The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs -- please forgive typos and possible errors. Also, all folks are welcome in the comments area. A full review/recap of the show will be posted later tonight on TV Squad.
Recaps -- Brian's friends are outcasts, Jessie wants to put Renny on the block, etc. Nominations, blah-blah ... who will win the power of veto and an explosion rocks the house as Libra fusses about the old people on her team losing the food comp. More recaps. Good, now they're in color again.
Steven feels hurt by the nomination. Libra wants Steven gone. Jessie is bragging. He doesn't know he has a target on his back from the show fans! Jessie is complimenting Dan more. Dan thinks he has his foot in the door with Jessie. Jessie thinks that Steven is a more threatening player. Dan promises him safety if he wins HOH. Jessie trusts Dan more than anyone else because he indeed stood up for Brian as he had promised.
Angie goes in to talk to Steven. He tells her not to be sad. His feelings seem to be really hurt because he's a target and knows it. He tells her that Dan and her will probably be targeted next.
Michelle is giving Jessie a pedicure and flirting. @@ She seems to be looking for a showmance and even though he has a girlfriend at home, he seems open to the idea.
Memphis and Jessie meet up in the storage room talking about taking Michelle and Angie into their alliance. Memphis and Jessie apporach Angie with Memphis doing the talking. She's agreeable to the deal -- it's a good move for her because she's on the outside right now.
Steven and Renny are talking Katrina. Renny says the important thing is the people who surround you in life. Steven thinks he has a bond with Renny now due to the hurricane -- they both went through it. Keesha wants Steven to stay. She wants to win POV and save Steven.
Pick players for Veto comp -- Jessie picks Michelle, Dan picks HG choice and goes with Libra, Steven actually pulls Keesha out of the bag. Jerry is the host.
Keesha tells April, Michelle, and Libra that she would like Stevn to stay. Now they think she's a floater. They all want Steven to go. Michelle runs to Memphis and Jessie with the news. She doesn't trust Keesha and doesn't want them to trust her either.
Argh, Jerry is announcing the veto comp. They have little steering wheels on podiums with fake drivers licenses for heach participant. Dan wants to throw the comp. License to Drive ... vanity plates scrambe to spell out BB phrases. If they're wrong, eliminated. Most points at end of nine rounds or last standing wins.
The first round they have several plates to unscramble to spell eviction. Dan buzzed in and guessed wrong, he's out. Now Jessie is out. Keesha got it right, 10 points.
Next phrase is head of household. (They have to say the states of the vanity plates.) Steven blew it. Michelle just got ten points. New puzzle they're playing for a slop pass. Libra tells us how much she hates slop. If they win the slop pass, they're out of the comp for the veto. Steven is giving Keesha sad puppy eyes. They're looking for alliance. Libra sees it and can't take it -- TEAM. Michelle isn't taking it either. They're worried about Keesha.
No one answered and got the slop pass.
New puzzle worth 15 points -- Big Brother slop is the answer. Libra screws up and is out. It's down to Michelle and Keesha. Each have ten points. Uh-oh - Keesha forgot the last state in her answer and Michelle wins POV!
Memphis and Jessie are happy as Michelle is in their camp. Dan thinks Steven will fight hard and make matters worse for himself. Dan thinks he probably has nothing to worry about.
Jessie tries to convince others that Keesha wanted POV to save Steven. Libra mentions how much she did for the team not taking the slop pass. Steven warns Keesha the others will stab her in the back and she needs to watch what she says in front of them. So she talks to Renny. Renny and Keesha agree Libra has to go.
Renny tells us she likes arguments in the house because it takes the attention away from her. Keesha announces to everyone that she would not have used the veto had she won it. Cat fight -- MEOW. Keesha is sick of having to prove herself. This is the fight, not the old people slop food comp thing.
Keesha goes to Memphis and Jessie about Libra. She tells them that Libra is stirring up lies. The boys agree. The guys are considering backdooring Libra. Now Keesha is anti-Libra-ing to Jerry and Jessie. Aha, they find out about Libra fussing about the old folks on the food comp team. Jerry is ticked.
He confronts Libra. She gets screaming and defensive. Of course, Jerry can't really scream if he wants. Renny is standing in another room quietly drinking coffee. A brouhaha! Yay. Libra is freaking, says she only wanted the teams evened up. She went to Jerry demanding to know who told him she said it. He tells her Renny and Renny shluffs it off. Now Renny denies saying it to Jerry. CAT FIGHT -- Renny and Libra. Heh.
