Natalie looks all fluffy as she still can't get over winning HOH.

James knows that unless he wins POV, chances are he's going home this week. But will Natalie put him on the block or try to backdoor him?

Ryan sits in Natalie's HOH with her basket of goodies behind him.
Here are the late night/overnight happenings from the house:
- James and Natalie talked some more. He told her that he has her back 100% now that Chelsia is gone.
- They shook on James not using the veto to save Joshuah if he wins it.
- He told her it's okay if she puts him on the block. She told him that she had to do what's best for her.
- Adam happy danced. Snoopy has no competition.
- Natalie told Sheila and Adam everything James said to her.
- Sheila told her she can't work with James. Natalie said she wouldn't.
- Sheila thinks it was horrible for James not to cast a sympathy vote for Chelsia. (Had he done that, she would have complained about that, too.)
- Sharon told Joshuah she no longer trusts James -- he was trying to sell out Joshuah now.
- Natalie told her group that she said she was going to put up both boys and she will be putting up both boys.
- Joshuah warned Sharon that Natalie and Sheila are like sisters now.
- Joshuah thinks it's going to be a scary week for him. He's very worried and doesn't have James in his corner now.
- Natalie said she may look dumb because she has big boobs, but she isn't dumb.
- Natalie keeps saying that she's going to give Matt his birthday present (by sending James to sequester).
- After the others went to sleep, James roamed the house, stopping at the Memory Wall and the kitchen for a snack.
- Finally, all are asleep as I post this.
So,good morning,Jackie and all!
I so don't envy you,Jackie,what with Gnat HOH and her best buddy,Shrieka,roaming and ruling the house with her.
I didn't watch but the very end last night,just in time to see that Gnat won HOH,but from the sound of things,BB managed to tailor a comp for her. Maybe they even gave her a heads up(oops,bad choice of words??).I wouldn't put it past TPTB to try and shake things up,in desperation.
Don' think Gnat is a totally bad person. I think she has had to fend for herself most of her life and that's why she's so positive about her. SHE has to be in her corner,cause nobody else has ever been there for her.The poor education and naivete about things comes from a neglectful background,IMO.That she would think that this pathetic show would find her "soul mate" for her is sad,and her trying to make something out of it when Matty could run her over and wipe his feet on her without a backward glance,well that's just too sad.
I still find Sharon to be the least offensive of those left. Does that mean she should win the money,nope,the one that plays the game the best should win(hope it isn't Adam,still can't get over his ret**** remark).
We know why Adam is on GNat's side, he likes working with the mentally disabled (or his words for it).
Oh Poop! OK, now you can say I have a potty mouth just like the rest of them. But I really DID NOT want Natalie to win HOH.
Since they're all mutually disgusting in their own "field of interest", I believe it is my right to like or dislike the ones of my choice, so I dislike all of them, but I dislike James less cause he at least has game play.
Sheila was crying, for those who wondered why, because she didn't win HOH. IMO.
The blind folds were so the others couldn't see which hand the other hg's put up.
No, James didn't move two places on the first move. He just didn't move up far enough on his first step so he moved up until he found the bar holding the ropes so he could guide his future steps. Didn't make any difference, he didn't move very far up the path anyway.
The one question Natalie missed was about herself. Was it the one about who would stop and save an animal on the road, her or Sharon? She picked herself... WRONG!
I don't have anything against Natalie, I just don't care for her double standards. At least the others aren't falling back on the Bible and saying I'm a wonderful person and God loves me. Sorry to burst your bubble Natalie, but He loves all of you! And He doesn't play favorites.
You just got lucky in the HOH comp Natalie. Enjoy it! Your time is coming ... the boys won't keep you once it's down to final 4. If they're smart they'll take James to final 3 and hope he's one of the final 2. They could win against him.
I would rather someone tell me how they feel about me to my face than to gossip behind my back to others. JMHO, but Chelsia and James have been up front about everything, they poke fun at them to their face. Nat and Sheila hide in any room they find and start whispering cutting down everyone else, then are sweet as pie to their faces. Personally, I do not like that type of person.
donna in al,
I think there is a big difference in what Sheila and Nat says about others and what James and Chelsia were saying. I think that it was disgusting the way Chelsia acted and personally I'm glad to see her gone. Go NAT!
So Shelia is shocked as hell that James and Chelsia were having sex? She goes off on Chelsia(now evicted) for ranting about Gnat giving Matt a BJ and then finds out there has been sex in the house with James and Chelsia. Sorry for hitting below the belt, but maybe it's been a while since Shelia has had a date. How did she survive in her world of Penthouse days? A very delusional individual.
