Although I won't be writing the finale up in its entirety, I will post the big news here as it airs here on the east coast.
Your comments and discussion, as always, are welcome!
Both Piers and Trace are under pressure. Aw, Trace's wife and two little girls showed up to surprise him.
Piers is doing great at the auction thanks to the head of Cantor-Fitzgerald who bid $100,000 each for tea with the Duchess and a night with the Osbournes (band included). Ivanka won a dinner with Trace for $6,000. She's sweet on him. Simon Cowell (for Piers) bid $100,000 for a $10,000 shopping spree with Ivanka.
Piers won the auction, Trace won the ticket sales.
Any juice bar in Manhattan has wheatgrass juice. But I don't see Trace as a Manhattan juice bar kind of man.
Piers is the Celebrity Apprentice, not due to his personality, but it's all about the numbers.
What a beautiful family Trace has! He's such a decent man. I really want to see him win this.
I feel bad for Trace right now. Piers is kicking his butt in the auction right now. At least that's the way they are editing it anyway. I so badly want him to win this. Moreso now because he had to deal with the whinny Backstreet "Boys". Black nailpolish and knee brace. Sheesh.
"Backstreet Boys didn't need any wheatgrass juice at all". I love a man who says what he means.
Trace will forever be scarred because of the "wheatgrass juice". He is such a team player. I still hope he wins. I would think Trump would have to base this on personality also, and I think Trace wins hands down.
I'm not even close to on time this week. My sweety's in the hospital with a kidney stone as of this afternoon, and I'm just now starting to watch the show. I'll try to catch up. :)
Steven looks so happy to be sitting there.
The black nail polish bit was so funny! Yes, Trace tells it like it is. Love it!
The bid from Cantor-Fitzgerald was down right amazing. To think of all he lost on 9/11 and to come back and donate to the charities here is amazing. That's the best of America in my opinion.
I'm beginning to think that the Donald is only weighing which of the two will net the most and best publicity for him and his show. That's why he really seems to be having a hard time making the decision.
I agree Monty. It was awesome what Cantor/Fitzgerald did. Quite the American.
Wow! Trace just blew me away. What a beautiful song.
I have a feeling you're right Joy. Piers makes more money but Trace is loved by more. What noble charities both have chosen. I have a feeling this win may go to Piers. Just because of the money. Great season though.
I have to admit it was a surprisingly good season, considering I hadn't planned to watch it at all. Have a feeling the celebrity angle will continue in future seasons. I may watch again IF Omarosa doesn't show up ever again.
And the winner is: Piers. Ah, well.
Joy I think Omarosa's 15 minutes are finally over. At least on primetime tv.
Sad Piers won but Trace will be just fine. He can also walk away with his head held high knowing he didn't resort to namecalling or playing diry. I don't think either are promoted in the "finacial district" of business.
Absolutely the right choice!!!!
Crap, I had to peek! I'm at the 1:30 mark in the show and now I know my boy didn't win. :( It was a great season of the Apprentice and I'll definitely watch another if the Donald keeps the celebrity angle.
Back to the show, but I'm watching deflated now. :)
Ugh, I am so disappointed that Piers won! I really wanted trace to :( On top of that, unless I missed something trace didn't win ANY money for his charity! that's awful! To be put through all that for so long and not have gotten a dollar out of it! I think Trump should have given him some money as a runner-up prize at least.
On another note, I think the show blew it by announcing that Piers had inadvertantly won before Trump announced it. If you listened to the commercial telling you to buy auction items online, it said that "all proceeds would go to the Intrepid Fallen Heros Fund" which is Piers's charity. I looked at my husband and said, well I guess Piers won then. Sad:(
Obviously!!!! Piers!!! (powerfull contacs)
Finally finished the show. Anon 11:02, it was the right choice in the end. I hate it for Trace, but it was the right decision. Piers was brutal and he raised a h3ll of a lot of money for his charity. Both charities were honorable and his charity pulled on my heart strings. His wins always made me smile because he was giving back to our veterans. My father was a "greatest generation" WWII retired veteran. So for that I am deeply greatful for all the money raised in the name of our heroes.
Anon 11:07, I wouldn't worry about Trace's charity. The Donald may not have said it publicly on the show, but I'm sure he will be donating to his charity as well. I also was disapointed that Trace never had a win to donate to, but Trump will not see his charity go unnoticed. I honestly believe that.
Great show, great charities that were supported by it, and I hope the next Apprentice will be the same. Its so much more fun seeing celebrities fighting for their cause, after all they are already celebrities and not wannabes.
Joyn, yes... keep Omarosa off our screens for the next installment. Enough is enough, is enough! Good riddance girl. Your 15 minutes of fame were up a long time ago! Peace.
THE MONEY WON BY THE SPECIFIC ITEMS THAT EACH OF THEM CHOSE GOES TO THEIR CHARITY. whoops sorry didn't realize caps was on. Piers chose shopping with Ivanka, I don't remember what Trace chose. That is why Piers called Simon to get a really high bid on that one.
Just proves Ladies do like Country boys....Trace is a gentleman, and that voice...welll yum.
If ivanka was smitten you better believe Daddy is gonna chip in the bucks for the charity....maybe she will be in his next video!
i didn't get to watch last night and now i won't bother. i haven't even read jackies post about the show or any of the responses. all i read was who won. i knew the backstreet brats would ruin it for trace.
I guess sometimes nice guys do finish last.
I did not plan to watch this season at all. As it turned out, it was one of the most interesting one's yet. Omarosa made a fool of herself, as usual, with her potty mouth, and Piers Morgan makes me glad he is not an American. The most uplifting thing about the whole show was Trace. Gene Simmons said it quite aptly. He is what this country has been missing a long time. We need more decent men like him, with true inner feelings and compassion. What a lovely man!
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