By popular request, graphic artist Zoetawny made a pinheaded Jessie for us! Merci!
The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs. Please don't forget to refresh the page and remember there probably will be some typos as I'm watching my television more than my keyboard or monitor. Feel free to hang out in the comments section with your thoughts!
"Will the power of HOH go to Jessie's head?" Well, that would make it fit his body more! We're in recap city right now. Dan tells us he stayed true to his word. Steven didn't want to have an emotional outburst. Ollie feels responsible for Brian leaving. Jerry blames it all on Brian. angie finds Brian leaving difficult and the others get on her nerves. Libra's thrilled that her biggest threat is gone. Renny is happy she wasn't the first evicted.
Argh, Jerry once again mentioned no military garb as he betrayed Brian. Renny told him the military word might not be a good idea in the game. She had a point but Jerry just cut her off. Now we're in B&W recap of the HOH.
Jessie hints that he'll nominate Renny. Angie is worried that Jessie has suspicions that she tried to keep Brian in the house. Steven is already an outcast. The house is divided. Memphis and Jessie head to the storage room to gloat about Jessie winning. Jessie is way gloating about not being a body without a brain.
Dan tells Steven he won't kiss Jessie's ass. He's sure he'll go on the block. He warns Steven. Steven thinks Renny would go up before he does. Libra thinks Steven and Angie will go up. April thinks he might nominate Renny. Michelle joins them and agrees nominating Renny is a waste.
HOH room time. Bodybuilding pics, blech. Renny thinks her son has better legs, but bites her tongue. Jessie keeps bragging about his body. April is turned off. No one looks particularly interested in the bodybuilding. "Jessie loves Jessie." Steven didn't go up. Jessie feel;s that's disrespectful.
In the room, Jerry leaves and they decide they can talk. Jessie wants to put Renny up and they all revoolt. April, Ollie, Michelle, Memphis, and Libra are in there. Libra told Jessie it would be ridiculous to put Renny up -- she can go at any time.
Keesha and Angie feel they're not a part of the group.
Jerry tells Libra and Angie about his wife's Parkinson's disease. He told them he got in shape to take care of her and he won't put her in a nursing home. 54 years. His wife is supportive of him going in the house. Libra gets teary.
Now they're talking about Steven being gay. He says no one in the house seems to have an issue with it. Dan is happy to spend time with someone who is gay because he's never really been able to talk to a gay man. He's a lot more accepting than I thought he would be. Steven goes on telling his story.
Angie goes to the HOH to talk to Jessie. Jessie lectures her. I'm disliking him more and more by the minute. He is SO full of himself. Angie is trying to make amends and he isn't giving her a chance at all. I like Angie better than I like Jessie. I want him gone!
Steven and Keesha are talking about dogs. Keesha's dog comes before her boyfriend. She's worried about Gizmo. Steven's making her worry about the dog.
Food comp time -- Jessie has a beret, bad French accent, and fake mustache. They grab berets of red and green to define teams. Let's have a taste of the good life. April said the people tended to grab berets by which couch they were sitting. They don bathing suits. Libra and April groused about both Renny and Jerry on their teams.
BB France - they have to pour wine, plug with corks, keep the other team from winning. April and Libra don't want to be on slop again. It looks like April might be the weak link for their team. Keesha gave Renny kudos for how well she did in the comp. Jerry is up with Memphis plugging holes in the barrel.
The timer buzzes -- the Green Team wins -- Libra, Renny, April, Jerry, Memphis, and Michelle (?) are on slop. April and Libra automatically started screaming how some didn't do their part.
Dan asks to use the HOH bathroom as a ploy. Ollie followed Jessie up and ran to the bathroom. Dan didn't get his chance to talk. Libra is asking Memphis why he's so unemotional. He tells her and April he lost his father early. Onto relationships. Blah-blah.
Dan tries again to talk to Jessie. He expects to go up and tells Jessie he had given Brian his word. He respects whatever Jessie has to do. Jessie makes it obvious he's more pulling for him than Steven. He tells Dan he understands.
NOMINATIONS TODAY. Angie and Renny are both worried. Dan feels a bit better after his talk with Jessie, but he's still worried. Steven thinks if he gets put up, it's not because he's a threat, it's because others put him up to it. Jessie tells us he wants one of the nominees out.
