The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome!
Recaps, of course. Josh is manipulating Sharon and it all comes to pass. I'm sure a black and white recap will come after the credits.
Julie Chen is wearing a beige pants and sweater set. No boots, it must be spring. I'm not used to seeing her in lighter colors.
She recaps the past. Sigh.
But first, it was Easter in the BB house and eggs weren't the only things to crack under pressure. Now the B&W recap! (I knew it.) The veto meeting once again. Chelsia tells us how pathetic Natalie is, Josh thinks he is so awesome. Natalie thinks the bigger threats are James and Chelsia, they must be split up.
Sharon tells Adam it's okay, he did the right thing, she's not stressing. Chelsia is upset. She's made a bond with James and THEY want to break it up. He's the only one she trusts in the game. She's not ready to leave. She doesn't think she's played the game and having a relationship with James has screwed her over in the game. She and James are laying on a bed -- he's sympathetic, but he wants to win, too.
Natalie is telling stories while Chelia pouts. All-timers disease is what Natalie thinks Alzheimers is. Chelsia is annoyed by Nat's lack of education and everything she does bothers her. Chelsia is ready to blow, you can tell it, as she watches Natalie color eggs. Natalie made a beaver egg.
Chelsia decided is she's going to go out of the house, she'll go out with a bang. She broke an egg of Natalie's, and another. She smashes the whole bowl of eggs and mushes them together. Natalie thinks she picks on her because she's her biggest threat. She's flipping out! Sharon goes to hide. Natalie prays and does her nails. Yikes.
Aam and Ryan are watching on the spycam. Even James doesn't understand her. He doesn't want to be connected with her and tells us he's voting against Chelsia tonight.
IN DR segments, Natalie can't stand Chelsia's foul mouth, Sheila thinks Chelsia has a potty mouth and is a problem child.
Julie checks in with the houseguests and even calls Adam Aballer. She asks about the baby food. He didn't put it on any of his questions, he says. She calls him a big sport. Then they show the Evel Dick wakeup to the HG. Sheila ran to Dick and hugged him. Is Evel Dick her kind of guy? Absolutely is and she's attracted to him. Natalie, you seem to be doing okay. Is Matt still on her mind? All the time, she misses. It's actually easier to play the game now, but she still misses him. How many letters are in Matt's last name? 8! Does it mean anything to her? Maybe.
Sharon, if you are evicted, who will take care of your fur-iends? Natalie.
Adam segment -- lot more to ABaller than one would expect. He cannonballs, struts, lifts weights. Sheila doesn't get Baller. His brother says you have to get through the layers of Baller til you get to Adam. Mom says he's kind and loving, very charitable, helps others, big heart (they show the Sheila ten grand again). His brother is better looking! They talk about his speech patterns. His mother says he remembers everything. His brother says he's really smart and fools people.
DR sessions -- Joshuah thinks Chelsia has been showing a dark side, Ryan wants Chelsia gone, James thinks she's the Titantic and she's bringing him down with her.
To the HOH to talk to Adam. He's happy. She brings up Sheila. Where does she stand with him now? He says he was never going to put her up, wanted to get a rise out of her, thinks she has his back. He admits he would have voted Alex in but didn't raise his hand because James was there. He's worried that James might win HOH and he'll go on the block. He came across as personable.
Talking to nominees -- just before live vote. Shraon, amazing time, would love to stay. Chelsia wants to stay, everything happens for a reason, fast talk, did not change for anyone, did not breatfeed off of anyone, so please give me your vote. James cringed. YIKES.
The votes:
Natalie votes to evict Chelsia.
Joshuah votes to evict Chelsia.
Ryan votes to evict Chelsia ... officially she's out.
Sheila votes to evict Chelsia
James votes to evict Chelsia ... sadly.
Unanimous vote to evict Chelsia and we go to commercial.
