Oh, Adamanas! Hmmm ... I wonder what would happen if Adam wore a mandana while eating strained bananas?
For some reason I don't think canned Adam would sell too well in the supermarket. I think it would give me indigestion. I suppose it could be worse -- we could have Sheila Prune Juice!
Without further ado, here are the happenings from last night into the dawn in that Big Brother House of Loquacious Losers:
- Ryan danced more in anticipation of James being evicted. He's outright gleeful.
- Natalie seems to know a bit about some things even if her vocabulary skills are a bit quirky. She lectured Ryan on good and bad carbohydrates and body fat percentages.
- CBS made Natalie put highlights in her hair after she initially showed up with dark brown hair.
- Adam and Ryan think they can only trust each other after hearing what both Sharon and James were saying about what Natalie's been saying about targeting them.
- Since Adam can't compete, he suggested to Ryan to put Sharon and Natalie on the block with Sheila as the replacement.
- They both think Sheila will throw the HOH because she feels safe with both groups -- the boys and the girls.
- They think since BB gave them the oversized golf stuff and putting green on Saturday, that it will tie in with a comp. (I don't know. They won outdoor toys and it could just be a part of that and nothing to do with any comps.)
- Sheila told Adam she wants him to promise her that if Natalie wins HOH and puts her on the block he'll win veto and save her.
- Adam just grinned at her with his dopey grin.
- She went on to tell him that Natalie is the biggest threat left and she would save Ryan over any one else put on the block. She thinks she can control Sharon and that Sharon would target Natalie if she wins HOH.
- Sheila asked Adam if he was working with Natalie. He told her he isn't.
- As she rambled on she told him that she knew everyone likes him and he'd win if it were them in the final two. She's okay with that.
- I hope that ANYONE else in the final two with Sheila (if it gets to that) wins. Anyone at all. Amanda could come back in and win and I'd be happy. Anyone but Sheila!
- James and Adam talked about the DR asking them about how dumb Natalie is or words they've found out she doesn't know. I suppose eventually the pedestal demonstration with the pepper shaker might air.
- Sheila told James that Natalie made up the being a cheerleader bit.
- James thinks that Natalie is a meth addict. His proof is in her skin. Now, if she were a meth addict, I think she's withdrawn from it by now! Since all but Sharon and Sheila to a lesser extent seem openly into doing drugs, nothing would surprise me.
- They should all think of the ramifications of being all over the Internet discussing illegal drug use. That could shut doors for employment and more. What are they thinking?
- Sheila told James she would give him a sympathy vote. He told her although he wants votes, she shouldn't burn that bridge with Sharon.
- Adam, James, and Sheila talked about Sharon having something going with Ryan. You see, secret alliances aren't too secret at this point in the game.
- Sheila talked about how dumb Natalie is. I don't know. Her schooling might be lacking, but she has proved to be a smart player in the house so far this season. If she makes it to the end (a strong possibility), she could very well win.
- When James told Sharon that Natalie lied about being a cheerleader she too wondered why someone would make something like that up.
- I was never a cheerleader.
- George W. Bush was a cheerleader.
- Or did he make it up?
- All are asleep as I post this.
George was too -- he told me so himself, on National TV!
Last night I actually found myself wondering what it would be like by now to watch these final few weeks if Amanda (and even for second Jen) had stayed in the house... that
s how bored I am with this crew. I am amused by James, though he's getting real old (and you know I was just about the first to root for him Waaaaay back) and in the last few weeks have liked Adam's DR at least, but wow, zzzzz
I know we're hoping for a new wave of interest to come up as we watch Team Christ grow horns and pick each other off, but I'm not even interested in that so much. Thinking of the endurance comp when I could care less about whose left is going to be very different than in past years when several of us got up many times in the middle of the night to go to our computers to check for updates!
Good Morning everybody!
That would be who's not whose left....
Thankyou Jackie for finding interesting things to write about. You are amazing.
I don't like it when it is predictable. Team "Christ" (GAG!) wins a few challenges and now things are playing out exactly the way they want it too. I tend to root for the underdog. Now that the underdog has no hope of staying, and he seems to be OK with that, there is little that attracts me anymore. I almost couldn't finish watching the show last night, I got so tired.
I wonder who the new underdog will be after James is gone?
I will root for them then.
And by the way, Tom's, where are you? Your comments were some of the ones that caused me to stop lurking and start participating in the conversation here. I miss you!
I second that Tom's!!!
Good morning all. Syndey, you and I are thinking along the same lines. I was wondering yesterday about the people who got the boot as couples and what the game would be like if they had played on their own. Who would still be there?
