The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. As always, comments are very welcome! Since the entry in this blog is written as I watch television, please forgive any typos!
We're into the pre-credits recaps now... they're focusing on Natalie playing all sides and her allies turning against her. James was evicted and Natalie is now Public Enemy Number 1. Into the opening credits.
Black and white HOH Glass Houses comp. Into color. Ryan tells us he feels pretty safe due to his alliance with Sharon. Sharon tells us how important this HOH is for her. Sheila says she doesn't trust Natalie. Natalie thinks she's 100% guaranteed a win in the comp.
Now we see James evicted in black and white again. Sharon tells us because James is gone, she has to pull her game up. Sheila tells us he reminds her of her son and she felt guilty. Ryan says finally. April 9, BB9, 9th week, end of James nine lives, says Nat. Adam said it was sad, but time to move on.
Day 63, now they're still pre-HOH comp. "I'm a woman and a MOm, I cringe every time we have to evict someone." -- guess who?
Back to the Glass Houses. There's smoke. Sharon is having trouble. She hurt her back last night. She's out 8 minutes into the comp. She tells Adam she will have to win POV.
Natalie's happy because Team Christ is still in it. Sheila tells us how much she wants the HOH, the letter from her son. Did you know she's a single mom? She has to stay up as long as possible because she wants the photos and letters.
Natalie says she doesn't feel safe. Sheila wonders who bothers her ... Ryan or her (Sheila)? Adam is yelling RODE HARD and Natalie claims she's chillin. Sheial says she feels frickin old. Sheila tells us that Natalie is fueling the fire by talking and making her want to win even more.
Ryan says he has scabs on his hands. Adam asks if he means blisters. Oh, yeah. 2 hours six minutes into it, Adam and Sharon both leave the yard. Natalie proposes a deal to put up Adam and Sheila. Natalie wants deals. Sheila tells them she won't put up Ryan. She says she'll put up Adam and Sharon. Natalie wants Adam to be voted out.
Ryan trusts Sheila more than Natalie in the game. Adam goes back to the yard. Ryan tells Sheila he wouldn't mind her being HOH - 2 hrs 47 minutes -- he drops. Natalie rolled her eyes when he said Sheila deserved it.
Sharon tries to talk Natalie into going. Jesus suffered for us, what would Jesus do? Sharon just shrugged. Natalie is still balking at giving up. Sheila assures her that she's good. In DR, Sheila thought Natalie would renege on the deal because she was staying up so long after it. Natalie just smiles an evil Chucky doll smile from her glass house and we go to commercial.
Back, Natalie is still being a problem child. Now she's tapping. What will I do? Sheila says she'll stay up another hour if she must. The nice part of me wants to give it to you. The Christian in me would do a lot of good things if I win. Sheila is looking more haggard by the moment. Adam in DR says she's just making herself a bigger target by being so annoying up there. Sheila in DR tells us she didn't like how Natalie is acting. I'm a giver and I want to show them I can give, then she drops 3 hours into it.
Sheila cracked her tooth when she dropped. Natalie in DR tells us that Sheila wouldn't screw her over. Adam is expecting to go on the block because he put her up. Sharon is sure she'll go on the block, but thinks they might attack each other.
Natalie, Ryan, and Adam talks about how Sharon is going home. Adam is worried, getting pissed off at Natalie for talking on about POV when he doesn't want to go on the block.
Adam listens as Natalie tells Sharon that she would have put Adam on the block. Natalie and Sheila meet in the storage room for Advil. Sheila tells her she doesn't want to get Adam out. She tells us that Natalie is her real target -- she told her she wouldn't put her up, but said nothing about not backdooring her. Heh.
HOH room -- Aw, pics of her son, baby and teenager shots. Her brother, her sister. She's crying. And, wow, the photo of Sheila at 25. Why must Adam have his sirt up exposing his tubby belly while scratching as she looks at the photo? Ryan reads the letter from her son ... he's doing "good." Perhpas he should make sure he goes to English class instead of walking Kitty? Her sister writes that they're proud of her. Adam wipes a tear. Aw, Sheila cries.
Sheila tells us how much she needed to get the win for the letters. She's so happy that the other HG are happy for her, too.
Back massage time for Adam. She tells Adam that everyone will start turning on her. Adam says he sees the little girl side of her, tough exterior. Sheila has a tremendous love for Adam and would like to be standing next to him at the end of the game.
Sheila talks to Sharon and Adam. Sharon mentions that everyone wants Natalie gone. They think Ryan has to win POV, take Adam down, then Natalie goes up. Natalie is about to see what I'm really made of - Sheila.
Now they're doing the topics cards. Not that I see the cards, the biggest physical turn on ... Adam says talking dirty to him. As Sharon talks eyes and teeth, Adam picks his nose. Sheila wants a cross between Evel Dick and Dr. Will.