The reveal -- Chelsia OMG -- she talked so fast -- Adam, get a backbone, Sheila is roadkill, Natalie get educated, she loves Joshuah, she kisses James.
Sheila talks about her being rreal mature. Very weird and bound to be a classic exit.
Julie interview -- Whispered to Joshuah was a pep talk. She told James there's a reason he's in the game. She wants both James and Josh to do well. She tells Julie that she knew she would go and wanted to go out with a bang. She told James to play with his head ... she wants to see James win if she can't. Did she throw in the towel? No, she knew she needed Natalie, Sheila, and Ryan's vote, tried, but they were stuck in stone. Back to mystery guest, bringing James back in she regrets.
Goodbyes -- Josh will take out Natalie, Sharon remain friends, Nat sorry she's gone, will pray for her quit hating on people. James cares about her, his time with her special, she's amazing, he wants to be with her outside the house, worth more than a half-million. Now she cries, game is hard. Romance? She wants to watch the season before committing.
HOH comp -- Adam won't play. They are blindfolded in the Big Brother Election. Julie will ask questions based on our answers. They step forward if right. Stay of wrong. Player ahead after seven questions wins.
Who would recarve Mt. Rushmore only their face? Joshuah or Sheila. Sheila and James remain behind.
BB winnings to charity? Sheila or Adam? Adam
INteresting biogrpahy? James or Sheila -- James. Yikes, Natlaie in lead.
Lead into battle? Ryan or James -- James. All except for Sharon and James right.
Inspiring speech? Natalie or Joshuah -- Natalie ... ACK Nat almost there!
Stop motorcade for squirrel -- Sharon or Natalie -- Sharon.
ACKKK -- Natalie is the new HOH, screaming and jumping.
Natalie is overjoyed. She wants to see her photos of families, friends, and animals.
Ouch Natalies voice..Yikes Chelsias expressions!
All-timers disease. Gnat? OMG! When is this no-brain leaving?
Viewers needed to see Chelsia's behavioral antics
And just what do you call it when you judge the others, Gnat?
I think the pot just called the kettle black! Sheila gossiping, no Chelsia does. . yeah right!
All-timers cracked me up! My grandmother used to call it that when she was alive. My grandmother didn't know any better and actually pronounced many medical terms wrong. I loved her so much and it was just funny.
I don't love Natalie and so it was funny for another reason. I voted that Natalie would forget the words to the pledge of allegiance. Hope she gets to hear that question in the HOH and America also picked her, LOL
I'm pretty sure they all have potty mouths.
What was going on with all the Natalie / abortion talk?
The Chelsia rage was classic. I would of thrown the eggs at Natalie. The fear in her eyes... love it.
Gnat: You don't like Chelsia's foul mouth? Millions of feedsters didn't enjoy watching you give Matt multiple BJ's.
Shiela: Chelsia is a gossiper? Isn't that painting the kettle black?
ChenBot-- So glad you're starting to dress for spring
How stoopid are these people??!
It really needed a spit alert when Shelia called Chelsia a "gossip monger".
Laura: Natalie has spoken of having 2 (I think) abortions. Chelsia attacked her on it.
Sheila: You're not going to be able to stop crying when you read Dick's blog on his opinion of you
I was hoping his family would give us the origin of A-Baller!!!
Gnat can keep secrets? Since when?
Wow BB's tape delay is way off, on various questions Julie has asked, Sharon was adorable..
smashing the beaver egg was all she needed to do to piss off gnat. made me laugh when she 'needed' her to put the puzzle back together. haha
I hate to admit it, Adam will probably win this game
Wow, Chelsia. I've never seen anyone give a "live" speech like that.
WELL then... Chelsia just one the best exit speech E-V-E-R
I have rewind to see that!!!
That was some speech from Chel.
Chelsias speach was AWFUL!!!!
James voted for her!!!!!!
Chelsia - bitter much??? Wow!
anyone think the producers are going to have a little talk with Chelsea before they show her the door?