Steven approaches Jessie to put Libra up because she starts so much drama in the house. Jessie told him it's Michelle's decision. They meet with Michelle. Michelle says that all the ones saying they want Libra out don't have the POV and must stick their necks out. Steven even suggests she take Dan off the block, leave him on and Jessie puts Libra in Dan's place. Michelle looks tormented.
It's time for Michelle to decide whether she'll use it or not. She finds it harder than she thought. Steven is still hoping she will use it and Libra would go on the block. Dan hasn't a clue. Time for the ceremony ...
Steven says he was put on the block for his actions with brian, tainted him with a stigma which will haunt him until the day he leaves, you make the decision best for the house. Dan says he made his bed, he can sleep in it, made mistakes, Portuguese Princess from Providence would love if you use it to save me, no hard feelings. Michelle does not use the POV because she feels it would be foolish of her to use it and she hopes they understand.
Dan is sure Steven is going home. Steven vows to fight. He wants to stay even if he has to push their faces in the toilet. Keesha wants to campaign for Steven. Michelle thinks she would have only made enemies if she used the POV.
Oh goodie... we get to see the Jerry/Renny/Libra fight on CBS. YAY! :)
How many days ago did the fight happen... Ohhh I love BB editing!!
goodness, what time did they do the POV competition?
They dud the POV comp on Friday
Sending MEB hugs and prayers tonight.
BB10 is boring!
Looks like they did the comp in the middle of the night.
Jessie really is a tool. He can't even win the veto to keep his noms the same.
There's another catfight to remember. There was a Slop pass up for grabs
The comps have been more creative so far this season...this one is fun.
I made but I'm not sure I can stay for the entire show. :(
Did I miss the Jerry/Renny/Libra fight?
Sydney thank you for posting updates on MEB... I wish her all the best...
OK-- The people who are getting on my nerves are Michelle, Libra and April. I really thought I would like the old pooper, but eww.
Renny is actually starting to make me laugh, and I think I'll be a little bummed to see Steven go, though I'm a little cofoozled about how he was in the Hurricane--I thought he was from Dallas by means of Austin. If I remember Austin got rain, but that was about it. DFW didn't get anything.
Wow, is Libra ultra sensitive or what? Keesha probably wouldn't have used it to save Steven.
Is Jerry's voice getting more hoarse?
Zoetawny said...
I made but I'm not sure I can stay for the entire show. :(
Did I miss the Jerry/Renny/Libra fight?
NO... oooo I have a name for Michelle-- the Rotweiller! Or Pitbull
I have decided I don't like Michelle either. I hate to see Memphis go to the dark side. They keep interrupting the show for hurricane coverage (I live on the TX coast. I almost spit when Jessie said he didn't have a target on his back. LOLOLOL His cocky attitude and I LOVE ME, SO SHOW RESPECT sure got old fast.
I want to see what Steven is doing to save himself. Dan seems to think he'll fight hard.
Steven is orginally from Opelousas, Louisana.
My blogger is acting up tonight. Anyone else having problems?
Hey Texans, I hope you all stay safe.
Are you affected?
I haven't watched the news yet tonight.
Rotweiller is good for Michelle. LOL
How about Keesha for the new Janelle? Well, not yet but I like her!
Keesha thinks everyone is a beotch when she doesn't get her way.
I'm not sure about Keesha. She's so defensive but maybe she has a reason...not stupid...again. She keeps playing the victim.
No blogger problems here.
My sons said Michelle looks like a drag queen. She said she gets along with guys better than she does girls...yeah, cause she used to be one!! haha
Damn! They should have gone with their first instinct! It would have been a perfect opportunity to get Libra out of the house.
I don't know what to think. The house is clearly divided into two camps...the Jessie camp and the Brian camp. Ironic that Brian is gone but the animosity remains. I'd like to see Jessie go next and then who will ally with whom?
I have decided I don't like Libra either! Hey, at least I waited a few weeks before I started my "kick 'em out" list!
I'm not sure yet, Zoetawny. I think its coming across in the editing but Keesha is more 'game-smart' than her pre-show interviews let on. I think she could go far if she sticks with Memphis. I'm hoping they pull Angie in with them.
That's my new dream team. + a little Renny thrown in there. :)
No problems with blogger here and we have had thunderstorms all afternoon. Tree fell in back of my house earlier but I think the storms are about over now.
Everyone in the hurricane's line please take precautions to be safe.
I kinda like Keesha and Steven and Rennie. I think Rennie could be a hoot if they would just chill.
