Here are the happenings since the POV in the Big Brother House of the Comeback Kid:
- Joshuah, fully accepting that he will be going home this week, told everyone he just wants to have a nice week in the house. He said he won't blow up.
- Ryan is really, really ticked off that James won POV.
- Ryan told Adam they need to keep Joshuah. It's expected that Sharon will be put on the block in place of James to (supposedly) insure Joshuah will go home.
- Even though Sheila said she wanted to go on the block, Natalie says she won't nominate her. She doesn't want to be in position of tie-breaker.
- Joshuah talked to Natalie, telling her he understands why she put him on the block and he's not mad. She apologized to him.
- Ryan told Natalie that if Joshuah isn't voted out, he'll give her safety. He once again mentioned that Sharon is the mole.
- Natalie is worried that James and Joshuah will work together if Josh stays.
- Natalie told James that Sharon will be going on the block and they're thinking of keeping Joshuah.
- Sharon is getting worried.
- Natalie told Joshuah she'd need a one week deal that Ryan and James would vote to keep him and she'll break a tie vote in his favor. Joshuah told her that he has had a deal with Ryan for a while now.
- Joshuah told her he'd give them two weeks if they give him one.
- Natalie said after this week, Adam and Sheila need to go.
- Everyone loves the new Joshuah.
- He said he'll mope around so people don't suspect anything's up.
- Joshuah told Natalie he indeed saw Matt and Chelsia making out one night.
- James agreed to the keep James deal.
- James mentioned to Sharon he might give Joshuah a sympathy vote. (He didn't give one to Chelsia when he knew she'd be unanimously voted out! She should suspect trouble ahead.)
- Continuing the ruse, Joshuah told Sheila that he will go with grace and dignity and asked that she take good care of Sharon.
- Sharon thinks James is going to win the game. Joshuah thinks he should.
- The new alliance of Natalie, Ryan, James, and Joshuah is underway.
- Sharon and Sheila think there is still a war ongoing between James and Natalie.
- James and Joshuah talked alone about feeling sorry for Sharon, but it has to be done.
- Sharon told Joshuah she feels it's her duty to win it all and have a party for him.
- Adam asked Ryan if he won HOH, would he put up James? Ryan said he would.
- Adam is worried about Sharon putting him on the block if she wins HOH. He should be worrying about his own people doing that. Little do they know, but Sheila and Adam are the targets of the new alliance.
- Sheila is very thrilled getting to know the new Joshuah.
- Sharon and Sheila have no clue that anything's going on, none at all.
Mama mia, I'm getting dizzy from all these flip-flops.
I don't think James should be putting any stock in what Gnat is saying. He said it before, he can't trust anyone now.
I finally watched those UTube clips about James and She-witch's confrontation. Why in hell can't Sheila keep her big yap shut? She lied over and over and over to him saying she never came after him. She's told about everyone in that house that she has their back at one time or another and then votes against them. She says everyone has lied and backstabbed but she has been honest? She says she's afraid of James but stood in his face trying to twist everything James said around back at him. She was trying to get a rise out of him. She got it. She is a f***ing c**t! She is absolutely the biggest liar in the house. If James had been kicked out this week, she would have just turned on her next victim, probably Josh, and so on down the line, doing the same thing. She's just a vote to the "good people". I think she even realizes that, but can't stop herself.
It sounds like they're all beginning to realize she's not worth keeping around anymore. I think all of them are tired of the drama, tired of her antagonizing people, tired of her deflecting the bullet away from herself and tired of her lame excuses for her terrible performances in the comps. Sheila so lives in a glass house and I think maybe the rocks are going to come flying soon. Even then, she'll argue that "I never did anything to you. I've always been honest". I'm surprised lightning bolts don't hit that house every hour on the hour.
As disgusting as they all are, I'm starting to like Joshuah a little. He's kind of funny sometimes. Just wish he wouldn't wear those Univ. of Texas shirts. Gives us Longhorns a bad name!
Its getting even dizzier. Natalie just spilled the beans to Sharon and Sheila. Who the heck knows who will go home on Wednesday? Ugh!
The plan was smart and a good one. Now its gone to pot, unless... Natalie is the best actress ever. I kind of doubt that. ;)
joy n, Sheila was following James for (what seemed like to me) hours before he finally lost it. I am not excusing him, but he tried to get away from her voice several times before he attacked her. And her voice carries throughout the house, so even if a hg isn't in the same room with her they still hear her voice. I don't know if she can't shut up or won't shut up. Her voice might be James' undoing though, later in the game. Remember during the big endurance hoh when he kept telling people to not talk so he could concentrate? If Sheila had talked then to him the way she did before the fight, then he might not have won HOH. My point is, her voice is a weapon and it might break them all.
monty, oh no..Nat told? I haven't watched since the power meeting in the hoh between Ryan, Nat and James. I was impressed by it since James didn't promise anything but was included in their alliance, Nat seemed to have a clear idea of what she needed to do to protect herself. She said she thought Josh's vote would be easiest to control and that is why she would prefer Sharon leave. Ryan was taking care of keeping Josh, but didn't give away his secret alliance with Josh. Nat ended that meeting by saying they would keep Adam and Sheila uninformed about it and all would pretend it was still Josh going.