Her speech was more real than any I've seen in the past. Good for her!
just plain awkward for everyone, even chelsia
wow chelsia is a bitch!! even the editing can't make her look good tonight, LoL!!! and the editing doesn't treat Nat all that well either
having fun, can't wait to read ur recap after the show, Jackie,
James appeared happy to evict Chelsia, Chelsia's speech was sarcastically bitter for someone who should of realize its " Only a Game "
I did think it was funny that Chelsia said she was going to have sex with Matt in sequester and Natalie started thinking about keeping her (for a minute).
Natalie is the most desperate female I think I've ever seen. Watching her go room to room searching for Matt was pathetic.
I hope Chelsia's parting words to Gnat are "now I get to bed Matty"!
Oh dear God, what will Matty think when Chelsia walks through the sequester house doors? He'll be in heaven.
Unanimous vote. Didn't see that coming ... lol
I dread seeing Gnat's reaction to this.
Can't wait to see C's graceful and ladylike exit.
I still cant believe she hugged JAmes...and whats up with Joshua?
Chelsia is right about Sheila looking like she's been rode hard!
And Natalie does need some education.
Natalie looked scared sh**less even as she walked out the door.
You all may think Chelsia is a joke and a B*&^% but you know what, that's the most honest person I have ever seen (besides Dick)in this game
Yes, Chelsia realizes she made the 500,000 dollar mistake!
Natalie always look like she has been hit with a dumb-stick.
wow, she has a heart....
I really hope that James and Chelsia make is on Amazing Race.
I hope James wins HOH.
WOW, I guess everyone has their own personal definition of "leaving with dignity" and mine would be extremely different from Chelsia's.
Well, she was the trashy potty mouth of the season so far, but she said a lot in her Interview wigh Julie, and it was all dead on. I don't think she'll like seeing James' gay porn history. But as she said, we'll see.
Laura said "Natalie always look like she has been hit with a dumb-stick."
That cracked me up. It's such a good description of her! It might be the DUM-stick, though.
Unanimous! Wasn't expecting that one.
Jackie said...
"James votes to evict Chelsia ... sadly."
I'm wondering how sad James truly is? He could have given C a sympathy vote considering their relationship in the house. Was he acting for the camera and needing her vote influence on the jury? Can't wait to see it for myself.
I can't sign off until I find out who wins HOH. LOL
They are making the questions a whole lot easier than it could of been Should of been multiple choice like it was online
This HOH is not going very well. (IMO)
Laurie said...
Laura said "Natalie always look like she has been hit with a dumb-stick."
That cracked me up. It's such a good description of her! It might be the DUM-stick, though.
3/26/2008 8:45 PM
ROTFLMBO!!!!!!!!! D-U-M-stick!
Did Nat graduate elementary school?
gnat's ahead!
Laurie said...
Laura said "Natalie always look like she has been hit with a dumb-stick."
That cracked me up. It's such a good description of her! It might be the DUM-stick, though.
3/26/2008 8:45 PM
ROTFLMBO!!!!!!!!! D-U-M-stick!
Did Nat graduate elementary school?
You've got to be kidding me... BULL, I voted for Josh on that question...
DANG!!! This will get her bible theories in high gear this week! Double/triple UGH, UGH, UGH!!!
Oh - that SUCKS
oh my
hmmmm-got a duplicate. Sorry guys!
Sorry kids, that was rigged
I wonder who's going on the block? Josh and James?
I gotta admit, I am happy for Nat...she gets to see pics of her family. She cried not because AH REVENGE, she cried cause she is happy to have pics and stuff.
Heaven help us. She had said God told her She would win HOH. Now we'll hear more of that drivel from her.
Hope James wins HOH again. Josh is in BIG trouble!
Keeping posting...I'm freaking out that Gnat won HOH. OMG!
