I'm awaiting my more extensive report to go up on TV Squad, but I'm not sure when it might show, so I thought I'd do a brief update here for now.
The vote change, then re-change, and change again is still on. Even if Ryan and James vote to keep Joshuah, Natalie will vote to keep Sharon in a tie-breaker.
The biggest new news is that BB has been doing odd things in the house -- faces in the windows, a fake rat in the icebox. The HG think they're doing it for footage for the April Fool's Day show.
Natalie had another premonition -- James will leave April 9. I guess she's finished with 7s and 8s.
I was laughing at your post and your excuse to leave the wedding early to turn your lights off. I missed reading up on turning your lights off to bring awareness of global warming. I do understand your not wanting to attend your neice's wedding. If I could of eloped I would of. I hadn't seen any of my relatives since I was in high school. I got married at 33, and my Dad has 8 Aunts and Uncles, and endless cousins. So many of them walked up to me and said "do you remember me??!" I'm like, HUH--I invited you! I've been to some pretty tacky weddings, relatives and and otherwise, thus I avoid them because I roll my eyes through the whole thing. An upcoming wedding (my husband's side) is a cousin of his where she has alientated her entire family and opted to get married in Hawaii, and have the reception on the Texas/Oklahoma border on someone's lake proptery-- in Hawaiian retire! I think not. I'm not going to some out door reception in the middle of July in Texas. Plus the groom's side of the family is all from Oklahoma which you know what that means. I need to find some tacky UT Hawaiian shirt. Time to make a trip to the ole alma mater co-op. Think they would appreciate a BEVO stuffed animal? The bride went to A&M.
And now back to BB...
Joy, I missed Sharon telling Josh--about her and Matt---someone send a plane and tell him to rat her out!!! For someone who needs to be attached to the boys, I can't believe Natalie is siding with the girls
Back to global warming awareness-- Google turned their lights off on their page.
I have not laughed in days, I just saw the pranks BB played on Josh. I lauged outloud... here is the site:
Scroll down to: The Pranks Continue - BB Got Josh BAD
Watch the 2 You Tube clips. A Phantom showed up in the mirror in the bathroom as Josh got out of the shower, and then he, Adam and Natalie were in the kitchen and they did it again. Josh and Adam screamed their heads off.
plaidchick, I think Josh did tell Natalie about Matt...or maybe he said he knew it was true about Chelsia. I remember because Nat said if Matty is 'that kind of guy' then she isn't interested in him. I thought, wow, great, and then the next minute she was back to the regular Nat hearts Matt talk. She has said things like that several times. Most people's hearts go thump thump thump, Nat's goes flip flop.
She and Sheila spent some time one evening recently talking about how Sheila had a brother who needs to get married and the conversation was odd, to say the least. Sheila was describing his house and kids and Natalie was saying, Oh yeah, I'm okay with that. Like she was scheduled to move in next week. But then, Nat may have just tuned Sheila out and didn't hear what she was saying.
So, I think she has been told about Matt and other women, but am not sure she knows about it...
In looking around for some video of today's tricks I came across a video of the night of the hot tub antics and other things that happened that night. OMG ... I had to stop watching but Nat and Chelsea were not enemies that night. In fact, they were in tandem pretending to perform sex acts for each other and for others. It was pretty scary stuff. I'm not so sure anybody's parents are going to be happy to see them come home. Jackie you were right weeks ago when you said they should go into the Witless Protection Program!
I know this is probably old news but it was new to me to actually see this stuff. I feel like I need to bathe my laptop now.
Plaidchick, what is it with destination weddings anyway? Do people not want friends and family attending? And do they not want wedding gifts? Who has that kind of money? *scratching head*
Catching up from the other post....Sydney...so glad you are back. We missed you terribly and hope things went as well as they could. You've been on our minds and in our hearts. ((((Hugs)))
TV has been the pits these last two nights. Thank goodness for Netflix and I still have "Atonement" and "Dan in Real Life" that I bought and haven't watched. I rented "Waitress" and I thought it was really good. Also watched "Gone Baby Gone" and was so impressed that Ben Affleck directed it. I thought it was very,very good but then I loved "Jersey Girl" too!
Jackie, I burst out laughing at your final comment, "Guess she's finished with the 7's and 8's."
I think Josh won't tell Nat. about Sharon/Matt because he knows she will not let Sharon get evicted. Nat. couldn't stand the thought of her Mattie in sequester with Chel. AND Sharon!!
The pranks in the house will help lighten things up, but I wouldn't be sleeping tonight. It would be funny for some pranks to be done to the boys!! Looks like it could be a fun night for the live feeds.
Sheila is living proof that a person can talk 24/7 and not lose their voice.
Tom s' and plaidchick--love the wedding stories. I guess every family has one of those relatives. Tom s' maybe your Bull has a ladyfriend on a neighboring farm???
I love the reference to Jackie's site being like a coffee shop. Maybe we should name this place:
Jackie's Java Joint
And let's decorate it with Lava Lamps, Peace signs, and strings of beads! LOL
Can a 50 something, chubby, gray-haired, grandma still hang out in a hippie-ish coffee house?
