The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs -- please forgive typos and possible errors. Also, all folks are welcome in the comments area. A full review/recap of the show will be posted later tonight on TV Squad.
Recap, recap. Dan's offer to Jessie to protect him if he wins HOH. Veto comp ... we're getting there. Dan wants to continue his weak persona to stay in the house. Jerry/Libra fighte. Renny/Libra fight. Steven working against Libra. Recap, recap.
I'm still not used to an audience. Not too thrilled with Julie's orange pansuit, either. The ghost of Brian lingers on, she says. More recap -- Michelle is not using the veto again. Dan is smug with the way he's played. Steven is sad. Keesha has to keep her word to Libra, Ollie, and April but isn't thrilled about it. Libra wants the floaters out -- Steven this week, Jerry or Dan next.
Steven is almost teary talking to Dan. Aww. Dan didn't look too sad. Now Steven talks to blonds, and Libra ... and Ollie. They tell him they have nothing against him. Ollie draws the line back to Brian. Steven is bringing up he voted with the house. They're telling him he's the better competitor. Libra isn't saying anything. Steven is almost begging. Now the show is editing it to look like he has a chance. ;-)
Keesha, Libra, April, and Ollie think Angie is haning with Memphis too much and that alliance will try to pick them off one by one. Should they grab a floater? Dan approaches Jessie and Michelle . Michelle told him he has her vote. Jessie tells him he's not the target.
It makes Angie's skin crawl to be nice to April and Libra. Memphis doesn't want to throw a red flag up about their alliance. Angie thinks the closer they keep Dan to them, the better. Libra and Keesha are talking abut the two alliance couples -- Angie and Memphis, Michelle and Jessie. Keesha thinks Steven would be loyal to them. If they do ... "It'll be instantly [bleeping] crazy in here!" comes from Libra.
Julie questions the HG
1. The fact you and Renny were on the same team in the food comp. Do your housemates respect you as a competitotr? He does. I earned it and they owed it to me.
2. To Libra -- Does age make a difference in the game? She thinks it should be even. Slop for two weeks is no fun.
3. Love in the air? April, what about Ollie first attracted you to him? Ollie great guy, easy to talk to, conversational level. @@
$. Ollie question from audience -- Showmance - What would your Dad say? Doesn't think he'd have a problem with someone to hang around with ... just as long as he doesn't disrespect women.
Renny family segment. She has a son named Sparky. They're prouud of her. Sparky thinks Jessie acts like a punk.
Jessie's family -- He was a runt and picked on. His mother thinks he's lovable. His mother thinks Renny exploited him. Good editing between the family shots. Even Jessie's mother agrees he lets power go to his head.
Argh. Storms here, my power flickered and I had to reboot. Good thing I'm recording for the TVS article reference. Usually I just use this live blog for reference. Interesting speech by Steven.
Voting has started. These are votes to evict
Michelle - Steven
Memphis -Steven
Angie - Steven
Jerry -Steven
Libra - Steven
April - Steven
Ollie - Steven
Renny - Steven
Keesha - Steven
It's unanimous, Steven is evicted
He walks out to the live audience and everyone is hugging Keesha. Which is more difficult, riding the bull or the game? The game. Stressing you out a lot, hard to be apart from friends and family. Goodbye messages -- Keesha, loves him to death, so sorry. Angie apologizes to him. Renny says he's a beautiful young man, magic. Jessie talks about physique. Dan smiles, opened his eyes to gay people, doesn't think of him as Gay Steven.
Aliens in the mirrors ... supposedly prep for the HOH comp. I love Renny's reaction best.Memphis leaned in the mirror and Angie pushed his butt. He jumped a miles. Things are disappearing in the house.
Comp time - Alien Abduction - two at a time face off on the podium and answer questions about missing things. They have rooms for answers or not missing. Winner of round picks next two players.
April and Dan. Not a life form in the universe two plastic cupcakes/kitchen Dan wins
Renny and Libra - Renny out
Memphis and Angie - Angie out.
Ollie and Jerry - Jerry out
Michelle and Keesha - Michelle out
Libra and Dan - Dan out
Memphis and Keesha - Memphis out
Ollie and Libra - Ollie out
Keesha and Libra last two - KEESHA IS HOH!
More audience questions -
Libra? Slop for a third straight week? Lost 12 pounds.
Dan is too confident. Hope he goes home for that.
poor Steven is an innocent -- talking to Dan like that, confessing from his heart that he doesn't want to campaign against him, yet Dan -- not a man guy -- is plotting Steven's demise.
Why shouldn't he campaign? Why does that make him look desperate?
I don't understand why, if Steven is the most well liked of the two, the whole house is going to oust him.
Why say he's the biggest physical threat? Jessie is more physical than anyone.
Now who's "looking desperate" (as Dan said about Steven in the DR)? Dan sure is when he's in HOH asking about Melissa and Jessie's word.
My, my, are the dimmer wits going to stand up and DO something? Ollie, April, Keesha and Libra are thinking for themselves. Maybe.
OMG!! I just realized who Michelle reminds me of: Magenta! Right? Rocky Horror Picture Show? yes?