Josh and James will go up, James will win veto, Sharon will replace James, and Josh will go home. Well, here I go hoping again. This is the worst I've felt since the nerd herd ruled S6. I'm physically sick!
jk :)
But I am bummed! Sharon could conceivably turn into the Janelle stuck in that house full of Nerds. :(
Yeah, SUCKS like Nat does
OMGosh!!!!!!!! Gnat did win????
My dinner will be ruined, knowing.
Sweet Natalie WTG
I meant I hope James wins POV again.
OMG! We will never hear the end of the Bible as misunderstood by Gnatalie.
It's going to be a long week folks. Stock up the drink of your choice (Diet Coke for me) and a few snacks.
On the block? I say James and Josh or Sharon. She's gonna break that duo up for sure. Not that it's a bad thing to do!
What's Sheila crying about?
Oh, has anyone seen her site? She will sign a copy of her Penthouse cover if you send her $50.
Pass the puke bucket please. She's saying God gave her signs...please hurry with the bucket. We're in for a longggggggg week.
I agree, James and Josh go up, one of them will win POV, Sharon will be the preverbial pawn and one of the guys will go home.
That blows, ohh wait Natalie does that...
I have no idea what she was crying about-- that Natalie won??? Who would want her 80's penthouse picture??? She is crazy.
well, all that is left is for me to go have an abortion...
The impossible has happened.
The only good thing is Nastilie might stay in her room so we don't have to hear her much. That's the only "pro" I have.
I saw Sheila's pictures and she should be from the beaver state! I sure hope she is more up with the times and uses a bush whacker now. She would need the heavy duty one.
Grrr, I can't believe Nat won HOH....It's a given James will go up, and I think Josh also...I just hope James win's POV.
I showed my husband her pictures, and he said he has an old hedge trimmer that has a good kick start to it that Shiela could use.
OMG!!! I haven't even seen the show yet and I am sick to my stomach! Gnat the new HOH.....Well, this is going to be the most boring week of all in the house. It will be Josh/James going up and Sharon as the replacement is one wins POV. I would love to see James win POV and wreak havoc on the house!!
How many more weeks of this torture do we have?!:0
I know I could quit watching but I can't...sadly.....
What did the blindfolds have to do with it?
After seeing Sheila's pictures, I don't see how anything (much) on Big Brother would embarass her son.
joy n said...
Heaven help us. She had said God told her She would win HOH. Now we'll hear more of that drivel from her.
I can't stand seeing God and the Bible used with such a blasphemous connotation. Oh well, I'm sure Nat's not aware of what she's actually doing.
Please refresh my memory...where is Nat from? She seems more superstitious rather than religious.
I'll check back later. Can't wait to hear Chel's speech.
Thanks, Jackie and all.
If James, Josh or Sharon go home next week, the two remaining will not have enough votes to control who goes when they do win HOH. It was really critical one them won the HOH tonight...oh well didn't happen.
Well West Coasters, the good news is we already know the bad news.
The bad news is we will all watch it when it comes on here but the good news is we can have barf buckets available.
Wait, I have a mild concussion from a fall at work yesterday. Is it possible this is a drug-induced hallucination?
I didn't figure the blog puke bucket would hold it... so I headed for my toilet. Okay, I'm better now.
Nasty Natty will be in hog heaven this week and... wait, I'm getting ill again. I agree about the drivel Joyn. BBAD will be all about "God wanted her to win, and he gave her a sign she would win, and its all in the 8's", geesh.
I'm off to catch up on other things, but will catch some of you later. I've been saying great show lately, but I'm not feeling it tonight. Just sour grapes from me. I DON'T LIKE NATALIE (just in case anyone couldn't tell, :))
James and Chelsia obviously agreed that he would not give her a vote.
This is going to be the longest most annoying week. Listening to the gloating of Gnat, (Matt taught her how) the poison of Sheila, the stepped up butt-kissing of Ryan and Adam's agreeing with everyone again, will probably make me ill.
Nana, I believe the HGs were blindfolded so they couldn't see the others "standing" during the comp.
