanda and Natalie are in the kitchen. Amanda hasn't been eating her slop. Oops, she passes out! Hypoglycemic. She's into a convulsion and it does look real. The TV is more clear (and larger) than my feeds. And we even get to see the nurse!
James helped Amanda and that's impressed Adam. Joshuah feels bad about Amanda because he was so mean to her. Now they're all worried about their BB family. Now even Sheila feels bad.
Amanda's back! She just goes and tries to crawl into her bed, but they all check on her and drag her out. Alex not so receptive.
Amanda's happy to be with "these people" and touched. And now Allison is back.
Aw, a big hugfest and Sheila is normal once again! Well, she's crying to us from the DR. Amanda has a new resolve to win.
Joshuah and Sharon are readying for the veto meeting. Sheila is worried because of her own stupidity in fighting with Allison. Amanda and Alex speak first, kind of a do what you have to do. Matt and Natalie respect the decision. Natalie doesn't want to go back to the Beaver State. She always has to use the nickname, you know.
They didn't use the veto, nominations remain the same.
any idea why the two women were taken to the er? did it have to do with the slop? jeannemarie
Allison allergic reaction to something
Amanda low blood sugar ?
Jeanmarie -- If you scroll down back a few posts, you can get all the dramatic details and even some links to the footage from the feeds in the comments. But Amanda was on slop and is hypoglycemic and fainted then went into siezures. And Allison had an anaphylactic reaction (which can be fatal and quickly, as I havet it to shellfish) to something which I don't think they have not figured out yet. They did a bunch of allergy tests but i think we have not heard of the results. Hope that helps.
It happened on Friday night, so it's a ways back in the posts.
You know, Alex is a good player. I just can't stand his partnet. Matt is slime, but I'm sick of Natalie, and her tube socks, pig tails, stripping, and throwing herself at Matt. The only girl in the house I like is Chelsia, but she's crazy when she gets smashed. It doesn't matter who gets evicted, James and Chelsia will be targets next week, but they're going to have to break them up eventually.
I hate this schedule!!! This is so old news!!!
15 days already. So many days left still for them to make complete jerks of themselves.
I agree Plaidchick. It's not a good schedule to have two nights in a row and then 4 nights to the next.
Brace yourselves for BBAD. The other night during the sexcapades, they were planning for a big night tonight since it would be the last for one couple.
K in WI
Seems like a pattern here. Their comps keep getting Survivor-ish.
I LOVE IT! THE HUDSON RIVER VIRUS!! Too much to hope for!
OMG!!! How stupid, and none of them seemed worried about that clue since no one has mentioned it on the feeds.
Sheila is definitely losing her mind!
Hahahaaaaaaa -- Shelia is acting like she's jealous of Allison speaking with other HG's, haha They're not even a couple, heck where's Ryan tonight?
Ryan finally is shown, Hudson river clue was a plug for Jericho.
Did the guys in white jackets arrive yet? Sheila is very ready for them.
why do i keep watching this show? what's wrong with me? i can't get into any of the players, but yet i can't turn away.
H E L P !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom-- Sharon has been more MIA than Ryan, along with Josh
thanks everyone. with my adopted dad clinging to life on life support the past seven weeks i've missed a lot. i'm figting to stay awake watching bb.
After seeing these two with the health situations, BB needs to rethink some of the rules against food, etc. This is scarey.
It is really frightening seeing what these two girls went through.
ok, so YES, I have my period and am VERY sensitive but I started to tear up watching that. Poor Amanda.....really
Yep that was scary
My gosh, they're actually showing some sensitivity!
wow! how do you think this will effect the rest of the show? what about future shows? i felt my eyes tear up feeling scared and sorry for both f them.
i know how scary it is when you can't breath. jeannemarie
I hope that shows what I have been talking about about James all thsi time. I gave a few examples of his character a few posts back, regardless of the porn, his bi-ness, his awful tattoos and whatever else... It's not editing, he does snap to it and does the right thing and that is a big deal in my book.
does anyone know if they come back to play the rest of the game? -jeannemarie
Sheila. What can you say? I have a feeling she'll be back to her old self in no time at all.
