Well, here we go! It's AWN (as Monica Bailey would say).
I'll be updating this post continuously throughout the show as it airs here in the NYC area. Please refresh the page for the latest and you know I want to read what you have to say about the new hamsters and happenings in the comments!
51 cameras, 74 microphones. They're basically telling the basics of the game ... and into the new twist -- BB is playing matchmaker. What will happen when soulmates become teammates?
Julie says they're all single and they're all looking for love. Doing the "getting the keys" bit, Natalie loves bikinis and God. Chelsia is indeed tats. Hey, I said TATS, it's Natalie who's the other word!
So far there's no news we don't already know. The "ladies" (I might be using that term loosely) are getting lined up to go into the house ... they're in! They've discovered the guinea pigs. The bedrooms are locked. Uh-oh, what's up? I can guess! Reading all the love quotes plaques, they know something is up. Uh-oh, Sharon's EX is in the house (well, not yet ... just the women are in the house right now). Jacob is Sharon's recent ex. He cheated on her and they broke up.
Jen's boyfriend is in the house and they're keeping that a secret. So, Jen and Ryan are NOT to be matched up in the house. They will keep their dirty little secret and play dirty, eh?
The men are in and both Jacob and Sharon are far from happy.
Sitting on the couch, it seems that they might be starting to realize they're all single. Matt seems to be the biggeest womanizer type of the guys. Amanda has good gaydar she thinks. Allison had a gambling problem. Sheila spoke up and told her age. Matt thinks he could show her a thing or two. Alex didn't tell them he owned his company, just that he worked there -- shades of Kail! Ack!
The reveal is coming as Julie talks to the HG. Expect the unexpected. Each one of you has a perfect match sitting in the living room right now. She tells them they'll be playing the game partnered with their new soulmates. They look like they're in shock. Jen and Ryan are very worried about the plans they made before the twist was revealed.
The pairs:
Alex and Amanda
James and Chelsia
Natalie and Matt
Jen and Parker (uh-oh)
Joshuah and Neil
Jacob and Sharon (uh-oh!!!)
All the beds are taken, it's to sleeping bags ...
Ryan and Allison
Sheila and Adam -- she's SO not happy! Sharon is really ticked she was matched with Jacob. Adam keeps calling Sheila Mom. He is the creepiest of the guys as far as I'm concerned. Adam is so annoying! Argh, he needs to go ... too bad as I think Sheila would be fine left to her own devices.
We're in commercial break right now, but I have to say I see some interesting possibilities going on this season!
It's the first HoH competition ... one couple will win the sole power to evict another couple in a matter of hours. Matt thinks everyone will target him. Sharon is disgusted with Adam. This comp is called Falling For You -- one is suspended in the air, the other in the honeymoon bed below. Lower the one, grasp each other, back up in the air. Last couple intact is the first Power Couple.
Sheila wants out of it, she lets go. They hate being together and both seem willing to go home. Neil and Joshuah are out. Amanda and Alex are out of the running. Sharon and Jacob are out ... half are gone. Now they're offering cash pillows as extra bonuses -- $10,000 if they get a pillow AND win the comp itself.
Jen has a pillow! Allison and Ryan are now out due to Allison going for the pillow. Chelsia has a pillow! Oops ... Chelsia's down. Parker and Jen win after telling Matt and Natalie they're safe.
Parker's thinking Ryan and Allison but we know Jen's working with Ryan and Parker doesn't know that.
They'll reveal the evicted couple tomorrow night. The feeds should start tonight after the west coast airs and I'll be letting you know what's happening.
What did you think of the show?
Love it how Juilie switches cameras mid sentence
Cool... they have the bedrooms locked, LOL!
Hg's seem excited, ouch wait until they realize they've been cupid as Julie put it.
Ooooh, looking exciting to me already. I feel a liitle bad for Sharon. Got a feeling, too, that the green monster may make an appearance between Jen and Ryan.
stupid cupid
how do i get an orange B and my name in blue
Jen and Ryan may be in for some rough times ahead. I can see him being a hothead. Oh Boy!
Jason -- create a blogger ID in the comment options
This was screaming too much of the X Factor Season, but Ryan and Jen may get split up.. and Jacob, buddy give it up, you cheated on her, if you thought she was the one you wouldn't of cheated...
Let the drinking begin...
Java is acting strange... need to let ole Dick go and get a new pic.. anyone else having issues with removing URL photo, and unable to put a new one?
Awww, Sheila has the first tears of BB9. Who woulda thunk it?
Hahaaaaa Adam and Shelia, She's stressing way too much..
Jeez, Sheila, chill! She acts like she has to marry him. Can't believe she's the mother of a sixteen year old.
