This screen cap I took of James is about how I feel right now. Thankfully, I don't have those tattoos and the mohawk, but ...! I wrote up the show review and it's over on TV Squad. I'll be doing the Sunday and Tuesday show reviews for the rest of the season there, but I'll continue live blogging here (complete with typos!).
Here are the Sunday night happenings from inside that Big Brother House of Hooligans and Pranksters:
- Sheila says that when she wins HOH, Ryan will have to read her letter from her son because she'd cry. I don't think she'll have to worry, but I was wrong about Natalie's possibilities of winning, so who knows?
- Adam mentioned they should throw the HOH to Sheila. He got no takers.
- Sheila thinks she's made relationships with everyone in the house and they're all real. (She should have continued on to say real fake, real bad, etc.)
- Sheila thinks James is stupid. Natalie thinks all of them are stupid.
- Natalie is still on her God kick. Sheila told her she will have a huge following for her beliefs.
- Ryan told Joshuah that Natalie is still on board with breaking the tie to keep him ... if she keeps her word.
- They're mad because James called Adam out for throwing comps in his speech (POV?). Adam says he did, but he won't throw any more comps.
- Sheila told Natalie that everyone deserves to win except Chelsia and James.
- Someone (Sheila) requested spray disinfectant to clean (the kitchen counters from the shoe prank).
- Sheila and Natalie are STILL griping about Chelsia in the house and how she left. Get over it, gals! It's now history!
- Sheila appreciates Joshuah's honesty for saying he hasn't played the game well.
- Natalie is still beaming over being more inspirational.
- Joshuah has a plan. He's hungry and he's on the block. The penalty for eating food when on slop is a penalty nomination. Two plus two equals ...? Although I recall last season they didn't give someone a penalty nom when on the block as it would screw things up. Jen when she ate, that's it!
- Natalie and Joshuah supposedly have a secret alliance because secret alliances are the only ones which work. Now, she'll show it's not an alliance if she has to break the tie as she'll show it's a lie or, if she votes to keep him, it's not a secret. Kind of a short planned secret alliance, eh?
- Joshuah told Ryan he had more tricks up his sleeve.
- Joshuah told James he wants to leave the game. He said Natalie won't stop talking.
- When asked by James, Josh told him no one gave him their word to vote to keep him. He said Natalie said yes on the tie-breaker. "Do you believe her?" James asked. (I don't!)
- Sharon made a deal with Ryan (who already has a deal with Joshuah).
- Sharon told Ryan she won't make a deal with the girls. (Ah, the hush-hush Girls Alliance is indeed a covert operation!)
- Lots of speculation of future days and small talk.
what a fun house?
good night all who are fast asleep
Thanks Jackie
Awww James looks kiinda handsome.
Thanks Jackie.
Gayle, I totally agree with you from last post about Jameka 2. I wonder what it does to people in the house that they revert to being this overt about it. I know they edit to show maybe everything that was said over a week in one little clip, but Nat and last season's Wamber went on and on about it in real time. What's up with Adam jumping on the bandwagon? Do we think he's serious?
(Do we care?)
Well, this was one time I was happy for the recap, having missed the last two shows. I was cooking while it was on so I didn't catch all that Chelisa said as she exited, but it was original and all looked quite dramatic. Why not go out with a bang?
Need to know why James voted Chelsia out -- what was his reasoning? I keep reading back but can't find that part, if someone will indulge me. And I wondered if his whole sleeping alone and questioning aloud if the money was worth it or if he should have used his veto to save Chelsia was an act. AND then tears too. What say ye?
I think James is just exhausted from having to exist for this long, in these tight quarters, with these mind-numbingly DUMB people.
I actually was surprised that he *didn't* use the veto on Chelsia, I really thought he was going to. His thinking (in voting her out) was to prove to the house that he's his own man and is playing the game for himself. It was a smart move, because what would be the point in a sentimental vote? He's got integrity, in my opinion. And it bugs me, EVERY frickin time that Nat brings up how he betrayed her blah blah blah, that James doesn't just set her straight and tell exactly what happaned, which is that he found out that Matt had been lying to him about voting him back in -- that was his reason, and he should just keep putting that in Gnat's face, pointing out that MATT is the liar. And why don't they all pop her little bubble about Matt, while they're at it -- they ALL know that Matt really really didn't like her (that way) and she keeps deluding herself.
Also, getting back to the Chelsia thing, I think James was a little disappointed with how her behavior deteriorated her last week, and thus he was also distancing himself from that (because I think it really bothered him).
All you have to do is say it and voila -- I actually finally did find why James voted Chelsia out but I am still interested in the opinons of those who saw it all. Was it just game -- to separate from her-- or did he truly see a side of her that he didn't like?