Zoetawny, Gnat is from The Beaver State. Fitting, somehow. (Not Oregon, just the nickname.)
I cannot stand how self rightous Nat is. Sheila is following closely too. They seem to forget what they have done. They only call out what the others do.
Nat's gloating will be impossible this week.
Instead of putting them in booths so they couldn't see each other answers, they decided to be really inventive and use open rows, and each time they got an answer correct, the moved forward-- like Mother May I.
Zoe: Natalie is from Oregon.
I'm having such a crappy week. Our family's beloved Maine Coone cat passed away over the weekend. He was only 5. He was no ordinary cat-- so Jackie, I enjoy seeing the "Roofus" pics. Someone was going way too fast down the street, and he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. My parent's neighbor found him and buried him. Rest In Peace Clooney. We miss you terribly.
This may be the wrong forum to state this after reading most of the other postings, but I am thrilled that Natalie won tonight! Go Natalie, or Ryan......all the way!
The blindfolds were so they couldn't see which hand others had raised. It could have been done with booths and the "A" or "B" cards, but they did that already.
Am I wrong, or did James actually move forward TWO steps on his first correct answer? It looked like when he brought his hand down he missed the first post and moved to the second.
you people are unbelievable...How can you not love Nat...She is so sweet..and I cannot stand CHELSEA..What a rude witch with a B....She talked about Nat with the backbone...What is she with Joshua and James..She wants them to get revenge...(isnt that what Nat wanted for Mattie..) I am thrilled she won..Now lets get rid of that red head....or Joshua...I will be happy with either one of them gone...
GO NAT, Ryan, and Baller.....
Sharon made a smart move, being that Josh has never been on the block, most likely he might be this week, I haven't viewed Shelias crying bid, however I did hear in the background Julie state; After 7 questions, whoever is in the lead wins HOH, my first gut instinct was Natalie, simply because she has seven letters in her name. Natalie is smarter than she probably realizes..Well I'm probably the only one who rooted for Nat to win..
GO NAT, Ryan, and Baller.....
3/26/2008 9:33 PM
I agree, I posted right after you, good to read someone else shares the same views.
Anon 9:33pm: You're entitled to your opinion, of course, but why would I want a hypocritical Christian who performs BJs in front of an audience and then denies it to all, including the witnesses, and who also lies, backstabs like everyone else, but only "crucifies" THEM for doing so? And someone who reads the bible only to interpret it in her own best interest. To believe that you can sin all you want, ask for forgiveness, then do it all again. Why would I want someone like that to win? Hmmmmm.......?
ok, NO, I do not like Sheila in the game BUT, as far as her pics from 1986ish....take a look at any other playmate or pent girl, I bet they all looked like that back then. Hubby laughed to but he sees my point.
Adam's Bio was hilarious, I don't recall James last week..
joyn - girl, well put into words!!
Yup, in the 80's Sheila's was what it was in...but it's yuk now.
joy n--you are right about Nat. being a hypocritical Christian. Aside from the BJ(that now never happened-she just touched him) the stripteases she did not once but TWICE in the house were gross and disgusting. She claims she quit doing that because of finding God and taking money from married men but performing in front of all of America is OK?? I call that being a "selective Chritian" I know Chel. was rude and vile but she owned up to her behavior and never claimed to be "one of the good people" that has saw the error of her ways and reformed.
Gather your Bibles and meet me in the HOH. Bible study classes begin in 1 Hour!!! To be taught by Nat. because God has heard her and made her the new HOH....gag me!!!!
If any of those people were smart they would keep James to the end. Everyone hates him and no one will vote for him!
PlaidChick said...
Zoe: Natalie is from Oregon.
I'm having such a crappy week. Our family's beloved Maine Coone cat passed away over the weekend. He was only 5. He was no ordinary cat-- so Jackie, I enjoy seeing the "Roofus" pics. Someone was going way too fast down the street, and he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. My parent's neighbor found him and buried him. Rest In Peace Clooney. We miss you terribly.