That got me started on thinking what would happen if they let all of those early folks come back and play on their own another season. Expect the unexpected, right?
I do look forward to the Good People (I was going to say GP but didn't want to confuse them with the Guinea Pigs) turning on each other. I think some will find that hard to do and others will do it with a cold heart.
I just can't get interested in watching the show when it is on anymore. While it's going in the background I'm online reading here! Jackie, you are much more interesting than the show! Thanks!
Good morning all,
Is Adam with Sheila or not? I watched some of BBAD last night. When he was talking to her he was acting like he had her back, then he goes down to Nat and Ryan and blabbed everything like he is with them. These people talk in circles, it is frustrating even to me. I see why James feels like he does in the house. He was trying to play a more up front game but no one else would.
It is going to be partly sunny today with highs near 80, as prelude to storms coming again this Friday.
Donna -- let's hope that sun dries things out in AL!
Lol Jennasmom. That's a true and also very sad (do you hear that Allison Groedner) comment!
JennasMom, I'm with you. I haven't actually sat down and watched the show for weeks! I tape the show so I can see things I've read about here but no way can I spend 3 hours watching the show, the b/w recaps, and the old footage each week. It's not compelling tv, for sure!
We owe a big thank you and some cold hard cash to Jackie for giving us her reports and a place to post our thoughts in order to keep the show remotely interesting this year.
Hopefully, the summer show will be more interesting and be on a schedule that makes the show move along better.
Amen, Laurie
I would like to see the summer schedule be Sat, Tues and Thurs. Sat would be nominations, Tues POV comp and ceremony and Thurs eviction and HOH comp.
Off topic - Did anyone see Biggest Loser last night. The girls kicked butt! I thought the amount of weight that they lost in that last week was a bit fishy though. Everyone lost over 10 lbs., which is very hard to do when you no longer have that much weight left to lose. I'm rooting for Ali to be the first female winner. She looks phenomenal.
Laurie...don't worry about confusing GP ( good people ) with guinea pigs....they are all one and the same :)
rbennie...i watched the biggest loser. just voted online for roger to be in the final 3..only because i think mark has had his fair share of attention and comp wins. all in all....voting for ali. in my book, everyone wins on that show by the end. what i really like about that show is that the comps are intense, they too have to vote people out, but they keep such integrity and kindness with one another for the most part. what a difference from big brother! there are a LOT of similarities between BL and BB when you think about it....the biggest DIFFERENCE is that bb is crass, crude, rude and lude....BL is not.
i am still wanting a natalie win. at this point you can't freak out over lies and fake alliances...or trying to play all sides. its the name if the game.
i don't think adam is being spineless...he is just trying to do what HE has to do to stay there.. AS WELL AS not tick anyone off on the jury. pretty smart.
zoetawny.. LOVE the graphic. has me thinking which particular jar of baby food should each house guest be on in this particular playpen of wayward babies.....
Boring! I don't even want to know how the others who left early would have played. I just want this one over with, (she said with disgust). Let's just get on to a real BB.
Syd let us know how the auditions go for BB10 if you get there to see them. As a newlywed, I guess it would be too much to ask for you to apply to be a hamster, huh? LOL
I am reading Change of Heart by Jodi Picolt. It fits in with BB and the religion issues of the hgs. It makes me laugh when I read a sentence in the book and see something almost identical on the boards. Here is a paraphrase of one example. One character in the book says that "Good people' come together often when they are outcast from another group. They form a common bond and band together and then in turn exclude those from the group who kept them out. The character said it much better than I did, but you get the idea. I laughed at "good people" and it did fit.
For most people, publicly discussing drug use could be a detriment to their lives and careers.
These fools, on the other hand, have so much other baggage that admitted drug use may be the least of their worries.
Morning All....Yes Laurie so agree with you, instead of people buying the live feeds just pay jackie..she gives a better description of the shwo than the show itself.
cbs really needs to work on Alison G....step it up or step off the bandwagon.
I made my contribution to Jackie, hope everyone else does soon too....
First of all, does anyone have any asprin? I have a headache.
WARNING: You may wish to stop reading.
After watching some video I would love for BB to show some clips to the HGS of who said what. There is so much "he said/she said" going on that it is very confusing.
I think if BB showed some clips of who said what, who knows how the vote would go. They just might evict all of them.
Ryan "ASSUMES" way too much (IMO). He does not know what the truth is anymore. None of them do.
