Sharon and Adam talking in the backyard last night.
Here's the latest from the Big Brother House of Abnormal Psychology:
- As I previously reported, all will play for veto except Adam who will host it.
- James picked Sharon in the random pick.
- Joshuah says he won't freak out because whatever happens he has to live with them -- either in the house or in sequester.
- They speculated about the POV but don't really know anything other than who's playing.
- Sheila and Natalie talked more about Chelsia.
- Sheila thinks it's time for her to win POV.
- Joshuah told Sharon that if he wins POV, he'll take himself off the block, but asked if she wins that she keeps the noms the same. He thinks he can win against James.
- James might be pulling a Chelsia. He thinks Sheila (or Kimberly, her alter ego) is a target. He decided he's going to make her life hell for the five days he has left.
- He screamed and swore at her.
- Sheila thinks James is insane -- she claims he was foaming at the mouth and everything.
- Sheila told Natalie to win POV, take James off, and put her on the block -- she wants to go home.
- Natalie said no, she won't put her on the block.
- James continued his meltdown, crying to Ryan and Adam. Oh, he's all alone in the game! Woe is me!
- Sheila said she's going to sleep in HOH with Natalie as long as James is in the house.
- After a DR session, James asked Sheila if she was okay. She told him that she told Natalie to put her on the block. He thinks as a pawn.
- Joshuah and James are both very subdued. They know one of them will be going this week. Joshuah said he knew he wouldn't be in with the "cool kids" in the house, he's always been one who watches from the outside.
- Before going to bed, Sheila wished James "good luck" and told him she meant it.
- James was up later than everyone else, but all are asleep as I get this posted.
Ouch -- It's been torment listening to audio, I wish James had kept his original plan to give Sheila the boot, I knew he'd live to regret voting out Mattie, I cannot phantom how anyone who stated to Julie, realizing Sheila was the biggest threat, not follow what was evident, I blame his weakness name Chelsea. Thanks Jackie - Have a Great Day to all..
Sheila's talk was all over the place last evening. Which is pretty much the definition of 'Sheila' any way. I felt in the sauna when she confronted James that she was almost agreeing with him and offering to be on his side. I thought if he works her, she might flip. She didn't say that, but some sentences seemed that way. He tried and she missed the point several times. I do think she is the one person that he cannot control or influence in the way he usually can. Often he can put on that Godfather type intimidation look and they all cave. With Sheila she just goes off on a Sheila tangent that has no rhymne or reason to it. How do you play a game with an unknown, a loose cannon.
I missed the beginning of his foaming at the mouth,(she would have that affect on me too) but saw the little part where Adam came in and said a lot of words, most of which I didn't catch. I think he maninly was saying don't get me involved in this bs 'you know what I'm saying'. Adam had been lying in bed reading his Bible and jumped up to enter the confrontation.
Poor Natalie, she didn't want to have Sheila in the HOH but Sheila just came in and stayed. Did she shut up so Natalie could get some rest for the Veto? Or did Sheila talk all night? Sheila is either a true looney or the smartest player in the house. I think Sheila has gone through more mic batteries than anyone in the history of BB, since her mic gets more use than anyone elses.
As I said, I only saw about two minutes of the end of Sheila and James last night. Could someone who saw it all tell me this...
Did Sheila really push James over the edge so that he was screaming and insulting hgs who he needs for a vote...or was it James playing a good game and trying to win by stirring things up?
As I said, I only saw about two minutes of the end of Sheila and James last night. Could someone who saw it all tell me this...
Did Sheila really push James over the edge so that he was screaming and insulting hgs who he needs for a vote...or was it James playing a good game and trying to win by stirring things up?
It sounds as if the two players who kept insisting that this is"just a game"have the hardest time accepting that,yes,they are going home(jury)and are done playing "the game".Of course,I agree with Sue,I think Shrieka could try the patience of a saint.She also has to be one of the most selfish people ever on BB,every conversation has to end up being all about her.Yeesh!
Sorry for my double post.
I remember a convo between Nat and James in HOH before noms. The lack of logic in the statements made me laugh. James said to Nat that she can trust him when he says they can work together. She says that she might agree to a secret alliance with him, but "I don't want to be made a fool of", like when you put up Matt. Yes, I did that, James said, but Matt lied to me and that made it okay to vote him out.
Don't get me wrong,James was saying all he could to help his cause, but I wondered if Natalie realized he had just said to her that it was okay to not keep a deal if a lie was discovered. And, in the bb house, there is always a lie lying around. So, James had just actually promised her he would not vote her out unless he found a reason to.