Here it is only a few hours later and I read Josh told them he had a silent alliance with Ryan and Nat has told Sheila about the get rid of Sharon secret.
Why did Nat tell Sheila? With the secret alliances in the house, it made me wonder if Nat has one I don't know about? I know she and James discussed having one, but who is Nat's partner?
I suspected a flip flop for more reasons than one, I've written throughout the years how, I tend to flip flop, generally it's someone's true genuine side that'll create my flip flop, my brother he's difficult to flip flop, partly due to he's involved directly with money aspects of his business, I'm not, there are individuals for instance ( last years BB's Amber ) I'd never flip flop, my mind was set on Chelsea, her behavior showed no signs of remorse, nor was it game related, she had a one way trained fraternized ideational thinking process, I'm hesitant with James, I felt whether he realized or not; it was Chelsea who drifted him away from his game, his loyalty finesse of whom he really is, However its appears James, Natalie, Ryan, Josh, are risk takers, they are flip floppers who probably aren't aware, their flip floppers Hahaha - Our post production in which I spent nearly 3 years included a segment; Why Not flip your Karma, I have never seen anyone view numbers the way Natalie does, James notes various items, Josh - he's inside media guy from Dallas ( HMM mm ) Ryan well that's another Hmm..James made several comments during his plead with Ryan and Natalie, which had me Huh? Hmm? I'm wondering if James and Natalie were in our study, Hahahaaaaaaaa, James has participated in MTV questionnaires, in fact he was in two MTV lineups..All and All, Shelia needs to hush! I'm flip flopping..
Jackie...I just went back and looked at the picture of Natalie and Adam again... I missed it the first time... Adam picking his nose ... supplying the mystery meat for what Nat is cooking... eeewwwwwwwww. YUK... and all that stuff. You're just too clever.
That'll probably stay with me all day... thanks a lot. LOL
LOL Meb, I just did the same thing!
tom's, I see what you are staying. I am a stubborn type and don't like to change out of my comfortable mindset, but I do when the information leads me to. In other words, I flip flop. I don't like that term so much, it makes me think of a landed fish trying to move its way off the dock.
Since this is March Madness (and the weather seems to be taking the term literally) I'll phrase my thoughts in a sports way.
I admire a coach who can see his game plan isn't working and changes it on the fly. His power player isn't making the points, so he goes with the little guy in the corner and leaves the oposition scratching their heads as the goal is made. I like that kind of quick thinking. But, are any of them in the house capable of doing that or are they all just moving their mouths to hear themselves talk.
I believed Janelle was pulling a huge deal, when she wasn't. I thought Ivette was going to make a smart choice and she didn't. So, you can see, I have no insight into who is playing and who is just going with the flow.
btw some hgs talked of Nakomia, they knew some things about her, but I didn't hear any of them credit her with 'how to backdoor'.
Off the subject... I just called about tires for my little Ford Focus and got a price of over $500... And this is buy three tires get one free of a tire I've never heard of before made in some country I can't pronounce. Who are these people kidding. No wonder at 70 years old I have to still work 2 jobs.
ok, now I am totally confused...Nat made a deal with James? She hates him and what he did to "her Matty" yet she will make a deal....and then TELL the supposed target?
I think this gives flip=flopping a bad name...then Ryan spills about his secret alliance with Josh and no one even raises an eyebrow?
sheila needs to be put up, she needs to go...............
That mystery meat picture alone is enough for me to vote to evict Adam. Why isn't he a consideration for THIS week? I really don't want to see Sharon go. I still can't find anyone to really root for, but she is the best of that bunch!!
There has got to be a better term rather than flip flop, sometimes, its after the facts have been proven, perhaps an individual can weight out their options, I welcome change, if someone can change my views, although it is difficult; if I am getting mixed signals simply because what an individual may be stating by what their actions might be implying, noting going hand and hand..being honest various times, should go hand and hand by what actions are being displayed by subject in question.
Meb- Sam's club generally has a great buy on auto tires, wow sorry to hear you have to work to jobs, Let me know I'll buy a tire for you.
Meb- Sam's club generally has a great buy on auto tires, wow sorry to hear you have to work two jobs, Let me know I'll buy a tire for you.
3/29/2008 11:50 AM
Its two, my brain not working today, its the wedding >
I just EWWWWWW'd at that nose picker, too. I made a graphic a while back showing Adam picking his nose with the caption, "Hey Ma, look what I can do". LOL Maybe it's true that they forget the camera is on them 24/7.
tom`s said...
...if I am getting mixed signals simply because what an individual may be stating by what their actions might be implying, noting going hand and hand..being honest various times, should go hand and hand by what actions are being displayed by subject in question.
I have a favorite expression for what you stated. "Your actions speak so loudly, I can't hear what you're saying."
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