The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs I'll be constantly updating this post. To see the latest, refresh your page. Later on tonight my full review/recap of the show will be up over on TV Squad. Please forgive any errors or typos in this entry -- I'm typing as I watch the television.
It's recap time! Oh, a betrayal will turn the house upside down! Can you imagine that? Whatever could it be? ;-)
More recap -- now Jerry is telling the why behind his nominations again. Day 2? Not in real life! Jerry mentions Brian promised loyalty to the end. Renny and Jessie don't think they should be on the block. Renny thinks it wasn't a big deal and Jessie blames her. She thinks he's a punk (in the DR).
Jerry is telling the story of Solomon cutting the baby in half? Weird analogy for the situation. Jessie is confused ... he doesn't even know the tale. Renny is walking around saying he's a weasel and she did like him. She claims he's acting like a baby as she pouts at the table. So, she confronts him. Brian is listening and trying not to giggle. She keeps telling him how immature he is and how he walks away. So he walks away.
Brian, Ollie, and Dan make a toast to voting their way this week. I believe that would be Jessie.
Now they're all in the HOH room drinking wine. Renny is still fussing. She confronts Jessie, then apologizes for waking him up. He told her it took her a day and a half to apologize. She calls him a liar. She claims she apologized that night.
Brian tells Michelle and Ollie that Renny will self-destruct at some point. He tries to sway them to vote out Jessie because he's mor of a threat. He gloats in the DR. Now he works on Angie, telling her that Jerry has done everything he's wanted him to do from the start. He works on Steven. He works on Memphis. He's promising them all safety.
Dan, Brian, and Ollie are talking. Brian saved Dan, y'know. He rules the house ... in his mind. No wonder Jerry thinks he's a traitor.
Uh-oh ... looks like the April and Ollie showmance is about to start. Flirty, flirty. Time to pick players for the POV comp - six players. Pulling chips from bag. Jerry pulls Memphis. Renny gets Michelle. Jessie gets April. The host is Angie. They have to put on sleepwear.
The yard is a giant bed with toss pillows -- strange bedfellows. Colored veto bears -- they must find their color, five of them and return them to a jar. They have to squirm through honey to get to the bed. The non-bear pillows are feathers sticking to them. Renny is dragging and not into it at all. Memphis claims the honey is 75 to 80 pounds more than they normally carry. I doubt that.
Now, this isn't looking like Jerry will win. Jessie wins POV! Why was the POV necklace on Jerry's pic in the feeds? Maybe a red herring? Brian thinks he can get Jerry to put up whomever he wants him to in place of Jessie.
Now Brian is telling Jerry Memphis has to go. Jerry seems to play along and tells Brian they'll make Memphis think Renny is going home. He tells Ollie, Renny, the blonds that Memphis is going home. Renny and the blond see right through Brian. Now Keesha tells Angie and Michelle about Brian. A movement is afoot!
Libra is pointing out Ollie's evil side (Brian) to April. She's upset and wants to confront Ollie. Libra asks Ollie point blank if he's with Brian and Dan. He tells them he's not against them. Ollie tells them the Brian/Dan thing was on day one. He says he's loyal to April. Ollie tells them if Brian is playing them all, flip it over.
Ollie tells Memphis that they're going to backdoor him and Brian is behind it all.Libra thinks all nine of them should go to Jerry and tell him about Brian. Lots of scheming to oust cocky Brian. Now they have Jerry there. "Let's start the revolution." Ollie is the spokesman for the group. Poor Jerry.
Jerry thinks they're one huge alliance. They tell him he won't go on the block next week. He's unsure.
The POV box is open and Jessie tells us he will use it. Jerry isn't wearing anything military because he has to go back on his word. Brian is still cocky and thinks Memphis will go on the block. Time for the veto ceremony.
Jessie talks. Rennie says that Jessie made a target of himslf and the situation wouldn't be if he didn't. She doesn't expect him to use it on her. Jessie saves himself. Jessie is uncomfortable. He formed an alliance he wanted to be loyal to the end, but the person had other alliances, eight people came to his room, they chose who they want put up and to leave ... he nominates Brian. Brian looks very pensive. Dan thinks it's a dumfounded thing. Ollie claims credit for it all.
Brian was a mystery, now he's history -- Libra.
Brian gives kudos to whoever orchestrated this but claims he has some tricks up his sleeve.
I must say, this is a decent group so far!
