Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Big Brother 9 4/16 Live Eviction Live Blogged From the East Coast

jackie's tv blog, Big Brother, BB9

Yep, Zoetawny does it again with a new graphic for tonight's show!

The show has started here on the east coast. As it airs, I'll constantly update this entry.Please forgive typos. And you know I love to read your comments!

Ohh ... Julie has short sleeves on ... she's wearing her arms! Her hair is up, too.

Sharon tells us Natalie has no idea how bad they want her out this week. Natalie is confident that she's just a awn. Sheila says she will be backdoored.

Natalie says to Adam and Ryan that she wants to go to the final three with them. Ryan tells us Natalie plays all sides and you don't know what to believe. Ryan and Adam decide a house meeting. I hate the way Ryan calls the girls "my bitches." Apparently he's racist and sexist!

Natalie is worried. They tell her there's going to be a meeting -- "things came out we need to confront." She's worried she's going home. Sheila acts suprised in the DR -- What are they doing?

Now they want her to come to the table, house meeting. She's dying her hair. Oh, I can stop typing for a while, because this is the video I uploaded before. :-)

Sheila says that the guys ruined her whole plan. She no longer knows if they're going to evict Natalie as she wants. Adam and Ryan talk. Ryan wants to go tell Natalie what's up. They tell her that she's playing too hard. She tells them she never lied to them, only to the girls. Now she gets teary. She says the girls threw her under the bus. She cries. She says she's loyal to them, always have been.

Will the tears work? I guess we'll know soon, eh?

Nat's in the kitchen and confronts Sharon (of course that was a whole day later). Sharon holds her own. Natalie denies anything but loyalty to the boys. Sharon just looks at her in disbelief.

Sheila asks Adam and Ryan who they're keeping. Sheila tells them Natalie is a bigger fish. Adam says he has to go with his heart. Now, this is last night's footage.

Hmm ... Julie told us James has some surprising words for his girlfriend Chelsia. What could that be? It better not be a marriage proposal!

Julie is going to chat with the houseguests. Natalie -- Adam and Ryan called your loyalty into question and you said you were loyal to them. Sharon says it wasn't her battle, let them get out what they felt. Sheila feels that she was thrown under the block and hurt. Ryan says it needed to be called out for Natalie's sake, it needed to be all out there on the table. Question -- F2 sit next to deserving or easy to beat. Adam says deserving because he can beat anyone. Sharon and natalie say deserving, so does Ryan. Sheila agrees.

Jury house -- Chelsia still has feelings for James. Josh is upset he got evicted by Natalie. Matt keeps to himself. James enters. Matt is happy he got booted. Chelsia feels bad that he didn't win. James has the DVD. James told them Adam gave him a shot. He tells people it really effects people when you leave on a bad note. He blames Chelsia for his getting evicted. He was the residue of Chelsia. She goes off crying. She's upset. James goes to her, hugs her. He consoles her. Tells her he's okay with leaving but he knows he fell for a girl.

I just figured out who James is reminding me of. Picture no pink mohawk -- Matthew Broderick.

DR pre-vote stuff. Ryan is thinking of keeping Nat, but she's good at comps. Adam thinks Sharon is easy to beat in comps, but she has some definite votes from the jury. He's dead stuck on this, he says.

Julie talks to the nominees. Sharon says thank you for keeping her here all theses times, again same speech. Natalie thanks BB for experience of a lifetime. She loves her boys, her loyalty is with them, she gets teary for votes once again.

The votes:
Ryan votes to evict Natalie
Adam votes to evict Sharon

It's a tie! After commercial ... I predict Sheila will cry and tell us it's the hardest decision she has ever had to make in the house.

Julie announces there is a tie. Both girls look worried. She tells Natalie that she just told all of America her loyalties were with the boys and she just can't have her evict her. Natalie weeps. Natalie is evicted. I don't think she'll hold up well with the jury. Adam or Ryan said it was fair.

She tells Julie she's beautiful. Sheila tells them that she made her job easier (with the speech I believe). She says she couldn't risk saving her.

