Shhh ... don't wake up the houseguests. Actually, this screen cap of Joshuah isn't while he's sleeping. The night vision cameras aren't any good for screen caps. He's thinking, not sleeping.
Here are the late night and overnight events from inside that Big Brother House of Deluded Duos and Supercilious Singles:
- Joshuah thinks Ryan and Adam will turn against Natalie in the end. (I'm sure they will!)
- James and Joshuah told Sharon that they would vote to give Ryan the money at the end instead of Adam (if they're there). If Natalie makes it, they would vote for her.
- Joshuah thinks he'll tell everyone he and Neil were indeed a couple before the show as he goes out the door. (Lie.)
- James played more solo chess.
- Adam played with going to the HOH room, ringing the bell, and running. Ah, childhood memories!
- Natalie told James that Sheila doesn't want him to start up again with pranks.
- James once again roamed the night alone on his own Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
Good morning Jackie & y'all,
Any word on the girlyfriends sticking together till the end?
I've read many comments regarding James not getting the jury votes if he makes it to the final 2. I seem to recall a lot of the same thoughts about ED last year, and we all know how that turned out.
James (IMHO) is the only one that has consistantly played "the game".
I'm no fan of any of these people but the kid has proven he can overcome great odds...he's still there for at least another week! Kudos for that, when he has been targeted for what...the last 5 weeks. Granted I'm counting the week he won HOH, that was a week of breathing room for him.
Please don't confuse this opinion with liking him or his life style outside the house, but even there he is only 21. I can't imagine what y'all might of thought of some of my life choices at that tender young age.
Morning Jackie. Did you get sleet? It has been cool and rainy in Arkansas..with enough storms thrown in to disrupt tv, but everything is blooming. Allergy alert, as tom's said earlier.
Last night's show seems a long time ago, but I have a couple of comments about it.
I felt the 'coming out' scene with Josh and Sheila had a very staged feel to it. It wouldn't surprise me to know the DR put one or both up to it. Sheila's actions have often made me think she was getting assignments from the DR, but I do believe that by now, if that were true and part of the game, Julie would have mentioned it to the audience. So maybe she does it for free. Josh certainly has talked of how they tell him what to say in DR interviews.
The solo James editing was funny. The empty chair at the chess game. Please BB. James hates everyone of the hgs. He has said it in public interviews. He tolerated Chelsia for several obvious reasons. He left her bed many nights to walk alone into the morning. He is a night person. I still think that he wants to use Josh in some of the same ways he did Chelsia. The timing of the coming out talk and James being alone makes me wonder if we will soon have a new edited romance to watch. If Josh goes home, then maybe it will be that James lost two showmances and how sad that makes him.
The hgs are indeed like a very small town. Anyone who grew up in a small town knows that Gossip takes on a life of its own. In the BB house deciding what is gossip and what is fact is the fun part for me. I think Gnat is in an Alliance of one, and I don't mean her relationship with Jesus. I mean as long as she does what she wants, she is agreeing with everyone and it is their problem what they believe. After all she is just a dum stripper blonde who didn't know any better.
More than just rewriting the commandants, there is a whole new book being created by the hgs. The Pick and Choose Bible, co-written by BB hgs. I have seen the same thing from some TV Evangelists. Is the producer Christian? Why did they choose a Bible as the only book in the house? Have there been any Jewish hgs? I know Kaysar wasn't Christian, but has any other Faiths represented by a hg? Or come to think of it, maybe production is Anti-Christian and that is why they gave Natalie and the others a Bible to abuse.
(funny endnote: my word verification has pax in it..considering I was writing about the Bible, that made me laugh. Maybe it is a sign)
I watching Saturday's BBAD and James made some racial comments that I felt was totally appalling. I think this once again shows what calliber person he is. I'm amazed at the amount of people on this blog who are still rooting for him. He is no Evel Dick.