Time for the ceremony. Key order - Keesha, Ollie, Michelle, Jerry, April, Libra, Memphis, Angie, Renny.
Jessie says he nominated Steven and Dan because they played their cards too soon. He also thinks Steven disrespected him by not coming to the HOH room. Steven says he was sleeping. And Jessie told him that he waited 24 hours.
"he's a tool because he's a tool." - Steven about Jessie.
Jessie lets us know he thinks Dan will be loyal and Steven is his target.
The more I see of Jessie, the more I dislike him. I passed it off at first as him not being mature, but he IS 22, so, grow up, kid.
I saw the clip on
On several other sites there is clear audio what April says to Ollie...
If they weren't doing *that* I don't know what they weren't doing.
Jessie's totally wanted Renny up, and followed what the house wanted him to do, makes sense.. sort of
I'm ready to see some drama, I'm glad they're entertaining themselves instead of sitting around.
"Will the power of HOH go to Jessie's head?" Well, that would make it fit his body more!
ROTFLMBO! Jackie, you're killing me right off the bat. LOL
Got to get the east coast feeds up...
Jessie certainly does love Jessie, and apparently all of his friends have to look like he does. What an awful bore he is, and what a huge ego that Steven must go because he didn't kowtow to the GREAT Jessie. I hope someone backdoors his muscly butt out of there very soon!
Awww Jerry you PeePaw POOPER
Zoetawny, Jessie never looked better! Excellent!
You know I would like to a take pin to Jessie's body and see if he pops because he's so full of it..
UMMM beating everyone at chess doesn't make you smart....
Uh...He IS stupid and IS all muscles. What a huge jerk. Not play'n the game at all.
Jessie's head IS as big as his body. He just looks like a pinhead on the outside. Where does he get off thinking he's owed so much respect? I cant stand him.
I think Jessie and Keesha have an "I'm not stupid" complex. They're both right!
Thanks for the link. Do I dare go check it out again? UGH!
Yep! That's why I don't go on dogs. J/K
I agree with you all the way about Jessie Jackie -- He is already off his nut with that stupid HOH bigheadedness... or maybe just his regular bigheadedness... actually, that was a poor choice of words considering the pinhead reference.
Zoetawny said...
Thanks for the link. Do I dare go check it out again? UGH!
For the sake of seeing what was said sure.... otherwise one time was enough for moi
Stebe should have just gone up to the HOH room wtih the others. It's nice to stand by your morals and loyalties to departed house guests but if you are there to win, it behooves you to pretend a little in those situations. And should be very easy to do.
I'm surprised that Dan was so open minded when speaking to Steven about being gay. So did AG just ask him to say all those prejudiced things in his bio interview? And did he say OK to that?
Jessie is actually maintaining his fake french accent pretty well through this.
Zoetawny, another wonderful graphic! And it IS Jessie. Jackie, you are not alone in your feelings for Jessie. Gosh I hope we don't have to put up with him.
"Will the power of HOH go to Jessie's head?"
No one looks particularly interested in the bodybuilding. "Jessie loves Jessie." Steven didn't go up to see HOH room, so Jessie feels that's disrespectful.
Jessie is so full of himself! "Brian looks better in black and white, his gray doesn't show" was so very catty. Frankly, at least Brian doesn't look like a freak. "You don't show me respect" seems to be his mantra. I don't look for him to last long. At least I hope he doesn't!
OLLIE, it's water with red dye--
OMG tell me it wasn't real wine..
You're afraid of beooming an alcoholic and you don't care about 50 million people seeing you gettin busy??
I have to say, Keesha is far from annoyingm, like I was expecting her to be. Anyone else think that?
Shoot! Gotta take a phone call.
Hey Sydney glad to seee you!
Keesha doesn't bug me as much as April does...
Keesha is living up to the dumb blonde stereotype. What part of Calif does she live in? Cold in Dec? Scarfs and Coats? Maybe in air conditioned offices. And how in the world can that girl eat so much. I hate skinny chicks. LOL
April was the downfall of the comp. Her throws were horrible, how can she blame Renny and Jerry. Age had nothing to do with their losing!
Anonymous said...
And how in the world can that girl eat so much. I hate skinny chicks. LOL
Memphis sounds pretty mature -- unlike April's rediculous reactions to him telling about these big, emotional things that broke his heart. Why was she smiling through it all the time with her overly white ned teeth?