Jackie, I made sure to add your site on my list of favs on my blog...I hope you get new visitors.
Go Renny... she is dead on with that. She did apologize to Jessie and we all saw it. Not the same way he told it to the house!
Based on looks alone, I liked Brian....I am sure this is all edited but goodness does he look BAD!!!!
Brian's way too cocky and tooooo early in the game.
monty924 said...
Brian's way too cocky and tooooo early in the game.
Yeah huh, saying he has control of this game....he has a LONG way to go in this much strategy to early.
Yay, here comes the POV competition... the first one this season.
Hi Melissa... Brian's going to get bit in the BEEhind!
wtg jerry in a somewhat "speed" comp!
jerry looks sooo tired!!!!1
OMG, this comp is a riot. I feel sorry for Jerry.
POV too hysterical...yuck all the honey and feathers!
But ... I know the outcome, lol... so not too sorry
Oh my, purple is not Jerry's color. With that said, it must be lucky for him, he won POV!
Brian must be filled with honey...he thinks he so sweet...sorry Brian I don't agree.
Go big or go home Brian.
I love that they are all cheering for all of them...even Renny.
Cant say much for the last group.
Me thinks they tricked us with the memory wall, LOL
I thought JERRY won it?
That shirt rip...puke!!!!
I thought it was posted that Jerry won??? Me bad, my mistake...he had to replace Jessie with Brian. I misread that. Sorry!
I agree, all places let us think Jerry had won the POV...but I am glad Jessie won it.
When the feeds and BBAD started sunday night, the POV necklace was hanging on Jerry's picture on the Memory Wall. We were set up.
Does anyone else think that Brian thinks he is Mike Boogie?
Okay, I am not losing it, I just went back and on TV Squad it reads that Jerry won POV.
Jackie said...
When the feeds and BBAD started sunday night, the POV necklace was hanging on Jerry's picture on the Memory Wall. We were set up.
It makes having the feeds and actually PAYING for them so not worth it...I also hate how JC says wanna see in the BB house 24/7...what a crock of
Brian's crap is hitting a huge fan! He will not know what is hitting him!!!
WooHoo! Girl Power!
Melissa - They played the POV Friday and we didn't start the feeds until Sunday night aqfter the show on the west coast. They can't set us up like that again becuase we usually have feeds not long after the comp and they all talk about it.
Even Joker's had Jerry winning the veto. Maybe that is the twist of this season...fool the watchers and online site readers!
They are playing and playing hard, LOL. I love it!!!
I was thinking the same thing delee but hopefully what jackie says is rite...they wont be able to do it again.
HOLY cow, its ALL of
LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!
Agree Monty, better playing then hanky panky like last season. The game play was the last thing on their minds last season.
Good for Jerry, but Brian is a snake and the rest of the house called it.
You said it girl!! :)
Now this is Big Brother! I'm so happy that they've returned to the original concept. Much better in my opinion.
Brian has no brain! Sitting soooo smug in the back yard with that smirk on his face.
The editing sure looks like Jerry isn't going to turn on Brian. I hope he thinks long and hard about it and realizes that the group is right.
I do like the cast much better this season.
ooo, was that a nervous tick?
Aw...I feel sorry for Jerry, not wearing anything military, feeling so badly about going back on his word. He's really a decent guy. And he handled Brian's nomination well. I want to see Brian squirm!
Brian has no one but himself to be pissed off at. Maybe he should go back to square one and realize this is BB and realize he cannot trust ANYONE.
He needs to go home first. Renny is annoying, but she has been low keyed lately. So I think I can handle her another week. If she decides to change back, she can go home next week.
I think it would be funny as heck if Dan folloed, just to teach them both a lesson in life.
Sally said: Aw...I feel sorry for Jerry, not wearing anything military, feeling so badly about going back on his word. He's really a decent guy. And he handled Brian's nomination well. I want to see Brian squirm!
Jerry is from the old military school where one's word meant something. He thought that Brian was the same way because he is military. He just learned that just because it has feathers it doesn't mean it is a duck.
I admire Jerry a lot. He is much older than the rest, but he is a fine man. I hope he stays a while longer. I did like the way he laid it out in black and white as to why he was making his nomination. I admire that he did not wear anything military when he replaced Brian for Jessie.
Jerry did the right thing and handled it well by saying what happen and why he changed his mind. I doubt he realizes how Brian was using him.
"Jessie is uncomfortable. He formed an alliance he wanted to be loyal to the end, but the person had other alliances..."
