The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome!
We have to go through Chelsia's meltdown once again. And her eviction. And now again in black and white after the credits, Chelsia leaves and takes them all on again. Natalie tells us she was in college for three years. Sheila thinks Chelsia said a low calss and disrespecful thing to a 45-year-old. Joshua feels like he lost his sister in the house. James says it sucks that someone you're close to is gone.
Day 49 -- The aftermath of Chelsia leaving continues. Sheila thinks Chelsia was jealous of a 45-year-old woman. Joshush tells us HOH is crucial for his alliance. Natalie feels so good to know that America thinks she's inspirational. Joshuah knocks Natalie's brain power.
Nat wins HOH again. God waited for the right time for her to win. Sheila thinks Natalie deserved the win and wants vengeance or closure. James thinks Nat's win sucks. Joshuah is kicking himself for losing to Natalie in a mental comp. Adam thinks something is in that holy spirit and he's happy for her.
Ryan thinks the others are shocked and surprised that Natalie won a mental comp. Now she's quoting the bible and thanking God. Ryan names them Team Christ. Adam says he can't knock the Lord, Team Christ!
Nat's on the sevens again. Seven is all over in her life, you know. Tomorrow starts week eight. She's got Adam into it as Ryan bites his nails. Joshuah thinks she's crazy and her theories change as it suits her. Last week eight, this week seven. James points out that it's the eight week, not the seventh.
James looks ridiculous in his shortie robe and hoodie. He goes to Nat. Tells her she needs to trust him. She asks God what to do.
HOH room time. Joshuah noticed that all of Nat's pictures were of her ... except the dog ones. Her letter from home has her choked up. Quick cut to James as she reads her father writing that she was smart .. I swear he wanted to snicker. Sheila turns it to about her in the DR missing her son. Natalie says her parents don't talk and got together for the letter. Adam shed a tear or two.
Natalie hides for hide and seek and the boys look for her. Old footage! Her knee is sticking out of the laundry basket. Josh tells her. She wants to hide again. Joshuah keeps rolling his eyes. They're looking for her and find her crammed in under the sink. How did she fit in there?
Sheila asks Joshuah how he told his parents he was gay. He was 18 in Austin and wanted to go to a party. His mother told him he had to come home, finally he said he was gay. Mom told Dad, they didn't talk about it much at first. He feels better for having told them. Sheila loves his parents now. She makes valid points, but she's SHEILA! I hate agreeing with Sheila, but I must!
Joshuah and Sharon talk -- if James has to go home, he's a scary dude and fierce ... he must!
James is up visiting Natalie again. She tells him she doesn't have a partner and she trusts him more than she trusts Josh. He wants to work with her. They decide to work together and no one knows. She talks about putting Joshuah up. They call final two now. She considers it in the DR to us. She admits he kept his word to her, but Matt went. He points out Chelsia is gone. She's in a quandry.
Time for the food comp! Natalie hosts, gets food all week as HOH. One at a time BB will call them to the yard for a smashing food comp. Adam hates the thought of slop. They're isolated in separate rooms. They're kind of in Kansas. BB gives them the choice of going on slop or food. If not enough choose slop, they'll go on slop. It's all about greed. No matter what, three will get slop for the week. Sharon thinks the guys will all go on food. She chooses slop.
Adam is up, reads it. He automatically goes for food. Sheila thought it a tough choice just like Sharon. Joshuah had issues too. He picks slop thinking the four who picked food will end up on slop. Ryan is figuring out the numbers, too. He goes for slop (but I don't think they showed it). James chose slop, too.
Natalie tells them they reveal it by crushing watermelon. A mority will go on slop. Less than goes on food. Sharon, slop. James, slop. Joshuah, slop. Those three now on slop. Anyone from now on who picked slop gets slop. Ryan, slop. Sheila, slop. Adam, food. One stroke ... and he's thrilled!
James is up in the middle of the night, hard to sleep alone. He talks to himself while playing pool. He cried alone. He played chess alone. It sucks, you know.