I'm still reading older posts, and saw some questions about why was Sharon put up. My version of that reason is that Nat and whomever her real alliance is was trying to find out who was on what side. When James first won Veto...when Sharon going up was decided...it was still clearly defined that Sharon was with James and Josh. The girls want her to flip, but couldn't count on trusting her to do what she said. They still can't. Nat had to protect her pseudo alliance of Ryan and Adam (or are they her real one?!) and couldn't put either of them up. Same is true of Sheila...so Sharon won by default. I might have it wrong, but that was the only thing that seems to make sense to me. I know that Natalie has said to numerous hgs when they had private conversations that she would 'pretend' to be with others to keep her alliance quite. Since she has said that to everyone, I have no idea what...if anything!..she is really thinking.
I have to say that Natalie is really keeping me guessing. I have no clue which way she's truly leaning!
Someone mentioned in a previous post that James very well could win if he makes it to final 2, just like Dick did despite the odds against him. The reason Dick won is that he was up against the only HG he could win against - his daughter. Dick against any one else would have lost, and lost badly. James, on the other hand, I believe would have several friends on the jury and if he could swing one or two vote from the other side, could very well win.
Sue, I don't want to think about James and Josh... not after James and Chelsia... I know he's bi- but still...
I was one of the ones who questioned putting up Sharon if they really wanted an all girl alliance. I don't know what Natalie is thinking either and can understand if she wants to preserve her other alliances (all of them), but if she really wanted a alliance with the girls she sure is taking a chance by putting Sharon up on the block.
We'll see if she really does if it comes down to a tie, won't we. If not, she's doomed along with Sheila as the boys will keep her around only as long as they need her.
I like what I am reading here about your opinion's about Natalie's use of the bible and her faith. I don't mean to suggest that I can judge her authenticity of belief, because perhaps her belief's are just misrepresented or exaggerated with suggestive editing. But I find her beliefs-as-presented to be, well, unbelievable.
Why does she think she is any more important to God than anyone else in that house? Aren't EACH of us supposed to be His children?
Why would He twist things to vindicate HER in this GAME, when He does nothing about all the legitimate suffering in the world?
It bothers me.
I agree too, with Sue's comment about why the bible is the only book allowed in the house. Perhaps because without wise guidance it lends itself so well to misinterpretation and superstition?
And I know that James is no Evil Dick, he was special, that one. But James is a special young man too, in his own way. And very much his own person. I admire that.
If James can get through the milefield of the next few weeks, I think he will win. His play is more obvious than any one else's in the house. And that overtness will win him the votes. In other words, the jury knows he is playing to win. Some of the others might be playing as hard...but since I can't see what they are doing, I don't know if it is floating luck or gamesmanship..and I think the jury will think like that, too. And everyone who voted him back in the house should know they gave him the game when they did that.
I don't know how long Natalie has been a Christian. I don't know if being in the house is her first exposure to the Bible. She mentions The Secret and the impact it has had on her life. I am pretty sure she read The Secret cover to cover before coming to the house. That makes me think her belief system might be a self created hybrid of what she thinks the Bible says and her positive thinking course from The Secret. Scary stuff.
meb, I agree if Natalie is the leader of the girl's club, then putting up one of her own is dangerous. I don't think Natalie particularly cares who goes home, as long as she comes out of it with the majority votes on her side. She is juggling right now with all her agreements up in the air. She has said in the past that she can't trust Sharon and thinks Sharon is in with James. As far as I know Natalie doesn't know about the Sheila/Sharon pact. Also, putting Sharon up kept Sharon from giving Josh a vote to stay..which she probably would have done no matter who he was up against
I am overthinking it all. How sad for me. Take it all with a grain of salt. Even I might disagree with myself in an hour or so...or after listening to the feeds.
Busy day here, thanks Jackie for giving me a place to type out some thoughts. It helps get me in the mood to face the day. : )
James made some racial comments that I felt was totally appalling. I think this once again shows what calliber person he is. I'm amazed at the amount of people on this blog who are still rooting for him. He is no Evel Dick.
