I took these screen caps of the hamsters in the yard last night. In the second one they were trying to signal for help from a helicopter which kept flying overhead. The helicopter flew away and the BB9 Seven remain on the island.
If you haven't read the previous entry, scroll back to read it before this one. Here's the latest from the overnight hours:
- Sheila says everyone hates her because she's so honest. @@
- Joshuah told Natalie that Adam told him he will give him his vote because James is voting for him to stay. He said Adam said he'd work on Ryan to get him to vote for him, too. (Adam is clueless of the most recent conspiring in the house.)
- Adam is worried about Sharon putting him on the block if she wins HOH.
- With Sheila, Josh was still talking as if he's going out unanimously (or near it) on Wednesday.
- Sharon said she'd do whatever it takes to stay in the game.
- Sharon talked to Natalie. She bad-mouthed Ryan to her. Now, Ryan has been telling Natalie that Sharon is the mole. How will Natalie react?
- Why, Natalie tells Sharon that Ryan, James, and Joshuah are trying to send her (Sharon) home this week! Loose lips sink ships!
- Natalie tells Sharon she wants to stick to her original plan and get rid of the boys.
- Sharon warned Natalie that James tells Joshuah everything which is said to him.
- The Girls Alliance is in full swing -- Natalie, Sharon, and Sheila.
- Ryan and Adam talked -- Ryan wants to make sure that Sharon will put up James if she gets HOH. They plan to use their voting power to get her to do what they want.
- James is still adamant that he'll be giving Joshuah a sympathy vote.
- Natalie told Adam she has to vote out Joshuah because he poured pickle juice all over her.
- Lots of small talk, sex talk and plans of pranks on each other.
- Joshuah scared Sheila by jumping out at her and laughter ensued.
ALot has happened in the house of
evil-doers or the doers of evil!
These little gremlins are feeling the wrath of James. I wish they had gotten him out a long time ago. I watched him "foam at the mouth" on youtube.com yesterday, the way he spoke to Sheila, calling her the "C" word was pitiful. They are all trying to copy ED from last season, but it does not work! It worked for Dick but they are not ED, hang it up and shut up and LEARN how to talk to woman! And the men dont stick up for any of the girls, as far as I am concerned they are cowards as well.
Oh man,where are the seasick pills when you need them!This group changes their mind on the hour.And I KNEW that Gnat could never keep her mouth shut about any plan,any time.
Just have to say,Jackie,that the "mystery meat" pix and comment made me want to hurl my breakfast that I had just eaten. YUCK!!!!
Welcome back, Sydney. Hang in there. You've been in all of our thoughts.
I guess I'll take the opportunity of the early entry to say I am back as of late last night. Still have a lot to process.... and seems like I've missed a month on the show! Haven't read back but see Nat of all people is HOH and James has won POV again (yay...it would not be as fun to watch those who are left). How is Nat hanging in there? And what if she wins the whole thing? I actually think she probably could use the money most of all of them.
Even though I was without a computer for most of the week, I was able to see just how many people responded to me here when I wrote about the sudden passing of my Dad. In addition, I got a few personal e-mails from Jackie's bloggers and an e-card too. I'm struggling to express how much it touched me that there would be that kind of outpouring... I was flabbergasted by how many of you wrote. It really made me realize something.... and I think I may not be alone in this. In a way, I heard from as many of you as I did from the people in my non-cyber life.
And why not, I guess? We all do "see" each other every day, sometimes several times a day, and have done so for a long time (2 + years for me). That's more than I manage to talk to my best friends or family!
In the morning I do picture you all at your respective homes, desks, kitchen tables, or wherever your computer is... I know some have coffee, others do not. Maybe some are in PJ's, some in jeans, some in work clothes, some with wet hair from the shower, lol. While Jackie can be up typing for us at all hours, many of us have gotten up in the last week of BB or because they couldn't sleep and checked in at 2AM or 4 AM...and often one of us has just posted or is reading too, so there's a sense that you have company even in the middle of the night.
Through the timing of posts, and comments about other shows, or activities and other news that slip in, I've come to have an idea of people's rhythms, likes and dislikes, who has kids, grandkids or no kids, where people live, what their weather is like, how they celebrate holidays, who has what pets,who's got a birthday and how they're spending it.
Over time, many have suffered losses or struggled with their health and have confided in us here. In turn, others have reached out with good advice, kind words, or share about their own experience in order to offer comfort and support. I now can join in to tell you how much your effort means.
By now I can identify some of your "voices" based on how you write and what you say, even how you type and I bet you can do the same. Whether it's Ms, Jackie herself (well, I have actually HAVE hung out with you in person, lucky me!), daily posters, self-titled lurkers or anons, I just wanted to say thank you for being here.
