On that front -- my knee problems aren't in my head. They're definitely in my knee ... or what's left of it. The visit held no surprises for me. I knew I was bone on bone without the x-rays. He said although I'm a bit young for the surgery (good to know I'm young for some things!), my knee is beyond ready for it. All I need to do is plan the time frame (after BB9, but at least a few weeks before BB10) and give him six weeks warning. On a weird note, the knee replacement will most likely be done at the same hospital where serial killer nurse Charles Cullen did the last of his evil deeds. I'm making a note now to beware of evil nurses.
In today's TV Newsy Bits:
- Did you catch the Grammy Awards last night? How about Tina Turner? Wow, she still has it! Alas, the same can't be said for Jerry Lee Lewis. He was a friend of my mother decades ago and I was shocked at how he's aged. Yes, his voice is still the same, but he barely moved. Sigh. I haven't seen him in person since the '70s. But he's a very sweet and modest man despite his wild persona of days gone by. I also actually liked Amy Winehouse's performance, something I didn't expect. I like the tone of her voice but I wouldn't give her troubles to a monkey on a rock as Letterman says.
- 14 table settings, 14 picture frames on the Memory Wall of the Big Brother 9 house. 16 houseguests. Obviously two don't stay for the first dinner. They might be the lucky ones to escape!
- EW.com has a new thing going this year with Survivor Talk video bits. The newest video has Jonny Fairplay defending his quit ... er, voting off from Survivor. He thinks he's a "cerebral assassin." Yeah, right.
- The Big Brother 9 Gossip blog has the probable pairings for the houseguests in their "Til Death Do You Part" adventures. I mentioned previously that James had broken off an engagement with an older women (or she broke it off, not sure), so it's not surprising me that they set him up with Sheila, the only older woman in the house.
Jeremiah was a bullfrog
Was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him to drink his wine
And he always had some mighty fine wine
-- "Joy to the World" by Three Dog Night
Boy. I've been first on your posts a lot lately.
Love the skeleton pic. Some kind of omen for BB9?
The Eagles won a Grammy (untelevised) for Best Country Performance by a Duo or Group for "How Long", a track off their new Album. I was VERY happy to hear that. Those guys still got it.
Sounds like your knee news was pretty much what you expected. Hope your future surgery goes as perfectly as possible. How wonderful for all of us that you're timing it the way you are. Hope TV Squad appreciates you as much as we do.
Jonny Fairplay doesn't need fans. He thinks more of himself than anybody else does.
I predict the next song Jackie will add, will be from Blue October Haha ~ I love those guys they've come a long way, Great Updates.. BTW Jackie, I've had a bad right knee due to a auto accident many years ago, I've avoided knee surgery, although one day I know the day will come, I have the weather pains that generally comes with a injury.
love this pic jackie!! LOL
debi in calif
Oh my, this picture brings back nightmares from college Anatomy and Physiology! Eek!
I hope your upcoming surgery goes well. When it's time, it's time and you will have a brand new knee afterwards without the pain and aggrivation. I'll send you healing wishes and virtual hugs when you decide to have the surgery.
I thought the 14 frames on the memory wall was odd with 16 going in... it will be an interesting opening show tomorrow night [er.. tonight]. I just realized how late it was.
Off to bed with sweet BB9 dreams in my head, and I'm absolutely psyched about the first show.
See you all on the boards come Tuesday at 8:00 p.m.
I made this comment on the previous post....someone wrote a rude reply to joy n and used my blogger name.
The comment made at 11:29 was NOT me. I would not make a reply like that to someone on this site!! Any thoughts as to how to keep this from happening again???
Love the skeleton picture, I had knee surgery last September
Jackie...so sorry to hear about your knee..best advise I can give you is when you get to physical therapy you have to go hard at it and not whine it hurts! Pushing thru it gets ya on your feet faster. I was at PT and saw many who had had a knee replacement at about the same time and most worked hard with few complains, but one lady was far behind and whined and whined. Therapist told her, she would only improve if she did what she was told! IMAO
About the age thing...my neurosurgeon told me the same thing about my neck that I was too young for what happened to happen. I think we have to thank our genes and a foolish rough childhood!
Tina Turner is the one concert I would pay $1000 to see. That is if I could get tickets!!! She looked marvelous and how many at her age could wear that silver outfit and look hot?
Chenbot gave a tour of the BB house tis am. There are many quotes placed on the walls. Shakespeare, "The course of love never runs smooth" was one of em.
