Here are the happenings through the overnight from inside the Big Brother House:
- Sheila told Chelsia that James adores her and she's sure that he'd take her off the block if he wins POV.
- James told Chelsia he won't let her go home.
- Ryan told Chelsia that there's a 99% chance she won't go home. He's sure it will be like the 6-0 which sent out Allison -- everyone will vote to send Sharon home. I don't think Sharon is the slam dunk Allison was, do you?
- Natalie is ticked off at bad treatment by Matt. She said if she wins HOH she will put him on the block. (Give her a minute and I'm sure she'll be in love with him again.)
- Joshuah suggested to Natalie that he could approach Ryan with a two weeks safety deal to backdoor Matt. Natalie told him Ryan and Matt are close and it wouldn't work.
- They had a huge pool table for POV practice.
- As they all practiced, it looked like Adam and Chelsia were best at the huge pool.
- Shela and Joshuah think Adam had to be cast because he's crazy.
- A large contingent has been saying how Matt needs to go because he plays everyone.
- Sheila went to bed, barely practicing at all. She must love being alone in the Boat Room now.
- But she couldn't resist and eventually practices.
- Is Natalie that mad at Matt? Nope, she tells him everything everyone has been saying about him.
- Matt thinks he's the new Evel Dick. @@
- All are asleep as I post this.
I,too,think the boys will stick together and the girls should just keep their bags packed. I hate to say it,but women are so mean to other women and all you have to do is watch Natalie for 15 minutes to see how she flops from hating Matt,to loving him "forever" all over again.The only way the girls will have any shot,is for one of them to winHOH and then thin the herd of guys,starting with Matt and Adam,let's hope.I wouldn't really care which of them went home,to tell the truth.
Oh,and I have a health update. Something did show up on my CT scan and I have to have an ultrasound next Friday. Please keep me in your prayers,I need all I can get! Thank you all so much.
Just a quick FYI for anyone who's got DirectTV....
This weekend you will get allthe Showtime channels for FREE. Yes that means if you don't have the feeds, and you feel like staying up late you too can watch the hamsters live.
Hold positive thoughts! You are in my prayers.
Sorry to hear that Sharon. You are in our prayers. Stay positive. I know that's hard to do in a situation like this, but it's so important that you keep yourself built up. Get some joke books or tapes and read/watch them. Laughter is like a medicine! Laugh at these hamsters...they're truly funny.
I don't think (BB's) Sharon is a slam dunk for eviction. She has a lot of people in the house who like her. I just hope a male goes home this week and I don't particularly care who it is...just narrow the #'s of male to female. Especially since Alex will probably be coming back into the house. Another male.
Have the sex orgies stopped during Show2? Just wondering if I should take another look. Haven't been watching them for a while now.
Dear Sharon! I'm so glad you thought to let us know. I think meb had great advice. You're strong, been through a lot and have come out the other side before. I have every confidence you will again. The best thing is that you're getting into it and seeing what it is. Taking care of yourself that way can make all the difference. SO many people just don't check themselves or follow up fast enough. You did both. I'm holding you in love and light, Sharon.
meb, I haven't watched for a long time now but I do think there's been not much like that in about a week. You may be safe to peek in again and see. You can alway turn it off. At least now the numbers are lower and they know each other better so strategy is more the topic, which is half of why we like watching.
Thanks Sydney...think I will take another look. I had been taping it, but stopped, so guess I need to reschedule my Tivo. I guess now that they are not sharing the same beds they have more time to think about other things... like game strategy perhaps.
Sharon-I will keep you in my thought and prayers.
I had a similar situation in October 2006. I ended up with breast cancer. I caught it in the early stages, so today I am healthy and feeling great. Just stay on top of things at all times. You know your body better than anyone and when things seem right or not. I lost 13 lbs just worrying about things. Oh,the 13 lbs found their way back to me.
Meb-great advice to Sharon about laughter being the best medicine. There is a lot of truth to that. Keep your positive friends close and they will see you through things. Just remember no matter what you hear, no two people are the same, so don't let any negitive news your told pull you down. Keep your chin up! I wish for nothing but get results for you Sharon. Good Luck and keep us posted.
Sharon-my post should have read "great" results not get.
Blessings to you! Will keep you in my prayers.
So many things to comment about....
Most important, Sharon...
thank you for the medical update. You know we are all thinking about you and await any news you have(hopefully the next will be nothing serious or at least a plan of action to resolve the problem.) Take the advice everyone here has offered and get plenty of rest. You may need to be strong for the next step.
