Although I won't be writing this episode up in its entirety, I will post the big news here as it airs here on the east coast.
Your comments and discussion, as always, are welcome!
It should be interesting -- Piers and Omarosa are the project managers.
The task is selling artwork in art galleries.
Piers and his team brought off the biggest beating in history. They tromped Omarosa's team. Uh-oh! Poor Omarosa. Heehee!
Omarosa is GONE! $7,000 vs over $150,000 in sales, third loss as a PM. It's an overdue firing I say.
I loved the Piers kissing Trace. I didn't expect that.
The "Omarosa Free" blinking sign on the promo for next week is a hoot! I guess even Trump knows that no one wanted her back on the show.
This is going to be quite an episode. I am not an Omarosa fan. I would love to see her gone.
Looks like more fireworks with Pierce and now the snake eyed Baldwin. He and Omorosa take turns with Pierce. My question is, was Pierce always this volatile?
Who the hell is Pierce anyway? A tabloid editor from UK? Lol
I hope Piers and HYDRA win. I want more than anything to see that Biotch Omarosa gone tonight!
Baldwin is cheating. Why doesn't he just admit it?
Watching this one about 20 minutes delayed so my comments will be playing catch up. Go Piers... kick Omarosa's arse.
Trace, Carol, and Lennox are my favorites. I just can't stand the nastiness of the others. However, I do want Omarosa gone before Piers.
It is not looking good for Hydra.
Looking better for Hydra.
Maybe I speaketh too soon.
I love how Carol sold to Stephen's contact. Now that is Karma!
Slam dunk! Way to go to Hydra!
Omarosa's team was slaughtered!
Okay, I had to ditch the DVR recording and go to live TV for this one. Please oh, oh please let Omarosa go homa!
My daughter just called and I missed most of that exchange. Anything interesting? Omarosa looked quite subdued.
Wouldn't it be loverly to see Omarosa no more! I hope it's not Stephen, even though he's kind of a jerk. If Trump keeps her, this show is totally rigged. She has no excuse this time.
That was very nice editing through that task. I thought for sure that Hydra lose this one. Hopefully Omarosa goes home. If I'm not mistaken she hasn't won one task where she was PM. That alone speaks volumes. I personally think it would suck to be fired by Trump twice. You know what they say karma's a *****. He has to fire her, right?
Piers did kick O's ass!
Omarosa is digging a hole all the way to China.
Omarosa is grasping at straws now. She is EVIL!
Oh, good Lord, here he comes. What has Omarosa done now?
I am a little frightened to see Piers release his fury on Omarosa. What is Trump looking for here? Ratings?
Piers is coming back! This is gonna be good!
I must say I certainly am not leaving my TV set.
Tessa- You hit the nail right on the head. Ratings, ratings, ratings. However I would want to stand up for myself whether it was true or false. But that is just me.
Wait.... what did I miss? I went back to my podcast and missed it. Where is Peirs going?
OMG! Maybe Omarosa and Piers will be fired! I hope not. I want O gone before him.
Piers I love you. That was great.
Poor Trace. He is not happy.
I love that Piers did not go off on Omarosa.
If he fires Baldwin instead of Omarosa I will be angry!!!
If Omarosa stays....I might scream.
YAY! Oma is going homa!
YESSSSSSSSSS!! The wicked witch is GONE!!!!!
Ding, dong the witch is gone!
Ding, dong, the witch is dead. Yeah Donald!
It will be interesting to see if Trace has issures with Piers now.
Joy, you seem to read my thoughts, lol. Great episode. Now I pulling for Trace so much for the win! GREAT
Me, too, Monty! I hope Trace wins the whole thing!
Jackie, now if we could only be free of Omarosa for always. Maybe the loser's fifteen minutes will finally be up!
When O was walking out the door I thought, what a bad outfit to be fired in. I think she should have been fired simply for showing up for the task in that.
This has nothing to do with anything... but I saw Christy Yamagouchi (sp) today. She was being interviewed on one of our radio stations and she walked through the lobby as she was leaving. I didn't know it, but she lives in the same small city I do. She had long hair and she is SKINNY!
OK..so it's not Celebrity Apprentice... but she is a celebrity. And yes, I made a fool of myself when I saw her. Well, in my defense... it surprised me to see her there. Smile
This was quite possibly my favorite episode of this season!!
I giggled with glee throughout, and actually did a happy dance when O left the building.
She is one twisted sistah. :)
LOL!!! I thought the very same thing! A purple dress, white cinch belt and go go boots???
Tragic. :)
Who the hell is Pierce anyway? A tabloid editor from UK? Lol
The only place I know Piers from is him being a judge on Americas Got Talent along with David Hasselhoff and Sharon Ozbourne.
LOL, dla -- I wondered if you were watching and if so, I figured you'd have thought it yourself!
Anon 7:29 -- Right! That's where I've seen Pierce before. I knew I'd seen his face. Obviousl yhe had to have done something before that to get that judging job, but across the pond, no here.
I think last night was one of the best episodes of any reality show I've ever seen. I absolutely cannot stand Omarosa and I LOVE Piers. Is it wrong that I find him totally sexy? Then again, I love Simon Cowell and Gordon Ramsay too. What is it with me and over the top, mean British men? I can't wait to see him take out Baldwin next. I can't stand him either. I think he needs to hook up with Omarosa!
I agree about the outfit O was wearing. She usually has a great wardrobe (okay that was me finding one nice thing to say about her). Did anyone hear the rumor that she broadcast she would be a guest on the Today show this morning? Or her publicist did? That sort of gave it away before last night's show ran. But it does sound just like something she would do. And hearing that she would be fired probably upped the ratings for CA and made Trump happy too. I didn't watch this am, why would I want to see her? Sue
I watched most of it and no one said a word about her being on the show.
The story was on TMZ March 6 before CA aired. A spoiler for sure at that time. Sue
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