Joshuah talks to Chelsia, who's decided to go to bed early tonight.
Although we might have been expecting something ... wait for it ... legendary, tonight hasn't been a huge brouhaha in the house. Here are the happenings in the Big Brother House of Derisive Whisperings:
- They took HOH photos again. And, once again, Natalie loves the camera!
- Joshuah has decided that Sheila has two personalities. He calls the spicy one Kimberly.
- Sheila, forever playing both sides yet as transparent as Saran wrap, told Sharon if the votes flip, she voted for her to stay.
- Adam just compares Sheila to a roller coaster. Perhaps a roller coaster named the Kimberly Krasher?
- Chelsia thinks something happened in her life to make Natalie the way she is. (What excuse does Chelsia have?)
- Sheila now thinks Sharon will be going home. Or, at least she's saying that.
- Sheila thinks Ryan will betray them.
- Natalie thinks that Joshuah will vote to keep Chelsia.
- Boy, they're getting paranoid.
- Now even Ryan is worried that they'll vote to keep Chelsia and he'll be the odd vote.
- Natalie is pushing an anti-Josh agenda making everyone think he's going to betray Sharon.
- Natalie and Sheila mentioned in front of Sharon that they're trying to frame Joshuah and convince him to vote to keep Chelsia.
- I just don't understand their reasoning at all. I think they do want to keep Sharon, but what if this backfires?
- Surprise, surprise, Sheila doesn't think James should win the money because he'd just waste it. She needs it more. Natalie needs it more.
- Natalie says she'll get rid of James when she wins HOH tomorrow. @@
- Joshuah told Sharon the vote will be either 5-0 or 4-1 for her to stay tomorrow.
- He told her she cannot trust either Sheila or Natalie.
- Natalie and Sheila won't vote for James to win in the final two no matter who he's against (if he gets that far).
- Ryan and Adam are worried about what Sheila is up to.
- Ryan wants to go to bed early, the better to think about possible HOH questions for a comp.
Gnat anti Josh??? say it isn't so...lmao.
Why does it seem Gnat is making progress in this hell hole called BB9?
I was hoping James would win, I know he's not mosts 1st choice, now, I hope Sharon & Josh are final two!
James and his life-style are not my cup of tea, however, these people of BB9 scare the hell outta me.
Thank you Jackie for having a stronger stomach than I.
ps: hugs tom & sydney.
Good Morning, Wow For the first time in over 10 years, I have slept over 8 hours..I have some catching up to do, I hope Sharon stays, Thanks Jackie, everyone here, you all are the best..
These people are beyond paranoid. They think whatever they do is okay, but whatever James does is terrible even though he has good reason to be p'o'ed with them. Gnat's hatred of James is purely for personal reasons. He backdoored Matt, same as Matt convincing Ryan to do it to James.
Sheila hates James because he sees through her so-called game play.
The guys don't trust him because he's doing pretty good so far in this game and Ryan and Adam have screwed him over and they're only worried about payback. Joshuah will stick by him only as long as it suits his needs. Same with Sharon, basically.
I think that's why EvelDick likes James and rooted him on in the POV comp so much. He sees a fellow player trying his hardest to win.
I like Sharon, but she's not the best player at all. Although it's unlikely she'll get booted out tonight, in that house of flip-floppers, it's almost suicide to take that chance just to help good ol' Josh who will stab her in the back as soon as he needs to. No one will want to go to the final two with her cause she'd win.
I'm sticking with James in hoping that he wins. I don't like his lifestyle anymore than I liked EvelDick's but I appreciate good gameplay and James' gets better every week. He'll have to stay on top of the comps, though, including getting better at the question ones.
Jackie, just read your recap of the POV over on TVS. I cracked up at some of your comments.
"You know BB9 is not the best of seasons when ED comes across as a breath of fresh air."
"Houseguests were all snuggled in bed with visions of POV necklaces in their heads."
I have to say, I'm a Chelsia fan. Yeah, she can be a little dirty. But, hey, she owns who she is. And I think has admitted that she is partially a wild child.
Sharon = Boring.
I always like things that shake up the house, so I'm not giving up hope for Chelsia to stay tonite...
I am with you tropicalapril. I like Chelsia . . . and I like James. I have been on broad with them since about the second week. Of course, I liked ED last year too. Their game play has been more out in the open. . you know what they are going to do. They don't flip flop or lie to much.