Adam and Ryan are creating a whirlpool in the pool swamping Sunglass Duck. Okay.
Natalie is looking at Matt's picture on the Memory Wall. Sharon, Ryan, Joshuah laugh about it. Joshuah thinks Matt should go in the Witness Protection Program or get a restraining order. They think she's stalking his picture.
Ryan tells Natalie that she should backdoor James. She tells us she's still contemplating the deal from James. Her "struck by a dumb stick" look comes over her face as Ryan talks to her.
Nat explains her duties as HOH. Ryan is't worried. He wants James out this week. Joshuah is concerned. James is worried but has hope. Natalie says it's her decision and she will do what's best for her. She thinks it's a good strategy and the noms won't come back to bite her.
It's time! She tells them it's difficult and she must do what's best for her in the game. Key order: Adam, (Sheila smirks), Sheila, Ryan, Sharon. James and Josh are up.
Joshuah -- you are a threat and have never been nominated. Jame s-- I want to believe your word, but ... she goes on to say James and Joshuah are probably working together. She tells us James' word means nothing to her and she can't trust him. Joshuah says he's no longer a block virgin.
Ohh good Lord, I guess Natalie hasn't taken any classes on spelling in college...
Nana: Which personality of Sheila's is the one that speaks in Surfer talk?
Here is the Week 6 Recap of BB by the Real Deal. The Adam tribute is quite funny.
Week 6 Recap
Natalie and all of her "God talk" sounds so much like Jameka from last year!
You know, maybe Natalie can't spell, but I can't stand Josh. Mad because Natalie beat him in a mental game? Good. "One of those idiots are going to win." Good. Just as long as he doesn't win. He has a high opinion of himself. He's the idiot.
The Adam tribute is quite funny.
I didn't understand what Chelsia said. Someone explain, please.
I had to laugh at Josh being upset because he loss to Natalie. He sure has a high opinion of himself!
I also laughed when Natalie said that she had gotten far by playing dumb. Maybe she isn't as dumb as we thought!
Sheila asking Josh how he came out is so personal!!
I thought it was hysterical when he said "One of those idiots are going to win!
Gnat's father must not have seen the feeds. I'll bet the whole Navy has, though!
Must have been Stripper College U.
Joy n ~
You know the men probably got a kick out of Natalie's stipping and didn't tell her father that part.
How could anyone miss the Strip show of natalie? It was on BBAD. I realize a lot of people don't have access to it, but if you know of the show or watch it, it was hard not to miss!
Sounds like the Navy has more respect for her father than she does.
Sasha--I know this is old news but you commented about not seeing the prelude to James outburst on Sheila. Go to YouTube and view "Sheila working James for Jury Vote" and then "James confronts others Mar27 10:35p.m.
At 4:00p.m. today Nat. wore 100% not to tell anyone about Josh's plan to get a penalty you think she will last till bedtime without telling??
Plaidchick-that would be personality #4...SheRock...the one that's hip, hangs out at the Rainbow Room with her biker friends. You know, the one ED was eyeballing at the POV comp. LOL
you know, i am actually beginning to believe that our little gnat is a little smarter than we may be giving her credit for. tonights flip-flop decision for me is having gnat and adam being the top two. call me crazy, but there is something ...."soft" about both of them. yes, i have seen the videos of gnat, and heard adams comments....its a given the winner will be the lesser of all evils. i still think aside from bad behavior, their hearts are just a tad more sensitive. just a thought right now. the hide and seek game totally cracked me up.
Men usually do stick together and out of respect and not wanting to embarrass him just didn't tell him.
SheRock--- I love it!!!!!!
I'm going to have to go looking around and see if Dick has anything to say about the PoV last week. I don't know if he has anything on his myspace page.
Didn't the hide and seek game happen a couple of weeks ago?
Gotta love CBS editing...
CBS put the hide n seek game on to use up air time. It happened when Matt was in the house.
They really are Beavis and Butthead (from Hamsterwatch)
Adam and Ryan
ROFLMAO JOSH!! I have been saying that for weeks!!!!