Jackie, that would be JERRY who said that.
Jerry is the honorable one. How can Brian state that Jerry betrayed him? Maybe Brian should realize the betrayal started with him.
Good night all. I stayed up way too late and a bit grumpy like the HGS. I need to go to bed early and hopefully I will feel better tomorrow and be a better poster.
I admire Jerry for nominating Brian. Brian was not truthful with Jerry from the get go, to me that makes any perceived alliance Jerry had with Brian null and void.
I hope that Brian leaves this week and that Dan follows next week in his footsteps.
I am loving BB10 or BBX which ever you prefer. This is so much more entertaining and fun that BB9.
I'll be hanging around all season here on Jackie's blog.
Judy ~ Hey! You are sooo right. He is a Boogie-in-training! HAHAHA
Welcome Lynn! Being here is more fun than actually watching the show! For me, it's a way to catch-up on the group here AND the show at the same time.
Speaking of which,
Jackie ~ How are you feeling these days? Doin' good, I hope!
Yeah,Brian thought he was a playa and did he ever get played.He has a lot of nerve saying Jerry betrayed HIM!
I think Jerry handled it just right,but still think he bowed to the pressure of the group and may still not be convinced of how badly Brian was playing him.And I think,now that the others know that Dan was in on it with Brian,Dan will become a non-factor,because nobody will want to hook up with him. His days are probably numbered.
I loved that challenge! I kept thinking...when is Jerry going to make his And then,it became obvious that Jessie was going to save himself.Renny is from outer space,or somewhere,her comments in the DR are off the wall!
Good start to this season right out of the chute. Sometimes it doesn't pay to mess with what works,hear that,AG!!
Sorry I didn't make it to the east coast feeds tonight. Can't wait to see the show now after reading all your comments.
I had to read Jackie's update twice to try to figure it all out. There's so much going on in the house and I love it!! Now this is BB!
I was assuming that Jerry did win POV. I read it in a couple of places. We all got had. LOL But, even with Jessie winning POV, I'm happy with Brian going up. WTG Jerry! Jerry's integrity is going to be assaulted more than just once in this game. He has such decent principles and I hope he can handle having to go back on his word when the situation justifies it. Loyalty and keeping my word means a great deal to me so I know I would have a very stressful time playing this game.
The smirk on Brian's face when Jerry went along with his nominee choices really irked me. So much so that I made a graphic depicting it. ;) Brian thinks he's the puppetmaster but he's no Dr. Will. He's going to be knocked down a peg or two when and if he is sent packing. Seems as if the house is voting Brian out but it will be interesting to see if Brian can save himself with the "tricks up his sleeve". I know Renny is annoying but they could get rid of her any time. Brian is much more of a threat.
April and Ollie are our showmance this season? I would love to know what Ollie's father is thinking. Ollie seems to be quite the gossip and might trip himself up.
I don't know how you keep all the details straight but I'm loving your updates. You don't miss a thing. I hope your knee isn't screaming and your pain doesn't escalate from sitting on the computer. You ROCK!
I missed the EC viewing, also. Sounds like the show was action-packed! I'm so glad to see the HG finding things to do other than have orgys in the pool!!
I've been reading Joker's to catch some insight but I don't know everyone's name yet so it's more confusing---thank goodness for Jackie!!
Will try to post after the show.
Imagine if the big mouth from LA and the bodybuilder were working the dumb ass crowd. Who is your pick for the smartest person in the house?
Brian = Chigger
Help me if I was so bored I am putting my hair in pigtails at 20+ yrs old. Holding out for the pink hair.
Hi everyone!
Was this not the funniest BB in a long time? That Brian is something else! I couldn't believe he thought he was running the show and then that it had to be a genius who orchestrated his nomination! Very funny stuff. Loved watching Libra get into it, and her comments.
I was surprised Jerry didn't figure out what Brian was all about.
Petals, thanks for the shout out. It is good to be back to the real BB. I dropped out early on during BB9. I just couldn't stomach it.
I am trying to stay away from jokers and not get consumed like I did for BB8,BB allstars, etc. I have to make room for my life in between all my shows! LOL
The hat, the hat. So cute, Brian's or Angie's hat?
i hope brain and dan both go. I don't like either one of them. I don't like the body builder guy either.
I like Jerry a lot but I feel bad for him because I don't think he's as devious as he needs to be for this game.