I really do like Amanda...dont shoot
I dont have feeds or BBAD but from the beginning, I like Amanda and Alex. (I liked Dick
Am I the only one who is actually seeing that these kids pulled to gether in a time of crisis to help others.... It is abt time they act like humans....
And why don't the BOYS have to parade around half naked as well as the girls????
I'm sorry for Amanda's health scare, but I sure wish a voice transplant would have occurred while she was at the hospital.
How funny, they don't even explain why they have their bikinis on, bad CBS editing
I agree, James stood up and acted when it really counted.
the rest of those in the house are going to need some counseling as a result of what happened.
i also think they should split the couples or cancel the rest of this season's show. if anyone thinks what happened isn't going to effect how the rest of the game is played they are mistaken.
The girls got a penalty during the last game about having to be in their bathing suits for a time. The same competition where they lost drinking glasses (but gained margaritas) and laundry (but could keep their exercise equipment), which is almost iron because i haven't seen anyone working out yet.
Yes Jeanmarie, they do. And I'm so sorry to hear about your adopted dad. Seven weeks in that situation sounds absolutely grueling. Hopefully he's as comfortable as possible. Often the ppl who suffer the most are those who care for the one who's in that bed. Take good care of yourself.
iron = ironic. lack of proof reading in my previous post.
kudos to james.
Hey Maryann -- I saw that comp and though I know they said Bikinis, I just wonder why only the girls got this pentaly when everyone has to suffer the other things (no hot h2o, no washer/drier, no cups). Did I miss something?
Anon 9:55 -- It's like she's on HELIUM or whippets. I wonder, can't she hear how her voice sounds? I went to a school where in the acting dept they taught you how to alter your natural voice if it was a career killer like that. Ppl can lose their regional accents, can't Amanda do something about that pitch?
Sydney, I thought that same thing when the competition was hapenning - why just the girls and not the guys and then everyone for all the other penalties. but these players did their majority voting/deciding.
By the way, does anyone else think it's just a little freaky watching Adam? He doesn't get much camera time, but during the competition tonight, he's more than my eyes can handle at times.
From what Debbie mentioned that she saw on the feeds yesterday, this house will be back to "normal" in no time.
After watching the POV comp, I wonder if Allison did not have a reaction to the peanut/peanut dust?
Part of what people are allegic to via peanuts are the molds attached to the shells and in turn the peanuts.
My son had the patch test and he was allegic to many things. Some of the foods he is supposedly allergic to he eats and has no effect, but the Doctor told us that could change at any time if his body chooses. He tested allergic to coffee and he had never drank it, as he was only 8. This was in Colorado and the Dr said you lived in Virginia and I went how do you know that...he said he was allergic to molds found only in VA. Go figure!
I actually thought tonights episode was pretty good. No real sex references, and we got to see and hear what was happening with the girls. And yes Sydney, I see what you meant in your previous post about James becoming an adult for the moment with Amanda and her attack. He really did take charge didn't he. It really didn't show that in the clip someone posted earlier.
Shelia went nuts... hope she's recovered some, but I think that's just her.
I liked the competition, efven if it was surviorish... better than just always standing up in stalls and answering questions. is very difficult when you're going thru such a time as you are... repeating Sydney... take time out for yourself.
Just a little American Idol comment... That little David Archaleta (sp) is precious, and obviously the one to beat. His John Lennon song tonight was AWESOME!
sorry jeannemarie... the least I could have done is spell your name correctly.
I hate to say it but IF Amanda stays they should alter her diet to be PB&J rather than slop. It is one of the better things for a hypoglocemic. (I haven't read anyone else's postings so pardon me if I am repeating something someone else already said) My mom is hypoglocemic and it isn't scary to deal with and that is what we give her when her sugars drop too low.
Could someone please tell me who I am supposed to be rooting for on this show? I have been watching BB every summer it has been on and it seems like I have always found someone to cheer for by this point in the show. Does anyone here have a favorite I can latch on to?
Anon 1:01am
I say we all root for Jackie! She is the heroine in all this mess, as she continues to keep us entertained and amused! I am with you, as I cannot find anyone in the house to get excited about.