Julie tells Nat she looked like a sure thing to be in the final four. She's shocked they let it go to a tie and she got evicted. She's upset at both boys because she was sure they were going to keep her. Playing all sides cost her she thinks. She claims she was trying to protect the boys.

Goodbye messages -- Sharon says people didn't know what to believe. Ryan wishes her good luck. Adam tells her it's strictly gameplay. Sheila apologizes and cries. Amazing heart, do care, say hello to Mattie for her.

HOH comp -- They're on a huge round platform with walls -- Fact or Fiction, about the houseguests. Step forward for fact, back for fiction. 7 questions, most points wins.

Allison received the fewest votes to come back? Jacob. Adam got it wrong. Sharon smiled.

Toy in GP cage still holds BB secret. Fiction. No one right

Chelsia was escorted out of the jury house by security. Fiction. Sharon only one right, takes lead.

Number 8 has a secret meaning in BB game. Fiction. Sharon and Ryan right.

Amanda faked an illness to win over housemates. Fiction, all right.

James and Chelsia have stopped speaking to each other at jury house. Fiction, all right.

Third pre-existing relationship STILL in house? FACT One still in the house!

Ryan and Sharon to a tiebreaker. HOH comp Glass Houses, how many total combined minutes did all stay in their boxes.

Argh. Ryan won HOH. They're more wondering about a previous relationship in the house.

I wonder if the guinea pigs are the other relationship. ;-)


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joy n said...

Gnat - "Have I ever lied to you guys?" (A&R) No reply. Gnat - "Exactly."

monty924 said...

Another great graphic, Zoetawny. Are you watching with us? Hope so. This looks like a good night to watch it live, or it could be a huge bummer if NN doesn't walk out the door.

Anonymous said...

AHHHH I just tuned in, jackie, anyone what is going in....why are they having a meeting!!!!!!!!

monty924 said...

Sharon "Why do we have to have church back here?". Now that was funny.

Anonymous said...

What is up with these hamsters, calling each other out like this?
I guess it's one way to play BB, but geez!

Anonymous said...

I guess it's not a double eviction because they don't seem to be in a hurry for the vote, new HOH competition, veto competition, vote and next HOH.

PlaidChick said...

I didn't realize how stupid this "call out" meeting Beavis and Butthead was having. It was stupid seeing it the first time around, and they are whipped!!

Anonymous said...

but, it has to be double eviction, doesn't it? I guess they could do it next week, but that would take any surprise out of it.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Not the period. End of discussion thing again.

Anonymous said...

oh oh..Adam is a SUCKER for tears

Anonymous said...

omg, did ANY of them watch BB before...what Nat did is what you DO in play all sides.

joy n said...

Gnatalie is really in desperation mode now. Man, does she know how to work these "boys".


monty924 said...

More jury house tonight, YAY! They editing all of that down to a few minutes. Amazing!

I think NN's going to sequester tonight.

Sydney said...

Wow. Compared to how that meeting really went down, they made that talk look like it had some sense of logic to it and a purpose was accomplished.

These editors deserve a medal.

monty924 said...


I meant edited

Anonymous said...

You're not supposed to actually tell the person you know they're playing both sides.

joy n said...

Double eviction is possible, no?

Five shows left counting this one. Five people left.

Anonymous said...

Now that's the million dollar question, Julie!

monty924 said...

Ryan, try to speak a sentence without um, you know, um, you know.

PlaidChick said...

You know you know you know you know... huuhh uhhhh uhhh uhhhh....

Sydney said...

DId Ryan say "you know" enough in that little speech to Julie???

Gee Jen, yuo are soooo lucky!

Sydney said...

FInally -- sequester!!!

PlaidChick said...

Sheila "I deserve it"

Anonymous said...

Ryan: "Ya know", "Ya know" "Ya know", "Ya know" "Ya know", "Ya know" "Ya know", "Ya know" "Ya know", "Ya know" "Ya know", "Ya know" "Ya know", "Ya know" "Ya know", "Ya know" "Ya know", "Ya know" "Ya know", "Ya know".

joy n said...