DWTS fans Jason Taylor has been traded from the Dolphins to Washington Redskins!
Jessie trusts Dan saying he'd come to the other side, but he gave MIchelle (is tha tthe brunette's name?) all kinds of hell when she tried to come talk to him. I know the details were a little different, but.....
delee said:
April was the downfall of the comp. Her throws were horrible, how can she blame Renny and Jerry. Age had nothing to do with their losing!
Yes, I agree --she who protests too much is guilty of the crime.
I think you mean Angie, Sydney
Michelle is on Jessie's side and ruling his roost!
I like the way that Libra has made a real effort to get to know her housemates. She is rather abrasive, yes.... but at least she gives credit where credit is due. I still like Jerry.
Sorry - in one of my past comments I was talking about brunete Angie not Michelle.
ut oh, Renny didn't thank Jessie for not being nominated! No Respect I tell ya....lmao
What was jessie in the DR for at the end? i missed it....what he said
Please, get rid of Jessie!
Most awesome Pinhead, Zoetawny. I had to duck out earlier (bad thunderstorm).
I'm finally back online and just now catching the show. Catch you all later.
What was jessie in the DR for at the end? i missed it....what he said
Jessie was just making a remark to the camera about how large his bicep is (18 inches?) and how it could barely fit in the camera lens
Sorry I had to bail. I'll have to wait until the show airs my time.
But, all in all, Jessie's a total jerk and has to go. Hopefully HOH #3 will put Jessie up.
Are you ok? I hope your power doesn't go out.
We missed you!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said...
Keesha is living up to the dumb blonde stereotype. What part of Calif does she live in? Cold in Dec? Scarfs and Coats? Maybe in air conditioned offices.
Keesha IS the dumb blonde stereotype, but... she's "not stupid". ;) Sorry to tell you, I'm in southern CA and we do wear coats and scarves in Dec.,although Jan. and Feb. are the coldest months here. Northern CA is much colder but not as cold as the east coast.
Jessie was just making a remark to the camera about how large his bicep is (18 inches?) and how it could barely fit in the camera lens
7/20/2008 9:17 PM
I can't take Jessie anymore. I wish he'd be on slop his remaining time in the house and lose all his muscles. ;)
Jackie, thanks for the detailed post. I hope you're feeling better each day. Keep us posted on your progress because we want to know how you're doing.
Egads! My home state of Iowa has not been represented well on this BB or the last one. Thank goodness Jessie and Chelsia weren't in the same house.
PS Delee--might be a better move for Taylor. At least the Skins aren't as bad as the Phins.
I'm MEB's daughter:
Mom has been in the hospital since Friday. She was at the doctors and her heart started racing so they took her over to the ER. Praise God, because when this has happened in the past at home she wouldn't go. As a result they discovered her blood count was 5 when it should have been 12 - 14. (after 4 blood transfusions she is at 11) To figure out why this has happened they ran some tests and say she has a blockage in her colon. They are conducting more tests and feel they will have to go in and remove part of her colon. I say, they don't have the final word!! So please get some prayers going and lets watch God get the glory. You are all so special to Mom and she appreciates her prayers. God Bless you all and I am excited to see God's mighty power working in this situation. KLB
Monty -- my husband was just sitting at Newark on the tarmack for an hour due to storms somewhere on the flight path back to Houston. They finally took off not long ago.
Glad you're OK and back online.
Are you ok? I hope your power doesn't go out.
Fine now! The power went out here several times before I got home. My DVR recording was in 5 different segments. I missed some of it, but I think I got the most of what was shown. My cat has finally come out from under the couch... she hides at the first clap of thunder.
I hate storms... lived through a tornado at a very young age and they always scare the you know what out of me now! Lightening, wind and hail mostly. I had a basement where I grew up, but no such luck now.
Jessie is still a pinhead. His comments at the end of the show were obviously captured and edited by the CBS crew. Obviously they see what the rest of us see in Jessie "the body" the "pinhead" of BB10.
KLB, prayers have been sent up for your mother. Thank you for letting us know. Please keep us posted on how well she is doing.
Thank goodnes you got online to let us know. I wrote a note to you and MEB on her aol account, if you happen to be able to retrieve it. THANK YOU for writing us. Will you please keep us updated (we are worriers when one of our own isn't OK) and would also probably love to know where we might send cards or something else like that....