Gnat is giving Matt a birthday present...James, so she says. She is sure he will be evicted. Ryan and Adam are gunning to get James out, as they fear revenge. Josh has been in the Gnats HOH room worried he will be going on the block and get the boot. Shelia and Gnat are claiming it is going to be James. JMO, I think James will win POV and the only other one to take his place is Sharon. I think after last week Gnat got on Adam's good side and she is not going to put him up. Ryan is not going to vote Josh out over Sharon. Ryan will convince Adam they need Josh to advance, so Sharon will be out.
Oh Sharon... I hope James wins POV, but I also hope Sharon (hg) is not voted out based on your scenario. I'd much rather Josh go.
OOPS... I mean Patty... and all of the above.
I just watched The Riches tape I made Tuesday night. I like that show and I like the characters. But, I don't like stealing or scamming and I don't like old people to be conned out of their life savings. And since I have seen so much BB stuff in the last few days, I couldn't help but draw some parallels to the two families. The Riches, as travelers, have committed some pretty vile crimes. But they are likeable. I guess my taste excuses a lot of transgressions when I like the fictional character. And yet BB characters can do no right (or no wrong) because of their outside the house lives.
Then I thought of the 'familiarity breeds contempt' quote. James was much easier to like when I didn't know much about him. Besides the internet gossip, he has spoken himself of his past. Just as Natalie has about herself...and many of the others. The more I learned of them (as I say, it was often in their own words) the more my liking of them lessened or perhaps, grew...it varied. Does that rule hold true with every one we know? After all, we know more about the hgs private lives than we do about the person next to us at work, or at the PTA meeting. Thank Goodness! But then, I disliked Chet on Survivor and know absolutely nothing about him, except what I saw on one hour a week show.
I am just pondering the human nature of it all. Why we can so intently be for or against strangers. And why we have to choose up sides, as if we are a part of the closed environment created by the house. I can like or dislike all of them at one time or another. It isn't disloyal to James for me to think kindly toward Natalie. Or vice versa.
I notice my personal life enters my comments. If I am melancholy, so are my posts. If my life requires introspection, then I take it to the boards. Thanks for offering a space, Jackie.
can someone here please explain the "rode hard and will be put away wet" line that Chelsia said to Sheila
plaidchick-you peaked my interest in the Maine Coon cat, so I googled it. It was interesting reading about them.
What a beautiful cat.
Anon 12:40-Coming from Chelsia I would think, but I am not certain, her statement meant "used up and worn out"
Not nice.
To anonymous:
"Rode hard and put away wet" is a phrase used for horses. Supposed to rub them down after a run so they don't catch cold and die...
Howdy y'all!
I have always considered "rode hard and put up wet" as meaning like the blanket on a horse that has been rode hard (running)all day long, the horse is sweaty and so is the blanket, so when you take the blanket and hang it up (which is wet from the sweat) it dries stiff and wrinkled.
Although it may be true about Matty and the BJ's with Natalie, did anyone actually see any of it? I saw her head going under the covers, but I also heard her talking at one time about that being how she sleeps. Others have even said to her that they can't believe she sleeps so covered up like that and she said she always does. So, just to be fair I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt, because I really don't know what is true. Do you????
Nat's head was under the covers over Matt's pen*s and her head is bobbing up and down, up and down for about 2 minutes, he moans some and she comes up beside him and tries to kiss him and lays with her head on his shoulder. I really do not think she was asleep doing all this. I found the clip on UTube by entering BB9 BJ or BB9 blow job.
I am sorry but I saw it.
I have not been able to find a clip of James and Chelsia actually having sex on UTube though. I know they admitted to it and I know they did but I could not find one the last time I looked.
I beleive all parties are correct on the phrase. This is something that has more than one meaning.
Maybe Chelsia was warning Sheila that she was being used and her welcome would be worn out by the other HG.
Only Chelsia will be able to explain what she really meant. By that time let us hope that will be water under the bridge and no explaination is needed.
Anyone know if Survivor is going to be on tonight? Seems like Basketball is scheduled........grrrrr!