3/31/2008 8:05 AM
I certainly wouldn't compare James opposite Dick, I'm unsure whether I like or dislike James, ( which is rather odd for me ) My brother rooted for Evil Dick from Day one, however he cannot stand James, in fact he's adamant on how much he dislikes James, I've asked him what's the difference and he stated there's a huge difference, IMO James isn't honest to himself on whom he really is, Dick was, James speaks in circles gives an appearance as if he's actually making sense, however there's to many loops, gaps, empty holes, game wise ; its known facts people are going to lie, this isn't a game of " I'll only pretend to be " honest " when I have too!
Sharon raised interesting facts regarding James, although I do have a problem when an individual constantly states " Trust Me " Unless they can produce evidence, a pattern beyond their past actions, pleading
" Trust Me " Doesn't carry much weight in BB House of misfits!
You have to highly consider HG's who know various aspect settings amongst a " Reality TV " programming In's & Outs, not to mention how Producers manipulate viewers, hence acting abilities overtake who they really are.. IMO James certainly is aware how editing generates audience response, Last year ABC's Daytime President B.F. upset mainstream media, along side loyal viewer audience, basically B. F. suggested Editing tools
" Train " viewers, lack for a better word, its referred to
" Propping " by simply manipulating viewers into choosing who they like or dislike..
is there anyone in the house NOT in a "secret" alliance with someone? seems to me they are all thinking they have a "secret" alliance with almost everyone in the house. is james in an alliance with anyone right now?
ayiyiyi my had hurts. this gorup of non-alliance alliances, girls vs boys...a little late to be working on that one, but getting rid of Josh would sure help...Im sorta weary of them all....just who is Alison Grodner making happy? not the viewers
Good morning--sunshine and cold here in Tacoma but it's suppose to start warming up later this week.
Many comments have been made comparing James/ED. I believe age is a big factor in their current differences. I could see ED being alot like James when he was 21 and vice versa. I agree with Tom s that ED won because he was against Dani. Anyone else and he would have lost--thus the same will happen to James(unless he's sitting opposite Sheila). The way Sheila has been treated by the HG is exactly what Chel. said
"Rode hard and put away wet". She's used by everyone and will be discarded when no longer useful(even by Nat.), thus I don't believe anyone would vote for her to win the money.
Joshs's coming out talk did look staged...I also thought he looked drunk or very sleepy.
Watching James and listening to his late night comments I think he truly misses Chel. He has commented(several times) how bad he feels for not giving Chel. the sympathy vote(although she told him not to) and that he questions was not using the veto on her worth $500,000. Given his lifestyle outside the house I think he may feel she could be something real in his life that "gets" him and hasn't judged him--that is why he is worried about what will happen when she finds out the whole truth. He has told her about being bi and hinted to gay porn. I guess we will see......
I am so sick of Nats. boobs and knee socks....or is it "the boob IN the knee socks"....someone call Stacy London...this girl needs to make an appearance on What Not To Wear!!
For those who don't like James, remember when the girl (I forget her name) had the seizures? The other HGs essentially stood around with their thumbs in their mouths. It was James who checked the girl and raised the alarm with BB. With all that's wrong about James, I know that in a crisis I'd prefer him over all the others. He's very young, and feeling his way in the world, and some of the paths he followed were not good, but I do believe he has a solid center.
silk ~~~~ you are right on...he was the most considerate of all.
I agree with all of you---on everything! Obviously I have been watching Gnat too much.
Off topic: I found Jackie's sight for DWTS for us, but is there a place to meet for The Batchelor? Would love to discuss this next group of Girls Who Need Morals with you all.
James was also coming to Amanda's aid when she and Josh staged the second fight between them in the back yard.
I am just now catching up with all the weekend blogs.