Adam is a class A jerk. Sheila's not totally blameless (she wants what she wants) but Adam is out to bait her. Too bad, she seems cool.
The creepiness analysis with Adam reminds me of Zach in the early days of BB8. I never thought Zach was all that creepy, but their are similarities in looks. Adam has distinctive teeth!
Monty924 -- Distinctive teeth like a VAMPIRE!
Go Parker!
too bad for parker and the girl with ryan. They have no chance.
PS The couples are not "soul mates" they are just most compatible
I think Sheila over-reacted at first, but Adam creeps me out more every time he opens his mouth.
James totally smacked her in the face with his pillow
Sheila & Adam should definately get evicted.
I hope it's Sheila and Parker too.
I mean Sheila and Adam.....duh!
{{{Jackie}}}} Sooo happy to be back. Okay, so I missed the first ep. What's all the fuss about Adam's teeth? Are they filed to a vamp?
Oh no. What happened after the commercial i went to pee and it was over
I think you're right Jackie! Teeth like a vampire. Ewww. It will be pretty interesting watching the feeds tonight. They've been in the house for a few days so there's bound to be some pent up feelings about other couples/hg's. I say Sheila will fall on the sword and ask them to evict her and Adam. Couldn't blame her!
Has couple #1 already been evicted? we should know tonight on the feeds who's gone- I think
I just saw an ad... If they think that the "winter" season is enough to keep these people clothed, they've got another thing coming...
So far, I'm liking the new twists. This could be verrrrry interesting.
Hey, is this gonna be on SHO2? If so, I need to call my cable company and buy some java...
me too joy but i wish they didnt do this so soon. I dont really watch tv anymore (ever since the writers strike) and BB was my summer thang. you know
I read somewhere that the producers were planning to turn off the a/c, so they'd wear less clothing.
You didn't miss anything, Jason. We won't see who the "power couple" evicts until tomorrow night.
Well, I missed the boat to live blog but... I think that Shelia (the 45 year old) would be happy to go home Jackie but I don't think her partner would be. Shelia's reaction seemed so immature I thought,so this is how she can stand to be with all the 20 year olds... When she was crying in the diary room I was like, uh, there's a war going on, people are starving in the world, it could be MUCH worse, idiotess. Adam is no charmer either.
So, they have one couple ryan and Jen is it, who could pair up if there's a mid-show ability to switch couples, and there are supposedly 3 gay guys and one Bi, but they only paired 2 guys together, so if there's any attraction there's some possibilities there for switches -- I know this isn't survivor with Merges, but...
yeah, Jason - BB was a "summer thang". It feels weird to watch with no sunlight...
If the "Power Couple" evictions aren't live then SHO2 and the live feeds should tell people who can see them who was evicted. Too back Sheila got stuck with Adam; like her hate him (but then I've seen her pictures!).
PETALS!!!!!!! Hello.
Sydney -
"idiotess" - HA! I will so be using that word from now on!
Thanks :)
Syd - my a**hole husband divorced me a year ago, and I had re-locate from NJ to KCMO! Hence my absence from the blog last season... Oh well, no sense crying over spilt blood..er, I mean, spilt milk. haha
2 gays 1 bi? who's the third I know one of the ones paired up is bi. That would mean one gay guy is paired with a girl. I think it's the black guy...
My first impressions are that I love Chelsia, but she's matched with crazy James... ouch! I like the Amanda and Alex pairing. He was really into her when she said she could cook, lol. I think I like Jen and Parker together as a pair but Ryan isn't having that at all. Looks to be a great season.
Ms. P-- Say Whaaaa? You OK? What's in KC? Family? Job?
Isn't "bi" just code for "I'm gay but afraid to admit it"?
S - All are in KC. Always have been. Only ex in NJ. Oh well. How are you????
no petals bi means bi
Jason - no way. There has to be a preference in one direction or another, doesn't there?
Go to the live feeds people. They got rid of the blue swirl and we get to watch the guinea pigs this year! YAY! The music is still horrible and loud (some things never change) but at least we have something interesting to watch besides outdated, and used too many times, trivia.
What shall we call it this year? FOTH (Furry friends of the house). That's one two many f's. Hmmm... someone out there come up with something.
I think the couple was already evicted, so we'll see who's missing on the feeds.
Here we go again! Whoohoo!
