The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome!
ARGh. Computer problems -- lost about all since before my save
Dick in the house.
Club evel in the backyard. James is hunting Adam down. DRink down special concoctions, play rock and roll croquest 10 drinks, three minutes. Each drink, a croquet shot. If winner can beat his 33 points from last season, the veto and classis Gibson Les Paul guitar and amp. If they can't beat him, he wins.
Sharon -- Chilis drink, Hangover cure, etc. Now Joshuah is up. Joshuah quits. Sheila got two down, three. For her son. Chelsia two drinks at once. Adam going for it. James up. He's determined.
Results -- Joshuah 5, Sharon and Chelsia 6, Dick told Chelsia she's pathetic. Sheila has 7 and James is upset.. She goes to the croquet, good shot, five points. She ends up with 23, leading so far. Adam drank 8. Adam knows James probably has ten shots. Chelsia thinks James will leave if the noms remain. Adam has beat Sheila ... has the veto, but James is up.
He must beat 28 for the veto, 33 for the guitar. Dick keeps telling him how much he needs the veto, his life in the house is on the line. He got 29 and won the veto, but Dick gets the guitar! Magical wizards keeping him in the house and he'll stay until he wins the game, he says. Chelsia feels royally screwed. Jpshuah and Sharon know one of them will go on the block.
Chelsia and James hug in the storage room. If one leaves, one has to go to the end. Chelssia is sad, but James loves her. James tells Joshuah and Sharon that he had to do it. Josh wants to make sure Sharon goes up and not him. He talks to Ryan who wants him around. Still an alliance going there. If Sharon goes up, Chelsia is guaranteed to go home. Joshuah knows that it could turn on him if he went up, but Sharon would easily stay. He knows Sharon loves Chelsia. He's blown away with her dedication and how darned good he is at the game. She buys it.
Sharon talks to Adam, taking one for the team. She tells him she's okay with it if he puts her on the block. Adam has that dazed look like he's hypnotized. He'll go for it. Sharon talks to Natalie and Joshuah, tells them. Natalie tells us she thinks Josh has something to do with it, he's sneaky.
God has to give me the power to get rid of him -- Natalie to Adam about James. She thinks he should put Josh up. Sharon does whatever Josh says. If they get rid of him, Sharon will come around. They tell Ryan. He points out that this is the time to get rid of Chelsia. Natalie thinks that Joshuah is more scary, Ryan says he wants to weaken James. Natalie says if Josh gets HOH, he'll nominate her.
James looking at the Memory Wll in anticipation of the veto -- he says he's already been evicted because of Chelsia once, won't be again. Chelsia knows that if Sharon goes up, that means Natalie, Ryan, and Adam want her out.
Chelsia speaks -- wants to stay in the game, realistically he beat her in the game, save himself. James will save himself and will stay in the house and play with vengeance. Adam says it's a hard decision. An option was best to keep his own risk level at a minumum, Sharon goes up. He thinks the repercussions will be at a mininum with Sharon on the block.
Sharon wants to end the game with Joshuah. Chelsia thinks James is laughing at her and she'll go home. Joshuah is saying he'll be the winner -- he even made Sharon go on the block for him.
Like her or not, Chelsia has beautiful skin!
Sheila and Gnat still kissing Adam's butt!
Poor Gnat, living in that dreamy little world of hers, still.
Chelsia had the golden ticket in her popcorn. That's how she won the prize!
I LOVE seeing EVEL DICK in the house again! He has his weapons of choice. After the commercials, he'll be baaaack!
Club Evel. Dick's special concoctions. Croquet. POV and a classic Les Paul guitar. I'd LOVE that guitar!
I'm just now starting the show on my DVR, ugh! Since I'm a half hour behind, I'll hold my comments, lol. I walked in with Josh starting the POV but wanted to see it from the start. :) Catch you all later.
James won with one point over Adam's 28. All he needed.
I sure am glad for your blogs! The next two Wednesdays our CBS affiliate is preempting BB9 for the Spurs games. Now, don't get me wrong - I LOVE the Spurs, but we have about 10 sports channels on cable and the local affiliate has a sister channel that runs old reruns at night. Why take off the regular shows and make us watch it at 3:07 a.m.? And don't EVEN get me started on March Madness! Thanks to you I can at least find out who is evicted! You're the best!
Ok....the person I don't like this season is GNAT!!!
OMG, she is CRAZY!!!
Ryan's arguing for Chelsia to go against Gnat's argument for
Joshuah. Adam is not too happy. He doesn't want to have to make the decision.
Ryan was apparently the better talker. As we know, Sharon was put up.
