James and Chelsia snuggle.
If you missed my really brief post in the middle of other things happening earlier -- Ryan nominated Chelsia and Sharon for eviction. He had earlier told Chelsia (without out saying who her fellow nom would be) that she was the pawn. That can be the kiss of death as we all know.
A bit off topic, but my Survivor review is up over on TV Squad.
Here are the happenings since the nominations went down in that Big Brother House of Vote Early, Vote Often:
A bit off topic, but my Survivor review is up over on TV Squad.
Here are the happenings since the nominations went down in that Big Brother House of Vote Early, Vote Often:
- Natalie told Joshuah she won't vote against Sharon. She said that Chelsia personally attacked her, so she'll vote to evict her.
- She also told Joshuah that Sheila wants Chelsia out, too. (Actually I think Sheila wants Adam out, but she doesn't have a choice.)
- Natalie and Joshuah think that Chelsia must be the target because "everyone likes Sharon."
- Joshuah is worried that it might be a plot to backdoor him if the POV is used.
- Adam wanted beer and the BB rules book from the storage room to figure out how many compete for POV, but the camera nodded "no" and he wasn't allowed in.
- Don't you love it when cameras not only watch you, but they interact?
- As Natalie and Joshuah were trashing Chelsia elsewhere, Chelsia worried -- "How do I know they're not out to get me?"
- Chelsia asked James if he won the POV, would he save her. He told her no because she has the votes to stay.
- Then he told her he would if she wanted him to use it on her.
- James said it would really bite if they voted her out.
- James and Chelsia snuggled. (See screen cap above.)
- Adam thinks Joshuah will vote however Ryan wants him to. I'm not so sure about that. Joshuah has more of a connection with Sharon in the house than he does with Ryan.
- James told Joshuah that Ryan wants Sharon gone. Joshuah is shocked.
These hampsters act like nasty little rats most of the time.
Loved your Survivor post on TV Squad, Jackie.
Oh yeah, I agree that Joel should have been kicked off the show for his abusive treatment of Chet. Glad that he, at least, had to leave anyway. Even before this comp, I thought Joel had a frightening demeanor about him. Not someone I'd want to know in the real world. He's a bully. I hate bullies.
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