I was asked to write up the review/recap of tonight's live eviction show and it's now up over on TV Squad.
Here's the lowdown on what's gone on in the Big Brother House of A Change Is Gonna Come since the eviction:
- Joshuah, certain that he and James will be put on the block, asked Natalie and Ryan to PLEASE win POV and let the nominations remain the same. He thinks that he stands the chance to stay against James, but James wins every POV comp.
- Now Natalie is off her "8's" kick and onto '7's." She believes God obviously gave her His blessing -- James will NOT win POV because she'll be able to play in this one.
- Natalie said tonight was EPIC.
- James reminded Natalie that they had mended fences. She reminded him he backdoored her Mattie.
- James told her if she puts him up, he'll be evicted.
- He wants her to trust him. (Haven't we heard that before?)
- James told Joshuah he thinks he'll be backdoored. Joshuah told him he wouldn't be -- he's sure both of them will put directly on the block, no backdooring about it.
- James said Chelsia's speech and exit were a lot calmer than she had told them they would be. (Oh, my.)
- James saw his brother on the video in back of Julie when he did the HOH interview with her, but he couldn't hear what he was saying.
- James said that while everyone was upset about Chelsia and the Easter eggs, he was getting laid. (Sheila??? Heh, no. Chelsia, naturally!)
- Natalie got her HOH room -- pictures of family, dog Sampson, a Yellowbird CD, alcohol.
- James thinks that Chelsia ruined any chance he has with Sheila this week. (For her vote, not sex!)
- James also said he won't rain on Natalie's parade. She wanted HOH so much and worked hard to get it.
- Sheila and Natalie talked more about how horrid Chelsia is.
OK I am a Nat hater- I can't stand her game her voice and she all around just SUCKS! Bah Humbug!!!
When Chelsia started in smashing things Sunday, most of the hgs scattered. I don't know if I have ever seen that in the BB house.
Chelsia's anger was sort of diffused by every one staying out of her way. Think of how it could have ended if all of them had stayed in the kitchen and a shouting match began.
I didn't see much of BB in the beginning. Did some one thing happen that turned her against Natalie. Don't get me wrong, I know how irritating Nat and her Bible rewrite is. But Chelsia seemed to single out Natalie in a house full of abrasive irritants. When you compare the two women, Chelsia should come out ahead in every way...intelligence, education, family life, money.She even found a love connection in the house when Nat wanted to and didn't. Chelsia should have felt superior to Nat instead of focusing on her. Nat had no power over Chelsia, until the vote. Was there a reason the two started the hate affair?
I am also confused when the hate mongering began between Chelsia and Natalie...
I am anxious to hear what everyone has to say about this.
Tonight was certainly not "epic" in my book, but what do I know?!?
Chelsia and Natalie haven't liked each other since day 1. I have no idea if it was one thing in particular that set the whole thing off-- they did strip together! Then again they were drunk when that happened.
Zoe and Joy: Thank you for your sweet words. Yes, Clooney was named after George, and he was just the coolest cat-- all 17 pounds of him. Maine Coons are one of the bigger breed cats, he was all muscle, and he acted more like a dog than a cat, never swatting unless you were playing with him, hissing, or growling. He gave kisses all the time. He'd even fetch a few toys, and bring them to you when he was ready to play. If blogspot wasn't so messed up I'd get rid of the evel dick picture and put one up of him. But it won't let me get rid of the picture.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss, as I know those precious fur kids become part of the family in no time...
I hope Clooney is up in Heaven running like the wind with my AJ & Jazz.
You are in my thoughts at this emotional time.
Natalie received a " Yellowbird CD? I've heard of Yellowcard, although anything is possible.
Plaidchick -- I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Cats are precious companions. My heart goes out to you.
Tom's -- I may have heard it wrong. I'm not familiar with either Yellowbird or Yellowcard. I know the Yellow part was in there!
Go Nat......go Nat..........go Nat..go! I am so happy for her and her HOH! Yes, even I get tired of her carrying on after just so much of it, but of the people left I want Natalie and Ryan to be the final two.Now if they can get rid of James this week, that will make me delirious!
I am also rooting for Natalie in this game. I hope James goes this week. Go NAT!
plaidchick, I knew a Maine Coon cat. He was a sweetie, too. Huge feet. He liked to lounge around on the top of the sofa and he would decide if anyone could sit near him or not. Or if he wanted to be petted. He was always the one in charge. I miss him. I am sorry to hear your sad news.
In hindsight, and if there wasn't a particular incident, then I wonder if Chelsia picked Natalie because she appeared to be the weakest in the house. I think Chelsia's anger and bitterness (not just at leaving but in many comments she made while in the house) were actually a self hate. If so, then Natalie just became the target for her to unload on. Maybe chosen by the process of elimination. They weren't in the same alliance (openly hating Sharon wouldn't have helped her and James) she was female (James was tight with the guys, so Chel couldn't openly hate them), stirring up Sheila just brings more trouble than it is worth. Maybe if Amanda had stayed, Chelsia would have alligned with Natalie and hated Amanda...or one of the others. Natalie was someone to blame when things went wrong. They were both doing similar things with their 'soulmates', and Matt wasn't raped, he wanted the attention as much as James wanted it from Chelsia. It was sad to see both women take part in pleasing their new found friends. Whether editing or the DR telling Natalie what to say, she was right in saying that hate was driving Chelsia. I didn't like the pseudo Jesus speak she wrapped around the statement or the arragance in which it was delivered. But it was an honest statement...as honest as the parting shots Chelsia laid down.