There is a respectful way to be up front and open about people, of course then there's a raunchy, nasty, image plus words way, OIMO Chelsea wasn't this honest person, who expressed her views for game purposes, it was part of her persona, if you cannot respect yourself at least respect your image! Nat is missing a light bulb, however when she does find it, she'll realize how she too, made a fool of herself, Chelsea reacted on impulse adding upon her disgusting manners, I might be incline to believe she was " honest " hence, actions speak louder than words, flip side is combine the two, what is an individual doing while stating " honest verbal attack's " I'll go far as to say, Chelsea saw herself in Natalie, that's the real reason she disliked Natalie "
In what way do you think Chelsia may have seen herself in Natalie?
I think poor Chelsia must have seen Sue Hawk's tirade on Survivor a couple of times too many and decided she wanted to go out with that kind of impact. I'm sure she thinks it will be a classic moment in reality tv history. Unfortunately for her, she just sounded like a little brat who couldn't leave the game gracefully. For such a self appointed "game player", I'm surprised she took her eviction so personally - after all it is just a game, right?
donna in al,is that your kitty in the pix and is it a Russian Blue?We have a Russian Blue,showed up on our doorstep almost 2 years ago now.She is a little mischief maker and our two older cats just despise her. But she is a beautiful cat. Just wondered if yours was a RB,if it's personality was the same? I just love kitties and we just couldn't take her to the pound when she came to our door. I wish I could take Roofus,but my two "old ladies" would hate him too.....LOL.
And yes,there is no Survivor this week because of basketball. One more reason for me to dislike that sport!
Oh,and I watched the reunion show of The Gauntlet last night and I have two who would fit right in that BB house. Coral and Katie. Every other word out of their mouths were bleeped and it was like that on the show,too. I thought it funny that some of the younger girls really ragged on Coral about her age,and though Coral looked really,REALLY good on the show last night,let's face it,she's a lot older than most of them.Time to hang it up Coral,Katie,Beth and others? Then I wouldn't watch,because the Real World shows are so gross(like BB9)anymore that I don't watch them and wouldn't know anybody. I don't know half of them now. Is Road Rules even on anymore?
dla, Jackide, Sue, Terry in CA, Silk, and Patty: Thank you all for your kind words. I chuckled about yall's experiences with Maine Coones. That was Clooney. The cat would take over a king size bed when he came to visit my house.
And now back to BB:
Sandikay: Yes Natalie did perform oral sex 4 times on Matt. It was on the feeds. It's hard to root for someone who basically threw herself at the guy, and even as he walked out the door, he wouldn't hug her. It's a bit pathetic. She isn't playing for herself and never was. She was/is playing for Matt because she really believes that since BB did such an outstanding job on compatability and personality tests, Matt is really her soulmate.
But that's what makes the show, and blog reading fun. We all root for our own.
Hi Sharon, I saw the Gauntlet reunion last night and I have to say that as bad as they are, and they really are bad - I love Coral and Katie. They have the worst potty mouths I've ever heard, but they are funny as hell. You gotta admit, without those two there that reunion show would have been a dead bore! If you can get past all the foul language they use to express themselves, and pretty much all of them are guilty of that - they had the most insight into the game and pegged all the other players dead on. I don't think Coral quit so much because she didn't want to go up against Ev, but because she was pissed at and hurt by the team and wanted to screw them over. The boys wanted to get rid of the girls, so she did them a favor and made 2 girls go home instead of 1.
A quick shout out to Joe in NY, haven't heard from you much this season. Your views are always interesting and often controversial. I fondly recall your being the catalyst for several brouhahas here.
i can't help it, but i have a soft spot for natalie. i don't always agree with all she has participated in, but i do believe that she is doing the best with what she has and what has been given her in life. what appears to me to be the DIFFERENCE between nat and chelsia is that chelsia seems to find humor and joy in getting as mean and nasty and hurtful as you can get. you can have game play without such HORRID treatment of others. natalie and sheila gossip behind closed doors but that is what will happen in their situations. cripe, people do that every day outside the bb house. but chelsia takes it to an altogether vicious level. thats not game play. thats a blatant display of her character.....or lack of. call me old fashioned, but i would love to see a return to the "nice" guy getting the attention and kudos BECAUSE of his character. our society has switched it around to worship those who can stoop the lowest. it interests me to read of those who excuse repulsive behavior as "game play". seems to me the one who could win this game with dignity TRUELY in tact would be the one most deserving of the reward. old fashioned? yes. thats ok with me.
LOL, is Ryan doing an impression of Adam in the photo at the top of this entry? It certainly looks like it with the buggy eyes.