Libra needs to take a lesson from Renny...lay low. ;)
Here we go...
OK now it's getting good...
They should of back doored Libra... idiots...
Becky, I don't know where you are. I know they said a lot of people in the Brownsville area weren't going to leave.
The storm is too far south for us to get any rain, in DFW but man my head feels the storm coming. We might get a stray storm Thursday or Friday.
WHOOO old pooper called Libra a beeeoch!
Good girl Keesha-- she got the target off her back... DANG!!!
Spoke too soon about Renny.
Renny and Jerry didn't lose the food comp for them they weren't running back and forth putting wine in the glasses
donna in AL said...
No problems with blogger here and we have had thunderstorms all afternoon. Tree fell in back of my house earlier but I think the storms are about over now.
I hope that tree wasn't on your property. Stay safe all!
Michelle is tough!
Libra is a pug!!!
Yep, Libra's sitting pretty because Michelle didn't use the POV. Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Man, can they put words in each others mouths and turn things around.
BOWWWWRRR Michelle act like a MAN.. err rotweiler, we know she doesn't chicken &^%$
PlaidChick said...
Renny and Jerry didn't lose the food comp for them they weren't running back and forth putting wine in the glasses
I think it was more April's fault because she didn't alert them when she tossed the corks. Libra is having a hard time being on slop.
The tree was on my property but it was in the "pasture" so no harm done.
Why oh why didn't Michelle use the veto??????
Zoetawny said...
I think it was more April's fault because she didn't alert them when she tossed the corks. Libra is having a hard time being on slop.
Dear Libra: Shut your pie hole, you lost 12 pounds already!
What is it with BB and bad storms with this group?? Didn't we go through this every live blog during the spring???! YIKES!
Someone needs to sneak Libra some chocolate.
Donna in AL said...
The tree was on my property but it was in the "pasture" so no harm done.
Why oh why didn't Michelle use the veto??????
Thank goodness the tree wasn't closer.
Michelle wants to be tight with Jessie so she wouldn't use the veto.
Slap that smirk off the pinhead's face...pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I can't wait to see one of Jessie's muscles explode!
This is the year of
"Do I look stupid?"
Plaidchick said: Becky, I don't know where you are. I know they said a lot of people in the Brownsville area weren't going to leave.
I am in Corpus Christi. We are supposed to get high wind and rain.
Michelle should have taken Dan off. Then they could have back doored Libra.
I don't care much for Dan either. Ah, my list groweth!
Dear Steven: Supposedly you're going to read everything on the internet about yourself once you get out of the house:
BURN the SMU hoodie. You can't wear a Longhorn hat AND SMU hoodie. At least you don't wear them at the same time.
I'm sure you live in the Bubble (HP or UP), in Uptown or the West Village, but noone from Dallas wears anything SMU related unless they're actual students on campus.
Joker's is saying the Hamsters will be on Craig Ferguson tonight
Catch you all later!
Thanks, Jackie, for keeping up. I'll be reading TVS later tonight.
Donna in AL said...
This is the year of
"Do I look stupid?"
Apparently so!
Becky said...
I am in Corpus Christi. We are supposed to get high wind and rain.
Most of the reports I have seen are from Padre. I don't think I would want to ride out the storm on the island...
I don't care much for Dan either. Ah, my list groweth!
Ya I was thinking I would like him pre-show, but ya my list grows too.
Delee - Read the post previous to this one -- I mentioned the Craig Ferguson bit but then Blogger went out of service for about 25 minutes.
I haven't read any of the comments here yet, but wanted to say a few things. These guys are DUMB. That license plate comp was fairly simple. Jessie, (who beats everyone at chess, which makes him smart) is an idiot. He couldn't remember three state names for the five seconds that he needed to repeat them. He may be HOH, but Michelle and Memphis are running this show right now. Dan says he was throwing the comp. Maybe. And maybe he's an idiot, too.
The slop pass thing wasn't a "team" thing except that they wanted Keesha to take it to get her out of the comp. She didn't bite. And then Michelle wins it by default because Keesha couldn't remember all three states.
I really doubt that Michelle has any real romantic interest in Jessie, though I'm sure that she wants him to think that she does. She'll want to keep him around to do her bidding, as necessary. The only one she doesn't really have any control over is Memphis. And I'll bet she's trying to figure out a way to do that.
She's not in a big hurry to get rid of Libra yet, because she needs her vote for awhile. Steven can win comps. He has to go. Period. Dan is kissing butt all over the place, (Portuguese Princess, PUL-eeeze!) so he's allowed to stay for awhile as he may be useful.