Good Morning Jackie, it is baseball season here and I got to sit out under a beautiful sky and watch our local team win last night. I enjoyed that.
ewe...gnat. i liked her so much before 'matty' left....she wasnt so nuts(possible?)....now she runs around like jesus' publicist. hiding behind teh bible has always been a problem for me....don't these people have ONE original thought in their heads? if gnat knew all that she thinks she knows....god does not want her to win half of a million dollars.
chelsia may be a little bitch, but she is not dumb and didnt hide behind anyone. i saw my college self in chelsia...so sad but true. she will grow up from this experience i am sure.
i love james...he may seem like a jerk for voting chelsia out, but he told her, she knew it and they both know this is a game.
PLAIDCHICK......just to let you know how very sorry I am for your Loss of Clooney.
I have loved and lost a big loving cat myself (Solomon)and no matter what they cant be replaced. You can grow a new love for another but they are still special in your heart.
I am convinced there is a place in Heaven for all loved animals, and even a bigger place for those who never felt human love...they are all together now, playing and snoozing and chasing butterflies.(that is if they can be bothered to even notice them)
Chelsia actually commented on the fact that she just couldn't stand to look at Natalie or hear her speak. It was just one of those instant dislikes and never got turned around. She said she couldn't stand her ignorance. Well, that's a given, but usually people find that more humorous or sad... not dislike. Chelsia didn't seem to have the capacity to empathize. Hopefully she'll change as she gets older, but I doubt it. That sort of thing, you either have it or you don't.
Yellowbird is a Hawaiian song and a CD by Arther Lyman. The music is upbeat marimba type stuff and sounds wonderful.
Finally, something positive I can say about Gnat!
See dick? Run Dick run. Dick can run...I am sure he would from Shelia! I am sure all of you remember reading like this in first grade? This is the level of these HGS.
I am glad God answered one of Gnat's prayers because that is the only one that is going to be answered for her while she is in the house. She is not going to win, D-U-N, done.
I have a feeling that the squester house may have gotten just a little bit hotter. I am sure Chelsia is not going to let Gnat have the last word or action of any of this.
The tides are turning. It should be interesting from here on out.
I'm with Jackie. I want the GP to win.
Have a great day everyone!
PlaidChick - Yes, Maine Coons are special. My daughter thought of our Scruffy, at 32 lbs, as a bulldog in a cat suit. I saw him more as an aging leather-clad bearded biker. He was the definition of mellow love. He didn't have to decide who could sit on the sofa. When he was on it, there wasn't room for anything else.
Natalie keeps changing. She might start thinking instead of reacting. I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't put James up, realizing that, of that alliance (josh, Sharon, James), he might be the one to be sitting beside at the end, while her alliance votes.
My opinion of why Chelsia hated Nat right from the beginning? Because Matt was one of the most likely-looking for a "I-can-manipulate-him" showmance, and Nat, with the instant BJs, didn't compete fairly.
I was actually happy to see Natalie win HOH. I can't help but feel a little empathy for her. I think this confidence boost will do her a world of good. Yes, she talks too much, goes overboard with the bible stuff, and is not the brightest crayon in the box, but I still feel like she has the best heart in the whole bunch. I think she wears it out on her sleeve too much, but I think she's pretty much sincere (yes I know she's told some lies, but then again they all have) and has been nothing but herself throughout the game so far. I'm very interested to see how HOH status will affect her. I would guess that its a given that Josh and James will go up, but it would probably be smarter to backdoor James (and probably much more satisfying to Nat, since that's how her Mattie went out). James is too successful at winning POV and I have no doubt he'd win it again this week.
I just finished watching the tape from last night's show.
Gnat got a Yellowcard CD (not Hawaiian music after all). http://www.google.com/musica?aid=E8ZsolzDsdD&sa=X&oi=music&ct=result
silk, I think you are on to something with the Matt connection to Chelsia and Nat. I would like to watch the intro episode again now that I know who they are.
It seemed odd to me that Natalie would tell of her abortions and not admit to her undercover work with Matt. Could it be she thought of that lie as protecting Matt. She seems to hurt herself more than others. (except when we have to listen to her drone on about a subject, of course) I think her school education and her christian education are both in their enfantile stages. I keep thinking of the old movie Educating Rita.
If Gnat nominated Josh and someone else while planning to backdoor James, it could backfire on her if James plays for and wins the POV. He simply would not use it and he would be safe for another week. Poor Gnat! Foiled again!
I kind of hope that's what will happen.
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