Also, I'm getting amusement at you guys and your wrath for March Madness. Personally I love college basketball and look forward to this time of year. But I certainly don't enjoy football and spent much of the winter saying the same things as you guys when football ran over and delayed BB. To each his own, but take comfort in knowing this is the end of it...after this week all the games will be on weekends and it shouldn't preempt any more shows. But seriously, Survivor should have been on Wed this week, just like last, I'm going through some withdrawal!
rbennie,that was one of things I hated most about The Gauntlet and the other RR/RW contests. The boys always wanted to deep six the girls right out of the gate. They think they are the only ones with any game and only acted like the girls were there to fool around with and throw under the bus. I agree with Coral and Katie,they did peg the game play straight on.I just have such a hard time thinking that's the way they talk in real life,but I think it is.
I also agree with nancy in pa,that I'm disappointed in the trend to always hold up and applaud the bad guy. BB didn't start out that way. How long would Chicken George last with this group?? The groups used to be so diverse,this is just a bunch of foul mouthed "babies" that don't even know how to play the game.Shiela is just an old baby!
Chelsia is actually Matty's birthday present....sex. Not James....although, he may try.
I took Chelsia's expression to Sheila as this: Used, abused, ridden hard and put away wet. That is something I've heard in the past to mean a woman who is older and trying to look younger etc...a cougar.
Caroline-that is what happens when you live with someone long enough. One tends to act like the other. I don't think we have to worry until Ryan starts finshing what Adam is saying.
tbc-ROTFL about Matt's birthday present being Chelsia/sex and not James. I bet Gnat has not thought that far in advance as of yet...wait until she does and then we will really see her panic...turn into Shelia!
Sharon, the picture is my kitty and his name is Fluffy. I do not know what kind of cat he is. I found him in the dumpster about 9 years ago at work. The neighborhood kids there had cut all his beautiful fur off and he was so dirty. I first let him in my office for 3 days and cleaned him up and fed him. Then I thought I would take him home just for the weekend...yeah right...that was 9 years ago. He was maybe 2 months old when I found him according to the vet. He just lays on the back of the couch or on my bed all the time. He doesn't care about playing much any more unless you hold the toys close enough that he doesn't have to actually get up to catch it! The only time he meows is when his food bowl is empty. He does no want to be petted but if you insist he will LET you for a few minutes if he's in the mood. He purrs immediately when you pick him up or touch him. He will let you turn him upside down, poke a pill in his mouth or shave him (shears) and not move. He is a very laid back cat. I really would miss him if anything ever happened to him.
From what I understand, pretty much all of the interpretations of "rode hard and put away wet" have some element(s)of Chelsia's intention to insult Sheila. That expression is most often used to mean, bottom line...that someone is old, wrinkled and looks all used up. One of the lovely things about Chelsia is that she has insulted Sheila's age and looks from the very beginning. As much as I find it distasteful, I have to say that's not at all unusual among her age group. She and Joshuah enjoyed that pasttime both together and separately, in other words, Chelsia does talk about people behind their backs, too. IMO, they both (Chelsia and Josh) have a very nasty, mean, and condescending streak in them. Both are very attractive physically and IMO, not so much in their actions in the house.
I agree with whomever said that at times they may like or dilike any of the HG's and saying something positive about one does not necessarily mean something negative about another.
Putting aside the sexual and bible issues for the moment, it strikes me that Natalie and Chelsia have something in common in that both have sacrificed their own games in the name of another person (read: guy). Chel. may think it's different because James (seemed) to return her feelings while Matty clearly did not for Nat...but it seems like the same mistake to me. When will the women ever learn to bond together rather than tear each other down. The guys were going to have "the four bros" from the very beginning. The same idea did not (and usually doesn't) seem to cross the women's minds. Oh well, JMHO.
I thought the 'ridden hard' quote an odd choice for someone Chelsia's age. Although, I may just be thinking of an different useage than she was. Adam has been using it all day and it isn't a horse that was ridden, and Sheila said she hadn't heard it before. I think I get the drift of what Chelsia was saying...and wonder how the next 20 years will treat her in the looks department. It seems like every time I insult someone, I end up having to endure the same thing I said about them. You know when the shoe is on the other foot. I may have bitten off more than I can chew in this post, but I thought that expression was from an earlier time, like 'that's all she wrote', 'look what the cat dragged in' and 'she's a tough old bird'. Maybe the younguns are bringing those sayings back. lol
Rode hard and put away wet...
Most recently the album name of Diesel Boy's 2001 album
But IMHO the cooler reference would be in the lyrics of Son Volt's "Tear Stained Eye"
Donna - I have always considered "rode hard and put up wet" as meaning like the blanket on a horse that has been rode hard (running)all day long, the horse is sweaty and so is the blanket, so when you take the blanket and hang it up (which is wet from the sweat) it dries stiff and wrinkled.