PLEASE tell your mom we love her and are putting our forces out to love bomb her and she knows how powerful we all are that way... she's joined forces doing the same when others, myself included, were in need.
I for one will be waiting to hear anything else you know, but please look out for my e-mail coming shortly.
Dear KLB,
None of this BB10 stuff matters, your precious mama does though. Please give her my best wishes and I will be praying for her and your family to be strong. Let us know as soon as you can how she it doing.
Oh KLB. Please tell your mother my prayers are with her. Thank you for letting us know and the power of healing thoughts and prayers will definitely come through this community.
Dear KLB,
Thank you for telling us about your Mom, MEB. We know that God hears and answers prayers so we will be praying for her recovery. God Bless you.
KLB, Thank you so much for letting us know about your mom. Please do tell her we are all praying for her (and for you and the rest of the family). She means so much to so many of us.
Please let us know how she is doing when you can. Hugs to you...
wow..I cant believe April and ollie..but then again I can..I agree with everyone about Jessie he was being very rude when he was speaking to Angie..I would have told him to kiss it where the sun dont shine! And I loved it when Keesha said she thought April was acting like a "barbie bitch"..I enjoyed that comment.
-Jamie Mae-
KLB, know that there are a lot of people here praying and sending good thoughts your mom's way. . . . and your's too as you'll need strength and peace of mind as you help MEB.
It's amazing that a group of strangers has come together over such a silly show, and how much we have come to care for each other, making the show secondary to our "friendships"! It's a good feeling.
KLB-Tell Meb we are all thinking of her and there are plenty of prayers being sent her way. We will keep you all in our prayers.
We hope to have her back posting with us soon. Take care and give her a great big hug from all of us!
Get Well Soon Meb!!!
God Bless Meb and family.
I'm keeping your Mom in my prayers. Yes, it's a good thing she was where she could be taken care of when it happened.
I'm finally getting around to watching BB.
Can I say Jessie is a Jerk?? . . . I'm not even half way thru the show and I came to that conclusion!
I'm REALLY hoping whoever gets HOH next puts his tiny hiney and pin head up!!!
Now, let see whether or not I flip before the end of the show. :)
KLB, your mom mentioned late on the 17th that she had a Dr.'s appt. the next day for "breathing problems". Thank God she kept that appointment! Add my prayers to the others that she will be okay and back with us soon. She will be missed until then. Please keep us informed as much as you can.
delee-Thanks for the update on Jason Taylor. I have not had any TV or radio on today. I even missed BB does not sound like I missed too much, since Jessie was busy flexing all night long. It sounds like the one place that is not over inflated is his brain! (Maybe one other place, but I will try to keep it as clean as I can...his B*LLS!) I have seen feed/bbad, so I did not miss anything tonight I did not already know.
Zoetawny-I loved the graphic! Another job well done. ROTFL!!!
plaidchick-Love your graphic makes me giggle everytime I see it.
Sydney-Hi! I hope your hubby makes it home soon, without too many delays.
Renny must be getting her medicine. She has been much easier on the ears. Her facial expressions tell it all.
I cannot tolerate Libra and I bet her husband does not win too many arguements. She needs anger management classes. I hope she does not act the way I saw her act around her children.
I do not trust Michelle. I think she is dangerous. I think she plays both sides very well and can duck out of the heat of things for now. It very well may take her far in the game...until both sides figure her out.
At first I did not like Memphis, but I think he is growing on me. I just wish he would not align himself with Jessie so often. If I had to pick a winner right now, I would say it would be Memphis.
I think Jerry means well, however he will be shown the door in the near future.
Steve and Dan both can go as far as I am concern.
I cringed seeing April in the Nebraska wear. She does not serve "Big Red" any justice. I just need to accept she is from Nebraska and everyone there bleeds son goes to University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
I hope Ollie can read April and get to her before she gets to him. I don't want April to play on his innocents to deep.
If I was Angie, I would laugh in Jessie face and tell him a thing or two about himself. I sure hope he does not talk to women like that in a normal, everyday setting. His mother/family must be so embrassed. So far I am liking her now that Brian is gone.
I have not figured Keesha out as of yet. She is not afraid to speak her mind. I do not think she will back down to easy. I look for a few more blow ups out of her in the house. She is so up and down all the time. It seems like she could be bipolar.?. When she's high, she is really high and when she's low, she is really low.