BB, let's wrap this up and call it a season. Approach the idiots with an offer of them all walking away with some cash.
When all is said and done, none of these jokers deserve the money or time being in the spotlight. Let them go back where they come from and never shine a light on them or put a microphone anywhere near their lips. Please, enough is enough of all of them.
I think I am getting a migraine. I better go lay down. At this time I am not sure I will watch the eviction tonight...my headache will have to be much better by then.
I am sorry to be a "Shelia" here.
Have a great afternoon everyone!
Howdy ya'll!! Long time, no comment!
As much as I hate to admit this, now that James is leaving I'm kinda rooting for Natalie. I couldn't stand her when Matt was in the house but now that he's gone, she's really stepped up her game.
To all my friends: I've been lurking, but not commenting much. Thanks to those of you who've visited my blog to say hi. I'll try to be better about stopping in to chat!
Great to hear from you Orkmommy - and don't be embarrassed about rooting for Natalie - even though it might be only you and me who are, LOL.
Hi everybody....It's hump day....no not in the house(unless the guinea pigs are getting active)... but in the week!
a few off topic comments:
rbennie--I believe many people that are celebrity wannabes go to watch game shows for the exposure. The camera usually always pans on them during the show and then people talk about them.
Speaking of which did anybody see Bachelor Andy(the navy dr.) and Marla Maples at DWTS? I guess they have been dating for awhile. Certainly is better than Donald Trump!!
patty--I think you were joking about a migraine but if not try Excedrin Migraine. I suffer from chronic migraines and if I catch it soon enough Ex. Mig. will usually work. Otherwise, it's the hardcore drugs and off to bed for a few hours.
to everybody-- donna in al is making a graph of all the bloggers here. If you would like to help her out please list your age, gender, and state. She is trying to see how the US/Canada patterns with this show.
Now to BB--
Just read Adam's HOH diary. He actually sounded intelligent! Too bad he doesn't know how to talk clearly!! He seems to be geniunely worried about being the target because of not putting up James.
So the producers wouldn't let Nat. go dark? Earlier they told James he had to keep his mohawk and could only dye it pink. They really do control ALOT of what happens.
I thought James would tear it up last night but sadly he didn't. :(
We need some excitement and after tonight---BORING!!!
I don't know how James missed the quest. about when the couples split. He said it was week 4 times 7--I guess he did the math wrong. But I loved Nat. going out first on a numbers game!!
Did anyone see those "things" Ryan and Adam found?? I must really be old or a prude--I had never heard of them.
I laughed listening to them read the directions and Ryan putting it over his head. Nat. kept saying "It says not to stretch it--stop that Ryan". Like someone was going to be using it!??
Speaking of Ryan....although I don't care for him I think he must really love Jen. He could have hooked up with Sharon in the house but has been true to Jen. and very careful about his conduct with the other girls.
The house is pretty boring this morning--everyone but Shelia/Sharon seem to be sleeping in.
Time to get some housework done--you know what they say....a womans work is never done!
tom s'-- where are you??
And me.....I want Natalie and Ryan the f2...........Can't wait for the grand good-bye this evening, please, oh please let it be.....bye bye James!
Also meant to add--
Good to hear from you Orkmommy. How are Super O and Barbwire?
Laurie--I commented on your blog yesterday. Go have a peek.
Hi Nana,
Will do!
I just remembered my question that I forgot the other day. Does the jury live together in sequester? And do they get to watch the live feeds or do they see the show or do they make their decision on campaigning? I can't remember from last year and that's the first time I watched the show. It took Terry in Ca that long to convince me to watch it!
So, how does the jury thing work?
I agree throw out all these monkeys and fill the hamster cage with the ones in sequester. Now that would be unexpected!
Hi Laurie,
I believe the way the jury works is that they do not get to see anything that is going on in the house after they left. I remember last year, as each new evictee arrived they had a tape with them that showed a tiny bit of what was going on and how that person got evicted.
I remember several years ago they would let the jury see the DR sessions, but they stopped doing that I believe because it exposed too much of what people were really thinking.
I guessing that we will see a quick montage of the sequester house showing a little bit of when each evictee arrives. I really wish they would show us a lot more than that though.
Happy eviction day kids!
We had bad storms in DFW last night. Got some pea-sized hail, while the Ft Worth area got pounded with golf ball sized hail. Another round headed here this afternoon
Orkmommy I knew you were lurking around!
Patty-- I posted yesterday who has deals with who. Basically everyone.
Will Sheila win HOH tonight, are we going to have a double eviction?