3/26/2008 9:30 PM
First, let me say I'm so very sorry to hear about such a tragic accident. :( I get very upset with my dh when he lets one of our dogs go out front with him when he gets the mail. Neither of my dogs ever go out front without a leash and our mailbox is at the curb. I always fear that my dog will see another dog or cat across the street and run into the street. Neither of my dogs are street smart.
Thanks for the answer regarding where Nat is from. Well, I don't think her being from Oregon has anything to do with her superstitious mindset.
Plaidchick-Sorry to hear about your family cat not making it.
I think Gnat will put James and Josh up with James winning POV and Sharon going home. Ryan will be able to talk Gnat into saving Josh if it comes down to a tie, as those two have each others backs. I think Adam will go after that, then Gnat, James leaving, Shelia, Josh and Ryan in the top three. I do hope I have it all wrong.
It looks like I need to send Gnat information on Alzheimer's. I have plenty of it, as my mother has it. It is not something I would wish on anyone.
I am wondreing if Gnat will get a picture of Matt in her HOH room. I was thinking this week they should just call it the "Ho Room."
I work with a girl from Oregon, Zoe, and she is nothing like Nat. So you are correct, where she is from has nothing to do with how she acts.
Plaidchick, I, too, am so sorry to hear about the passing of your family cat. I lost my Spunky a few years ago and still haven't had the heart to replace her. May the memories of his companionship give you peace at this time.
(I love the name Clooney.)
Patty, you cracked me up with that!
Gnat's HO Room!!
sasha said...
WOW, I guess everyone has their own personal definition of "leaving with dignity" and mine would be extremely different from Chelsia's.
3/26/2008 8:44 PM
I'll say! I've read that some respect Chelsia's honesty. It's one thing to be honest but honesty doesn't have to be brutal or lacking in refinement. Chelsia doesn't seem to have much class or she wouldn't have been attracted to James in the first place. Why do I always think there will be a few ppl on this show who will have some intelligence and good character? DUH on me!
joy n said...
Anon 9:33pm: You're entitled to your opinion, of course, but why would I want a hypocritical Christian who performs BJs in front of an audience and then denies it to all, including the witnesses, and who also lies, backstabs like everyone else, but only "crucifies" THEM for doing so? And someone who reads the bible only to interpret it in her own best interest. To believe that you can sin all you want, ask for forgiveness, then do it all again. Why would I want someone like that to win? Hmmmmm.......?
3/26/2008 9:50 PM
Very well stated!
Donna in AL said...
I work with a girl from Oregon, Zoe, and she is nothing like Nat. So you are correct, where she is from has nothing to do with how she acts.
3/26/2008 10:39 PM
Maybe Nat has some deep "redneck" roots. I'm really being judgmental tonight. ;)
And the rest of the house, let's see.......they are the more desirable Christians? When you are doing all this bible thumping tonight, which is almost sacriligious to have any bible in there........Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.....AMEN!!! And again I say, Go Natalie, or Ryan!
Ho room is cute, LOL!!! I still like Natalie, it's not her fault she has a low IQ, and despite her obvious religious and character flaws, she still seems like a nice person to me.
I wonder if A-baller is actually really intelligent. It def. makes him more appealing to me if he really is (which I'm still in doubt about considering he voted James back in for no reason whatsoever!!!). Anyways it's still a little tough to get over his eyes popping out of his face and his sticking his hands in his pants 24/7 but maybe he's forgotten that we're seeing that too!
I like Ryan, I don't feel like he's done anything unscrupulous except for game play. But I don't see the feeds, anyone know anything about Ryan that I'm missing?
And James comes over as crude and so his sexcapades outside of BB comes as no shock to me, he's definitely unscrupulous and would/could win this game except his alliance is indeed shot to hell, significantly decreasing his chances.