It does mean what you say -- but it also means someone who has...hummm.... been around the block a few times if you catch my drift. It is NOT a compliment.
Patty - She goes off on Chelsia(now evicted) for ranting about Gnat giving Matt a BJ and then finds out there has been sex in the house with James and Chelsia.
I think Squeala's point was the pot calling the kettle black.
I sort of feel sorry for Gnat. I think the girl has had a rough life and puts up with crap from men because she wants to be loved so much. I imagine she really did think that she was being set up with her soul mate. She seems rather gullible to me. I think it is a shame for CBS to take advantage of people by putting someone like Gnat into the house.
March Madness has taken on a new meaning here in Tacoma. We had freezing rain last night, a nice morning, 2 hrs. of snow this afternoon, and now the sun is out and there's not a cloud in the sky!!! My grandkids got out of school and put on their snow gear, then out came the sun!
My understanding of the phrase"rode hard and put away wet" referred to a work horse on a farm. It was rode hard to do the farmer's work and then when he was done with the horse he put it back in the barn without wiping the horse to keep it from getting sick. IMO that relates to Sheila, in that she is being used by the guys in the house and when she's done being useful to them she will be evicted. I do think that is similar to how she has lived her life....taken advantage of by men and disregarded when they did want her anymore.
I guess Nat. has forgot that she told everyone that she gave Matt 2 BJ on Valentine's Day. He denied it(with a smile) but she was adamant that it happened.
For those who are appalled at Chel. behavior and the things she has done in the house but think the worst Nat. had done is talk about people behind their backs....go to YouTube and view the 2 stripteases she did...not exactly the way a girl who has "reformed" should be acting.
Sheila is probably the most hypocritical person in the house. Constantly criticizing Chel, James and Josh for the way they talk and the things they do. If I was a betting person I would bet money that she acted very similar during her 10 years at the Penthouse Mansion when she was in her early 20-30's.
I thought the questions for HOH were pretty easy and was surprised at how bad James did. Watching him I thought he was throwing it(laughing at his answers, answering very quickly, and not really paying attention). Now I know he wasn't but...do you think he was distracted with Chel. having just left?
I would like to see a Senior All-Star BB. Take everyone who has played that is over 40 yrs. and put them in the house. They would probably get rid of ED right away and we might see some class and maturity when they aren't having to sink to the level of these 20-somethings.
Plaidchick--so sorry about your kitty. These pets... they come into our homes, curl up on our laps, and sneak into our hearts...and we wouldn't have it any other way!! :)
Survivor is back next Thurs. along with CSI-Vegas. Off to Dance class. Time to exercise something other than my fingers.
Indeed, "rode hard and put away wet" refers to riding a horse hard and putting them back in their stall without the proper cool-down...plain exhausted, beat-up, used.
Coming from Chelsia and directed to Sheila, I imagine it was said with raunchier (sexual)undertones to it.
Kids like Chelsia wouldn't have survived the 80's, and Sheila was penthouse Playmate Pet of the Year!
Thanks Kathryn for the music references. That would explain why someon Chelsia's age would use the expression.
Nana I love your notion of a Senior BB, but I would go one step farther. When the next crop of HGs enter the house they would find a Parent/Teacher/Grandparent type already there and IN CHARGE!! This person would have immunity for at least the first four weeks and would assign beds, assign chores, and mete out demerits and punishment! Now that would be fun to watch!!
On Adam; he has a Master's degree?? in fashion?? studied at Parsons and in Italy?? and has his own clothing line?? Is he really smart enough to play this dumb for this long? Amazing!
anon 7:32--of course, Sheial was Playmate of the Year....she was sleeping and living with the owner of the magazine!! I think Chel. exact words were "Sheila you have been rode hard and you WILL be put away wet!" Said with venom pouring out of her mouth!! I can understand the younger ones not knowing the phrase but I am surprised Sheila had never heard the phrase before.
Adam has a his own clothing line?? I bet everything has pockets!!LOL
I have often thought the house needed a house mother and a time-out chair!
"rode hard and put away wet"
I thought you all had some pretty interesting and good interpretations of this idiom. But quite frankly, besides for some sort of overt sexual reference calling Shiela useless and dried up is most certainly all Chelsia meant. I doubt she's as smart as we are even if she is a bit more intelligent than Natalie, it's not by much. That's what made me enjoy the show so much last night, Chelsia went nuts and she came off as stupid, crude, and immature and worse than Natalie who at least evokes our pity.
