Grrr ... although YouTube gave me an embed code and all, they rejected my video because it was too long. I have to write up the review of tonight's show for TV Squad. If I'm still awake after that, I'll break it down to separate chunks and re-upload. I might not be able to get that done until tomorrow after work, though. Sigh.
Shoot! Dumb regulations! Well, will look forward to them tomorrow. Thanks for trying, Jackie.
Youtube has some of it but look forward to Jackie's take on it tomorrow.
Yeah, thanks for trying!! I can't believe that you do all you do in order to feed our addiction!
I can hardly wait to see the fun!
DANG!! I must have forgotten my password again. Old age sure is the pits!!
pdx granny
I haven't watched tonight's show yet or read all the comments on it, so hope this isn't a duplicate. I am glad you taped and will youtube the segment, Jackie.
I had it on during the pre-meeting, the meeting and some of the after meeting part. I intended to take minutes, but changed my mind. It wasn't worth it. I thought it ugly, but would tune in to see it on youtube, if I hadn't already seen it.
Pre-meeting. Sharon found out something was up and freaked. From an audience stand point I would say it was fear that she would be outed and evicted. She said that she wanted Sheila to have a calm, non-drama week and that she (Sharon) had a speech to give Natalie and didn't want the surprise ruined. That was what her words were saying. Her voice rose an octave and she was frantic.
Natalie heard there was a meeting and that it was about her (the boys told her) She refused to attend, mixed her hair color and stayed at the bathroom sink. The boys, dressed for the meeting and arrived at the dining table with Sharon and Sheila. No Natalie. They move it into the bathroom where Nat does her hair, without gloves or towel on her neck. Adam opened with a Bible reading that used the words 'lie' and hypocrisy' prominently. This puzzled me, since Natalie is not the only hypocrite in the house. Perhaps Adam is the only non-hypocrite and believe Sheila, Sharon and Ryan are blameless also. Nat is under attack. Sharon sits without speaking. Sheila is sitting straight and being fairly quite, with only a few comments. The boys are loud and all questions are directed at Nat. She doesn't say much, except that she would put up Sheila next week and Sharon is on the "other side", so naturally she (Nat) would want her out. The boys talk themselves out and the meeting ends. At no time did anyone suggest that Sharon was in a long -lived secret alliance with Sheila and another one with Ryan. As far as I know Adam thinks he and Ryan are the only ones who are solid with each other. Both boys know that Sheila and Sharon want Nat out, which would seem to be a pretty obvious alliance. Sheila says little except to repeat that Natalie wants her out and that is bad. The mythical BB bus is mentioned often with various people fearful they will end up under it. No one knows who is driving the bus, however.
Sharon and Sheila go out to the hot tub, Nat continues with her hair and the boys wander until the end up back with Nat. The three talk and it is calmer. No promises are made, but Nat tells them she is now and always has been on their side. She cries, the boys seem to relent a little. A few times she says that various ideas came from James and/or Sharon. "Now see, Natalie, that is the kind of thing we want to hear " Adam says.
I have not had feeds on for a long time now, but am very curious about Natalie's hair and hands...and her white shirt. It was painful for me to watch someone being ganged up on and attacked. The boys said they wanted to give Natalie a chance to explain it instead of surprising her because 'she is their girl'. Sheila and Sharon wanted the Dustin look on her face.
Thank you Jackie for giving such a big effort to that, and us!
Could someone tell me why YouTube won't let me see all the videos. Mostly the newer ones. I keep getting the black screen with the moving circle but no clips come on.
That "Date With Dick" auction to the BB9 finale is up to $7100. Go Dick! Great charity. I have Diabetes II. Good for Dick.
NN's hair, hands and her white shirt came out fine. She's in HOH campaigning with Sheila. She doesn't look like she any worse than before the meeting. That's a tough cookie there. Still don't like her and want her out, but the girl's got fight in her.
Joy N -- That happens to me all the time with Youtube, about 90 % of the time in fact. I have a proper account and am cleared to see material with adult content so it isn't either of those. I wrote about it here once asking if anyone knew what was up and got no responses... If you figure it out, let me know.
Thanks, Sydney. It's just started with me. If I can figure out why, I'll let you know. But that's a huge IF.
Joy n, where do you catch the auction total for the Date With Dick? I'd like to keep an eye on that too. Great cause, I agree.
During the HOH competition, when Sharon and Adam were in the house and Ryan, Sheila, and Nat made the deal (that Adam and Sharon would be the nominees), Nat said she wanted Adam voted out.