It might be making Gnat nervous that all that butt-kissing of Adam was for naught. She didn't get her way this time......hope she squirms over that.
I know this has nothing to do with bb, but can anyone tell me when Survivor is on this week. I live on the West Coast and I cant find it anywhere. Thank You
Karen, it's not on this week. March Madness strikes again this year and it won't be the last time it does.
I think James and Joshuah both think they're playing the best games, Joshuah I believe is doing so more so than James. But James has the competitive edge, he rocks the comps. In reality though, I think Ryan has the best game due to the secret alliance with Josh which could backfire on Josh long before it does on himself.
Okay, I can comment now, lol. I'm typing with a broken finger (I'll attempt to explain later) but I have to echo a few comments.
Nastalie is still delusional. Her trying to put Josh in James place happened the first night Chelsia treatened to sleep with Matty in sequester. Well, 'sleep with' is G rated. She actually said worse, and we all know it. Nastalie is nuts, but she's always guided by her feelings for Matty. We can't be fooled Nastalie. We see you on the feeds.
I thought James was a little over the top with the whole veto, and I'm not going out on Chelsia's dime thing again, but he is smart to save himself. Heck I would. Its a half a million on the table.
Jackie, you were right, Adam mentioned his risk in the POV speech and that was actually okay. I thought it was the nomination speech he was referring to. That one sucked in my opinion.
I loved Evel Dick, but I think the wake-up was lame. I wanted a spoon on a pot lid. :( LOL.
Good show. Now I'm off of here, because I can't keep backspacing enough as I try to type (minus one finger). Its hard folks, let me tell you. I smashed the end of my ring finger around 6:30 ET and it's throbbing. I smashed it good but luckily its only bruising/swelling on the palm side (right now). I would hate to have a black fingernail, and I can't cover it with black nail polish (I'm not into Goth). There's not enough pink to cover the damage otherwise.
Thanks again for the blog to comment on! Hugs.
Okay, this is mean...I'll preface my statements.
I do believe if I went into this house I would turn into a Josh. Simmer, Simmer, Simmer, BOIL!!! I would be so mean...I just know it. All bloggers would hate me.
Which leads me to the bad thought going thru my head tonite. Why am I wishing that Dick could spend 3 days in the house and tell Nastilie exactly what I say to her via my TV on a daily basis. THIS GIRL IS NOT RIGHT!!! I sadly have so many things to say to her, and some of them are just quite mean!
I didn't think it could get more annoying than Amber, but I'm there folks.
How freaky is it? The way people interpet their religious beliefs. Please someone take these idiots to school!
further more, these people are also old enough to vote. scary!
Sue said:
Natalie talks of The Secret and how it changed her life. I haven't read it and don't know how much it connects to the Bible. Natalie seems to have the two books blending together.
I haven't read the secret either but if I'm not mistaken I think it's a self-help guide about how to get what you want out of life somewhere along the lines of the power of positive thinking or creative visualization. So, that may be why she keeps saying that Mattie is her soul mate...if she keeps thinking it and wanting it to happen, the universe will make it so. Oh my God, Natalie's kind of like a Jedi.
Goodnight, all. I'm "DUN" for the night!
Just a funny note. This AM I went to the grocery store to finally get rid of the bag of pop cans that had been sitting in my car for a week. As I popped the last one into the machine, I said halfway to myself, "D-U-N, done." The lady at the next machine looked at me like I was stupid. I walked the ten feet to the door to go out and heard the lady yell, "Natalie!" I turned around. She was smiling and I smiled back. Made my day!
joyN, I just got up and am reading the comments..your 7:44am one is priceless!
Another thing that makes me laugh is that as Nuts as Natalie is, she sees that James is the one to beat.
We could list Natalieisms: like the number of letters in the alphabet. D U N
She said yesterday that she could play the Dumb one, if she needed to. (she might have said dumb blonde) She was going to pretend to be on James side and not be.
Sheila I think it was explained to her that Adultery was only correct term if the parties were married, oh, she said, I thought it meant if they had sex. (maybe she hasn't broken that commandant then...I think she was thinking)
Funny goofy woman.
Joy, Thank you for the answer to my question.
Joyn, excellent story! Much better than my own but it reminded me of mine.
I was working on a major project and FINALLY sent off the last part of it last evening. As I pushed "send", I said aloud...done...D-U-N! Alas, I work from home and that means I was talking to myself. I cracked myself up that I was quoting Natalie of all people. Then again, I had just talked to myself so I'm guessing I may have some craziness in common with her. Ack!
Oh well, she is giving us something to laugh about.
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