From what I'm reading they probably won't show sequester until Final 4, and that's because people figure out where they are located pretty quick after it is aired. Who cares??! Are they going to fly a plane over head, is that really going to influence the outcome of the game-- more so than DR already does? NO
I wish they would give us a quick Janelle fix before the end of the season. She's still America's favorite HG after all! Let her host a competition or something.
Laurie-- rbennie has the correct info about sequester. They only see the pov and hoh comp. when the evicted hg arrives. Once they are down to the
F2 the jury is put in seperate hotel rooms. It must be so they don't conspire or form alliances! LOL
Please let's have a double eviction tonight and get this show on the road....
So i completely agree with everything being said.. this show is really starting to bore me. I think they should just show the sequester house to show matt dealing with chelsia, joshuah and hopefully soon to be james.. Personally i think they should bring someone else into the house to spice things up a bit, or possibly end it sooner. i definitely wouldn't mind watching alex every episode :]
hopefully something eventful will happen tonight. anything would help. maybe bring back will. he would create something and control these hamsters as his puppets. or janelle. either would make me want to watch the episodes a little more.
Thanks jackie for your blog!
Thanks Rbennie and Nana. So Matt only knows the people as he knew them when he was in the house. Except for seeing the POV and the HOH and then knowing who walks in the door each week, he would rely the impressions of each "loser" to know anything more. Each week he gets more information and a different viewpoint of the people who are left. Interesting. I would love to know what he hears about Nat, who he thought he controlled and really, he may have been the one who was being controlled all along.
I actually don't think I'm going to watch tonight or maybe the rest of the season. With James gone, there's no one in the house to root for or against anymore. They are all sooooo boring...
Never happened to me before. I always like someone and usually despise someone. This time...I mostly rooted for James because everyone else hated him (which is odd, in retrospect, since he really didn't do anything early on) But the rest of them...who really cares?
I'll be back in the summer! Hopefully it'll be better. I'm getting really tired of vacuous 20-somethings.
By the way, that's the real difference between Biggest Loser and here. The age and narcissism of the contestants...
Laurie it cracks me up when I see you commenting on BB, yes it did take a long tim e to convince you, but yeedoggies you took to this quick!
I am just wanting sequester views...it always made the final time more interesting...and people got along better and then of course them that hate anything or anyone else....
Im agreeing we all need a nice Janelle fix...then of course it would make all these even harder to bear.....
Im just saying we better have sequester shots soon!!!!
Terry, now I need to get you to watch Top Chef!
Nana - SuperO! and Barbwire are both doing well. You can catch up on the latest adventures on my blog. Follow the link in my profile. I will warn you though, there is a sad story there...
Glad to see everyone is still here!
Hello to all, Thanks Jackie for all the hard work you provide for us.
Good Graphic Zoetawny! Jackie, I wanted to give you a chorus of the Name Game, but couldn't get the words to come out right. Adam Adam Bo Something, Bananafana Bo ...see, the memory is slipping.
Plaidchick, do you all have a tornado warnings in Dallas, we're getting strong windy rains in West Lake Austin, my knee along with various joints are extremely painful, generally that's my first warning sign a tornado is lurking nearby, I built a storm shelter over 8 years ago, Although I have yet to use it.. I hope I never do.
My brain is working overtime with these Tornado activities brewing. The humidity factor indicates possible several Tornado's, perhaps increasing by Friday.
I'm worried my daughter called me a few mins ago, she's on her way home from San Marcos, she stated it's pouring cat's, dogs, horses, cow's, my reply back " I'm glad you left out flying pink pigs, alongside pink elephants.
Moving right along I thought I'd share this; My daughter asked me what Country Big Brother originated, she had several questions on one of her Exams today regarding Big Brother. I thought it was interesting, However, I believe she answered incorrectly, basically I responded; she should have gotten all BB questions correct. I suspect she's nervous while driving, because she rarely needs verification on her Exams.
I'm sorry, I'm ranting, I suppose a parent will worry about their children regardless of age.
Good to read a real post from you, tom's.
The storm's are heading our way by Friday. We have had 3 beautiful days of mostly sunny warm weather. However; the sun, heat of the day, humidity all contribute to the storms being more tornadic. If the dew point and the temperature are close to the same number, tornados are more likely. When there is a warning for my county, I usually go to my basement and fold clothes or sweep or something.
Stay safe.
Good Afternoon all! Hope all is well in your neighborhood. I read some of you are still having wicked weather. :(
What's going on in the BB house the day of the "big eviction"? Is James wreaking havoc or accepting his fate? For all I know, he's found a way to save himself...probably not.