F**K YOU, Matt!

monty924 said...

Wow, didn't see that coming. He spoke the truth though.

Anonymous said...

oh boo hoo

Anonymous said...

No James, you were evicted because of you not Chelsea.

monty924 said...

James I mean.

joy n said...

James, that wasn't nice. Chel's speech was the excuse they used. They were afraid of you staying in the house PERIOD!

Sydney said...

AS nice as James sounds, I'm sure Chelsia's parents are just THRILLED to hear he fell for her and they have each other. Oh yeah

PlaidChick said...

Ya he did Monty...

Anonymous said...

James was pretty harsh to her...he wasent evicted because of her...then he walks in and asks her whats wrong. Nice of him to even go back and check on her. ugh.

Anonymous said...

It's strange that James doesn't see that he was viewed as a strong player in the eyes of the others, and thinks that Chelsia's comments are what got him evicted.
So you make her cry then hug her?
Seems a bit abusive, eh?

PlaidChick said...

There's no DE this week, it would of already happened.... I have no idea how they're going to do this, get to 2 by the 27th

Sydney said...

whats that on the survivor commercial -- a lost tribe is found in the jungle?

Anonymous said...

LOL, sydney! I think both sets of parents/friends must be horrified.

Anonymous said...

Sharon never blurted out her alliance with Ryan?

PlaidChick said...

Get me a bucket

monty924 said...

Oh God, here we go!

Sydney said...

James does have that sweet side and that really not nice side to him too, and those things happen in real close proximity.
I will just freak if Sharon goes right now.

Sydney said...


Ryan votes NAt!!!

Anonymous said...


PlaidChick said...


Anonymous said...

james is a jerk. goes to sequester....belittles chelsia...then goes running in her room to tell her he cares about her...yea..that was real love....

Anonymous said...


joy n said...

Don't chicken out now, Sheila!

Sydney said...

So wait, they switched the obvious votes?

Big SHe will get Nat out, and I'm glad she has to. at least she gets what she wants

PlaidChick said...


monty924 said...

What will the big SHE do?????? The 'boys' are really messing with her now.


Anonymous said...

Sheila will pass out

Sydney said...

Jackie -- maybe we need to turn the word verification off on the live shows in the next few? I miss the show doing it twice each time and can't get my comment in fast enough. @@ me

Anonymous said...

Yippee! Shelia has to break the tie. Good, she needs to follow through with what she has been pushing since she got HOH!

PlaidChick said...

Well this is interesting.. Sheila is going to think Ryan voted to keep Sharon and Adam kicked Natalie out.. and Ryan is going to lie and say I kept Sharon, it was Adam who switched...

Anonymous said...

OMG, my head is throbbing! I CANNOT believe Ryan was the one to vote Gnat out! SHOCKED, really.


Sheila is gonna be HAPPY even though at first it's gonna hurt!


Anonymous said...

Shelia do the right thing & keep Nat!

joy n said...

DUMP THE BLOOD all over her, She-bot!

Donna in Alabama said...

Sheila could barely get out Nat when putting her on the block as replacement. Will she be able to do this?

Anonymous said...

That might not be a good idea JoyN. Remember Nat gets preemies and she might just destroy them all like Carrie.

PlaidChick said...

formerly anon-- I think Ryan switched at the last second-- total game play to blame Adam and get Sheila and Sharon on his side... Adam and Sheila had the blow up last night...

Donna in Alabama said...

sheila grow some please

Sydney said...

She will say it's the hardest things she's had to do in the game... then be a basket case after what do yo bet???

monty924 said...


Anonymous said...

It's a tie! After commercial ... I predict Sheila will cry and tell us it's the hardest decision she has ever had to make in the house.

Jackie, I am ROFLOL! I thought the same thing. BTW, Zoetawny, I always love your graphics.

My word verification is tieukg. Is that tie ugh!

joy n said...