That is how I am seeing it for now. Next week I too might see things differently. After all, it is BB!
Good night everyone and remember to say an extra prayer for our friend MEB.
Sorry for the long post. I do not alway have time to post.
Jessie's exact words at the end of the show were, "Couldn't even get all 18 inches of that into that camera." (His bicep) I knew he couldn't possibly be talking about his brain. That would have to be measured in millimeters, wouldn't it? This guy is such a jerk.
KLB--I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. She is a special part of our family. I'm glad she was close to the ER and they now are dealing with her condition. Please try to keep us posted. I am writing her a note on her e-mail.
As for BB--
Jessie will be around for awhile because of his alliance! Jerry's moments of talking about his wife brought tears to my eyes--that's a true marriage. Libra is starting to bug me. Did you hear her talking in the HOH to Jessie about Renny...."you are not putting her up" She really is trying to control things.
As for Ollie/April--the video/audio is soooo obvious what happened!! I am very dissappointed in both of them....and what did they talk about after the deed was done? Am I the type you would want to date?....You could be my boyfriend outside the house....I think we are the first inter-racial couple on BB....and the topper---the camera is still on but they can't show this on TV!!! Have they ever watched the show?
Once again, I'm sure their parents are so proud...I known this person for 12 days so let's have sex!
I'm still liking Memphis and Michelle(she may be brash but honest).
Good night all........say a special prayer for Meb
KLB - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, but it's lucky it was caught. She'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Okay-I just got caught up watching a few things.
I'm too late wishing for things between Ollie and April to not go too far. Ollie, Ollie, Ollie...what are we going to do with you? If only he could hear us. Ollie wants everyone to believe he did not get pass first base? Ollie you did not, you ran right to homeplate!!! Errrr!
Michelle did NOT use the POV, so things remain the same with Jessie's noms.
Does anybody watch the Showtime after dark? It is soooo boring. I went to the to see the live chat and I can't find it. Anyone know how to access it? Thanks for all your hard work Jackie and all the comments. I enjoy reading them.
Please send my thoughts and love to meb... and know that you and your family are in my thoughts, as well.
Please keep us posted, and hugs to all. She was in the right place at the right time.
I cannot stand Jessie. What an ego-maniacal, immature, muscle-head. PUT YOUR SHIRT ON. No one is impressed! I want someone to bring down Muscle-boy so bad.
And is there a rule on BB that there has to be a stupid/airhead named April every season?
And the way April disrespects "the old people"! Loved her line: "It's not fair." (My 3 yr old granddaughter's favorite expression).
So far I like Angie, but I'm still not sure what the others are like. I'm going to have to get the feeds.
After tonight, I think I'm gonna go with Keesha as my favorite. She likes dogs and she called April a barbie bitch. She also stood up to April and Libra when they were bitching about the old folks. The reason they lost that comp was because of April throwing the corks away.
I don't know about Memphis. The way he spoke about being unemotional. He said that way too unemotionally sort of like my grandma died man. I hope he's not pulling a Johnny Fairplay on them.
I definately don't like the pinhead, April or Jesse and they can go tomorrow for all I care. Jerry and Renny don't bother me too much but i don't have the feeds so Renny doesn't get on my nerves too much. I also think neither of them will be around for too long.
And Renny kissed the pinhead to thank him for not putting her on the block.
I like Stephen saying the pinhead was a tool because he was a tool. Funny.
The good news is that Jesse can't play for HOH next week so maybe he will be put on the block next week. Wouldn't that be great.
Good Luck in the hospital MEB. Get well soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
mlb - Prayers & good thoughts going out for your mom - talk about being in the right place at the right time! Please keep us posted.
As for BB, I think I might have to Tivo from now on so I can fast forward the pinhead scenes (great graphic Zoetawny) until he's either gone or puts on a shirt. The sight is nauseating.
Another hot day - can't wait until the Fall!
Hey all!
I can't agree more regarding the JERK, PINHEAD! I dated a muscle builder about 30 years ago. He had the same opinion about himself! Must be part of their Physco! (SP) LOL....please let him be gone soon! I like Angie...hope she stays around for awhile, Jerry's okay but living in the past, and Renny...if I was her I'd slap that silly little boy across the face. No respect??? I got your no respect! Who else in BB history has had pictures of just himself?? Jeez, what an ego!!