Ryan goes to the HOH room. Sheila tells him she needs a guarnatee, if he wins POV he must remove Adam. She wants to put Natalie up. Ryan promises. If he wins POV, he will take Adam off the block.
Now Adam goes to the HOH room. She tells him that Ryan promised to use the POV on him if he wins.
Natalie tells "Rye Bread" than Baller is up there bawling to stay off the block. Sheila tells Adam that they're the last couple in the house and tells Adam that Natalie will vote him out. Natalie must go!
Now it's Natalie's turn. Sheila tells her that she won't put her on the block. She tells Natalie the noms should remain the same and Adam should be safe. Sheila thinks that Natalie will gun for her and is lying to her when she told her next week she's safe.
Nominations today -- Natalie isn't concerned because she made a deal with Sheila. Sharon is worried because the pawn may end up being the target -- the last survivor of the evil doers. Adam is worried. He knows Sheila made deals with Ryan and Natalie.
Sheila feels she has no options, she's making the best decision, finally playing the game, it's real. Noms ceremony -- Her voice is shaking. Hardest thing she ever had to do in the game, loves them all, has to do it. Key order -- Natalie, Ryan.
Sharon and Adam are on the block. Adam -- hope you're not mad, you did it to me, put my game at risk, just a game. Sharon -- love ya, good luck with the POV you're a strong player and you're great.
Adam tells us he's a pawn, wants Natalie to go. Sharon wants Natlaie out. Natalie goes on about Team Christ. Sheila tells us old Sheila took it on the chin, but new Sheila will knock her right out of the house and be proud about it.
Go Nasty with your numbers game. Had to predict she would break it down for us DUM folks out here in BB land.
Wanted to join you all here while watching the East Coast feeds but have to have our dinner soon. :(
I still enjoy all your comments after the fact.
Once again... WWJD?
Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dang, I didn't know Sheila was a single mom.
seriously though, did she win, or was it just given to her?
Gnat calls herself a giver? OMG! That whole "play to the camera" thing was way over the top!
Love, love, love the editing this year. They've exposed everyone of Nasty Natalie's lies and it is so funny. I love BB! giddy as a school girl here
Just to add on the last comment, when these folks watch the season back, they will see what CBS captured and put up in subtitles for everyone to see. Its not just the internet this year. CBS is outing our little NN. :) :) :)
Natalie Natalie Natalie
I'm sick of her strange, beady eyes
I'm sick of her voice "HIIIII JOOOLEEEEE!!!!!""
I'm sick of her Jesus jibbeish
I'm sick of her sick of her sick of her.
I can't watch another show with her> Please vote her out (but we have to wait 2 more shows)
Okay, I just officially p**d my pants. You gotta love Adam's DR comments!
Adam made me laugh, too.....Sheila did look darn good at 25!
Sheila's actually talking a good game here. I'm shocked!
9:05, I'm one of a few believers that Sheila would have stayed up there all night if she had to. NN was a hurt'n puppy from the butterfly design on the back of her pants. They didn't show it, but she was complaining mightly that it hurt, and she showed everyone the burns/bruises that it caused pressing against the plexiglass.
I think NN would have dropped and Sheila would have won it anyway. JMO though.
EYES -- like adan's eyes that pop out?
get real sheila, doesn't she know any other male other than the former BB players?
Dr. Will and EvelDick morphed? Sheila's really dreaming.
Why did it take so long for these people to finally see thru this lyin' Judas? I guess because James wasn't around anymore for Gnat to use as a distraction?
Good for Sheila, she's NOT going to take it anymore!
James actually did an awesome job planting those seeds of doubt before they kicked him to sequester.
He should be thrilled to see NN walk through the door on Wednesday night. Keeping my fingers crossed here!
Well, that wasn't too bad to watch. It moved a long after they got out of the cages. I wasn't sooo bored tonight watching them show stuff we've knows for days. It helps to have stopped reading Jokers and looking for videoclips, lol. The show gets a little better then.
and Delee -- Thanks for the heads up about Deadliest Catch!
I'm "praying" they will show us the sequester house the moment that the Gnat walks in the door. It would make this whole season worthwhile!
I'm so sick of Gnat's voice, too.
She soooooooo plays to the camera.
"Hi Joooooooooooooolie"...blech! She sounds like a 5 year old when she's confident.
Well, missed most of the East Coast live Internet but loved your comments. It's so funny to see the difference in Gnat's personality now that she's on the block and has been called out by R & A. In this current aired show she is still so stupidly confident about her "team Christ" and thinks she has it made in the game. We know better. TeeHee! Wonder what Gnat will do tonight on BBAD to get the "boys" back on her side? Maybe a lap dance will do the trick?
good point Monty -
Joy, it is amazing ppl didn't see that about Nat, but I think when you have a bigger enemy, the focus goes there. So while James was in the house, he sucked all the attention away from her, and she was kinda like her team's cheerleader, giving those boys direction and egging them on. So in that way I kind of feel bad for her...