Thanks for the entertainment tonight Jackie and all!!!
(Anyone want to discuss Heart of Darkness, which I'm reading for my lit. class, I'm just curious if anyone read it and what ppl think about it LOL, alright I won't bother y'all, I'll go do my own HW)
Don't put words in my mouth. I said absolutely nothing about any of the others being "more desirable" Christians. If anything, Gnat seems to believe SHE is the only desirable Christian in the house even though others are bible readers too.
I've done no bible thumping here. I simply stated some facts about Gnat's behavior. Again, you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.
I saw Chelsia's exit speech a little differently. I think she's a young woman who was really very sad that she was leaving and instead of crying, she went on the attack. She let the tears flow when she was sitting with Julie, though, at one point. I also sort of admire her honesty. I mean, I know so many people who gossip behind other people's backs and say all sorts of really hateful things and in the BB house, the same thing happens. In the diary room or while they are lounging on the hammock, the houseguests say the meanest things about each other--Chelsia simply says those mean things to their faces. It all works out to be the same thing in my book whether you say it to someone's face or behind their back. You don't get extra points from me for being a backstabber and pretend nice guy.
I'm happy Nat won because even though she says dumb things, there's something very contagious about her positivity. And while she appears really dumb about some things, I think she is very sharp in this social game of BB.
I actually believe James is much better off having Chelsea gone, if he was able to identify her outbursts in which he's stated himself ( calling her psycho B ) while in D/R I didn't get the feeling James liked her as much as she may have thought he did, his remarks about Chelsea while in the D/R are private, there's no need to have smacked Chelsia the way he did, He reminded me of Mike Boogie, Ouch, I know Boogie is much much worse, Chelsea may have been " honest " however it's evident her behavior is a reflection of whom she really is, sore loser, a person doesn't have to lower their standards if their indeed " honest " Ryan's hand motions while he and Adam watched Chelsea indicated there was more to her than we'll ever know, and I doubt honesty is was at the top.
I'm pooped, too. G'nite all!
I got home late, and just watched the taped show so I missed all the fun here. Thanks Jackie for covering it.
1. Chelsia had been having trouble with those eggs all that day. James got up for breakfast and Chel had already hard boiled them all (3 dz?)and he didn't like his cooked that way. No wonder the eggs were her target!
2. If James hadn't come back and if Natalie had won HOH that week, she might have sent Chelsia home then, so Chel got some extra time in the house...and didn't have a week alone in the jury house. Of course Alex might have won HOH. I don't know who he would have sent home.
3. Adam was bleeped in his interview with Julie. I don't think he even realized what he was saying...and he kept calling her babe. That is Mrs. Babe, Adam.
4. Not that it matters, but during James goodbye to Chelsia, he closed his eyes at least twice. Once when he said he loved her (or cared for her, I forget the wording) and the other, I think, was when he said she was his type..or something like that. Closing eyes during a statement is a body language sign for not being truthful. I wonder.
5. James is the target to leave. That is all Natalie's group has talked about all this past week. They know they might have to back door him. He knows that, too. They all know, but that won't stop them from talking about it 24/7. She might nominate Josh and Sharon, then if Veto isn't won at least Josh would go home. Natalie said she might pretend to be on James side and tell him she wanted Josh out because of his taunting her. Then back door James if the Veto was won.
6. No one would dare nominate Sheila. It would be unbearable in the house. They would have to back door her to shorten the time she had to be on the block.
7. James mentioned to Josh one time earlier in the game that he was bisexual. As long as Chelsia was there, it didn't make any difference. I hope it still doesn't.
sasha I agree with you.
