Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Quickie Live Feeds Update

I apologize for being amongst the missing today. It was my day off and I slept practically all day. I blame the now ex-flu. It was the best sleep I've had in weeks!

I'll be live blogging the show tonight in a separate entry, but here's a quick rundown on some of the happenings since last night:
  • Allison and Sheila are friends again, although probably not lesbian lovers ever again.
  • Allison tried to reassure Amanda that she could be staying, but then told her not to bother trying to get Sheila's vote.
  • Amanda fussed about Alex not being nice to her.
  • Joshuah said Allison is like wallpaper, forgettable.
  • Both couples packed.
  • They got their drinking cups back.
  • They seem to think the vote will be 3-0 tonight for Alex and Amanda to be evicted.
  • The feeds have been blocked most of the afternoon. It sounds like we'll have a live vote (unless something has gone on during the last long feed block).

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