Nana, you bet we can still hangout in a hip coffee shop!
We have stories to tell, right?
plaidchick...thanks for the link... the one with Josh just out of the shower was a real LOL one.
Laurie, it's funny you mentioned finding older BB videos because I finally looked at Gnat's stripping videos today on YouTube and was very surprised at what she was doing to and with the guys and Chelsia. She should be ashamed to call herself "one of the good people" and a Christian. She hardly knew these people.
Joy n ... Yes, she has no room to be casting aspersions on anyone else or to be talking about Chelsea the way she has. Me thinks she has a very short memory!
Don't know where you are located, but the Ford dealership in Marble Falls (TX) had some of those UT Hawaiian shirts last time I was there. Go 'Horns! The final four will be in our backyard (San Antonio) and I am hoping Texas is there, but I STILL don't like March Madness cancelling my shows!
poor idiotic houseguests,voting James back in, they need to backdoor him, he's clearly this season's ED and i don't like him but he is playing the best game so far
Thanks for the updates Jackie, I observe shabbos so i take a 24 hour hiatus from my computer and when I came back to the blog tonight, I had lots of good reading material and I appreciated the warning to go backwards so it would make sense.
Jackie's latest feeds report is up on TVSquad.
Jackie, your write-up is up now on TV Squad. I had to laugh at your mention of the end of 7's and 8's on this post and comment on your TVS comments.
"Sheila now believes in Natalie's premonitions. After all, she was right about Evel Dick and James. It could be a sign"! (Jackie)
Sheila was whole heartedly going with Natalie today on the NEW THEORY of 'nines'. James has 9 lives, he's done almost 9 things in here and should be leaving week 9 or on the 9th, LOL! Sheila has caught Natalie's numbers paranoia.
Love it! :)
p.s. BTW, another excellent write-up
OK guys, if you haven't already seen it go to YouTube and watch the pranks on Josh. They are some of the funniest videos!! ROTFL. I also got a good laugh of James/Nat. doing commentary of Adam/Ryans workout.
I loved seeing James walking around in Chel. red robe!
I can go to bed knowing everyone is getting along in the house tonight....I'm sure tomorrow will bring another drama.
The boys, all of them are TP'ing Sheila's bed/bedroom, lol! I'm sorry, but I think the pranks are funny. I can't wait to watch the reaction in the morning, in case I miss it tonight/er also morning.
Nana in the NW: Once a hippie always a hippie.
Laurie said...
Plaidchick, what is it with destination weddings anyway? Do people not want friends and family attending? And do they not want wedding gifts? Who has that kind of money? *scratching head*
The thing with my husband's cousin is that she is spoiled rotten. Her grandmother AND great-grandmother are still alive and won't be travelling to Hawaii to witness the wedding. I absolutely adore those woman and they were at my wedding and wedding shower. I would of done anything to have both sets of my grandparents at my wedding, but unfortunately they were only there in spirit. So basically it's a vacation for the bride and groom, and her parents. AND her mother has the odasity to ask my husband in front of me no less if he thought our wedding was high maintance. Give me a break!!
It's going to be a fight to the finish I think in tomorrow's game. I'll be wearing my Orange. I live in Dallas.
Sue: I think gnat is looking for anything to cling onto. I'm sure she'll see the show, and still think it was just Matt's game playing and he'll want her outside the house.
Good morning to all, Thanks Jackie, Natalie is going to drive herself into a waffle..Why a waffle, I thought it sounded it good.
Sharon, I read Gone Baby Gone and was happily waiting for the movie. I liked it, too. That doesn't always happen with books to movies for me. And wasn't young Affleck a cutie.
I loved Waitress...the loser husband honking his car horn made me laugh every time...because in real life I would not have been laughing. That would have driven me as crazy as listening to Sheila repeat herself. But, the honking showed the character and his self centered nature so well, it added a good touch. I liked Felicity, so have been a Keri Russell fan for a long time.
I just googled Julie Chen. I know it sounds as dirty as the hot tub scenes. But, I was looking for her age. I had no idea how old she is, and with the guys in the house insulting Sheila's age, I was thinking that meeting Julie might not be too pleasant for them. In other words I was thinking Julie might be in her 40s. No, wiki says she was born in 1970.
The TPing of Sheila's room reminded me of a past BB. Remember when TP was rationed and one of the men hgs used it to clean the toilet and the house ran out of TP and a woman hg was blamed for it? Very simple days back then. Mentioning bathroom products seemed kind of risky for network tv.
With Natalie, I think actions might speak louder than words. She is capable of doing any thing, and that is how she has kept us all guessing who she wants out this week. She is giving the guys hints on pranks (I was sending her a physic message to put shoes on the kitchen counter), I guess Nat heard me because she told the guys to do that and then comforted Sheila about those bad boys. Nat the Cameleon is as much an operator as James.
When James wears Chelsia's robe with the hood up, I keep thinking of a prize fighter about to enter the ring...and that image fits him.