I did not think that Chelsia attitude was right. She rejoiced when Matt got evicted. Then when it was her time she want to have a fit act like a spoiled kid. Even if any of the other house guest wanted to give her a chance the way she acted I would have wanted her out as well. I am glad Natalie won despite what education she may need. I don't recall her going around just picking fight with people. She was telling everything she knew. The Bible thing could be handle a little different but I am not holding it against her. I don't understand why people hate Natalie so much and loved Chelsia. Chelsia was something else in my eyes. Yes Natalie have fault but Chelsia started trouble with people. She yelled at Amanda when she there, she started things with Allison, now it was Natalie time. Chelsia thought she was all that and I see a lot of viewers thinks she is all that; but in my book she was not all that.
I hope Natalie wins...Go Natalie
I am happy Chelsia is gone. I am glad Nat won HOH. I predict James will be going next week (the POV will be won by Ryan). And Adam will go all the way.
ok,ok, I had to watch it myself to believe it, no offense Jackie...I kept hoping maybe you guys did it just to trick me! No, no, no, Nat wins HOH? Well James and Josh will go up, unless they want to backdoor James and not let him compete for the POV....which is the smarter move I would think.....oh sigh....I want to see the camera shot of Chelsia entering the Sequester and Matt seeing her.....
Sorry, I really don't mind Natalie winning. She just doesn't think when she says things. She gives me something to laugh at because some of the others in the house are far worse. I hope Joshuha is toast. I just do not like him. He thinks he's mister wonderful. He's his biggest supporter. He's a legend in his own mind. I know
Natalie is not that wonderful, but it's better than Josh winning. JMO.
Zoe, I am so sorry about your cat. That is very sad :-(
Steff said...
I hope Chelsia's parting words to Gnat are "now I get to bed Matty"!
That is hysterical! It would have been great. I thought that Chelsia could have saved herself if she just keep talking to Natalie about how much she was looking forward to being with Matty. Natalie would have saved her.
I think Natalie is absolutely obsessed with Matty, it would be almost sad if it weren't so pathetic.
I was pleasantly surprised with Adam tonight, he is brighter than I thought. Though everytime I look at his eyes I think they should have brought in the "runaway bride" as his "soulmate".
Closing eyes during a statement is a body language sign for not being truthful. I wonder.
That's correct, generally while stating those words, eye contact is met, however there's question to how, a person identifies " love " for instance, if I stated I love Roofus! Love is directed in a broader generalized form. Interesting if an individual who cannot bring themselves to say those 3 words, instead reply;
" Me too "
Look Out!
To JOY N: Everyone has their own opinion, and I was expressing mine..HMMMM...Natalie is trying to be a better person..even after all the attacks on her from CHELSEA, she kept her calm..I dont know if I could have been that nice about it..She is trying to be a better person, and I commend her for the way, WHO DO YOU WANT TO WIN? You never said...
My mother talks with her eyes shut all the time. She is the most honest individual on the face of this earth. It's a bad habit of hers.
Some people have a very hard time with eye contact. JMHO, I think whoever came up with the eye reading is full of it. People react differently to all types of things. Too much is put into how to read people. It is just like lie detector test are not admissible in a court of law...why? Most people that have to take them are very nervous to begin with. Any movement can give a false reading. The biggest mistake the Supreme Court gave to officers/detectives was the ability to coerce a confession out of someone by breaking them down over a long period of time. People need to understand their rights. Until you are under arrest, you have the right to leave and you have the right not to answer any questions. You also have the right to an attorney. If you request not to answer any questions without a attorney present, they must stop questioning you. If they don't, they have violated your rights. You are innoccent until proven guilty. It does not always work that way unfortunately.
Who knows maybe James did not want to break down and cry. We don't know why he closed his eyes. He may have known Chelsia was already upset just being evicted. He might have had compassion for her. Just because he closed his eyes does not make him a liar.
Just to clarify, Plaidchick, is the one who lost her family cat, Clooney. :(
Not to worry, we all get upside down sometimes. Thanks for acknowledging and your symmpathies, anyway. I'm sure plaidchick appreciates your sentiments.
Wonder what's going on in the house today? Is Nat enjoying her reign? Guess I'll scout around a bit until Jackie has time to put up some info.
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