I do think that, as uneducated as Nat is in many ways, she might be very well versed in how to deal with people who don't like her. Her strong suit seems to be not jumping into the fray when things break loose in the house. She doesn't do it in the same way Sharon does, but she diffuses things by not adding insult to injury. I find that technique interesting to watch.
gnat? no insult to injury? she throws bible verses at everyone. (as a non religious person that is insulting )after voting out chelsia she runs around about people getting what they deserve. then she won't shut up about her. jeesh! then she runs aroudn with her crazy eyes and judges everyone with her interpretation of the bible. ewe....she is D-U-M, dumb.
im totally not attacking you sue, i just can't stand her!
So its James and Josh up for eviction as predicted. I really don't care which of the two goes, but James is the better player and if he doesn't go now, there just might not be another opportunity to get rid of him.
Joshuah said he knew he wouldn't be in with the "cool kids" in the house, he's always been one who watches from the outside.
Awwww poor Joshie baby...tug my heartstrings...NOT. My only question is, who are the "cool kids"? His statement made me laugh cause for the life of me I have no idea who would be considered the cool kids in this house.
rbennie, ITA! If they have a choice (that is, if James doesn't win veto again), this could be the best (maybe last) chance to get him out of the house. I also agree that I don't care too much overall. I cared more that Chikezie left on AI LOL. When he was good, he reminded me of Luther Vandross. But I digress :)
Anon 9:44, I don't take insult from your post. I like to hear the various views and know that I miss alot that goes on in the house. I flip flop more than Sheila on what I like and don't! I was thinking of how last night Nat stood toe to toe with James last night and they ended it calmly when if she had, instead, screamed what she was probably actually thinking, that the the argument would have grown bigger and louder.
But you are right, she does throw out the insults, too. Her going to the Bible and reading when Chelsia was crushing eggs made me think of a child who hides while the parents fight. So I was seeing her in that light and forgetting some of her other things. : )
Hi Sasha - I haven't been able to watch much of AI so far this season. Just too many other things on that I'd rather watch, and I don't have TIVO. I do always try to catch David Archuleta's performance - I think he's adorable. I was surprised that Chikezee went home. Kristy Lee is turning out to be this season's Sanjaya (okay, she can sing better than him, but she's 3 weeks past her time to go). Does anyone else find Brooke's absent-minded, flower child bit to be a little annoying or is it just the sarcastic New Yorker in me? Wow, I guess I've seen more of AI than I thought, LOL.
Way to go James...give them hell!!!
Go to youtube and watch James in action. I just love how things switch gears and people start tucking tail when they are confronted pretty much by the person they attacked to begin with. Not that it surprises me, (this is BB) but as always someone gets some words crossed with who said what and then tries to peddle back out of it and appears to think that everything should just be fine. I have to steal a line from another TV show..."Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?" Just watching it happen on youtube made me feel like I was on the playground all over again. With that, I am glad James was able to even the playing field out a bit and call everyone out on things. I must confess, I did cringe a bit with some of his language he used. I hope he feels better. I got a headache holding my breath watching it. He HAS to have a headache for sure, being that mad.
One advise to Shelia and I do not like this word..."SHUT UP"! If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. I will say, I wonder if Shelia has faced abuse along life's path.?.? She is not wanting to sleep in her bedroom. She wants to sleep in the HOH room with Gnat until James leaves. She is feeling very uneasy with James after what took place. She is wanting to go home. Gnat is saying no.
With any luck maybe we as viewers can see them play the game a bit this season for once and get past the whispering and child's play it has been most season.
~Have a good day everyone~
Is James rabid now? :)
Shiela says every other day she wants to go. No one will take up on her offer-- she has multiple personalities: Kimberly (not sure who that is) but do call her Amber, and Jen. She's scared of James???! Natalie's scary look is pretty classic too.
meb, monty, dla, and tom-- he was a "bootiful" cat. He had that classic racoon mask on his face, and his big ole tail was striped like a racoon.
Tom-- it's the end of March, and I don't know if you guys are getting the same weather in Austin as we are in Dallas, but the winds suck! Correction, blows! I'm not ready for 90 degree temps. It cooled off and is dreary today.
Go to youtube.com Type in bb9 3-28 It will show you the blow out that happened and of a few other videos.
I don't know, I saw some of James' tirade and some of his tears and I kind of thought he was being just as hypocritical as he accused everyone else of being. They're all hypocritical at one time or another in the game. It's BB.