Zoetawny mentioned yesterday about Adam doing hashish and that affecting his speech. About the second time I heard Adam talk, I realized who he sounded like, my nephew-in-law. My son says he talked normal before he got so heavily into drugs, he was addicted to oxycotton (spelling). He talks just like Adam, he is very hard to understand.
Also, I am loving the pranks. I wish everyone would get involved and do alot of them. Maybe BB should give them all lists of things they can do to liven things up. I am 49 and still love to prank my friends. Nothing ugly or hurtful though.
Someone made mention of James in Chelsia's robe looking like a wrestler or fighter. My first thought was a rooster...ha
Sheila asking Josh how he came out to his parents did look staged. It made me wonder if she suspects her son of being gay. She said it would not matter to her, they are still her children.
I think Sheila and Sharon are playing the best game as of now. I think that Natalie is doing well. I think the girls truly have a shot at winning this one. I do agree that they are all annoying, but I think they deserve to win over the others.
Do away with James! The comment earlier about in a crisis situation you would rather have him. I guess it depends on who you are. Because the comments about race and the personal attacks. I definitely wouldn't want to have to depend on him. I don't care how young he may be he is in no way the best person in this house. He is so hypocritical and a waste of space in the house. I started off thinking Josh was the worst, but he has surpassed that.
I so hope that next week is his last.
I wasn't a Dick fan, but I think he was pretty upfront about who he is. I started to use 'honest' to describe Dick, and I think that still fits in some ways. "Here is who I am, go f yourself if you don't like it', is what I see as Dick's mantra. James is a different type completely. I am not sure if even he knows who he really is. On searches, I see his age different, the real estate deal is there, but is it him and his father? or him? or not him? That is James...keep 'em guessing.
I still don't know if BB thought they were filling ED role with Sheila (been around the block, has an almost adult child but won't rain on the young sexpots parade) or James.
I also was thinking that if ED came into this house, instead of BB8, that the 'smoking hot' hgs (as they described themselves) might have booted the 'old guy'. Then the legend of ED never would have been. It is all in timing.
Donna in al: Rooster..for James in the red robe is a good one. The comb, a hair I mean, makes it fit!
I am glad Amanda made it out of the house early on. I think I even prefer having Sheila there that Amanda.
I really don't like James any more or less than most of the other hamsters. I have found some of his behavior to be very distasteful, but then again I can find something I don't like about all of them - and I wouldn't even have to try too hard! I have gone through this whole season so far without rooting for anyone in particular, but I think I'm starting to lean towards Natalie. Okay, don't everyone yell at me all at once, LOL. I can't even pinpoint what it is I like about her. I guess its that she has somehow found a way to keep herself in the game and is a power player no less. She's juggling several alliances right now and will soon have to commit one way or the other. If the vote comes down to a tie breaker, she can then choose which ever alliance she believes will take her the farthest. She can then use the excuse that she was just stringing the other alliance along. She has the capability to win comps and without the distraction of "her Mattie" I think she has a shot at making it to the end. Will she have the jury votes for the win? It will really depend on who she's up against.
Oh please, don't apologize for wanting Nat to go all the way. I so want her and Ryan to do it. I think Natalie seems like a very sweet, caring person, and I have liked her from the start (with the exception of the night-time antics). I, on the other hand, have a hard time understanding the James bandwagon. He is so low life, in my humble opinion of course.
Just to share with you guys:
My 23 year old son drank a little too much Saturday night and cut his hair in a mohawk!! I tried to talk him into dying it pink. ha ha He said he would dye it red or blue but no pink. I have got him hooked on BB too.
There's one very simple reason why Natalie should not win: this world does not need yet another deluded person who believes that "God" is their personal ATM, and that they are better than everyone else because obviously God has chosen them.
This world is screwed up enough as it is because of too many people who think like that.
I'd rather have someone win who acknowledges that luck and skill were involved.
anon, can you elaborate on why you think James is low-life?