I am very sorry to hear about your adopted Dad. These are tough times, and hugs to you. I wish you the best.
um...does anyone else wonder where BB's head was when they decided to plaster the backyard with peanuts and all its oils....and then have the hamsters romp in it? peanut allergies are are mounting..and the effects are very serious. i mean, seriously...if you were a part of the powers that be..wouldn't you would have seen even the smallest of red flags in that decision?
i'm becoming concerned at my own sense of favorite hamster is now amanda. yikes!
um...does anyone else wonder where BB's head was when they decided to plaster the backyard with peanuts and all its oils....and then have the hamsters romp in it? peanut allergies are are mounting..and the effects are very serious. i mean, seriously...if you were a part of the powers that be..wouldn't you would have seen even the smallest of red flags in that decision?
i'm becoming concerned at my own sense of favorite hamster is now amanda. yikes!
Let me start by saying that "Jackie Rocks!"
I will add to the comments about the disappointing season. My household has been around since the very beginning and we are so very disinterested in this season. No excitement to all gather together and root for our favs!
I am sure someone has commented on this before and we missed it, but what kind of tat is on James' right shoulder that they need to cover up?
did you all hear adam has been fired from his job for the 'retard' comment? not sure if it's been mentioned in the bog or not. if it has sorry. -jeannemarie
G'morning all!
Hey,meb,I so agree with you about David Archuleta on AI. By the time he had finished "Imagine",I had tears running down my face! He has such a pure,wonderful voice and,even at his young age,has a personality.I didn't even watch BB last night,I'll rely on Jackie and all of you to know what's up in that crazy house.I also thought david Cook and Chickizie were good last night,but NOBODY came close to David A.
Just a thought,doesn't Sheila sound and act like she's going through menopause? Mood swings,bitchiness and all? What a place to be stuck when you're going through that!!
Sharon, if she starts complaining about hot flashes then you have hit it on the nail! IMAO
Read on AOL this morning that Cane may not be coming back. Joyn I know that will upset you. I think they have some episodes yet to run but a decision to keep it going is still out.
FNL is another they haven't made a definite decision to keep or cancel, but it was suggested we send light bulbs to the station if we want to keep it know like the nuts that were sent to keep Jerico on. Don't know whether that ploy would work again.
Greys is not only coming back but has been signed for another season.
Lots of others...some surprised me they were coming back, but too many to mention.
Back to BB, when Amanda came back into the house, she asked for Peanut Butter (crunchy), so I guess they've taken her off the slop.
Allison didn't look bad when she got back, but you could tell when she was in the diary room her voice showed panic.
I truly feel Sheila is menopausal...and by the size of her eyes sometimes maybe a bit of a thyroid problem.
As weird as all of these people have been....Alex is starting to appear the most normal to me, and he will probably go right? I think Matt is a typical Rob/Survivor kind of kind..only thinks of himself. and Nats no Amber.
My son is trying to fly out of Syracuse today...sure hope he makes it, he said the snow slammed them good....
Terry,don't know how it is in Syracuse,but here just west of Cleveland,we have 10 inches of snow and it's still snowing! That's lake effect snow for you!
RE: Cane -- In the move, I forgot to write here what my friend ended up saying. SO sorry!
I am afraid to report that CBS decided not to continue with Cane but your friends could certainly write and beg for it to come back. they are keeping the entire cast on hold just incase they dont get something they like better now that the strike is done ... . but it does not look good.
That answer was just before the strike ended, so they may have made the decision by now.
Poor Eddie!
Hey -- I would be willing to send a light bulb if allt he other FNL fans here would. Why not? If we really like the show, it does mean we'd have to mobilize and do something simple like that. Is anyone else here willing to do that too?
Sure Sydney...I'd send the light bulb. I already wrote the network asking them to keep it on. Good clean show...etc.
Don't know if you heard about Sarah Silverman. She's the comedienne girlfriend of Jimmy Kimmel, the late night talk show host. For his b-day she sent him a video called I'm F*#King Matt Damon. I saw it on YouTube and it's really funny.