LOL, okay you guys, I think we have beat this horse to death already. I agree with you Anon 8:07 p.m. - Chelsia was spewing her venom and thought she was using an oh so clever way of calling Sheila old and dried up.
Donna in AL...
I just viewed the video of Nat/Matt/BJ on YouTube...wish I hadn't. There's not much guessing about what's going on.
If Nat has told everyone that it never happened then she is a bold faced liar. I read that some feel sorry for her and I agree that she's basically not a mean and nasty person. But, there's nothing that irks me more than someone who is completely self-righteous and proclaims to be a good Christian when her behavior is so obviously the opposite. In other words, her actions speak so loudly, I can't hear what she's saying.
Joe in NY said...
To anonymous:
"Rode hard and put away wet" is a phrase used for horses. Supposed to rub them down after a run so they don't catch cold and die...
Howdy y'all!
Howdy, Joe! I didn't think they talked like that in NY. LOL
Yes, that's is exactly what that quote means. If a horse is put back in it's stall wet (sweaty) after a hard run it could get seriously ill or age much faster than if the horse is properly cared for. Even for those who aren't familiar with the expression it still got the point across that it was a slam against Sheila.
It's not easy to lose and remain gracious. Chelsia was spitting mad in that house for days after she was nominated. Let's hope she learns better impulse control as she matures.
Sasha said...
When will the women ever learn to bond together rather than tear each other down. The guys were going to have "the four bros" from the very beginning. The same idea did not (and usually doesn't) seem to cross the women's minds. Oh well, JMHO.
3/27/2008 6:12 PM
I often think the same thing. Is it because women are more catty with each other than men are? Gosh, I hate those stereotypes, but it seems to repeat. Women seem to be more motivated to work to gain favor in order to please the male species and view other females as competition. Oh my, that subject is waaaay too deep to get into here. ;)
Sure wish we didn't have to wait until Sunday. I usually don't have time to listen to Housecalls on CBS so I'm not sure how it works. Is each evicted house guest interviewed there the day afterwards? I'm curious to hear what Chelsia has to say.
See ya later alligator! :)
Gnat evokes no pity from me.
I watched the Gauntlet Reunion, too. I realize that Eric did look very sick in the final comp, but when it was revealed that he went to the after-party and was drinking beer (which he first denied until some of the others said he was), then my only thought was that it served the veterans right. They were too chicken to go against him in the gauntlet so they kept him there. He bragged about his almost non-existant physical abilities and fell apart quickly, losing it for the vets just about single-handedly. For all the chest thumping they did, KARMA quietly came back to bite them all in the butt. And Karma seemed to be named Eric. Ah, the justice of it all!
Yes Joy N. I agree. The vets deserved to lose and what poetic justice that it was a boy that lost it for them and not one of the weak, worthless girls. I wonder why so many of them were missing - where were CT, Diem, Robin, Casey, Danny, Melinda, etc. etc.
Rbennie, I wondered the same thing.
I,personally,cannot stand CT. I just wanted somebody to smash him in the mouth so many times in every season of this that he's been on. And I so agree with the fact that it was karma that took the vets down. Every time they would say...I'm not going against Big Easy,YOU go against him...and dollars to dougnuts,he would have folded in those challenges too. He has no strength,no agility and no game and they were stupid to drag him(literally) to the end. I could see him at the wrap party,drinking and shooting off his mouth. They deserved everything they got.
I don't like CT either, he's an angry, scary guy.
I didn't watch the Reunion episode yet but it's disappointing to hear that Diem and Casey weren't there. They are two of my favorites and neither got very much screen time during the whole run of the show. Guess they weren't confrontational enough to make good Tv. Also, I really wish that Melinda and Danny weren't still together. He's a total jerk and she seems like a nice girl.
nana in the nw said: Adam has a his own clothing line?? I bet everything has pockets!!LOL
and I'll bet they have wholes in them too nana...
I don't necessarily think that Shiela looks that bad for her age, but if she continues drinking, which I'm assuming she does every day at home, the way she covets the alcohol in the house... she will look like that in a very few years... you know ...what Chelsia said. We always referred to people who looked like that as "hard looking" assuming they drank themselves that way. Often unfairly so because there are always those unfortunate families who don't have the means to take care of themselves properly and grow old much faster than they should.
Did any of that make sense?
Has anyone heard anymore from Sydney?
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