Loving the new season and the cast. At least, they all seem to have a collectie IQ over 65 unlike last season. I really liked the puppet show.
Does anyone know where Renny is originally from? That is so NOT a New Orleans accent! She is still annoying, but I hope Brian goes this week!
I can't stand muscle-man, Jessie. He takes his shirt off every 5 minutes.
And it SHOWED that Renny apologized the night of "the incident".
Thanks, Jackie
I'm new hear but imhp, I would have thought that grandpa ,would have seen brian for a snake just like the rest unless he nodded off.
I am curious as to how/why anyone/everyone was convinced that Jerry knew that Brian had deceived him?
Jerry didn't know anything until he was "ambushed" by most of the house and asked to put Brian up instead of Memphis.
I LOVE IT! Wipe that smirk off your face Brian cause I think you are history. I don't know what "tricks" you may have to use to keep you in the house, but more power to you if it works. I sure hope not though!
I thought Jerry played it well when he got the first teddy bear and then just sat there and moved the feathers around. Made him look like he wouldn't be a threat in future comps. Could that have been what he wanted everyone to think.
Also, of course I don't have the feeds, so I didn't see the POV medal hanging ON Jerry's picture, but the "idle" place for it is right there along side of Jerry's picture. Is that what could have confused us all. At any rate, when it was obvious Jerry wasn't going to win POV, I got a little nervous that we may have been wrong about Jesse coming off and Brian going up. I'm so glad we got that part right!
Did Ollie and April ever "make up"? I didn't stay up to watch Sho-2, so wasn't sure if they went back to being flirty.
Let's hope Brian goes home!
anon 9:15... Somewhere along the way it was "thought" that someone told Jerry about Brian not being totally honest with him. Don't know where it came from, but we all ran with it.
As we saw from last night, it was the whole group that went to Jerry and told him. The editing led us to believe that Jerry wasn't buying into it, but of course when it came down to the Jesse taking himself off the block, Jerry went with the group and put Brian up. We didn't get to "see" how they ended up convincing Jerry to do this.
Did anyone see Brian acting like the Godfather with Memphis after the POV comp. last night ? I was thinking does he really think he' that good ?
Did anything good happen on AD last night?
OMG, I totally forgot the show was on last night! I was watching "I Survived a Japanese Gameshow" and losing brain cells rapidly I might add. I'm so mad at myself for missing it. You can bet that won't happen again.
So BB was psyching us out - kudos to them.
Well however Brian landed on the block, I'm just glad he's there.
Oh...I forgot... I went to see Mama Mia last night and it was the best. My impression is whether you like musicals or ABBA or neither, you would still like this movie. It was wonderful! I never sat still through the whole thing. How can you with that music.
I didn't get to see the play, so I don't know if this is better or not, but it sure was fantastic.
And if you're one of those who jumps up and leaves during the first sign of credits... don't!!! There are like 2 or 3 more songs after the credits start...
Did I say I loved it? Understatement!
That was quite the show last night. Renny did apologize to Jessie that night but it was so obviously insincere that I'm not surprised Jessie forgot. Renny is some character, think she has a screw loose somewhere. Her accent almost sounds Boston-like to me.
Jessie, Brian, Dan and Memphis have one thing in common, they all seem to want to be the biggest rooster in the coop and it seems that the hens will be having none of that. Good for them! They started the ball rolling on showing Brian up to everyone. I also thought that Brian would be one of my faves. What a difference a day makes!
Jerry bothers me that he puts so much stock into trust and loyalty. Excellent tributes to have, of course, but not so much in the BB house. That way of thinking may be his ticket out the door, unfortunately. Jerry not winning the POV was a surprise, but, thank goodness, it still worked out well. I believe Brian's "disloyalty" to him as a fellow vet hasn't really sunk in yet. He will be highly disappointed not only in Brian, but also in himself for judging so quickly that Brian could be trustworthy in the first place. A tactical error on his part.
Anyone notice the look on Dan's face when Jerry made his new nom speech? I think that he thought it was going to be him.
I wish Jessie would shut up about his body. I've never been into musclemen anyway but his obsession with it is a BIG turnoff. He's still young and has a lot to learn.
you know I am from New Orleans and can't seem to stomcah Renny's voice. She is a character though. I just hope I can go get my hair done so I can talk with her about the exp. See if she is really like that in the Real World..AKA..Metry I have watched BB since season 2.
I'm waaay late watching this... the honey challenge was amazing. I think producers really stepped it up for once.
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