I wish Sheila and Gnat would STFU! They are nuts! I watched a clip from the beginning of the show and Gnat said she would use the money to help her mother who is 'mentally unstable'. Now we know where she gets it from.
I watched alot of clips on UTube with Gnat saying she did not give Matt a BJ. She is very convincing and tells the same story over and over. Matt told Adam and Ryan she did it because she is the first girl to tell him no. Do you think she is one of those people who can tell a lie so many times they start believing it is the truth?
See Tom's...we all put you at ease here on Jackie's blog and you relaxed and slept. Blog's R Good!
I have to admit, although I like Sharon cause she's still there, she offers herself to go up on the block (even tho not too smart), sticks with Josh as a couple even tho she doesn't have to, remains friendly with everyone even tho she has her own alliance, and may just glide to the finish. I think that's good game play too.
Josh thinks he's clever, but I think she's more clever. I think I'd play her way, trying to get everyone to see me as no threat until maybe it's too late.
I just can't wait to see who gets HOH and who goes up on the block.
Here's hoping Sharon stays and Chelsia goes.
I made a list as I read comments from this am and last night.
1. Dick looked thinner...arms were bad. He was thin last BB, but he looked different to me.
2. Sheila (I can't believe I am about to say this) sometimes makes sense. If she would only say something once and then shut up. She sees herself as the one in the house who can go to anyone and smooth things over. (she described herself that way) I think she is as delusional as Natalie.
3. Adam speaks like the guy from King of the Hill (Boom something). His Veto speech made no sense to me, but I only heard one long word, so may have missed the nuance.
4. The Ryan and Josh alliance intrigues me. So far Josh hasn't had to out his agreements to Ryan during voting. It hasn't cost either of them anything to be together. I would like to see something happen where they had to commit one way or the other so we could see if it is a real alliance and overrides the one Josh has with Sharon and/or James. I don't think James would like to know that Josh and Ryan were together for real, but I do think he would appreciate the little sub-alliance idea. (as long as it goes in his favor)
5. They are all beginning to realize that James is the one to take to F2. I think, though, that the jury would vote for him if he makes it that far, because of gamesmanship. I think he wants Chelsia gone, and if she is voted out tonight it would be to his favor since he would keep her jury vote by not being responsible for her going. If she stays, he may have to evict her at some point.
6. Sheila said that of course James would win a Veto that involved eating/drinking disgusting things, since he is used to (in her words) 'eating out of dumpsters'. I guess she believes the homeless story?
Going back to comments in the last few days. . .I have lived all my 49 years here in Alabama. I like to read about real people (you bloggers) in other parts of the country and their take on things. I like when ya'll talk about the weather, your community, your work and family. It's like visiting somewhere else. I would really enjoy more of Jackie's pictures of everyday life in NJ and NY. . it lets me see the real life there.
tom's, yesterday you mentioned names. I have noticed that for years, in my own life. I don't have a title for it, so I call it 'name pooling'. For some reason my friends, through the years, have the same or similar names. I don't intentionally pick people by certain first names, but it just happens. After I mentioned it once, other people began saying the same thing. I don't know if that is what you were talking about, but it sounded like it might be. Sue
I don't care if James or Sharon wins. Either one is worthy. One aggressive and the other passive, but both good game plan IMO.
But I do believe Chelsia has to go in order for James to be more effective.
Joyn-I am with you. However I do not think James is going to win in the end. There are too many against him in the house. James so far has had the best gameplays. I have a feeling that ED notices this also. Sharon is a little tamer, but she does not compete well. I think James will last a few more weeks and then it will be his turn to leave...not because he is not playing the game, he is a threat for others to get to the top.
I hand it to Ryan for being able to be a smooth talker with Gnat and Adam about Josh. He knows he needs Josh to make it farther in this game. The HG need to surrond Josh and place him in the GP cage. He is a weasel of some sort. With that, he will weasel himself into the top three. (JMO)
Gnat and Shelia must have met up at some convention at one time for poser gals. After all Gnat loves the camera! Gnat forgets she is not the only one playing in this game...she has tunnel vision and does not see past what rolls through her mind. When Shelia wore the unitard, the only thing missing from her outfit was the horns she generally wears with the changing of the color of her eyes. I look for Sheila and Josh to form together soon.
It sounds like Chelsia is the one going home tonight, unless these fools decide differently...which would not be a smart move on their part.