"GO" Steven and Memphis!
All our thoughts and prayers are flying to MEB and here's hoping she will be right as rain in short measure.We will miss her until she's back with us again.
Sorry,I have been MIA for most of last week,I have some sort of stomach thing and barely have been out of bed,it's been so bad.Looks like I have turned the corner today(I hope).
I want Jessie gone in the worst way. What Renny said about him is so true,you have to give respect to get it and he gives it to nobody!!He's an immature twerp and I hope his "alliance" turns on him and soon.And I didn't see Renny kiss Jessie,it was Steven,for being nominated. I don't think she would touch J with a ten foot pole and,frankly,I don't blame her.
April sure was the weakest link in that food challenge and I think she's exactly what Keesha called her. She knows Ollie is a baby in the sex department,so she is exploiting him and using him,not nice! I hate when she wears that litle barrette in the front of her hair...ick!
Zoetawny....the pinhead graphic...just spot on...he is such a tiny one! Ic ant figure out if he is shallow or stupid.
(((MEB & KLB))) we are surely praying for you and your sweet mama. keep lettin gus know how she is!! Give her lots of love from Terryin CA.
Ok, April is a twinkie ding dong..she is worthless in the game, uses no brains.
Michelle uses her brains, I saw her stuff her scarf into the holes while waiting for the corks.
I was wondering, too, about the Johnny Fairplay angle with Memphis.
Thanks Jackie for the great work once again!
KLB, please send your mom my love and let her know I'll be praying for her. I had just been thinking that MEB hadn't commented recently when I read your post. She is definitely among my favorities here. Please keep us posted.
MEB & KLB...all my thoughts and prayers are with your family.
I'm liking both Dan & Angie more than I initially thought. I'm impressed with Dan's scene with Steven and discussions of homosexuality. And he really seems to be involved in the group again now that Brian is gone. I'd like to see Angie more out of her "Brian is gone" funk and learn more about her.
So far I still like Libra, cause someone's gotta be playing real hard to keep it interesting. The key is for the house to figure out if she's more useful to them or more detrimental to them.
I would like to have seen more of what transpired between Renny & Jerry in that whole military discussion. I thought of what we saw, Jerry's reaction was completely out of line and he was overly rude and mean towards Renny. Maybe he really is just a grumpy old man.
And again, I'm still loving these comps. The green team totally worked it out in the wine challenge. Everyone held up their end of the comp and it paid off for them.
I hope the vote sends Steve home on Wed night.
Did anyone feel the green team had the advantage with the corks being green verses red? I would think the green would have shown up in the red colored water more so than the red corks in the red water.
I am not sure the outcome would have been any different. The thought just crossed my mind when I watch it played out.
I do know that Libra and April are sore losers.
I agree with you Caroline about the Renny and Jerry altercation they showed last night. Unless there was a lot more to it (probably was) it looked like Jerry was overreacting big time. I'm starting to feel a little sorry for Renny. It seems like she can't open her mouth without getting in trouble for it.
Patty - I don't think the red corks had as much to do with the loss as April's horrible throwing did. I do, however, forgive them for bitching a little bit about being back on slop again. Although Jerry & Renny were clearly not the weak links. I could not last 1 week on that stuff, much less 2. Must be a great way to lose weight though.
I agree, April was the one who cost the competition. She was also one of the first to blow steam. In Libra world, she blamed it on the older folks. April has a way of covering her tracks, but that will turn on her at some point in the game.
Angie seems to not engage is so much of the headgames these people are playing. She is like a sponge and she is soaking it all up. She will let them all attack on another. She is very smart in doing so. Memphis could be a strong player also, if he does not align himself to close to Jessie.
meb said...
I'm MEB's daughter:
Mom has been in the hospital since Friday.
I'm still rather upset hearing about Meb. I left a post on the most recent entry of the blog, but I had to keep reading to find your original post about it. So sorry I was late finding out the sad news.
I don't think it was any coincidence that Meb was in the "right place at the right time". From reading her posts, she has always impressed me as a kind and caring person. I'm sending prayers and positive thoughts for her complete recuperation. We will miss her and look forward to her return.
Thanks for taking the time to let us know even though you must be feeling distraught. Give Meb our love and take care of yourself, as well.
God Bless!
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