Watching him rage...and I do mean rage, I couldn't help but wonder what happened to all his "it's the game" stuff he said in the beginning. I totally get that he's frustrated and HAS to win the veto but how is that any different from anyones else? He's boohooing that they shouldn't bring up Chelsia. Hmmmm, he was pretty hard nosed about the fact that she's going home and in the DR said she was hurting his game. I don't know, I just saw it as another major tantrum. No better, no worse.
Rbennie! Yep, does sound like you've seen some AI :) I tend to skip the results show cause it's long and drawn out. You're right about Kristi Lee Cook (both that she's there too long and that she sings better than Sanjaya). Simon was SO right when he said she made a very "clever" choice of song. How do you boot someone the week they sing "I'm proud to be an American"? Anyway, I kind of like Brooke but I definitely don't think she will (or even should) win. She needs to connect with whatever's left or become of the old folk music movement. I happened to have liked some of that but it's not going to fly long on AI.
That said...back to BB. The POV will be interesting. Will these guys discover team work and all work against James (if that's even possible) or will it be another classic James win? Stay tuned, but first...
James should have paid attention to what he said to Julie when he was evicted the first time. Sheila is dangerous and she will make it to the end of the game because everyone is underestimating her and allowing her to slide through. She has been manipulating and lying from the beginning and she has been doing it pretty well. I think she is pretty much running the show but she's doing it subtly so that no one is even noticing. Then every once in a while she'll say she wants to go up on the block because she wants to go home and no one takes her up on her offer. She will win if the rest of the guests don't smarten up.
I think Natalie's strength is that she IS a social person by nature and she is a positive person as well. She's doing well in this game because she's in a profession (barista) that has allowed her to be around all types of people and so she has patience and she is also able to put on a good face when things aren't going well for her. She appears dumb about certain things, but she is spot on in the social part of this game and she will go far as well.
Josh was right...he and James are outsiders. They (along with Chelsia, who I did like) seem to have no censors as to what they say to other people and in a social game, that's not usually a good thing (although it worked for Dick, but he had a built in alliance that no one else had either which helped him). These two have to keep winning or they are gone.
Okay, I just watched some of James' meltdown on Youtube. Very disturbing. I'm no big fan of Sheila's, but I felt bad for her. To have an enraged man standing about 6 inches in front of you shouting obscenities at you is very scary stuff. He even said he wanted to punch her in the face. What disturbs me even more is than none of the others in the house tried to break it up or diffuse the situation, at least not on any of the videos I saw. I did hear Natalie saying something about Adam stepping in, but I couldn't find any video of that.
Hi All,
Just a question: Do you think that Chelsia's comment about how she didn't become materialistic and vain came from her or from James' influence? I'm curious because I know James has talked about that but Chelsia never struck me as being non-materialistic and seemed about as concerned with her looks as anyone else in the house. Anyone who has the live feeds or watches BBAD or the show for that matter have any insight?
I finally realized who Gnat reminds me of...her facial expressions, her positvity, her perkiness...Paula Abdul.
I am so confused...my calendar says March 28th and the daffs and tulips are blooming, but as I type it has been snowing for about 2 hours with a few inches on the ground!?!
Come on Jack Frost go home! I want to wear my capris and sandals.
My thoughts on BB-- I watched the rant by James and aftermath(and even the pre-lude) the timeline I saw was this:
1.James/Sheila had looonng talk about the game and being honest and having each others back.
2. James takes a nap to wake up hearing Sheila throwing him under the bus-along with everyone else.
3. He confronts them in the kitchen(and everyone leaves except Sheila, Adam and Josh). Sheila goes on, and on about being truthful and done lying. James tells her fine, I'm not mad just upset that we had talked about being there for each other and then you backstab me. Sheila kept talking(no surprise) and James said OK were done talking about it. Even Adam told Sheila to drop it but she didn't.
Finally Adam/James went outside.
4. James goes to bed to sleep. Hears Sheila ranting to Nat. in the other room. James starts going off about it to Josh and Sharon.
5. Adam hears his name connected to Sheila and confronts James in the bedroom. They yell for a few minutes and end it laughing.
6. James explodes and goes to have it out with Sheila in the BY. He rages on her for about 5 minutes (and she is giving some back)then leaves and goes to bed. Sheila goes to the DR and then HOH to hide with Nat.
I agree with RBennie--EVERYONE in the house knew where he was headed and that he was spitting mad. The only comment made was Adam who said"Can I come watch"! It's like the others wanted her to be put on the spot. So much for having each other's back.
Today James feels bad for meaning so mean(although I haven't heard him apologize)to Sheila. If Sheila wants out then put her up!