In reply, Jimmy has made his own video called I'm F&$king Ben Affleck. In the latter they got everyone from Brad Pitt (plays a Fed Ex Man) to Robin Williams & Don Cheadle, to Harrison Ford to make an appearance.
This link gives you both videos. Jimmy's is listed first and Sarah's is at the bottom.... you may want to watch hers first.
Morning all!
For those talking about snow I live in Texas and where I live it doesn't snow so with me it's like snow.... what's snow?Because we don't see that here. If it gets like 50 to 60 degrees we think thats cold to us. I don't think I would make it where there is so much snow and freezing temps.
H in Texas
Everyone keeps talking about the peanut challenge....but I was under the impression that Allison didn't know what she was allergic to but that she had stated it wasn't peanuts. Am I confused, did I miss something? I thought they did a bunch of tests to find out what it was because they had ruled out peanuts?'re right... it wasn't the peanuts. I'm not sure they've said yet what it was that caused Allison's reaction. She obviously has had this happen before tho because she knew what to ask for (the EP???? shot) and she knew it was coming on because she walked straight thru the door almost while in discussion with Sharon... Zoom...she was gone into the diary room asking for the shot.
Besides...wasn't the peanut challenge after the hospital incidents. So the peanuts outside certainly didn't trigger any of that side of it. I may be wrong, because they're so far ahead of the shows, who know when what happened.
H in TX...I know what you mean about the low temps in TX and the south. About 3 yrs ago,we were in Orlando and it turned "cold",in the 50's. I swear the Floridians were walking around in winter coats and we are going...hey we're from Ohio and this feels good to yesterday,it was in the mid-30's and snowing and not too bad,but today,the high will be about 17 AND it's windy,so the wind chill is about 0 degrees. It has been so windy this winter here,I am so ready to be in Texas or anywhere it's above 40!LOL BUT,I admire anybody that lives in MN or further up north of us.
The sequence of happenings in the house really does have a Back to the Future feel to it. Especially the tawdry middle one of the three movies.I didn't like that one where the future went to Hell in a hand basket.
I don't remember a peanut challenge. After their recovery (and thank goodness they both did recover and return to the game) I thought Amanda looked flushed with rosy cheeks and Alison was very pale. Or it was my TV. We recently had to buy a new one and I am seeing many more wrinkles in faces than I ever did before. (of course I can say the same for the mirrors in our house).
Early on in this season, I thought Sheila might be suffering from some kind of withdrawal or other medical reason (as others have noted) but listening to her now, I think it is just her personality to talk long and repeat things. Remember how many times she said 'he's not my type" about Adam. Was it all fantasy on her part about Alison dumping her after the vote? She obviously feels insecure about her lack of education...which is something we would not know if she didn't bring it up. None of them seem to have a level of higher learning. Did anyone see Amanda learning chess? Or was it Amanda? Hi Jackie, hope today is bright and sunny for you. Sue
I forgot to add about Alison's allergy. She said (or I read somewhere?) that she would be tested on Friday as they had to wait for her system to 'clear' of whatever it was. Sue
Well, Allison had to know she has an anaphylactic allergy -- in her own voice (even though they showed the DR door and put in the lines of Allison and the nurse across the screen) she asked for the epipen.
I speak from experience. I developed a fatal allergy to shellfish, carry TWO epi-pens everywhere I go as well as liquid benadryl and steroids, the things the ER would give me. It's so bad that there's no guarantee those things or the EMS workers could save my life. And the symptoms come on very fast -- you can be dead in 3 minutes if you don't get that epinephrin in you immediately. PPL can have no allergies to something, then it can come upon you as years pass. And once it becomes bad like this, it only gets worse. Allison had to know what she was allergic to to know to ask for an epi-pen.
Allison was kept longer than Amanda, as they need to watch you for many hours before they let you go. Once benadryl wears off -- about 8 hours -- the stuff in your system can re-activate and kill you then! You have to have someone sleep with you to make sure you get thru the night OK and you have to keep taking benadryl for 3 days -- the time it takes for your system to fully rid itself of something you are exposed to.