"Sheila is still on her God kick. Sheila told her she will have a huge following for her beliefs."
Huh? That parses as "Sheila told Sheila Sheila will have a huge following for Sheila's beliefs." Get some rest ma'am.
James is smart, and it was the smart thing to do, that's all. He made it clear during the week that he was going to vote her out, and he did. I believe it was a matter of him proving his integrity, after the Matt thing. There would have been no benefit to him to do otherwise, don't you think?
I don't think that he radically changed his opinion of her because of how she behaved, but he was just, for games sake, distancing himself from what was a foregone conclusion.
I'm sure that should be "Sheila told Nat" because Sheila has been sucking up BIG TIME to that little girl. It's all so pathetic.
Can someone enlighten me as to why the Bible Club thinks themselves so holy? Because clearly they have labeled themselves the "good" people. Why? I've seen them all lie. All exhibit behavior that they should be extremely embarrassed to know is being viewed by the public (BBAD), not to mention their families. All have been two-faced to everyone else. ALL OF THEM. What delusion do they suffer from that makes them think God is on their side????
HELP they are making ME crazy!!
Jackie said on TV Squad...
I've been trying to think what the Commandants would be for the hamsters. Hmm ... thou shalt not backstab unless you can do it first. Thou shall steal, lie, and do whatever it takes to win. Thou
shall bear false witness. Thou will covet thy neighbor's wife and anything else that moves. Thou shall not murder ... that's taking things too far and is probably an FCC violation.
OMG! LMAO! That is too perfect, Jackie.
You are an incredibly talented writer and interpret events in such a unique way. You are always right on the mark. Amazing!
James does look rather innocent sleeping there, doesn't he? I think James was distancing himself from Chelsia to play his own game. Actually, I thought it was rather cold that he voted C out, but that's James. I think he is completely focused on winning and won't let anyone get in his way. James is a hardcore gamer.
I can't believe I'm going to say this but, I actually felt empathy for Nat when she was so over the top happy winning HOH. I don't know, is it that she's such a sad pathetic young girl that's getting to me? I didn't like her rationale for why she won and all the Bible quotes she spewed. Just so you know, I respect the Bible and it's words but the way Nat uses it is very twisted. OK, I still don't like her.
Brent McKee...
Oh NO! Don't tell me that now Sheila is on the "God kick". She must be desperate or what? Does this house make people certifiable?
Is this what would happen to us if we had no outside contact or communication?
Have a good week, all. Niters!
Brent -- Oops! The first instance of Sheila should have been Natalie! I fixed it!
-- to separate from her-- or did he truly see a side of her that he didn't like?
James smiled while stating to evict Chelsea, later he was shown while walking into living area doing a happy jumping kick, James has been on reality shows prior he knows how to play along with whomever, perhaps by not giving Chelsea a sympathy vote backfired, do you all honestly think these current HG's care whether or not James voted in the majority , in fact they are the type who probably hold it against James for not giving Chelsea at least one vote, I realize Chelsea stated they discussed him not voting for her, however keep in mind, James made comments while in the D/R something to the effect of realizing how psycho she was..Darn my allergies are in full force...
Regarding the Penalty Nomination for eating food while on slop and on the block. Jen did this last year and it was a 'first' for BB.
The way they handled it was to give her an additional vote to evict and not a penalty for the next week.
I could be wrong on the resulting votes, but it came out something like 6 - 0 instead of 5 - 0.
I hope Josh eats. He can be funny, but I'd rather Sharon stay.
Twig in LA
Sydney, I think that James stuck very close to Chelsia that week she was up on the block and prior to her eviction. Watching BBAD, he laughed at her when she was doing all the stupid stuff (destroying Natalie's decorated Easter eggs and screaming obsentities)...she was drunk, and she was unhappy she couldn't do anything about being sent home.
James soothed her during her crying spells. She hated for anyone to see her cry so it really aggravated HER when she did, not him. He tried to get her to let it all out, but she wouldn't do it.
They mutually agreed that he would not give her a sympathy vote for game purposes, but on BBAD the other night he said now he's sorry he didn't and he feels bad about it because it gained him nothing.
While it wasn't very nice of Chelsia to have said all those things on her way out, I have to say I loved her "gumption"! She was on a mission to get it all in in the minute she had to leave the house. And she was excellent in her answers to Julie. James left her the sweetest goodbye video and she cried while trying not to.
I also believe his tears are real...just not sure if he's crying for her or for himself. He misses her, I do believe that.
What "Twig in LA" said is correct.
Jen wasn't given a penalty nomination as she was already on the block. She was given a penalty vote to evict.
If there is a possibility of a tie in this weeks voting, why in the world would Joshuah even consider eating for a second? A penalty vote to evict could be his ticket to the sequester house.
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