Michelle is the player to watch in this game unless someone grows a spine and gathers the numbers to cut Jessie, Michelle and even Memphis out of there.
Jerry, Renny, Ollie, April are followers who will vote the way they're expected to or face the others wrath. Dan lost his chance with Brian and turning his back on Steven has sealed his fate. He'd better follow the top three's lead or he's a goner. Libra's a wannabe leader without any real followers, mostly because of her own brashness towards just about everyone. I think Angie and Keesha both see where this is heading, but are feeling pretty helpless to do anything about it.
I really hope that this season isn't going to be as predictable as it's looking right now. But even if it is, I'll stick around just to see Pin Head get his.
I may catch a lot of flack for this, but Keesha looks less like Danielle to me now and more like Janelle, in her way... No one is Janie, but I'm not talking about her looks or outfit perse, but she is not the total bimbo type that I think her bio and interviews (complete with just out of bed messed hair) set her "character" up to be.
Monty , I wrote my comment about Keesha before I read any here and just saw yours. I think she is much smarter and it's a welcome relief.
I missed what happened to Jerry's voice. And stay safe there in Corpus. DOnna, did your tree fall down because of the bands around this storm we;re getting?
It rained like mad for about 15 minutes here in Houston and tonight as the sun was setting you could see the actual cloud band of the outer edges of the "hurricane" swirl, since this IS big sky out here.
If you do a google search on something called NOAA, then go to the hurricane center you can see all the reports you need to from where ever you are. It's a good place to bookmark whether you're in TX, FLA, LA, SC or wherever you have friends and family that are in the way of a tropical storm.
Here is the link right now:
You can also choose satellite from the sidebar on the left and in the middle of the page choose gulf of Mexico (or wherever you are) and IFR (infared loop) and you can see the actual storm's movement. This one is headed straight for Brownsville and you're right, Padre is right smack in the way.
I missed watching and blogging with everyone tonight. I played volleyball.
I just finished watching it.
Did anyone catch the poor editing on CBS' part. When Jessie and Memphis were in the storage, Memphis did not have his mustache, nor did he have it when he and Jessie were talking to Angie. Also at the POV meeting it was missing. He had it pretty much the rest of the time.
"Libra the liar" was doing what she does best, lie. She deserved everything she got from Jerry and Renny. I loved Renny giving Libra hell.
I don't trust Michelle. I watched he at work when the cat fight between April and Keesha took place. She tries to get involved and Keesha would have none of it and told her it did not involve her, so she should stay out of it. Of course Michelle kept on going. From that point on, I did not trust Michelle. I felt she just had to know things and was not sincere in any of her offerings.
IMO, Michelle blew a chance to get Libra out tonight. It will come back to bite a few of them down the line. They better hope she does not get HOH.
Keesha is standing her ground.
Angie and Memphis seem to be my favorites right now.
What was Libra eating during the arguement in the kitchen? I thought she was on slop, and noticed her biting into something. Anyone catch that?
They certainly blew a GOLDEN opportunity to backdoor Libra. I don't get Michelle's logic. Who the heck would she offend if she had the agreement of Jessie, since he was the HOH who made the original noms??
Who bugs me most?? Jessie, Libra, Michelle, April
Who do I like best?? Angie, Keesha, Memphis
Renny is growing on me, and she is playing smarter vs. harder now that she has toned it down a bit.
Jerry will cut his own throat if he is not careful with the creepy sex talk, but he seems harmless enough. I am touched by the fact that he and his wife understand that it will simply get more difficult from here, and he has his chance now to do something he wants to do by being on the show.
Ollie's parents must be devastated after SEX on camera the other night. I feel for them, and he will probably be mighty embarrased when he understands how the CAMERAS work. lol
I really want to see Angie and Keesha step it up, cuz I believe they both have g-a-m-e if they choose to use it!
Libra was eating a pickle.
Unless I blinked and missed it, I don't think Ollie was shown at all last night. If I had never seen the show before, I wouldn't know he was on it.
I thought the whole Jerry/Renny/Libra fight was blown all out of proportion. The way Jerry came storming into the room ranting would have put my back up too. Now I don't get the feeds, so I can only go by what I see on TV, but they showed Libra complaining several times about having the 2 old people on the team, but I never heard her say they were the reason they lost. She actually said something about Renny doing a good job.
Kudos to Keesha for taking the focus off herself so quickly. The sheep mentality seems to be alive and well in the BB house.