Has Ryan told Adam that? Anyone hear a bus...?
good point silk
Monty..quite a performance by Sheila in the HOH with Natalie (I sound like Clue game..Miss Scarlet in the library with a candlestick). Sheila doesn't trust Sharon, thinks she is sneaky, etc. Sheila says "I got played" by James. Is this new to Sheila or is she pretending?
I have a subscription to Dick's blog on MySpace and they send me Emails about announcements. The auction is being done on EBay.
Sue, it's the same battle I have from day to day with these yahoos. I never know who to believe or not. Sheila is so gung ho on getting NN out of there, yet she sounds like something completely different with NN. I hope she just doing a really good acting job right now.... but, it's Ryan and Adam who really count on this eviction. I have no clue where they stand either. Yikes!
I scratch my head all the time with this bunch. I guess that's why I continue to watch, lol. This will be an interesting eviction, to say the least.
Thanks, Joy N!
Monty, on Ebay, search for Rock Against Diabetes 2008, then check off - Search title and description. It's up to $7250. now.
Thanks again, Joy. Diabetes research is near and dear to my heart. My great neice is 9 and was diagnosed at 7, and my sweetie's (SO) grandaughter was diagnosed at 4. She's 7 now. There's hope that she might be able to switch over to the pill format instead of insulin. I'm not that knowledgeable on all of it, but I would love to see a cure for DM. That's why I'm so in favor of stem cell research.
Oops, I almost got on a soapbox.
Dick says the finale is April 27th.
I'm on the same soapbox.
Beddy-bye for me. G'nite all!
Joy N, I pray for a day when they find a cure for you, my great neice and his grandaughter, and everyone else. I won't get all political on here, but I do think that stem cell research is important and needed, and I can't for the life of me figure out why it is so controversial. Really, I can't. There are many ways to harvest stem cells. Not all are controversial.
Okay, I'm stepping off again before I say something that will stir a hornets nest. I'm sorry folks.
Night - Joy N!
Ok I know I have NOT been drinking, and I haven't taken anything for my pounding head, but per Jackie's report I saw the "Alex Pillow." Sheila is in the HOH talking to "it." She done did lost her mind, and I thought I was headed to Big-She-ville with her when I saw it!
Natalie-- your hair looks AWFUL. You have no highlights left. You have half blonde Chili Bowl look and half Sheila chocolate brown hair.
OK I'm done.
Monty-- You can get a pretty good idea what they're thinking when you see Sunday's and Tuesday's DR's on the show. I think eviction night DR's and edited quite well to keep you guessing.
The girls are going to the HOH to drink wine and eat ice cream. Chocolate ice cream and red wine-- holy crap that gives me a migraine just looking at it.
They just flashed the boys and they're both sleeping with pillows over their heads.
Quote from Sheila "You look like Jane Fonda."
Natalie "I don't know who Jane Fonda is."
Don't insult Jane Fonda!!!
Feeds vs. BBAD, LOL! BBAD showing Ryan snoring his head off, and they're not showing the girls doing Sharon's hair. Funny stuff.
Back to Sharon's hair, and I'm out of here.
Night folks!
Just watched over on YouTube, and I have never seen anyone color their hair, or a part of their hair, without gloves, wearing a white tank top...
What is up with that?
I was so caught up on the hair color debacle that I couldn't even focus on what the boys were saying... but happy to see that they called her out. I know it gets confusing this far into the game, but NN has taken the "play all sides against the middle" to a whole new level.
I hope they vote her out this week.
I just watched the videos of A and R calling Nat out and I have to say, when it comes to lying Will has nothing on Nat. That girl can lie like a rug. I've said it before, I'll say it again..If she manages to stay this week, she deserves to win. I don't know if A and R are actually buying the crap she's spewing but it kinda of seemed like they were. It looks like she may get to stay.
Off Topic:
I'd hope that mankind would take the noble route, but...
Government & the medical field will only be "finding" remedies and vaccinces. There is not nearly as much money in cures. :(
They have all been talking shit about one another. I dont understand why they dont realize that sharon is from the "other side". Nat is right, she is/was the mole. She dont do shit but sit and back stab. She sux as far as the competitions go. So does Sheila. Sheila never would have won with nat dropping. James is the only one that put her in her place.(sheila)...
I read this somewhere, and it is totally fitting, Sheila should be in a turkey neck contest. (I dont remember the exact comment, but it was similar to the above.) I said that from the start, her neck is disgusting, she should wear shirts to cover up that neck. I think she is jealous of nat.
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