This is one week I would not want to be HOH. I think it is the turning point of the game and revenge is too fresh. It is getting to the point they all cannot stick together as well and someone is going to have to turn on someone.
Good morning all. I didn't watch much of the show last night - way too many other things on - Idol, DWTS and Biggest Loser. I swear my tv is going to explode, LOL. The part I did see that I thought was funny was when Josh was doing POV comp and telling Dick that he's the ED of this season.
James........."worthy"? Give me a break, he is a worthless example of a human being.
anon 11:13
This is Big Brother, there are NO humans in there!! If you have watched, you would know they are not human beings!
Anon11:13-Do you care to elaborate on who is "worthy" in the house in this game?
It's just that "A GAME." Someone has to win.
Sorry in advance if I took your post the wrong way.
personally, whatever their lifestyle is on the outside, i could care less. they are all holed up in a house with strangers and make the most of what they have - no cards, no games, no music, television, etc. only each other to entertain.
this year, like past years, not all the people that come into the house are shown in the most favorable light and we on the outside sit in judgment of them because we are not the ones on the inside. how would people perceive us? what would our game plan be? what would editing do to us?
james, no matter what he does in his outside life, hasn't affected me or my life in any way, shape or form, nor have any of the other ones. it takes all kinds to make up this world and these are just a handful we as voyeurs get to watch on an almost daily basis and yet, what we see is the edited versions of what the confinement does to them.
whoever wins, wins. i could care less. they are all plotting and planning and scheming and backstabbing, but that's just a part of the game now, isn't it? not a game i would personally play, but one out of human curiosity i watch.
are we sitting in judgment because josh is a homosexual? sheila for being either divorced or never married and yet a mom? each of them must have a little screw loose to be where they are - and where they are is some form of entertainment for all of us all the while being in confirment.
just because james is tattooed, doesn't work a conventional job, bikes his way through the county and plays on both sides of the field, doesn't make him less than human - he's a survivor. i would never refer to him as a worthless example of a human being - that's so very harsh.
jackie, i don't post much, but i do read your updates and i certainly appreciate everything you put into this on a daily basis.
Josh appeared so worried about being put up if a Veto was won, and yet didn't even try. His actions speak louder than his words. He felt safe. The editing came through agains last night. When Sharon was doing whatever that was to his head, while he appeared to gloat at not being on the block was when he was feeling homesick and telling her about his family and boyfriendl. The look fit, but I think it just happened Sunday.
I saw an ad today for tonight's show. It has the egg crushing incident with Chelsia.
lucygrace-nicely worded. I could not have said it better. Thanks for your take on things.
For me personally, I never judge the HGs on what I perceive their life outside the house to be. That has no relevance to me. I go by what I see them doing with my own eyes (okay sometimes I use you guys eyes also). I am not disgusted by James because of his "unorthodox" lifesytle outside the house, I'm disgusted by his disgusting behavior in the house. I don't care how boring it gets in the house, shaving your pubics and making a mustache is not entertainment (at least not in my book), although Chelsia was pretty amused. I for one do not believe that beeing cooped up in that house can turn you into a totally different person. I can see it making you more irritable, paranoid, whiney, etc., but would it really turn you into a foul-mouthed, sex crazed, raving lunatic? Okay I strayed from James to Chelsia.
I am so glad someone (lucygrace) can type what I would like to say.
lucygrace...you write goooood!
I can't dislike James for his lifestyle. I can dislike his actions in the house. However, he just redeemed himself to me again. I was watching BBAD from last night. Chelsia was crying (really) about being evicted, and he talked to her, soothed her, and finally calmed her.
They then got into a discussion about outside the house and he was so honest with her. He brought up the fact that he couldn't come get her to take her on a date ..."what on my bike?" He told her they wouldn't move in together and buy groceries together. He told her that she wouldn't even give him a second look on the outside had they not met in the house.
It shows he has a good heart... trying to console her, and it proves he's not "a worthless example of a human being".
It takes all kinds and I would hate to have to be dissected in that house... no way... not for a second.
I bet James is the greatest in the outside world. It has been shown what he is capiable of. He came in to win the game, just like everyone else did.
He may have a different look to him than most of us are use to, but that does not mean he has less worth to him.
IMO, he is the one that should really win this game, however I don't believe it will happen. He is looked at in a different way even in the house.
Somewhere along life's path he will be rewarded.
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