He seems to have more integrity than anyone else in the house, except maybe Sharon. Josh isn't too bad either, imho.
wow..i thought i was the only one in the world that had any kind of positive thought about nat. i certainly don't approve of all her antics...but there is a part of me that feels sorry for her. i consider myself a christian and yet do not take offense to her religious ramblings. if she is being portrayed as who she really is, then i would have to conclude that she really BELIEVES all she is saying. in that case i would feel sorry for her and view her as doing the best she can with what she has. in spite of some inappropriate behavior, i have never seen her be vicious to anyone. i guess that is my beef with james and josh (as was with chelsia). i just think the person with the highest intelligence plays the game WITHOUT the nastiness of heart. on the other..wouldn't it be a hoot if in fact natalie was actually pretty smart and played the game as ....dum...fooling us all!..hahahahaha!
I'm not going to knock Natalie for her beliefs, no matter how far fetched they appear. Many who believe in the Bible, Koran, Tora, etc., equate it to what they believe. She feels vindicated, in her eyes she was, whether it had anything to do with God or not. No matter what, she is making what she believes to be true in the bible to be her own. It's kind of funny. Many do that. I tend to believe she's a "new" Christian because of the way she talks. There is just no way to go on a show like this (or any other) without lying or anything else for that matter.
As far as God not doing anything about the ligitimate suffering in the world, a lot of that has to do with the people who run the starving countries. Heck, last week I read on AOL about some of the richest people in the world, MANY, MANY were from 3rd world countries. One was a steel mogul from India who is worth 52 billion dollars. Now, tell me, how fair is that to a country where 75% the people are starving? He spent 43 million on his daughter's wedding. Why? To flaunt it? The countries are to blame.
You're right about why it is allowed in the house, it produces the most controversy because everyone interprets it differently.
The only person I do not want to win is Joshuha. He is so full of himself. I don't think I'd like Adam winning either, but I'd prefer him over Josh. Josh is a legend in his own mind. I'm glad Nat won. It peeved Josh off, and that was worth it all.
I like what I am reading here about your opinion's about Natalie's use of the bible and her faith. I don't mean to suggest that I can judge her authenticity of belief, because perhaps her belief's are just misrepresented or exaggerated with suggestive editing. But I find her beliefs-as-presented to be, well, unbelievable.
Why does she think she is any more important to God than anyone else in that house? Aren't EACH of us supposed to be His children?
Why would He twist things to vindicate HER in this GAME, when He does nothing about all the legitimate suffering in the world?
It bothers me.
I agree too, with Sue's comment about why the bible is the only book allowed in the house. Perhaps because without wise guidance it lends itself so well to misinterpretation and superstition?
And I know that James is no Evil Dick, he was special, that one. But James is a special young man too, in his own way. And very much his own person. I admire that.
3/31/2008 9:46 AM (nomad)
i don't think natalie thinks she is more IMPORTANT to God than other people are...i think she was just exhibiting that child-like belief system that God will help those who try to do good (which is what she probably feels about herself) and in doing that, the "bad" people will not win over the good people. it just seems very natalie-like.
as far as the bible being allowed in the house, i believe Kaysar had his Koran....so i am guessing that the bible in the house has more to do with the powers that be allowing people's "faith" articles, then it does in being there as a way to stir up contoversy. JMO
Steff: 7:34am: But Steff, did you make a bunch of those life choices on national TV or have them on feeds that anyone can buy? Or discuss your past bad choices for eveybody to hear? These HGs don't seem to care who sees or hears whatever they feel like showing or telling.
Part of the reason I may think that James is a low life..... I watched (regretablly so) some of his "pink bus" videos and other things out there on the web that he has done, that are totally disgusting. Plus I really don't care for his crass and nasty ways in the house. My idea of good TV is not shots of him and Chelsia with her legs up around his neck and many of their other dirty deeds. I will never pay for BBAD again if they have a crew such as this.I could simply stop watching now, but I have invested time into the season. Therefore I will continue to watch it...JMHO.... and I say.... go Natalie, go Ryan.