HIP-HIP-HOOYAY!!! Gnat screwed herself into the ground!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank God!!!!!!!

Sydney said...

Wow, she looks like she's been told she has a fatal illness.

Anonymous said...

It would have been so much better as a surprise

Anonymous said...

god, that wasn't as much fun as i expected!

Anonymous said...

wooooohoooooo!!!! go shelia!!!!

Sydney said...

Could she have worn a worse outfit?

um, well, I actually guess so.

I retract that question.

monty924 said...

Oh, Sheila... just shut up. You got what you wanted!

Anonymous said...

Gnat does have great legs though.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Jury House next week.

PlaidChick said...

I would love to know what she was saying to the boys when she was trying to leave

Sydney said...

woah, did I miss something? Did Jackie and I say the same thing? I have to go read her updates!

PlaidChick said...

She wasn't trying to protect the boys, she was protecting herself

dla said...

Had to sneak a look even though I am West Coast time...

I cannot wait to see this! :)

Anonymous said...

Good riddance Nasty Natalie!!!!!!

Sydney said...

Well I 'd like to say I hpoed SHelia said all that nice stuff to Natalie out of strategy as she still has to vote for someone to win... but Shelia thinks everyone she hated walks on water after they've made the walk to Julie.

Anonymous said...

OK I say split the half a mil four ways now (or 3, really; sharon had nothing to do with this) cuz A,R and S are all WINNERS today!

Anonymous said...

I still cry over those
Adam sure is a softie huh..gets are

Sydney said...

oh dla -- it gets good... about half way through. Natalie really can't believe she's going

Anonymous said...

so now Ryan and Adam can pick off the women. B&B in the house alone...oh yuck! I hope Sheila and Sharon can pull something out.

joy n said...

Plaidchick, she was probably still trying to run the game as she was going out the door. Good Riddance!

Jackie S. said...

I turned off the word verification for the rest of the show. I'm sorry I didn't think of it before it got mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo the pesky Gnat is gone! And a collective YIPPEEEE can be heard eminating from households across America! LOL!


Sydney said...

plaidchick said...
formerly anon-- I think Ryan switched at the last second-- total game play to blame Adam and get Sheila and Sharon on his side... Adam and Sheila had the blow up last night...

Now that would mean Ryan is THINKING.... and it would be great if you were right!

Anonymous said...

What a great day for all the viewers!

Sydney said...

yo hoosiergirl! Long time no read!

Anonymous said...

Oh so so mad that the boys betrayed Nat! How could they. She was the best player. The rest of of the house are the bad peopl;e not Nat now to me. She is a sweet girl, good girl, & I hope some of the people who want blood on her get some bllod on them!!Can I say Hipcrots!!

monty924 said...

Here we go!

Anonymous said...

ok, let's play!

dla said...

Halle-frickin-lujah!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Go Ryan...I think he is just adorable..Ryan or Sharon to the end

Anonymous said...

man!! been away from BB for just 24 hours....coming back and trying to catch up was the most confusing thing ever! not because of you usual you do a phenominal job.....but the flip flops in this house makes me so dizzy i feel like i'm gonna spew trying to figure it all out. its a flippin nuthouse. took a long walk on the beach today....THOUGHT my head was clear....tomorrow morning.....i'll be back walking the beach EARLY.

bye bye nat.

ever notice whenever sharon is asked a question...even by julie...she just gives this evasive non-commital answer. she gets the prize for sitting in the shadow and doing absolutely NOTHING all season.

sheila game-playing right now....tears and sorrow in her goodbye speeches. in other that you're on the jury, please know how much i love you and what good friends we are.

ugh...asprin...quick. forget the walk on the beach...i'm gonna go drown myself.

jackie...take care....prayers with you. follow drs. orders!! sorry to hear about josie!

Anonymous said...

Nah, I'm sure Bevis and Butthead had this planned out, they were determined to let Shebot get her hands dirty.

And I think Shebot wanted it that way. Or she should have if she didn't.

Anonymous said...

go Sharon!!