That said, I think she's also gotten more and more zealous in the last few weeks, about Team Christ, and herself winning this thing (perhaps only in the DR for that last one but her overconfidence would still leak out in her actions in the house). This weeks constant reminders of what a good person she was to let Shelia have HOH and how she keeps her promises not like James just dug her own grave. But Adam commented she made herself a bigger target while she ranted in the glass box, so...
OMG--I've had a busy weekend and just checked in!! It took me an hour to read the comments, then go to Joker's and read the transcripts of "the meeting". I'll check Youtube later. So many things to comment on that I will spare all of you....
Debbie--so sorry for your loss. Even when it's expected and better for the deceased it still hurts. Remember your in all of our prayers.
Zoe--as usual great graphics(Gnat and Sheila). I long for your sunshine and warm temps.
joy n--the booby prize...ROTFL
formerly anon--so glad to see you hear commenting!!
Just curious....are you younger or older??
Jackie--loved the pics. I live in the middle of the city and have had deer in my yard(they come from the zoo about 1 mile away).
These last few days in the BB house remind me of a song:
"Second verse same as the first"
They all just say the same things over, and over, and over.......I'm glad I didn'
t pay for the live feeds!
I didn't get to watch BB tonight on the eastcoastfeeds so I will be watching it at normal time on the west coast.
I still don't know if those boys will vote her out until it actually happens!! They should have kept their mouths shut until Tues. night!
joy n...
Seeing Gnat walk into the SH would be great TV. She's been going around saying how much she hates Mattie now. I'm sure she won't act that way in sequester especially since Chelsia is there. I can't remember who it was who told Gnat that Mattie kissed Chelsia. Kudos to whomever, because it's tormenting Gnat.
Yeah, her cockiness tonight really surprised me. She'd have been better off keeping her big yap shut. But I'm glad she did't. That cockiness is helping to do herself in.
Sheila is so good really! im also shocked! lol!
Zoetawny, I don't remember who told Gnat about Matt and Chel, either, but kudos to whoever it was!
i also believe sheila would hve hung all night long. she was determined.
looking forward to natalie being GONE BABY GONE
is it just me, or hsa anyone else noticed how somber sheila gets when it's time to vote or make her speeches. she's always out there and then turns on that southern belle quiet when it comes time. BLECH. i was glad she got her pix and letter though, i would be insane without pictures or a letter from home in that period of time.
That was a terrible post(by me). The words were broken up and even some typos(see FA). Here's the rest of my song:
I'm Natalie the great I am
Natalie the great I am I am
I got set-up with my boy Matty,
He's loves me, his girl Natty.
But every night was innocent, innocent,
we didn't have a bj or a kiss,
I'm his sweet and loving Natalie.
Natalie the great I am.....
Second verse same as the first!!
I actually admire Sheila's new-found determination. She owes the Gnat nothing!
Great tune, Nana!
NO NANA NO, Don't trash Henny VIII!!! Kidding :)
Sorry I didn't blog with you guys tonight. It has been a crazy weekend, and I caught the beginning of BB, but TiVo'd the rest.
Debbie-- if you're reading, I'm so sorry for the loss of your Dad. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
The show was great. I love how they ratted ole natty Nat out. Has the blow up happened yet? I can't load the feeds on my laptop for some odd reason. It works on the desktop, but I have issues with the laptop. Maybe they'll wait for BBAD. Ryan seriously needs to stop flip flopping and get her out, though they all have a better chance of winning sitting next to her in the final two. Yet, noone liked Dick, yet respected his game play.
A note to Dick AND Will-- get the hell out of California-- change your names..
plaidchick--the "meeting" did happen at about 5:00p.m
(PDT). Most of it is on Youtube already. Jackie's trying to get it loaded here.
LOL Nana, thanks for that earworm! Great lyrics.
Older or younger than... who?
Gnat is still doing her hair -- I think she might be making a pink mohawk
Jackie...Im in shock...WHAT???? Did you really say Sheila is a single Mom?
Well Im flabbergasted.....I need to rethink this whole thing now...
My doggie broke one of his toe nails..been limping and bloody, and I took him to our friend the vet, she gave him some pills ans said its cracked too far down so she didnt want to have to remove it.....she said in a couple weeks it will fall needless to say I was one traumatized mom today.....but not a single Mom ya know?
Anon 10:04 I definiteyl noticed Shelia's personality/tone shift when she called people in fo rnoms. And it was great to see her to keep her promises of noms, let Adam and Sharon know why they were going up before they did, get everyone in on the plan that Natalie is her real target, call Ryan in to say I need something from you - that you take off Adam, etc... game play A+ (((SHOCKER)))
sorry, off topic...terry, email me at about your dog's toe. i have been through it twice. karin in cleveland
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