Sunday, March 30, 2008

POV Ceremony

As expected, James removed himself from the block and Natalie put Sharon up.

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

60 Minutes is on here, things seem to be running about a half hour late.

Thanks go out to Zoetawny for the graphic!


joy n said...

Both Josh and Sharon must be freakin' out. They have no idea which, if any, of the HGs will keep their word to them.

PlaidChick said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks Jackie for all of your whimsical updates! Thanks Zoetawny for all your creative graphics!

Delee said...

NEW SHOWS THIS WEEK!!! Can I say that I am excited.

Anonymous said...

Thank YOU, Jackie. I am so thankful you do this for us. You don't know how much I appreciate it. Don't say it enough. I sure wish I was as talented as Zoe in the graphics area!

I'm glad Josh and Sharon are freaking out. It all comes back to the beginning. I so do want Josh to leave. Hope the guys do not win over.

Come on Adam and Ryan, vote with the women this one time at least!


Anonymous said...


I'm just as excited as you about the NEW SHOWS! I can't wait!

meb said...

Watching BBAD and the girls talk about making sure Sharon stays and Josh goes, why the heck did Natalie put Sharon up when James came off? If she wanted to be assured of the 3 of the girls being left in the game like she was saying, then duh!!!! There is definitely something wrong with this picture because I never once heard either of the girls say, put up a guy when James comes off. You know, the logical thing to do.