Hi e'one! Hope all is well with all.
I like Dan, have from day one. Hope he stays.
Hey, I hope Dan goes home too...
This is AnybodybutHillary...I'm gonna wait a while before I change my name....
The "battle between Jessie & Renny"? She made noise one night. Geesh, Julie. Pick a better battle to fry.
Petals, my older son agrees. I don't really know who you're talking about. He is getting a good visual of Magenta and saying OMG, yeah.
I'm ready....I've got my dinner, water, and the phone by the computer time to jump over to the EC feeds!!!! Check in at commercials....
Anyone!! I miss you!! Hi! oxoxoxoxox
Do you hate Dan just cuz I love him? You should change your blog name to: AnyonebutwhoPetalslikes. hahahahhahaha
My son is actually popping in the DVD to show me!! ha ha
Sydney said...
I don't understand why, if Steven is the most well liked of the two, the whole house is going to oust him.
Because Steven was closer to Brian and cast the lone vote, and they all hated Brian.. which is a stupid reason to get rid of someone if you think about it.
Geez, she even sounds like her too!!
Donna - your son is right. He can tell you where/how to pull up any clip from the movie to show you Magenta. She is SOOO Michelle, it's eerie.
Let's do the time warp again!
Ollie can't even look in the camera, can we call him a man whore?
Dan actually cast the lone vote for Brian.
hahaha...OMG...yeah, Petals....I just might do that....LOL
AnyonebutHillary (I can't remember my password to login...)
Donna - that is sooo cool that your son has the DVD that handy. You raised him right! haha
But she is a dead ringer, right?
Hey Jackie/Syd - Does Will get a $$ every time someone uses the term "showmance"?
Ollie, what are you thinking?
Anybody, don't clam-up. I'll leave you alone...
ROFLMAO on the Michelle aka Magenta... look it up on google images
Renny is definitely loved by her family.
Jessie IS a punk.
Jessie - Napoleonic Complex
OK, now we know why Jessie is obsessed with his body...inferiority complex as a small child. Of course, his mom and family are in denial.
Goodness? Jessie? Haven't seen it. Jessie is an meglomaniac. Jessie loves Jessie. Period.
I'm sure Renny would like to whack Jessie upside the head. LOL She's maintaining good control with him.
OK, Julie's outfit -- This is TV, so the bright color is passable and it is actually nice with her skin tone. And I like the cleaner silhouettes she's worn so far this season. How she dressed in many seasons past didn't show off her figure as well as they are this time around.
It's definitely an improvement, but it's still just wrong, JMHO.
I keep wondering, WHERE ARE ARE THESE CLOTHES COMING FROM???? In my mind I go through every store and showroom I used to go to to dress my clients in and wonder WTF? This is the president of CBS's wife, they have to have the budget, they should be able to dress her right! Oh, let me at her for just a week!!!
I don't get why the entire house is wanting to evict Steven either, other than fear of "disrespecting" the pinhead.
Jesse's mama makes excuses for his attitude and turns it around to be Renny's fault.
Jeesie's mom compared her son to Arnold?!?!? People seem to forget that Arnold is a very smart man who was a millionaire before he went into acting. Top that Jessie.
ahhh, so he has a napoleon complex, lol
Speak your mind...short conversation...
Petals - TOTALLY MAGENTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For anyone that hasn't seen Magenta/Michelle:
Mrs. Chen again.... duhhhhh
Does Jessie ever hear what someone says to him the FIRST time? HUH?
PlaidChick said...
Ollie can't even look in the camera, can we call him a man whore?
7/23/2008 8:19 PM
He's afraid to lock eyes with his preacher father watching the show. ;)
WHOA! Steven!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Way to go Steven.
God, had to ended with "bitches"? So gay! Really...
Syd - send your resume' to Julie!!!
Julie seems a lot less stiff these days. What would we call her if not Chen bot? Shall we do a little contest during commercials?
Chen ____ ? What's a word for no-loner-robotic?
Ummm can someone explain to me why he said to suck it?
Petals said...
For anyone that hasn't seen Magenta/Michelle:
Thanks! I'll check it out later, maybe I can make a graphic.
Chen ____ ? What's a word for no-loner-robotic?
that outfit is hidious
I guess until she loosens up her arms and drops the strategic hold on the white cards, and slouches a little when she sits, and gets up and sits down in a little more relaxed (yet still poised) way, maybe she will remain Bot-like.
Well, that was a good speech from Steven, original. Make them all sorry to get rid of the fun guy.
Geesh - Plaid, no clue. He really let his true self out there, I think. No one was mean to him... it is just so...QAF.
Sydney said...
Julie seems a lot less stiff these days. What would we call her if not Chen bot? Shall we do a little contest during commercials?
Chen ____ ? What's a word for no-loner-robotic?
7/23/2008 8:30 PM
How about Chen-noodle?
Yes Brent, I agree on the Arnold reference. No comparison at all in any way shape or form. Jessies mom is living in a 'not-reality' world.
Sydney said...
"Julie seems a lot less stiff these days."
...That's probably due to excellent job security.