It was repeated it will be 80+ days. There are animals...guinea pigs...is that a hint? Wonder if there are Love Birds?
Nana...wow can you believe it...of course we know that you would not do that!!!
Oh Jackie, sorry to hear about the upcoming surgery...but I know it willbe a great relief to you when its done. Maybe then you can hang out with Roofus and jump from fire escape to fire escape?
I loved the 3 Dog Night Reference..thatis how my husband picked the name of our youngest....and I myuself went to a great concert of theirs in Compton....long ago....when I was a hot young thing...my boyfriend and I wore Afro wigs, mine blonde, his brown, caused quite a stir...ah yes, I was daring in those days...
Loved the TDN shout out! One of my favorite bands of all time.And,Joy,I was excited that The Eagles won their Grammy,I bought their new album and that was one of my favs from the CD. I think the Grammys pretty much suck nowdays and was not surprised to read this AM that they were so low in the ratings. I'm not surprised one bit. I have to disagree with Jackie on the Winehouse awards,I just don't get the fuss about her,don't care for her singing OR lifestyle.
Thank God that "Dance Wars" will be over next week! I predict that Bruno's team will win again and they will be four and four. I am just baffled by the picking of Phillip and Bradley to stay on these teams,both are huge no-talents and sing off key more than on. None of these kids are stars or stand outs. And somehow it makes me wonder why the two "coaches" are judging people on DWTS when they obviously have no taste. It's like fingers on a blackboard most of the time.
I also read that Cane will not be back and they will ramp up production of only the front runner shows,like Gray's,CSI and Betty and such. Lot's of "bubble" shows will not make it back.
The only good thing(if that can be) is we'll have you around a lot more,Jackie. You know we all wish you well and a speedy recovery.
From my understanding your thought, after rehab, on the surgery will be "why didn't I do this sooner?". My Mom had both knees done at the same time 4 years ago. She said yes there is pain but it is a healing pain. You know it will go away - not like before when it hurt all the time. So I wish you luck and do your exercises.
Jackie- IM so happy I bookmarked you this year during BB. I can't believe it this is going to be fun. Hate the days Sunday and Wednesday but BB will be a nice addition to the hum drum of re runs.
See you in the blog.
cnn.com has an interesting article on "When Are My Shows Coming Back". Seems each show will be judged on how long it takes to get in the can and each network will decide how far they want to go into the summer, whether they produce for 6-8 weeks from now or just wait till fall. New shows that might have been on in the fall were also affected. So that is why they may wait on some old shows and use them in the fall.
Seems LOST may be one of the lucky ones and be able to continue past the 8 shows in the can before the strike.
All us viewers can do is wait and see!
Nana in the NW: I wrote a comment for you on the previous post.
I'm hoping this "situation" doesn't happen again, but realize Jackie has no control over it, other than to delete after the fact. Also hoping it's not a sign of things to come with the new BB season. Last year, "some" of the anons were a real drag in re to BB8. I guess our best bet is to totally ignore the ignorarant statements altogether. Using others blog names to get their nasty points across is a new low and very chicken-s--t in my opinion. I know Jackie will do her best to remove that crap as soon as she is aware of it.
Meanwhile, I'm pretty familiar with the regulars style of writing their comments, and I believe I would have known the difference no matter what name they use.
On to BB9. Just a few more hours. I can't wait!
Nana in the NW, you're still my cyber buddy. If you hear anything new about CANE, let me know ASAP. I'll do the same.
Michael Ausiello at TVGuide.com has a comprehensive list that he`s been updating pretty much hourly as he gets information.
love the bones...great shot...looking forward to your BB9 blogs...
People.com is running an article about Aretha Franklin feeling she was dis-RESPECTed at the Grammy Awards show because...are you ready for this? When Beyonce announced her duet with Tina Turner, she referred to Tina Turner as "The Queen". Aretha says she (herself) doesn't know whose toes she stepped on or whose ego she bruised to get that snub from Beyonce, but she "forgives" her.
I may upset a person or two here, but....I loved Aretha in the 60's and 70's, and then she turned into such a diva (the bad kind) that I couldn't stand her anymore. Her singing sounds like she's screaming now and God forbid, she sings with anyone else, because her notes will be longer and louder.
Tina Turner, on the other hand, has shown nothing but class through the years. She takes good care of herself, sings great and has been respectful in every interview and every appearance I've ever seen her in.
Aretha should take note. You still have to earn respect and she seems to have forgotten how.
Right on, Beyonce!
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