While mine used to not be fatal in my 20's, and I could eat in seafood restaurants but just not eat seafood, by age 32 I had my first real reaction like Allison's. By 36 I ate a nickle sized dumpling that had a teeny bit of shrimp (was hidden on the box label at the end of the ingredients) and had a nice little life after death experience. In the ER they said there's no reason I survived and next time I would not. So now I can't eat in any restaurants but vegan and veg or kosher (even though I do not follow any of those diciplines) as the possibility of the MOST minor cross contamination is deadly for me.
This condition is caused mostly by peanuts but also shellfish and bee stings... yet I have a friend who has it to beef!
While I just meant to write about Allison knowing she had something or she would not know to ask for the epi, I figured that many of you reading this probably have someone close to you who is sensitive and has no idea it can develop into something this bad. Or may have no idea and have it happen for the first time and not know what to do.
Don't wait. You can get an epi-pen script from any doc and go get one for $25 bucks.... just remember to replace them when they expire... but even an expired one is better than nothing in an emergency -- and call 911 without hesitation. PS: liquid (kids) Benadryl gets into the system faster than a capsule. OK, sorry if I bored the heck out of you. If it saves a life somewhere up the road, it will be worth having read about it.
Caroline -- Good point. The allergy comes on within 3-45 minutes of exposure to the allergen, (though you are only considered out of the woods if you don't react for 2 hours in less severe cases).
If last night's events weren't out of sequence, she was running, then they started the heavy breathing overlay, then showed her running right to the DR. It's have to be something she'd had right before running.
Also --running accelerates the allergen's effects.
I know she said it wasn't peanuts, but if it was anything from the challenge, she would have reacted within 45 minutes or less then, most likely.
Meb and Sydney: I read that about CANE but am still hoping for a miracle. Maybe a new show CBS tries to shove down our throats this fall will sink quickly and they'll remember CANE. Miracles do happen. Meanwhile, I'm writing my letter today.
Sydney, I've seen the "Kimmel Tapes" and they are hysterical.
Sydney, thanks for your allergen information. My niece is allergic to shrimp and her allergy didn't surface until her late teens. (Her face blew up just like Allison said hers did.) We took her to the ER where they administered the antidote and she has avoided shrimp ever since.
Jackie-With the Hudson River Virus message to the HG, what is the message to them? I am taking it as the writer strike is over?
Can you share your take on this message with us? Sorry for being a slow one.
Holey Moley! Just read this on Their article states: Adam Jaminski's "PR work" for a Florida-based Autism Foundation was apparently a three-month stint that ended even before he entered the BB house.
"While CBS has been billing Adam as a "Public Relations Mgr. for a charity group", United Autism Foundation founder, Olaf
Hampel claims the BB9 houseguest was only employed for 3 months and hasn't worked for them since January." the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported Saturday.
Hampel shut down the 9-month-old charity's Ft. Lauderdale office in Jan. and is "debating" whether to reopen it after the "negative publicity" that has resulted from the Feb. 13 episode in which Adam called people with autism, "retards".
In addition, Autism United president, Evelyn Ain, asked Atty. Gen. Bill MaCollum to launch an inquiry into the UNIAF's legitimacy as a non-profit organization.
"[The Atty. Gen. office will be] more than happy to review the information and allegations pertaining to Mr. Jasinski and his organization to determine what jurisdiction may apply," the office said in a beief statement, according to the Sun-Sentinel.
The S^^T is about to hit the fan! The article is long, but worth the read.
JMHO but I dont't think Sheila's actions have anything to do with menopause or pms (at her age she is NOT necessarily menopausal). She is just Sheila and she's got major issues, obviously. Not that others in the house don't, but she lashes out at everyone else extremely quickly.
Did anyone else think she was acting so "junior high" with her tirade about Allison not being her friend. Shhheeeeesh.
Again, JMHO, but knowing about an epi-pen didn't seem like any big deal to me. Allison is a pharmaceutical rep and is surrounded by medical knowledge. She may or may not have ever had a reaction before; when she was talking on BBAD, she claimed she had not. I had a reaction to a nut (filbert/hazelnut) once and I knew what was happening enough to yell for benadryl...just from my work knowledge. Lucky for me, it was a fairly minor reaction but you can be sure I avoid anything with that nut in it!