AI--good choices on eviction except Aiash. I'm glad they are finally down to 12. Girls-WATCH OUT!! And what's with Paula? Is she on some sort of medication?? When even Simon is laughing at her you know it's bad!
Survivor--Karma is a bitch!!I'm glad Joel is gone-he creeped me out! If I needed rescued I would be scared if he showed up!! I can just hear him:
I'm dangling out a window with flames around me...
Joel shows up, looks at me and says,"Look at her, she's fat, she's a blob. Just drop!! Your a big ball of fat,,you'll bounce! Besides, I don't care!! LOL
Seriously, streatigically it was a good move but it the challenges are physical
they are in trouble. That tribe needs to get rid of Cirie because SHE is the one controlling them(didn't she do that last time, too?)
BB-- Sounds like J/C have remained a couple, although James is trying to play the boys club, too.
I don't think it's a slam dunk for Sharon to be evicted. She seems to have Sheila, Nat. and Josh on her side. meb--not to be too graphic but I think most of the after dark action has stopped because the girls have all had their peroids and been cranky. Glad to read that they have finally started playing the game! Can't wait for someone to return.
Remember everyone--change your clocks this weekend!!
Sharon, I will keep you in my prayers. Stay positive and have faith and hope. Faith and hope and my religion keeps me going.
A week to wait, Sharon. Those times between tests can be the most stressful of our lives.
BB: I don't think James plays by any rules except those of his own making, so I don't know how he feels about Chelsia as a person. But, they have told each other (and both lie, remember) that they are still together but telling others they are not. That accounts for some of James making a point to nominate her...since it is good PR for their not being a target as a couple. On the other hand, he seemed extremely concerned that he had already filled her in on some of his secrets and his game plan when she was his partner and I am sure he would be more confident not thinking she was around to spill his beans. If she goes or if she stays....James will still be in the house.
Even though, for whatever reason, BB is keeping their alone time more private than they do with most couples, they were making bed springs squeak night before last. One of the live feed boards discussed it. James has said he doesn't like Adam because he is a floater. I think for the most part James has gone out of his way to vote with the house majority and keep himself clean as to evictions. As long as he feels safe, then what difference does it make who goes, may be his game plan. He will vote to win when it comes down to it, though. imo.
I'll be thinking about you Sharon. Keep us posted.
Frankly, I wouldn't mind seeing those girls get picked off one by one. None of them seem to be playing the game at all. At least the guys are playing and trying to strategize. As much as I don't agree with Matt's game play at least he is playing the game. The only game the girls are playing is "let's see who can talk about the others the most" and "let's see who can wear the most revealing clothes". They should be on ANTM if that's the game they want to play!
I guess if it comes down to either Chelsia or Sharon, I would rather see Chelsia go. I think Sharon does have at least a little game play ability. If I could have my pick of anyone to go, it would be Natalie. I get embarrassed for her (since she's too dense to be embarrasssed for herself) the way she behaves toward Matt. I just hate to see a woman begging for a man's attention. If he doesn't want you, let him go.
Sharon, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope it turns out to be something minor. Good luck.
Holding positive thoughts and prayers for you. With faith and support from your family and friends you will get through this.
We all care for each other here so know that you have our prayers.
Just popping in on lunch break to read and get my BB fix. When will we know who is voted back into the house?
Thanks for giving up so much of your time to keep us posted. So many shows and so little time and yet you still ROCK!
Have a good weekend all!
Sharon - My thoughts and prayers will be with you. Hang in there.
As so many have already said, stay positive and you will definitely be in my prayers. monty
Sue -- Very interesting stuff you bring up about James. I hadn't put that all together so thanks. And squeaky springs! Didn't know that!!!
ORkmommy, don't you think at least Sharon has been strategizing? I think she had true safety with Josh and she often tried to keep a bit of a rein on him when they were HOH...
Sharon, I want to add my prayers along with the others. Hope the next results are totally positive.
Patty, I know you must count your blessings every day.
Wonderful advice, Meb.
Thanks to you all. You can't imagine how much it helps.The waiting is the hardest thing and I have to start getting some sleep,I read until 4 AM this morning.
I know the girls don't seem to be into the game like the guys,though I think Sharon and Chelsia have the most game.Natalie may have a good heart,but no brain and I don't know what is Sheila's problem. Maybe it was having to sleep with Adam up until now(that might do it for me!!).
We are getting pounded with snow and expect 12-20 inches by the time this lets up tomorrow night.I'm making soup and snuggling up with my books and my GS Thin Mints. Stay safe everybody.
Sounds like a great plan to me, Sharon!
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