Jackie's blog not just a TV review blog, or a place to see great pictures, or adopt feral cats... it's is the local pub, the neighborhood coffee shop, the town meeting hall, and sometimes, the waiting room.
Sending all the love you sent my way back, in spades,
That's what friends are for -- even cyber friends! You are in our prayers..
Welcome home, Ms. Sydney!
You were missed.
Sydney, that post was beautiful! You hit it spot on when you said this is the local pub/coffee shop. I have never posted anything anywhere else but feel comfortable here. Thank you for expressing it so well!------and we are there for you! It's a tough loss!
Jackie, thank you again for providing our meeting place!
Sydney, I am just reading your post from today. I am sorry to read that your father recently passed away. I would like to offer my condolences and prayers as well. Take care.
Sydney....God bless you and everyone who loved your dad.May happy memories sustain you, with heartfelt sympathy!
Thanks Jackie, my niece is getting married today, I'm hiding from relatives - Hahaha - They have all placed bets, how long before it actually takes me until I arrive at the wedding site.. I need an excuse, I'm scared of weddings, even if its for my niece..I can arrive to reception, alright that's it, I'll say; ( on my drive there I have a Ranch ) I'll state; one of my Bulls escaped; I had to go fetch it.. That's it..
Good to see you Sydney..
Oh Sydney.. so glad you're back. We missed you a lot! Love your post... you, like Jackie, have a way with expressing yourself to the enjoyment of others.
Again welcome back! Now go read some of the stuff you missed. There's lots out there...probably a lot of the same ole' same ole', but fun stuff anyway.
Jackie... I am so confused. Is there a girl alliance or isn't there. Is Natalie more clever than I give her credit for. She totally confuses me, which is what she's probably doing in the house.
Thanks for keeping us up to date.
Looks to me like Natalie is running the whole show. She's got deals everywhere and she's got everyone believing what she needs them to believe to keep herself safe for a couple of weeks.
Josh and Ryan should have waited to push the "keep Josh" flip. There's just too much time left before eviction for that to stay a secret or work out for Josh.
I don't see Nat as a flip flopper. She's pretty much stayed true to what she wanted to do and when things didn't work out, she has tried to adapt. She listens to everyone and makes people feel comfortable with her. She's way smarter than anyone is giving her credit for.
Welcome back, Syndey. You were missed and I know many of us were with you in spirit. Give yourself time to heal and know that this space is always here ... for all of us.
I know it's shocking to find out that Gnat is HOH. It's not so shocking to know that she still can't keep her mouth shut (heh heh heh) and is playing all angles. I can't decide if she's DUM or clever. Only time will tell!
Good to have you "home"...
Sydney, Your letter is beautifully written. Connection is what life is all about and we don't have to see people to connect to them and finding people who will listen is the toughest part of all in finding friends. Thanks for your heartfelt sentiments. I agree with them all.
I watched Jane Austen Book Club yesterday. I liked it. It, too, has a group of people who have different ideas but still get along.
Sheila is honest, she says? Honestly, Sheila is difficult to listen to!
I might flip to a girl's alliance, even though I would like the total group rather than the separate parts. (boy! that was hard to write without double entendres!)
A few days ago Josh asked the DR if he could cut his hair. They said (according to Josh, at least) that it was okay 'as long as he still looked gay". To which I thought, he is the only gay guy in the house, why does BB/DR still care about the gay angle. The answer could be because of James film experience. That reminded me that James told Josh at one point that he (James) was 'bi'.
tom's: You are making up a lie and saying it involved chasing bull? That is very funny. Have fun and eat some wedding cake. Your family is probably less scary than mine..so enjoy yourself today.
Last, but not least, I wanted to say something to everyone here. The last few days, in particular, have brought some thought provoking posts. I have read them all and haven't responded by name to all those I liked reading. Thanks to all of you for bringing BB up a level and making the talk here interesting. And, as always, thank you Jackie.
well said Laurie....
Sydney, Laurie and I met over 5 years ago on a forum, we shared and lived and loved and became fast friends. We meet as much as we can (living about 60 miles from each other) and this May we are going on a cruise with our husbands and another couple.
Real friendships/cyber friendship all feel good when truth is shared.
Im so glad we all "have each other"
I was reading your post and the theme from Cheers came to mind...where everybody knows your name....how different we all are, how diverse, but thats the beauty of it isnt it? We are all in this together, this life, this living...I count jackies blog as one of my favorite places to spend my time.....(((Sydney)))
I have read Jackie's blog for the last few years. One of my favorite places to be, even when BB gets boring or lame. Jackie's blog is fun to visit. Even though I have only posted here a few times, I feel like you all are friends and I look forward to visiting each day. Thanks to all of you for making BB fun and Jackie, your blog is the best.