Matt will have to get a restraining order
Josh agrees with Jackie on the Witness Protection Program! Lol!
CBS put the hide n seek game on to use up air time. It happened when Matt was in the house.
Gayle, so much of the behavior is x-rated, I imagine they have to scrape the bottom of the editing barrel to get something to fill up the "family" hour.
Becky I was thinking the same thing!
Well, you won't be sending James packin' this week to ol' Matty-boy.
It always amazes me that Gnat doesn't trust James or anyone for that matter, but is shocked that they would distrust her. She promises to keep all new plans with anyone to her self and immediately sells them out. She's as big a liar as the rest, she even lies to herself.
Joy n, Natalie probably thinks what she's doing is okay - she's just playing the game, but she doesn't want it done back to her! She has such a childlike quality to how she thinks.
I need a stiff drink! But wait Nahhh - its early Monday wake up tomorrow, on to BB - I believe Josh is afraid of his own 5 clock shadow..
Yeah, Gayle, she does.
Just watched the Week 6 Recap. Good Lord, Adam eats his boogers, too! EVERY DAY he gets more disgusting! Has anyone ever seen him wash his hands or take a shower?
Thanks for the link. Just watched it and loved the music. Adam is just plain gross, no other word for it.
There's always a bible thumper in the house. The thing that always gets me is their hypocrisy. If you're gonna talk the talk then you had better be able to walk the walk. Although, I don't remember Jameka being quite as contradictory as Nat is.
Josh is entirely taken with himself and thinks he is superior than all of the house guests. There's nothing more unattractive in a person than one who is extremely conceited and full of themselves. Josh doesn't even come close to being the most attractive gay man I've ever seen nor is he that intelligent. He always brags about his "junk in the trunk" but his body isn't sculpted or toned at all.
Joy n...
I think you're spot on when you said the Navy had more respect for Nat's father than she did.
Adam and Ryan are perfect as "Beavis and Butthead". LOL
Loved all your comments. Show finally starting here in 10 mins.
Nana said: #4...SheRock...the one that's hip, hangs out at the Rainbow Room with her biker friends. You know, the one ED was eyeballing at the POV comp.
OMG ... you had me rolling with that comment about ED. In SheRock's head that is gospel.
Thanks for the good laugh.
Nana in the NW: Thanks for the YouTube references. Much appreciated!
LOL...when I heard Josh say the Witness Protection Program, I, too, thought of Jackie's "Witless" Protection Program comment. Too funny...and definitely a candidate for that "best of" list someone is starting.
Help me out here...
Why wouldn't Natalie make the final two deal with James? Then put up Sharon & Joshua "because they're a couple" (maybe even tell Sharon she's safe). James was most likely going to play for POV anyway. (Didn't only one sit out?) It wouldn't upset her "boys", Ryan was trying to talk her into backdooring James anyway. Then if James wins the veto she has him "secretly" on her side AND if he doesn't win the POV backdoor him.
I know she couldn't really trust James...but she wouldn't have ended up his main target that way.
kathryn, you're absolutely right - Nat perfectly demonstrated her lack of critical thinking skills by not making that deal with James. She just disgusts me to no end, and not just because she's so dense, but because of the utter hypocrisy she displays. It makes me ill when people think God does them personal favors because they are so worthy and good, but somehow when she doesn't win, or James does win, she doesn't think God was helping him. How does that work? Oh never mind, it doesn't have to make sense in these crazy people's minds.
UGH what a pathetic bunch. James has the most integrity of anyone in that house, and he's the most vilified by the "God Squad" - it's just disgusting.
I LOVE James, I love how he misses Chelsia. I don't watch the live feeds, I only read about them here. And, yes, I have read all the nitty gritty details you've reported....but I can't help it, James and Chelsia are my FAVOURITE in the whole house! I kinda hope James gets evicted just so they can be together again.
Is it just me or was the HOH game Natalie won a guessing game? She's not smart, just lucky. They are all a bunch of idiots!
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