As far as Michelle using the veto to backdoor Libra, that would have been a foolish move on Michelle's part. Steven is a much bigger threat than Libra and who knows if they would have ever gotten another chance to get rid of him. She seems to be thinking of the bigger picture and not just who's annoying at the moment. She is one to watch.
I think Angie and Dan are still sitting ducks. One of them better win HOH.
Wow Rbennie, I thought I was alone on this but you agree with me on two subjects that it seems the rest don't.
Jerry/Renny/Libra..I totally thought Jerry was completely in the wrong. For starters, it's incredibly poor strategy to not only believe something that Renny & Keesha told you about a person they don't like...but to then storm into Libra's room and immediately start raging about it. Umm, newsflash Jerry...Renny totally set you up for that and you took the bait hook, line & sinker. Renny said she likes starting arguments and they're just making it soooo easy for her to do.
I also think Michelle did the right thing. RIGHT NOW everyone wants Libra out of the house, but we all know how fast things change. Let's assume Michelle took Dan off the block and put Libra up vs. Steven. Who's to say the house (which still doesn't like Steven) wouldn't still decide to vote him out. Memphis never seemed too thrilled with the idea of Libra over Steven, and Jessie would do whatever he said. So if they still vote Steven out, then Michelle has Libra, April & Ollie out to get her. It was of absolutely no benefit for Michelle to change the nominees and risk something going wrong. If Keesha and others want Libra out, let them win their own HOH and put her on the block. Don't do other people's dirty work for them and you'll make less enemies.
And so far on CBS I've only seen Keesha whine, double talk and back peddle. So I don't see the appeal yet that some of you other posters do. Are most of you feed watchers, maybe they show more favorable sides of her?
Feeds show a whole different picture of the House Guest. so, the answer to your question is, yes.
Libra is as bad as Jessie. She is so full of herself.
Thanks for the info on Keesha. If I get time I think I'll check out the CBS boards and see what they have to say about her...maybe I'm not getting the full picture. Although you do have to take everything on that site with a grain of salt...they tend to hate anything & everything.
Michelle was definitely not worried about any backlash from the others if Libra had been put up. Most agreed it would be good to get her out. Michelle wasn't having any of that. She kept the noms the way they were for one reason only. Steve is a strong competitor and SHE wanted him gone. Even Jessie wasn't going to change her mind. She knew exactly what she was doing. Libra has, so far, not been so great at the comps and the weaker players can be dealt with later. Michelle accomplished her mission. Steven is gone. Memphis and Jessie better watch out for her down the line. She needs to be "on their side" for now, but not for always. As has been said, Michelle is the one to watch. She is Alpha here.
Uh-oh Joy, I think maybe I have myself confused then. I thought I read somewhere that Libra, April, Ollie & Michelle were pretty tight. Are you saying that although Michelle pretends to stay tight with them that you think she's only loyal to herself and thus wouldn't let that supposed alliance affect her decision? Admittedly, I'm still having trouble figuring out the alliances and the sincerity of those involved.
Going along with your ideas on the veto decision...I do agree that Michelle made her decision based on what she thought was best for Michelle and strategy wise that's exactly what she should be focusing on. Too often houseguests are swayed into decision making by "popular opinion" rather than personal self-interest.
Caroline, yes, I believe whole-heartedly that Michelle is totally out for Michelle. I don't think, as Jackie does, that she has a crush on Mr. Wonderful, Jessie. I think she is totally using him. Giving him a pedicure is her way of schmoozing him, and wanting him to give her one (even though the suggestion went over the dimwit's head) was her way of feeling out whether he was crushing on her. Apparently, he's not, but doubt that will stop her. I don't think she even likes Libra and April, but she needs to "be tight" with them for their needed votes and they are weak competitors, and therefore, safe to keep around for awhile. Her real alliance, at the moment, is with Jessie. Memphis, and, I'm sure, against her plans, now Angie. She's not worried about Jerry or Renny. But in the future, she will have to work on getting Jessie, Memphis and independent thinking Angie out of there. They are now her biggest competition, comps wise. She may align with throw-away Dan, but more likely, I think Angie is her next target and that will be tricky for her after what Memphis just did. (bringing her into their alliance) I don't like Michelle, but I think she's playing an excellent game.
LOL Joy, you could out strategize any of these houseguests any day with that kind of analysis. Ok, so Michelle's one to keep an eye on. Maybe the game play will kick up a notch here and we'll get some interesting sub-alliances going on.
Hope so.
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