Sydney said...

Sharon better win this one this time. HELLO

Anonymous said...

Yee hah!!!! Have to flick between BB and the Obama-Clinton debate, but just switched over in time to catch Natalie being evicted! Hallelujah!

Anonymous said...

Hi ya Sydney, I've been reading on a regular basis, just didn't have any great comments to make until now! Nice to know I have been missed!


monty924 said...

HAH! ROFLMAO, the number 8!!! I love it.

PlaidChick said...

Come one Sharon......

Terry is a Texan! said...

awesome!! so glad she is gone gone gone.......

Sydney said...

Auntie Griz -- is that on CNN???

Anonymous said...

I have never been so happy to see someone evicted from any the BB's. Not that I can remember right now at least. I'm ecstatic!

PlaidChick said...


Sydney said...


monty924 said...

WTF? The guinea pigs. OMG

Anonymous said...

that was stooopid

Anonymous said...

the guinea pigs...LOL

joy n said...

Come on, Sharon.

Anonymous said...

This is a horrible day for the viewers. Most people I know love Nat. So get a clue.

Anonymous said...

sharon is going to win

Sydney said...

what is with the face sharon is making??

Sydney said...

oh crap.

Anonymous said...

oops! Wow i thought sharon was smarter than that!!!

joy n said...

Oh, CRAP!!!

Anonymous said...

Bye Bye Sheila

monty924 said...

Lame, lame, lame, lame. They'll never think the Guineas and this will mess with their heads all week. Bullsh!t is right!

PlaidChick said...

Yall think Sharon threw it again??

PlaidChick said...

Last time I checked Guinea Pigs don't have "relationships" they just do the nasty...

Anonymous said...

@@ nutz!

joy n said...

Bread and butter, Sydney!

Anonymous said...

What relationship?

Anonymous said...

so is it gonna be sheila an sharon on the block? does ryan still have his alliance with sharon?

Anonymous said...

I dont think Sharon threw it...I said like 220 thinking atleast an hour each person, except sharons 30 minutes....

Anonymous said...

They are all messed up with that last couple...Sheila all acting like she personally knows.

Anonymous said...

YES NO MORE Gnat!!!!! WHOO HOO!!! Thank God and its about time! Man that was fun watchin her got out crying...she never saw it coming..haha


Anonymous said...

LOL, man, looks like Josh saved the day, he just provided the release valve on that one about relationships in the house! funny

monty924 said...

Sharon threw it no doubt. Julie said minutes and she wrote down 184. No one, besides NN, is that stupid.

I hope Sharon's floater strategy doesn't come back to bite her in the butt.

PlaidChick said...

Ohh the talk of the other relationship has already begun ROFLMAO and Sheila "knows" who it is

Anonymous said...

The BOTTOM of the screen had the guinea pigs listed as they answered that question. They ARE the other couple.

Sydney said...

Plaidchick, if Sharon actually threw this one, I have no respect for her. I mean, come on. You can throw a few strategically, and decide to lay low in fights and when others are stirring things up in the house, you can say that's a real strategy adn not floating (which I agree with) and even say you want to get out of the house with your integrity in tact, but to throw everything and never win ONE thing all season... I just could not respect that strategy, if it is one.

LOL, what do you think she did?

Donna in Alabama said...

she said the other person is outside the house though. That is not what Julie said.

Anonymous said...

That question about pre-existing relationship still in the house was completely they are all going to rip each other apart trying to figure that out. On the other hand, it may provide all the entertainment we get/need this week!

monty924 said...

NN, Sheila and Ryan were all up there at least 3 hours at 180 each. Combine that with Sharon's pitiful 8 minutes and Adam, the number had to be over 500. Sharon's not that dumb.

Sydney said...

We all know that they were up there for over 2.5 hours each yes? Ryan, Nat and Big She... that's 90 + 90 + 90 at least... that's 270 minutes and easy to add up... how did she get 184? Do they have no clocks in the house (I forget). Did no one discuss how long it had been, either the HG's or the BB VOICE in the house at some point after? That is the only was I can believe she didn't know.