Sydney, glad to see you are back. Your post is what inspired me to write today. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and making this place so special. .... Hope you all have a good weekend. Our weather is chilly and windy in Calif, but a nice change. We need the rain from time to time to keep things green and blooming.
No one should ever use "Smart" and "Natalie" in the same sentence ever again! "Done D-U-N!" "X, Y, AND Z - 27!" 'nuff said.
But despite the dim little bulb that barely lights up her eyes, Natalie is actually doing okay. I think a lot of that is that she has such minimal intelligence that most people don't see her as a threat. I also think her pole dancing, large breasts, and public oral sex on Matt make the guys keep her around. At some point, they need to realize that she could win the jury vote if she is in the final 2 because she has the sympathy vote, the likeability vote, and could make a case for some gaming votes as well.
My take on everyone at this point is (in order of "deserving to win" IMHO):
Ryan and Adam - barely more than floaters. These guys were pawns even when THEY were HOH. The girls (and Matt when he was there) could talk these 2 jokers into anything. Least deserving of the win.
Joshuah - talks a good game, but what move has he really ever made in this game? He's got alliances with many people, but he's not doing anything to help any of those alliances and his main accomplishment is avoiding being a target until now.
Sharon - I think she is a very quiet game player. I think she runs the Joshuah/Sharon pairing more than Joshuah does (even though he THINKS he does) She's stayed out of trouble and made some reasonable moves.
Natalie - Possibly the most ridiculous person ever in the house (and I'm including Jen from last summer) But, once her "Mattie" was gone, she's actually played a pretty good game. Unfortunately, I think her desire to seek revenge for her "soul mate" (I feel so sorry for this girl sometimes) may doom her. By taking out the most hated people in the game and aligning herself with the weaker players, she's going to end up being tossed out by the boys because who wants to be opposite her in the final 2 EXCEPT maybe Sheila or James.
Sheila - she's really the ED of this year. She's a big mouth and a bit of a shrew, yet somehow this little band of 20-something nit wits do what she wants almost every time.
James - Playing the hardest. Kind of the Danielle/Janelle of this year. Would actually be in better shape, however, if he didn't have such a bad temper and were a better sport. He shouldn't have backdoored Matt, would have been just as useful to take out Ryan that week, and he would have had a much smaller target on his back and Chelsia's. He also would have earned some goodwill with Matt and Natalie while effectively breaking up their alliance. Could be his tragic flaw and fatal mistake.
Personally, I don't really like any of them...
I knew the original plan was too good to be true when Natalie started spilling her guts to everyone this morning. :(
Welcome home Sydney! I loved reading your post. Hugs!
It must be the day for weddings, my son is getting married tonight but I had to take the time to see what is going on in my favorite place on the net. I don't post often by I feel as though I know a lot of you that do. I have been reading Jackies blog since she started it and can't wait every morning to turn on my computer and see what the hamsters are doing now.
God bless you Sydney in your time of loss and know that there are people out here who really care.My dad will be 92 next month and my mom is 88 so i feel blessed every day to still have them in my life.
I'm still a James fan and I think he has played the best game so far. Natalie still gets on my last nerve along with Sheilas manipulating and Sharons annoying laugh.
Patti in OK
Welcome home, and my apologizes for not reading back far enough to know about your father's passing.
May the source of peace and light surround you and your family, and all those who mourn.
big hugs
It's too bad Sharon didn't confide in Josh about her make out sessions with Matt...
That would put Natalie in a tail spin. Sheila knows, but has either forgotten or won't reveal that information for obvious reasons...
Dun is what them younger ppls say like when they say dawg not dog, gurl, i knew what natalie was meanin
hi. did I miss something or did they have the POV meeting yet? Anyone know the results?
On a previous post I complained about having to purchase tires...
Tom's said: Meb- Sam's club generally has a great buy on auto tires, wow sorry to hear you have to work two jobs, Let me know I'll buy a tire for you.
Now isn't that just like what Sydney was talking about. Tom's doesn't know me from Adam (pun intended) and he's offering to spend his money to buy me a tire.
To Tom's.. that is so sweet. And thank you, but I actually can afford the tires... it just ticks me off that they're so expensive, thus the complaining just came out. And confession time... I enjoy working and can't stand being in the house, so even tho, at my age, it's tough landing a real 9-5 job, I can get hired at parttime jobs, thus the two.
I was tied down for 7 years caring for a very sick friend... working now is like being made free.
Again though, thank you so much! And I hope you just go out and enjoy that wedding.
Sydney, welcome back. You were missed. Again, It was very sad to hear of your loss. By the way, I can't count all the times I've sat at this computer with my jammies on.