I think Sheila laid a gigantic guilt trip on Adam and he fell for it. She kept saying she wouldn't do that to him...yeah right. Adam seems to feel terrible when he's made someone else sad or upset.
I'm a little sad that some of you have chosen not to watch the end of BB9 but I totally understand. We'll miss you and hope to see you for BB10.
I wanted to tell you that at the end of BB8 last summer when my pc crashed, I was so upset that I couldn't share the finale with all of you. It was the worst timing but then there's never a good time for your pc to crash.
See you later to find out who the new HOH will be.
Jackie, I don't know why you hate Sheila so much. She's opinionated and likes to talk, reminds me of you. Maybe she's close to your age and you don't like her past? Just wondering.
I have lived my entire life in Tornado Alley. A worn out joke that we used for years was, "what do you do when you hear the tornado siren?" Answer: run outside and look. Sorry, had to laugh or we would go crazy with fear. I have many stories about the storms.
I have one comfort that I use. You will laugh at it, though. I know I could buy a real baromenter, but my homemade one has served for so many years, and I swear by it.
Take a glass quart sized Mason jar. Find (at a flea market or antique store???!) a soft drink bottle that fits into the mouth of the jar. Fill the jar with water about half way up, then put the bottle in the mouth of the jar. The water will rise into the bottle. If a bubble forms out of the bottle, watch out! When it was a Science Experiment for school, we kept it on the kitchen window sill. Now, I usually have one in our garage, on a shelf. I can look at it, see where the bubble is and know whether I should take action. Of course, I still listen to the ham operators and the tv weather people. But, I have to admit, I trust the homemade barameter the most.
Because Jackie wants us to play nice I am not going to say what I want to Anon 6:57---except you must be new here. Jackie is a gem and if you don't like what she says then WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ON HER BLOG??? Go somewhere else where people don't care about hurting other bloggers feelings!!!
tom`s and plaidchick...
Your weather doesn't sound good.
Please stay safe.
Did any of you hear about Ryan's DR leak this morning? I read on the AOL message board...
Ryan in DR. You like my bling (earring). DR: have you ever worn earrings in the house before? Ryan: no DR: you should take them off, they look kinda feminine. Baller style.
He took them off.
DR: lets start with sharon. why you would want to keep sharon in the house and #1 rule this week is try to use her name as much as possible. start with "I'd like sharon stay this week is ...."
Ryan, I'd like sharon to stay this week because we work well together, we have a secret alliance, I think she's a strong player, she's underestimated and we could go final 2.
I didn't want to believe it but the DR does try to influence what the players are doing. I'm surprised that James is keeping so low key today.
Oh nana, lighten up. I didn't say anything bad about Jackie, she has strong feelings about Sheila. It was just an inquiry. I think the opinions are interesting. How you could have hurt feelings is just unusual to me. Jackie will censor my comment if it offends.
tom s'--The flying pigs only occur over the BB house. I know what you mean about our children. No matter how old they are you still worry. My girls give me "that look" when I start to worry. You know, "Mom, I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself".
Is this tornado season in the south? It seems like there have been alot of warnings the last few months.
Although I am on the west coast I will be watching BB with most of you thanks to Plaidchick. The website I got to work was:
Our rains have stopped and the sun is out. We might even hit 70 by the weekend!! My flowerbeds really need some attention.
nana in nw: I didn't see 'the things' this time. Way back, maybe around the time of the kissing party in the hot tub, Amanda said that all of them should watch out for diseases. Not long after that, someone found a drawer with the things you mentioned. At least that is the way I remember it.
Last night Ryan or Adam saw that the date on the nicotine patch given them by BB had expired. I read about it on a live feeds board, so didn't hear it myself. Did anyone hear it? It sounded like they were ED's season left overs.
zoe--Ryan's DR leak is over on Youtube. They did tell him to take out the earrings and how to start each sentence. I would say they have alot of control over what is said and done.
It makes me wonder how many times they re-do some of the segments and the HG still appear less than brilliant!
Thanks for the verification of Ryan's DR leak.
Also, thanks for for posting the site which plaidchick put up last week for us. I should have saved it and tried it again.
sue said...
Jackie, I wanted to give you a chorus of the Name Game, but couldn't get the words to come out right. Adam Adam Bo Something, Bananafana Bo ...see, the memory is slipping.
I can sing it but can't type it. LOL Did we ever find out what Adam's banana baby food preference was all about? Maybe I missed it.
Going to try that East Coast link now. Hope it's working. :)
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