((JACKIE))) thank you so much for removing the word ver... can we do it in the next few shows? OR at least the live ones? muwwwwah

joy n said...

Did you get Gnat telling Julie that she's very upset with the boys because they lied to her about the vote? This from the gal who lied to everyone every time there was a vote?

Anonymous said...

If sharon threw it, then she is totally confident of her alliance with Ryan.

The relationship Sheila is talking about, was the joke that Josh played on her - telling her that he and Neil (his orig partner) were outside partners, he was hoping she would spread it around the house, but instead she kept it very close to her vest; only sharon knows the truth

Anonymous said...

Guinea Pigs - ok that is the worst question in BB history

monty924 said...

Sydney, Sharon did win a POV with Joshua. She practically won it by herself. She had to have thrown this one. I'll never believe she's that stupid.

PlaidChick said...

Sydney-- she hasn't won anything since she and Josh were CO-HOH...

So ya I think her strategy is floating and that includes throwing comps. It's worked well so far, but you need to play to win.

It will be down to final 2 by Wednesday. Anyone know when the next two evictions will be?

Unknown said...

Ryan voted to evict Natalie
Adam voted to evict Sharon

But in their goodbye messages, Ryan made a point of saying he didn't want Natalie to go and Adam just kept apologizing. Adam totally looked guilty. Wonder if that will come back to bite him, if he gets to the end.

And, WOW, this is the best surprise that BB has pulled off in awhile. I can't believe any of these people could keep their traps shut about a secret relationship!! I think it's Ryan and (?) Maybe Sharon. Maybe Sharon was smart enough to through it, knowing that Ryan was only one point behind (if that's her secret partner). I didn't tape, but I'll watch again on the website tomorrow, and to see their reactions to Julie's question. I'm just dying to know, who do you think it is??

Sydney said...

I'm thinking Sharon had HOH with that question but BB counts the GP's as a relationship to get Ryan to a tie.

Does anyone thing they could have changed that final answer to a Fact/Fiction depending on who they wanted to win.


Anonymous said...

lol, on the live feeds, they're all arguing about the relationship thing, pointing fingers

Donna in Alabama said...

since when do guinea pigs have relationships? do they mate for life? does it count that BB chose them for each other? then why does adam and sheila not count?

Sydney said...

Interesting point Clementine.

Sydney said...

Monty and Palidchick. Wow, It was so long ago I forgot she won anything.

Sydney said...

LOL, I didn't meant to call you PALLID chick... are you pale? I don't think so!

Sydney said...

James -- now there is a pallid completxion

PlaidChick said...

Sydney-- really what was up with the delay in Julie's about the GP's???!

monty924 said...

Okay, just caught my stupid comment. I didn't mean to include Adam in the glass house count. I was typing to fast to delete that. :(

Anonymous said...

Talk about using the Christian card. Sharon did last night with telling Nat that they ate both chistiams & this is only a game & they could be friends. 5 mins later she was bad mouthing Nat to Sherliel. I going to miss Nat upbeat personilty. People didn't like her cause she was so upbeat!

Donna in Alabama said...

Okay, BB can we say there is a three way relationship between the pool table, balls and sticks?

Anonymous said...

sydney, i agree, that could have been a contrived question that they could have answered either way, depending on what they wanted

i wouldn't put it past them

what's funny, is the HGs are all sitting around right now, talking about the relationship thing (Ryan thinks it's Sheila and someone). NOBODY is talking about Gnat!!!

She's already yesterday's news, lol

PlaidChick said...

Sydney-- my grandmother (mom's side) was a red head, my sisters have my Dad's olive skin and tan easily and I'm a freckled brunette with lots of auburn...

SO yes I am PALE and burn horribly!!! My husband is a red head, so I'm crossing finger for a red head with my curly hair

PlaidChick said...

And no I am not with child...

~~Silk said...