Plaidchick, Sharon told Josh of her and Matt's first make-out session immediately after it happened. I'm surprised Josh isn't using it yet, but if he thinks he's in danger again of leaving, he may still use that info.
Joe in NY, don't forget "all-timers". I agree that James is the best player in the house. I still think that had James not backdoored Matt (after being backdoored himself, mostly by Matt's influence on Ryan) that Matt and Natalie still would have tried their best to get James out at their first opportunty. No one is trustworthy in that house. For gameplaying and winning comps alone, I think James deserves the win, but I doubt anyone will chance letting him go that far. The way these HGs flip-flop, you never really know how the votes would go. Gnat has a one-track mind when it comes to getting James out. She simply wants to avenge Matt's departure. She's still playing for scumbag Matty-boy. I hope he and Chel are having a great time.
Sydney so glad you are home and had a few minutes for"Sydney time". I loved everything you said so beautifully....and totally agree. Over the past few days there have been many times I've wondered "What would Sydney think, or she would have a good come back for that". Hopefully, your time will be a little less restricted and we will hear from you. I'll e-mail you later.
I KNEW NAT. WOULD NOT KEEP QUIET! She has no on/off switch! I've checked in on the house today so is the boys vs. girls alliance still intact?? Or are Adam/Ryan going to be DUM(b) enough to stick with Nat. until she throws them under the bus?!
To answer someone question-the POV ceremony will be tomorrow. Why hasn't anyone figured out not to put a "plan" in motion until the last 24 hrs. If you give these people too long they ALWAYS flip back to their own original plan.
Off to see "Horton Hears A Who". Will check back tonight.
The 'boys' pranks are what I was expecting from James at the beginning. Since he has just started them now (and Adam and Ryan were doing them first, maybe?) it made me think Chelsia might have changed his game. He talked of the pranks when he first got in the house and it kind of scared me.
Ryan is trying to see if Nat has flipped. I can't tell who is taking more from the convo.
Welcome back! I've thought about you all week, wondering if you were all right and how you were coping. My heart goes out to you knowing your grief firsthand. I'm so glad that we all were of some comfort in your time of need. I loved what you wrote about this blog being more...the local pub...coffee shop, etc. You certainly do have a talent for expressing yourself in written words and we enjoy your posts immensely. BTW, I'm not in my jammies...yet. It's only 5:50 p.m. here in CA. Just so you know, I'm pretty much a jeans type of girl unless I'm working. ;)
We missed you!
Jackie said...
In the second one they were trying to signal for help from a helicopter which kept flying overhead. The helicopter flew away and the BB9 Seven remain on the island.
FOTFLMBO! Guess they were Lost on CBS Island. :D
I've been wondering if any spoilers have leaked out yet about the sequester house?
wow..i am genuinely impressed with the connection you all seem to have with one another. i guess i am an outsider looking in, but let me say that i have so thouroughly enjoyed reading your comments as well as seeing your friendships with one another. jackie, thank you for all you do.
did bb REALLY tell josh to keep his hair "gay" looking? what the heck is that??
..........oops...sorry about the mis-spells. guess i have the little gnat on the brain
I did attend my niece wedding, I do have cattle on a Ranch, yes it would've been a lie, although I do have a Bull who jumps out of the fence gate at least once a month, he's difficult to handle, he doesn't listen to anyone but will follow my voice, The Ranch is about 2 hours from Austin, I've had to drive out during the day because he's gone wild, he's quite popular Bull, I left the wedding before bride/groom cut their cake, I had to turn my lights off from 8- 9 pm haha - My family is Hmm Odd, Have you all ever see the movie, My big fat Greek Wedding? Well that's putting it mild..Although I've never met so many men name " Bubba " I finally had to ask my sister is that really their names? She never answered..Hmmmmmm
Thanks Jackie..
Welcome back Sydney!
Once a month our company offers to help an individual, I had written about helping small BBQ business, I won't bore you all with the details, however we eventually ended up helping this women, who drove me nuts, but wouldn't offer anyone a sandwich, I found there was someone worse than her..
tom's, I love the glimpses you give into your life. My is mild, in town, most days find me shopping for groceries at Wal Mart. But, we have a photo of a prize winning bull in our family photo album....it was from 90 years ago, but he must have been important to them at the time.
Nancy in pa...I just moved in and made myself at home at Jackie's. I live in Ark so didn't make any of the meetings, but love to listen in as the others talk. I first met Jackie when she was a monitor for an AOL board. Reality shows were kind of new then and we all explored the genre together. Namelessly for the most part.
Jackie, back in the day, you had a friend who was involved in in production...I really liked hearing what he had to say.
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