Sure the pranks are funny now, but wait until one of them shoots their eye out.
Read that with the right Mommy tone, please. I think, except for the flour, Sheila has been doing pretty well with the funnies....She does live with a 16 year old boy, so maybe having younguns makin mischief isn't new to her. I just don't want to listen to her retell it all!
Ryan and Adam both have pasts and talked about them last night.Also, I had the sound on, but no picture when someone in the group asked if anyone had 'dog fights' at their parties. Whoa...I didn't know who said it, did anyone else here it?
Yikes I'm older than Julie Chen..
OK Zoetawny... guess it's time for a graphic with 7's, 8's, 9's, etc. At least Natalie has gotten better at counting, as long as she doesn't have to go up to 27.
I could handle a girl alliance, cause as much as I would rather James win it all, he won't, no matter who he would go up against in the finale' vote.
As to the girls, assuming that since Sheila hasn't won anything yet, she would be knocked out at the finale 3 and then it would come down to Sharon and Natalie. Either way, 500,000 or 250,000, it would still be a great win for either of them.
So, now that I have finished the game, let's bring on BB10.
Me too,meb,I'm ready to write this one off and move on to BB10. And I'm really hoping that Grodner loses her job and they restore some sanity to the house.
I so agree that James has no chance of winning this game,so,I guess an all girl end would be novel and okay. I also agree that Sheila will be the first out,cause she stinks at everything and thinks if she complains or talks long enough,good things will come her way?? We know Gnat has the will to stay the course and,God knows,she could use that money and get her some serious,and much needed, therapy.
And,yes,Sue,I was surprised at Casey Affleck's performance. The whole film surprised me and it was sad to know what happened to the author and director.She was so good in the film.
Jennasmom: I'm with you, make the wedding accessible for the family and friends ... then take the trip for the honeymoon. Those grammas won't be around forever.
Back to BB9, I'm shocked that Julie Chen was born in 1970. I wonder if she knows the expression 'rode hard and put away wet'? Bad, bad me!
Sydney, welcome back. I'm a little late but just as sincere, we missed your presence here at the bar/coffee shop.
Wow, I was only gone since Friday night and had SO much to catch up on. I have to say, I'm one of the few, it seems, who's disappointed that James won POV. On the other hand, I've thought for weeks that James is the perfect example of the need to use the true back door plan. Nowadays, they call it "backdooring" any time they have to put up a replacement nominee, which isn't how the back door idea started. James (like his namesake before him) seems to win POV every time he needs it. That's why you PLAN to back door someone like him. Oh, these young'uns, they just don't know LOL.
I have come to dislike James the more I see him. Seeing him get in Sheila's face the way he did really cemented it for me. I acutally kind of liked him in the beginning. I know Sheila would drive anyone nuts (myself included) with the constant talking and the warped, self-centered view she promotes but James was frighteningly angry and really, really lost it. Yes, Sheila could have shut up at this point but why blame her for his lack of control? I'm not a fan of blaming the victim. Hey, HG's get rid of Sheila if you're sick of that voice making your eardrums bleed.
I'm thinking Natalie was never really serious about the new alliance and that it wasn't that she couldn't keep her mouth shut but really had no intention of an alliance with James anyway. JMO and I most certainly could be very wrong. My brain hurts trying to figure all this out.
Laurie said: I know this is probably old news but it was new to me to actually see this stuff. I feel like I need to bathe my laptop now.
ROFL!! Your poor laptop and I know how you feel Truly gave me a good laugh, thank you!
Thanks, Jackie, for following all this back and forth and distilling it so it's more understandable and very much more enjoyable!!
Sasha, my opinion is so opposite of yours. Sheila LIKES to think of herself as the victim and tries her hardest to make everyone else believe it. She was in James face, backtracking, twisting facts and outright lying to him in that argument. If she succeeded in getting a rise out of him, (which she did) it took the spotlight off her when James was screaming the truth for all to hear. Then, of course, she immediately runs back to the others with more lies, more poison, exaggerations and and whatever else she can come up with (she's scared of him [no, she wasn't] he was frothing at the mouth [no, he wasn't] to deflect away from herself. That's her gameplay. Lie to everyone, backstab all, promise anyone anything, brag about HAVING to win the next everything and then make excuses for failing, lie, backstab, some more, twist everyone's words around. She hangs onto whomever's coattails she has to in order to stay in the game. She's a manipulator, a liar and a user. I think she dislikes everyone in the house, including Gnat. She has some serious mental problems and she loves to dish it out but can't take the heat when it comes back at her. Yes, I know she's still there, but she's only there because Gnat needs her vote. I hope someone in that nuthouse figures out soon that she has to go. I'm sooo tired of her self-induced pity parties.
All that drama from Jen, Allison, Chelsia and even Matt and Parker. They're gone and the drama remains. Don't they see where the majority of it has come from?
I hope the girls alliance falls apart. Other than Sharon, who is probably leaving this week, I would hate to see the other two win a dime.
At least James has a real game plan and wins comps when he has to.
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