It's a fine meal of fried slop with pickles for everyone except Adam and Natalie.
Here's what's happened in that Big Brother House of Sloppy Eaters:
- Natalie was worried that her speech may have been mean. She knows she just can't be mean!
- Natalie apologized to Joshuah for putting him on the block. She told him he'd have to win veto. As it stands with Joshuah and James, Josh will have the votes to stay. But he really has to go for the veto because if James wins it and takes himself off the block, it's bye-bye Joshuah!
- Joshuah shaved a part of his body. Yikes!
- James was in the sauna alone for a long time.
- Sheila is sure James will win POV.
- Joshuah eavesdropped on Natalie and Sheila and probably only got a headache.
- Sheila told James she thinks he'll win the game. She's often told him he doesn't deserve to win because he'd just waste the winnings.
- Natalie told Joshuah that James is a threat and really must go.
- They talked about Chelsia's attitude again.
- They got creative with the slop. Sheila kept saying how good it tastes. No one else said it was good.
- Adam is hosting the POV, everyone else is playing.
I hope that, somehow, James can step up and win this POV comp. I don't really care if Joshuah leaves. I only want James to win because then he'll have one more shot at getting Gnat and/or Sheila (if it's a double eviction) out of there.
Gnat would then find out her BJs were all for nothing, and that Matt REALLY
doesn't want her. The girl needs a reality check badly.
Sheila would think that EvelDick is out there lusting for her, and after she finds out that he definitely is not, she can take the time to have the mental breakdown that will give her all the attention she craves.
If they survive the sequester house long enough to vote, they can vote against James and their story will have somewhat of a happy ending.
Joyn-I wish James could win it too. I do think Gnat will be out before James though.
I have not heard much on the discussion of Shelia and Matt being related lately. I was wondering if Matt has some connection with Shelia through her days living with the top dog for Penthouse...could Matt be a son to the top dog? Maybe being a "roofer" is bogus. Just a thought.
I better go to bed. I'm thinking way too hard for this time of night.
We can hope the PoV is catered for James like the HOH was for Natalie, it would be smart for CBS to keep James in. I do hate to see Josh go. I know a lot of people are annoyed by him, but the people who cause drama I like to stay in the house.
I think this is the first week that I'm actually glad the shows are spread out.
I'm a March Madness girl-- I love it. UT tried like crazy to lose last weekend. Let's see if they can pull a win tomorrow. They're playing in Houston and have lots of UT'ers will be there.
I finally figured out what was going on with adding new pictures to your profile. Apparently Internet Explorer and blogspot are having some sort of Java conflict. I went through Fire Fox, said bye bye to evel dick, and added Clooney.
Clooney is beautiful!! I have never seen a Maine Coon with his colors.
Thank you for giving us a glimpse of your favorite man. :)
Plaidchick, my apologies for not offering my support earlier. Its so hard to lose a pet... I know. I'm very sorry for your loss. Clooney is a beautiful cat.
I have to learn how to do the avatar on blogger so I can share a picture of my baby girl with all of you. Hugs!
Good morning, Thanks Jackie, anyone could have one HOH, it only required concentration. I don'y care who win's POV, its best one of them leave between Posh and Lames
Dang it, UT drove me crazy last week, I'm currently in Austin, its hot, hot, 2 weeks ago I left Canada it was ..well nice, so much to do today..But I'm tired, in all fairness, I preferred James,over Josh ( except Josh is from Texas )who knows Josh may finally stop talking noise and win veto. I believe CBS wants Love gone to H.. BB to end, like yesterday, I don't think they could care less, CBS has already had their prime time advertisers/investors intact for months, who they cater to. My condolences precious Clooney, Would you all believe at one time my family had 13 cat's, I currently have 3, I had a cat name Boots, he thought he was a dog, I may have written about last Summer, he was the only cat, who'd enjoy a vehicle drive. If POV is an endurance type POV - James will win, however if It's a Morph, It's a tough call, although it could be a POV comp, with dolls, similar to when Janelle won, Hahaha James cried foul, I'm going with a tougher POV comp, if it requires cables, robes, thinking, Josh win's hands down!
I was listening to James ::Sigh ::: James should have given Shelia the boot, that's why I its hard for me to root for someone who obviously knew she was a huge threat! Of course its after the fact..
OOps -- While listening to James ::Sigh ::: James should have given Shelia the boot, that's why I find it difficult rooting for someone who obviously knew; Sheila was a huge threat! Of course its after the fact..
I need a serious dose of Caffeine..
3/28/2008 6:44 AM
Patty... I hope you're right about Gnat being out before James. I just would like Natalie to be in sequester with Matt just so she can pester him .. and Chelsia can pester Gnat... and Chelsia will lose it because she won't be able to watch the way Gnat throws herself at Matt without reciprocation. And I want BB to allow us to witness all this. Wouldn't that be fun to watch.
plaidchick... Clooney is gorgeous. My sympathies go out to your family.
Meb, I'd love for all that to transpire.
I didn't know if you clicked on the underlined screen name that something came up. DUH!
The photo of Clooney is beautiful...er... very handsome. I'm so sorry for such a tragic loss. RIP Clooney.
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