I watched that BBAD twice when I was staying at a friend's (I'm a throwback and don't have cable at home lol) and it was interesting after the hospital events but boring as anything otherwise. You all here and Jackie are the best part of the show!!
From Jokers:
Here’s what happened to some of those nearly 25 tons of peanuts fans sent to CBS to return "Jericho" – a few tons were used as part of the props in the Power of Veto competition Tuesday on "Big Brother."
Another article on realitytvworld says The Academy of Television and Sciences has unveiled a new category recognizing reality television hosts as reported by Daily Variety on Tuesday. It's already been tentatively approved pending a final vote at the board's next meeting in mid-March. "Organization insiders say it is "basically a done deal".
You had mentioned the Hudson River Virus- that was for the Jericho Fans (shows at 10pm Weds Night) right after BB9 - so this was a hint of what was coming on the Jericho episode.....Nothing to do with BB9 - (i don't believe)
Jen - Ohio
Sorry Jericho is Tues night at 10pm right after BB...
Jen Ohio
I didn't realize what Allison did for a living, which could absolutley be why she knew to ask for an epi. And I was feeling all Nancy Drew about it! If she said she'd never had that reaction before, which I didn't see on BBAD (prolly 'cuz I pretty much stopped watching it,lol), I figure she's got no reason to fudge about that.
And Gayle -- scary to see someone go through that isn't it!?!
Jen-thanks for the post.
Off topic...but I just heard today that Las Vegas is being cancelled and at this time there is no plan to tie up the loose ends left after the season finale. I remember in the past a few other posters discussing this show so I wanted to pass the news along. I'm completely devastated about this...Las Vegas is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. And I won't feel content until I know whether Delinda lost the baby or not. Here's hoping for some sort of 2hr finale ep or something to tie up loose ends.
I'm in North Royalton. We've got about 10-12 inches, and about 18 inches in the drifts. I am ready to move.
Erica from Ohio
Oh Sydney...I would never deny anyone's need to be Nancy Drew. LOL I LOVED reading those books when I was a kid!!!
Good move not watching BBAD. I watched it those two nights when I had cable acess (like a kid in a candy store lol) and the first night was after Amanda and Allison returned and were all making nicey nice. The next night it was so boring I turned it off.
I had noticed that Allison was a pharma rep early on so it made perfect sense to me when someone mentioned that she'd (stupidly)said she made more than 100K a year. Easily done as a pharma rep. She's a smart cookie, I think that's probably why she later told Sheila she's in financial debt. Could be true or could be she realized that saying you make a lot of money in the BB house can be the kiss of death (she doesn't need the money, blah blah).
Anyway, sorry...didn't mean to be a killjoy. I always enjoy your posts!
Sydney..Thanks for taking the time to write about allergic reactions. It was interesting and you told it well. I hope the medical people can find a cause for Allison's reaction and that we will get to hear the verdict. I still think Amanda's reaction was strange...but that might be because of the time between when it happened and when I saw the edited tapes. She hasn't seemed all that worried about taking care of her health. Even before she fainted, she was saying I 'just need sugar', but she wouldn't eat. Although, (here I am taking the opposite view of my own question!!) I know that fuzzy thinking can be part of needing help, so maybe that is it.
Sydney, yes it's like instant special effects in a horror movie! My sister was so nervous and worried about her daughter - afraid that she would be permanently disfigured and scarred, not only if she would survive. After the shot, she marvelled seeing her daughter return to normal! That memory has never completely faded for either of them.
They are now saying that Alex called Josh a faggot. So with Adams remark and now this one, I wonder if any of you ladies feel like I do. I resent being called a B**** and a c***, but I have never heard it brought up by any organization. I just wish someone would stand up for us. My question is, do you think they should be able to call us names and not be called on the carpet?
Good afternoon all!
My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you. You must be going through so much at this time of crisis. Hold on to your faith, your family and close friends to help carry you through.