Ryan, Sharon and Adam read the bible, too. They are not praying (in front of cameras, at least) for riches. Matt read the bible when he was in the house. Matt and Natalie both seem(ed) to interpret what they read to what they wanted it to mean. Only Natalie prays to win comps, and to not let others win them. She prays to win the game and the money. I had always been taught that praying for wealth is wrong.
She once stated that if you sin, you only need ask for forgiveness and you get it. Where does it say in the bible that you can then go sin the same sins all over again and again and it's okay?
As others have asked, why does Gnat think she's more important than other Bible readers in the house? Ryan and Sharon have behaved pretty well compared to Gnat. Why wouldn't GOD help them more? I doubt GOD is helping anyone at all in that house to win a game. Why would he help liars and backstabbers?
One of the reasons (and there are so many) that I don't like Natalie is her selfish opinion that she "deserves" to win because she's a Christian and "a good person". She does have a child-like personality that can be endearing, but that cannot excuse the fact that she CHOOSES to live a lifestyle that includes giving BJs to men she has just met, stripping and all the other disgusting things she did while stripping, having convenient abortions, and making promises that she has no intention of keeping. If she simply played the game as all the rest are doing, without bringing GOD into it, I might have had some respect for her as a game player.
As for her three years in college, I have to wonder if that's possible or probable. She also said she was a pro cheerleader. She still counts on her fingers, still can't figure out the alphabet and she honestly thought "all-timers" was correct. Give me a break.
Seems to me if you can forget about Natalie's abortions, stripping, BJs, nakedness in the pool etc. you could forget James' nakedness, sex in the house and his porn outside the house. JMO
Joy, I agree with your assessment of why Natalie is so distasteful. If she just removed the God thing, I also might have a higher opinion of her, but she just personifies so much that is wrong in our world today wrt people's beliefs (and actions) about their particular flavor of "God" and religion. It's nauseating to me.
She felt so vindicated when she won HOH, and she and Sheila (and others) repeatedly asserted that they just *knew* James was leaving this time, that he wouldn't win POV, that God wanted him out. And yet, when James wins POV, I don't hear word one about how God worked on James' behalf, or how all of their "feelings" and "predictions" about him going home were wrong.
It's just pure-D hypocrisy.
And why do the "final four" think that turning on themselves is going to be any different than when they had to turn on everyone else? What pathological psychology grips people when they get into that BB house, that all logic just vanishes like vapor?
Donna, my whole point was that GOD thing of Natalie's. James doesn't profess to be "good people". He doesn't do the things he does and then claim to be a Christian who gets special favors from GOD in this GAME. He's trying hard to win on his own.
joyn I was talking about how other people think Natalie's behavior is better than James'. I agree with you about using God the way they do.
BTW there is a new post up.
Sorry, Donna, read your post wrong.
Silk - dead on! His behavior in a crisis was exemplary. The only thing ANY of the house guests have done all summer that gave me hope!
The Bible is both a Jewish (Old Testament) and Christian (New Testament) book. If they had a Muslim HG, I'm sure they'd put a Koran in there as well.
As for the whole ED/James thing: I liked ED but I don't really like James. That said, I would like to say that I think the people that think ED could only have won against Dani are kidding themselves. Of the final 6, I think ED wins against Dani (as he did) and Zack (who many thought of as a floater)and possibly against the Weasel (he backstabbed more people than ED) but he would have defintely lost against Jameeka and Jessica.
And frankly, if you dig deeper, he probably wins against Jen and Amber as well. You've got to remember, people often vote for game play over friendship. They certainly did in the case of ED vs. Danielle: she was his partner and much less offensive than he was, but they voted for him.
Frankly, last year you could make a case that any of the final 5 or 6 at least deserved to win. And, as much as I loathe almost all of them this year, you can make a case that James, Natalie, Josh, Sharon or Sheila all deserve to win. Adam and Ryan are just too much the pawns of the girls to merit much respect from me.
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