I'm not certain, but I believe they have no clocks in the house, and there was no need for them to have been told by BB how long they were in the glass houses. Last one up wins. So it would have been an estimate based on one's innate time sense. I.e., a guess.

Anonymous said...

I bet sometime in the next few days, it clicks for Sharon when she's talking to her fureinds. I predict that either Sharon or Adam will get it

Anonymous said...

silk, trust me, they knew. Sheila and Gnat especially, cuz they (she especially) kept saying how she hung up there for THREE FRIKKEN HOURS

And she repeated that over and over and over and over and over and...

PlaidChick said...

Sheila did ask how long they had been in the houses and Sharon did tell her a time-- there's a clock on the microwave

monty924 said...

Sydney, one reason I remember her HOH is her little blue blankie she got in her basket. They don't show it much on the show, but she is hardly ever without it on the feeds. :)

Anonymous said...

lol this is hysterical! still not ONE word about Gnat. Not one!

Sydney said...

Plaidchick, a redheaded little boy or girl would be so fabulous...I totally get why you'd be hoping for that!!

Sydney said...

Democratic debate on ABC

Anonymous said...

My question is why do people like Sharon; she is not doing anything but hanging out with people that will keep the heat off of her. She is throwing the games because she knows it will put the light on her. She is acting like she is this nice and quiet person but she runs her mouth to get them going about somebody. I personally liked Natalie game play and hate that she got voted out. Big Brother always have people going around playing sides so what is so different when Natalie played like this? People talk about her bad because she was playing a game to win money. Using slanderous name. I know everybody is entitled to comment but why be so harsh on a player you don't like?


Anonymous said...

Adam is insisting that it's someone still in the house. they'll start looking around, thinking of the recent POV with the GPs and he HGs, and then it will click

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Sydney, left the room... The debate is on ABC here in PA, but it's almost over now.

Pally said...

Could Ryan and Sharon be brother and sister?

Sydney said...

Why can't we discuss that... who will be voted out of the party... Hillary or Obama?

And after that we can blog about which two candidates say what, how they flip flop and who they get to lie for them...

Then America gets to vote for their favorite to go into the House... but we will tak conspiracy theories ad nauseum as teh "Producers" don't necessarily count our votes anymore... We may wonder if They get in who They wanted but let us vote to feel involved (may our founding fathers roll over in their graves!.

But They distract us but letting us watch Bush's eviction in January.

In a few years we will see B-roll of the Bushes (and their Secret Service) in the Sequester Ranch.

Anonymous said...

People, the correct answer is the Guinea Pigs. That's the offocial answer. No need for us to speculate, we KNOW

Anonymous said...

Ok now. I didn't get to comment during the show, but isn't this the week where it is all about the veto. Ryan may be HOH but if Adam or Ryan don't win the veto Adam most likely will be going home. Don't you think both Sheila and Sharon will send him home?


Jackie S. said...

I know it's the POV winner with all the power in the last HOH. But can't they all play for HOH next time? If Sharon's holding out to go for that one, she didn't need to if my memory serves me.

~~Silk said...

Ah, yes. The clock on the microwave would measure passage of time, without telling them what time it is. So although they wouldn't know what time the comp started (clock not set to correct time) they could know how long it went.

Anonymous said...

lol sydney, yesterday I was thinking the same thing, that theres a definite parallel between the political stuff going on right now, and the BB house stuff.

he said she said, throwing under the bus, blah blah blah

same thing exactly

Donna in Alabama said...

The other relationship is the Guinea was at the bottom of the screen when they answered.

Sydney said...

Well Jackie, that would be just too great to be true, if that's what she's thinking. Leave it to you to come up with that!!

monty924 said...

Okay, I've said so many stupid things tonight I need to stop talking/typing. LOL. I don't know how Jackie does it with the live show blog. I meant she won the HOH with Josh and I typed the POV (9:06). My fingers are stuttering over-time tonight. :(

Gayle said...

Do you think Sharon threw the HOH competition?

Jackie S. said...

