Due to some circumstances beyond my control, I don't have much of a feeds report. I'll be live blogging tonight's show starting at 8 PM ET.
The early part of the day inside the BB9 house was uneventful.
- Sheila and Natalie schemed and primped.
- Sharon talked about Jacob.
- Natalie prayed.
- Joshuah brought James breakfast in bed.
- They were told that they would be blindfolded for the HOH comp and if they miss a question, they won't be out. They think the questions will be about evicted houseguests, but if it's the poll with no place for "none of the above" that I took at the CBS site, it's present HG.
- That poll may give them the wrong idea and make them think we like them!
Is this on with idol again? So how much does a DVR cost (per month), I'm scared to ask?
American Idol is AFTER BB tonight!
well that's a relief
Thanks Jackie !!! :)
(that's another 2 hours where i won't be doing my school work)
Waiting for your live blog! NBA is cancelling the show here. Can't wait to read about another one of those disgusting people going home! Can we send them all? Then they could just give the money to some charity. None of these folks deserve it!
I really hope Cheslia don't go tonight, but I think she will. Hopefully James can win HOH again.
anon 7:34, I only pay around 7.95-8.95 a month for my DVR throught the cable company. Its well worth it.
oh blast, Im tired of Chelsia,and her poor taste in men,in Natalie and her ignorance and lack of common sense,James for that lousy mowhawk,Josh for his sneaky conniving ways, Sheila for her shreiking pathetic presence...sheesh....Im pretty much sick of everyone. Actually Adam is starting to not bother me...JACKIE!! Help me!!! Im slipping away!!!!
I still think Adam is far from personable by calling those kids "retards". Are his parents proud of him for that?
Chel did go out with a bag. Good for her.
A bang, that is.
Joyn-you had it right both ways! She went out with a "bag" and a "bang." You are too funny!
Wow I have never viewed Natalie's number theory, how ironic, the number 8 signifies, money..Individuals who are born in August ( although not a virgo ) tend to get very angry towards the end of each month, and when you look further into why, it'll boil down to either friends, relatives, or customers who owe this individual money..This is the year of big money, if you sense a certain date, certain numbers, go for it, I believe May 27, on a Tuesday is going to be a great lottery date, I don't play lotto, due to I'm always 3-7 hours behind on my own schedule, Hey Lar's Eller - great goalie, haha you banked one for Jackie, heyyyy your own words last year! LOL
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