From the bios of the houseguests and the "soulmates" twist it looks like were in for a wild ride. After reading your comments I can't wait to see Adams's teeth. LOL Nice teeth and a great smile are two of the requisites in my soulmate. ;) I'm curious how the producers predetermined who paired up with who? It was probably an extensive personal questionnaire. Is this season "BB9 Match.com" or a 2008 version of the "Dating Game"? I perused a little on the CBS site and of course found out the best looking guys were gay. LOL
Jackie...hope you've had lots of sleep lately. I know this show is enough to wear you out. I read your other post earlier and about fell over laughing when you took that photo of the skeleton in your orthopedic's office. Only you would think to do something like that while waiting. LOL Thanks for such great entertainment on your blog.
Impatiently waiting here in CA.
i loved the premiere! at first i thought that adam and sheila might be trying to even trick america and are actually a couple (because why would bb pair sheila up with such a young guy as a supposed soulmate?). but now i think it is just because they will have been evicted first so that's why they showed so much of them. still, it seemed strange to react so poorly to someone when you know you will be paired with them for 3 months. i think i am going to like james... he is unique from the others and he actually seems pretty nice thus far! so many of the other HGs are just the typical beautiful preppy partying girls and guys. there must be other secrets.... do you think that bb might be hiding a couple from us? or what else could the secrets be??
Tonight show was great. I'm happy that Jen won, I wanted her and Parker or Ryan and Ali to win...
Can't wait until tomorrow!
jackie...im so glad you are back!!!
in the first 10 minutes i thought i was going to hate this show. but these rules reallllly make it interesting and fun to watch.
nice job, CBS!
Only you would think to do something like that while waiting. LOL Thanks for such great entertainment on your blog.
Impatiently waiting here in CA.
2/12/2008 10:30 PM
Hi Zoetawny, I use to snap photos similar to Jackies, although lately I haven't found anything to photograph quite a well as Jackie, I enjoyed tonights show, I like Parker and Jen, Matt looks familiar, perhaps on another reality show? In tomorrows previews I noticed all the couples except, Shelia and Adam, however it could have been an editing glitch. LOL
well petals. I don't know. If a guy is capable of loving another guy and a guy is capable of loving a girl, why can't a guy be capable of loving either or.
Maybe Jen and Ryan should let their "soulmates" in on their secret and form an alliance that also is a secret. Four is better then two. I'ts all a numbers game.
I agree, I think Sheila freaked out way to much but the guy is a little freaky. I have a feeling they are on the way out.
Thanks for blogging Jackie. It's alot of fun to here your take on things and getting updates. Now I can sit at the computer and drink my coffee and read about something other than politics for awhile.
Oops, I meant "hear" (read) not "here".
Jason - without getting into a big right -v- left debate about it, I'll just say that most people tend to lean toward one direction over another. Are there any "bi" people over 30? Or do they grow up eventually and decide in one direction or another?
THAT'S SUCH A GOOD IDEA pickles. I've never thought of that
Oh yes, Petals, there are people over 30 that is bi.
Well Petals, eventually you have to choose. You can't date/ form a committed relationship with two people. Well you can but you know...Just because someone "chooses" to be with one sex does not mean that they are not attracted to the other. I know a bi male and he is open about it to himself and his girlfriend. Though I think he plans to spend the rest of my life with a woman who he is indeed attracted to and loves, he will also always also be attracted to men and to women (doesn't mean he will or would want to cheat on his girlfriend with either of the two). I guess we know different types of people
A friend of mine is 49 years old. He was married to a woman for 12 years and has two children. He has been divorced for 6 years and has been in relationships with women and with men since.
maybe your friends are just confused petals
I thought Sheila behaved like a child. Clearly she is quite vain. She evidently enjoys telling people her age so they will compliment her on how great she looks. But I don't get why they paired her with Adam...truly he was the worst of the lot so I can understand her dismay. Nevertheless, you're there...suck it up and make the best of it...maybe take a minute to get to know him. She was so rude. I hope they leave...lots of negative energy there. Who wants to be around them?
Matt - He's an only child whose father died when he was nine. He's close to his mother. He thinks he's the "ultimate competitor" and was on Couples' Fear Factor three years ago (losing).
I had to go back and re-read Matt's Bio, I knew I'd see him before on a reality show.
Hanging head in shame,, Adam lives in my town. He is a jerk.
I can already tell I'm gonna love this season. The couples twist should make things very interesting. I too thought Sheila went way overboard. I think Adam is creepy and wouldn't want to get stuck with him either, but no way would I have carried on like that about it. He only started getting nasty with her because she was so loud about her dissapointment in being matched with him. They keep showing her as a "former model", and she does look great for her age, but she's seriously lacking in the maturity department.
sheila went WAY overboard IMO
and is really just being rude about the whole thing.
Of course, that fact that she wont work with him....makes them a good couple to keep around for a bit...they will never win anything lol
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