They always know what time it is. The clock on the microwave tells the time. Unlike the first season with George's potato clock, they always know or can check. They knew the comp started a couple of minutes before the live show and ended three hours later when Natalie then Sheila dropped.

I think Sharon threw it.

Anonymous said...

sharon is saying that she thought the question was "how much time, on average, per person, was spent in the glass house"

at least that's what she's saying

Tessa said...

There would be no good reason for Sharon to throw this comp. I just think her mind was still trying to think of who the other relationship could possibly be. She was too distracted to add.

Jackie S. said...

Correction -- the comp started a few minutes before the live show ENDED.

Sydney said...

LOL Monty!

PlaidChick said...

They're still talking about the show.. not big talk


PlaidChick said...

The HOH of the Final 4 can participate in the following HOH comp.

That Final 3 HOH comp is in three parts. The first is an intense endurance. The two who don't win that compete in Part 2. The winners of Part 1 and Part 2 then compete in Part 3 for the HOH title. Whoever wins it just evicts someone (no noms or votes), therefore choosing who they'll go up against for the jury vote to decide the winner.

Donna in Alabama said...

If Sharon thought it was each persons time averaged, then she would have been close at 184 minutes. That is 3 hours and 4 minutes.

Gayle said...

Sharon just outed her secret relationship with Ryan. She thinks that was the answer to the question.

PlaidChick said...

Beavis and Butthead are still talking about the other relationship-- they're never going to figure out the answer were the GP's

Tessa said...

But Julie repeated the question twice stressing the total time.of all.

Sydney said...

Gayle -- she said this jokingly??? or what?

Sydney said...

If not, you must give us details girl!

Anonymous said...

is anyone watching idol

Anonymous said...

Jackie, 188 comments! wow, I haven't read them and watched the show as it played, so didn't get to enjoy your company during it. I'll read later, but...boy, Ryan is playing the game. He set up the meeting, he convinced Adam to give Nat a vote which killed two birds with one stone. It made Sheila forfeit a vote from Nat, if it came to F2 and made Sharon have a reason to evict Adam. Wow, is the guy that smart? He and Sharon go to the F2 and then he tells everyone how she coasted and how he saved her every time she was up. She (even though it isn't true) comes off as not playing because she kept such a low profile in game play and he looks like the mastermind. oh well.

Anonymous said...

sharon should appeal that win - how do BB know that the guinea pigs have a relationship? just because they share a cage, c'mon that's just bogus.

now Ryan thinks that sheila is sharon's aunt!

is this a twilight zone episode?

Anonymous said...

As far as the election..we could all phone in our votes and $1 a call would be donated to the National Debt, then after we had all voted numerous times, they would wheel in a big blue box with a note "none of the above" printed on it and out would step.....

Anonymous said...

how stoopid could the boys be, thinking that sharon was part of the mysterious relationship, when she answered the question as "Fiction" -- !! like DUH? She threw the HOH to protect her "relationship"?? besides she *did* have one, with Jacob.

joy n said...

Replayed the tape. Julie's exact words:

Fact or Fiction?

Everyone knows Jacob and Sharon and Ryan and Jen were two pre-existing relationships in the Big Brother house.

BUT, there is a third pre-existing relationship still in the house.

Answers please.

The correct answer is fact. There IS one other pre-existing relationship still in the house.

It can't be anybody but the guinea pigs. And these idiot HGs will probably take half the night to figure that out. And half the night may be giving them too much credit.

PlaidChick said...

RE: How many total combined minutes did all 4 of the HGs stay in their glass houses, rounded to the nearest minute? Sharon guesses 184, Ryan guesses 330 (approx) - The correct answer is over 500...

Sharon was in appox 6-8 minutes

I have no idea how long Ryan Stayed in...

Sheila and Natalie together was 3 hours and 4 minutes.

I'm tired and was confused on how they got the answer 500, now I get it

Natalie: apox 3 hours 4 minutes
Sheila: Same number
Sharon: 8 minutes
Ryan: I don't know what his minutes were.

Sharon added total time instead of combined

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