I find it funny when these people on Reality TV beg to be evicted and their alliance won't do it...only because it is not in THEIR best interest. They never think about the mental/emotional state of the other person. Yeah, these people are going to be BFFL(best friends for life)!
As much as some people don
't like James I believe he really cared about Chel. He has been having a hard time sleeping, wandering the house late and night and spending alot of time looking at her pic. on the memory wall.
Are we done yet? I'm ready for the finale and call this season a VERY BAD WRAP!
Damn! I just had a phone call that my dance tonight is cancelled---because of the snow...grrrrrr!!!
Thanks Nana, for putting the events into order. It's hard to figure out what happened when on YouTube. At least now I can sort of understand why James might have exploded like he did - not that I condone it at all. Unlike Chelsia, he was at least somewhat provoked. He better be praying to the POV gods, because that's the only chance he's got of sticking around. Unless, of course, BB decides to give him yet another life in the house. I'm curious, has anyone who watches the feeds heard any talk of the DR trying to influence the HGs yet this week?
Someone a few comments up mentioned how disturbed they were that no one tried to end the tirades when one of the houseguests goes off on someone. I feel that way too. It's like, I know that if I was in a room with people I knew and someone went off on a friend in an offensive, obnoxious way, I know that I would try to stop it or at the very least say something.
I think the difference with these people is that they do not REALLY care about each other and so as long as the spotlight is not on them, they are happy, and in fact, some of them seem to LOVE watching the meltdowns and rages. A true friend would not allow that sort of thing to happen without trying to stop it. These people recognize it's a game and so no allegiance is set in stone and so they don't mind seeing their competition taking a verbal beating.
I haven't watched the UTube tapes yet, but it seems to me that Sheila constantly tells everyone what they want to hear and then, immediately goes somewhere else in the house to backstab them. She's asking for trouble doing that. She says she has their back, but always votes the way the "good people" want her to. As for her being scared, I believe Sheila "emotes" her reactions just to get more attention. (her pity parties) I don't think she's afraid of anyone. But if she acts like she is, she gets attention. I just wish Gnat would take her up on Sheila's offer to leave, but as was mentioned, they need her vote. Not just for James and Joshuah, but also when the "good people" start to implode.
I think you are right Joy. Sheila stirs the pot then walks away and stirs it somewhere else and when things boil over she's all, "No one can handle the truth, I've never been so abused in my life" routine. She's a master manipulator. She acts shocked by the responses but she's not. She claims she's worried what her son will think but she was a PENTHOUSE PLAYMATE for crying out loud. Go to her myspace, the pictures are there and she's worried about her son watching BB? Please.
I love how Nat and Sheila are now making Matty into being some sort of SAINT and CHAMPION of the women in the household. It's "Matty wouldn't allow James to talk to Sheila like that!!!" It's hysterical. Matty was the biggest male chauvanist in the house and he certainly was no friend of Nat's. Suddenly Matty has morphed into Superman in their eyes. It's too much.
Matty is the new Saint Cappy for the S9 nerd herd.
BB is evil, and I officially only like this blog. I went to Dingo's Hamsterwatch website and Dingo/whoever put up a pic of Adam naked which I unfortunately saw by accident, so traumatizing for me :(
I won't be visiting that site ever again!! Thanks Jackie for keeping this blog G rated in comparison to BB itself, it's much appreciated.
I feel bad for ppl who watch the feeds, shouldn't the houseguests be required to cover up?
Paul Abdul is on painkillers
Sasha, I thought the materialistic quote must have originated from James. It also made me think that Miss Chel might actually have bought his altruistic spiel about helping make the world a better place if he wins the money. I also wondered about the breastfeeding comment. Did she mean she and James were carrying them all? I didn't get it.
One reason none of the hgs stopped James or tried to help Sheila during their fight, could be that if he hit her, he would be evicted immediately. Sheila has gone to the DR before to 'report' people for doing things that she wants them evicted for. Josh talking about her son, for one thing. That isn't a very humane reason to watch a person be attacked, but it fits in with BB mentality.
My word verification is bbdoe and that is what the hgs want. Big Brother Dough
The one thing I couldn't get over was while James was ranting 6 inches from Sheila's face, SHE never stopped talking. If she had just shut her mouth for one second and let James get out what he was trying to say,he would have stopped and that would have been it. She never stopped talking!!! When you're watching BBAD, the cameras are mostly on her because she's the only one who keeps it up and she says the same thing over and over and over.
Oh my gosh... I think I'm doing what she does... is it catching!!!
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