Thanks to all who have shared info on how serious allergies can be for those who may not have known. I always keep Benadryl in the medicine cabinet just in case. I had a reaction to chili one time and my lips blew up. Ironically, it was the same chili recipe I've made for years. I never did figure out why I had the reaction but the Benadryl did help. I was fortunate that it wasn't as serious as Allison's with her throat swelling. I'm sure someone will post what caused it as soon as it's known.
OK, back to the show...we're lucky Jackie lets all this off topic discussion go on here. ;) I know some of the posters on the AOL boards wouldn't be so kind.
Sheila...what can I say? I think Sheila is just well...Sheila. She started ranting and raving the first night in the house. Granted she was insulted by anyone thinking that Adam was her soulmate but she managed to alienate almost everyone with her hysterics. She does remind me of that overly needy young girl in junior high who has to have just one BFF to count on and is possessive of that BFF being friends with anyone else. Guess Sheila never grew out of it.
CBS sure did a good job of editing so as to make this group appear almost normal in this last episode. I'm sure CBS needed to cover their butt and show how well they take care of the hamsters. Nonetheless, it was a serious situation that both girls went through. I think they all handled it well, especially James for reacting so quickly. I think it really shook them up a bit. It was odd that both incidents occurred simultaneously.
Anon 9:55 --
"It's like she's on HELIUM or whippets."
What are whippets? I wondered when we'd all get annoyed at Amanda's voice. Do you think she tries to put on that "little innocent girl" voice for effect? Sometimes when she's speaking it's not as pronounced.
And why don't the BOYS have to parade around half naked as well as the girls????
Well, that's because girls are better to look at naked. LOL But, I agree, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander."
I feel guilty telling you that it's78 degees here in sunny CA today. I'm sure the hamsters are sunbathing today. Be careful and stay safe to all those who are enduring the brutal winter storm.
Wonder if there's snow in Jackie's area?
Happy hump day!
Zoe -- I think I was the whippets/helium commenter -- it's basically the little canisters of stuff they put in whip cream cans to make it turn into whip cream and spray out. But you can tilt the nozzle just so and get only the stuff inside. I have forgotten -- someone remind me -- it either makes you a little high for 30 seconds or makes your voice sound like you inhaled helium.
When in doubt, google.
Here it is -- The huff of nitrous oxide (NO) left in a carefully managed can of Reddi Wip after all the cream is gone.
Whipped-cream-in-a-can is propelled by nitrous oxide. This usage is the source of the term "whippet". The term has come to refer to any little canister that'll give you a hit of NO.
Sydney, sorry to hear of your serious allergy and how you must avoid the restaurants the rest of us take for granted. My daughter had an allergic reaction in the middle of the night a few years back while she was 1500 miles or so away at college. It was the first time, and only time, and we don't know what caused it. Really unsettling, didn't know whether she should call an ambulance or not. Her throat was swelling. As I recall, I told her to take Benadryl and she waited until the next day to seek medical help. Scary. She then got an epipen, but I don't know whether she keeps it handy or whether it's expired now. I guess in retrospect, she should have called an ambulance. We were lucky but won't count on that again thanks to you sharing your story Sydney.
K in WI
P.S. I saw a bit of BBAD last night. Seemed like Allison was ruling the roost berating Alex for Amanda having been mean to her for 14 days. Anxious to see who is evicted tonight and wondering whether Allison is really calling the shots.
BB casting people must have a shopping list for hgs looks. I think Amanda was picked because of her voice (every season there is a Betty Booper in the group). And as far as clothes go, today one of the hg was speaking about the DR and said they told her what to wear and sometimes reject what she in don't wear a bra with that top. I wonder if they dress James, too, and told him to wear the wind shorts to the comp. I am curious if 'the plan' works tonight and to see who will be HOH. The TV listings all say 'a' guest is going home. Probably a misprint. Sue
OK I am confused, this is what I thought a whippet was. Whipped cream thingy!!! Oh my!!!
The Whippet is a breed of dog, specifically a member of the sighthound family. They are active and playful and are physically similar to a small greyhound. Their popularity has led to the reuse of the Whippet name on a large number of things, from cars to cookies.
3 minutes folks
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