Ollie needs to get a clue--no parent is happy watching their child have sex on TV(and last night they didn't even try to hide it)!
Steven is quite the comic, but I still think he's gone.
Petals - no, it would take more drastic measures. I'll just show up in her town car, put a hood on her, and drag her in to classy Calvin Klein (even Gucci)! She'll thank me later.
Zoe - go for the graphic. You won't have to do much - Michelle is like a Magenta twin.
Hey - maybe Jessie is her Rocky!? (not Balboa, Rocky the "monster" from the movie) LMAO!!!!
Sydney said...
Petals - no, it would take more drastic measures. I'll just show up in her town car, put a hood on her, and drag her in to classy Calvin Klein (even Gucci)! She'll thank me later.
7/23/2008 8:34 PM
Can I come, too? LOL
Petals said...
Geesh - Plaid, no clue. He really let his true self out there, I think. No one was mean to him... it is just so...QAF
Yep very much Emmitt...
Is Libra trying to look OmaRosa???
Keesha!!!!!!!!!! Not loyal to Steven!
^5 Syd.
A thought - my mom thinks the Chen is preggers...?
I mentioned this before but is anyone with me... Keesha looks less like Danielle to me and more Janelleish to me
Guess the dimmer wits couldn't think for themselves, after all. The widdle lambs, awwww!
Plaid - kisses for knowing Emmitt!!! You rock. And I have a crush on Brian (he's straight in real life...mmmmm)
ABH?? You lurking?
Julie's shoes are hot though
Keesha loves him but couldn't give him a vote?
Syd - I love Janey too much to share her crown. But yeah, Keesha has a brain, which Danielle did not.
OMG it's ALWAYS about Jessie isn't it??????? This kid has a big problem he's going to have to deal with in his life
BARF! Jessie's an example for Jessie?????????? Will his ego never stop?
BARF! Jessie's an example for Jessie?????????? Will his ego never stop?
My lord, can you believe Jessie's speech there? I'm gagging as I type.
Was it just me or did Jessi's goodby message sounded like it was ALL ABOUT JESSI???
I loved Emmitt, he was a great queen!!
I have no idea why two posted? Sorry!
A touch of color in Julie's blush or lipstick would help.
Ok I will stop now.
Well, Jessie once again opens his mouth and inserts a foot. Okay... I have to get on the road here so I'll say goodbye for now.
I couldn't help myself, LOL. Now I have to see who wins HOH so I don't drive two hours wondering, lol. Peace all.
Jessie talks about Jessie as much as about Steven - big fat hairy surprise.
I really don't like Jessie--what a jerk! Turning his good-bye message to be all about him!!
Who was the person that taught Jessie the word "physique"? Shoot them. It peppers his every sentence.
OMG!!! Did someone mention JANELLE?!??! OMG....UGGGGGG
Petals said...
Plaid - kisses for knowing Emmitt!!! You rock. And I have a crush on Brian (he's straight in real life...mmmmm)
Hey he's the gay guy everyone wanted as a friend!
Ya Keesha is looking less and less Daniel-isk to me too.. April on the other hand is just looking more and more ugly, I bet her hair glows in the dark :P
Oh and Dan still hasn't gotten the word that it's Mrs. Moonves, not Mrs. Chen. Moron.
Whoever wins HOH HAS to get Jessie out of there!!!!!! He's got them all convinced that he's got the power. Who has the clout to get rid of him? Just thought of...Renny. OMG! I hope she wins HOH.
g'nite Monty!
Just kidding...I'm over Janelle....hahaha...I just couldn't let it go by...hahaha
Everyone do the QAF dance for Steven
An alien looking at his...physique!
Renny and the alien were very funny!
Sydney said...
A touch of color in Julie's blush or lipstick would help.
Ok I will stop now.
ROTFLMAO! Luv U Sydney!!!!!!
I wish an alien would abduct Jessie and NOT return him.
Wow - the alien has actually accomplished the impossible: His head is bigger than Jessie's!!!!
I'm not seeing Julie preggers
YES bye April!!!
go Renny, go Keesha
Go Angie too. even if you are aligned with Jessie
Shoot! Renny's out.
Me niether on preggers -- she actually looks slimmer than I've ever seen here, wearing skin tight outfits this season every time the show's live.
Yeah, but you know now that me and the alien have worked out...he knows that is possible...he knows where he wants his physique to go and now he has the skills....etc....LOL....
Jessie it too funny....
Go keesha
look at michelle's foot running a mile a minute!! THe OTHER side has it and she doesn't like it
WOoo. I can't believe it!
Gee, the other side is all excited huh
Look out April!
Libra or Keesha? OMG! It's Keesha. Fantastic! HOH!
Little miss Libra thought she had it...
OK this will be a fun week
Jessie will miss his private mirror time.
ABH - Are you a Jessie fan? Come on, I know you must like Dan.
I wonder who'll "break on through, to the other side, break on through, to the other side" first?
Hey Petals..
I don't like Jessie or Dan. I really haven't found anyone I REALLY like yet.
How BIG of Dan! Wonder if Steven thinks of him as Bigot Dan?
And Jessie..... can't that boy discuss anything but body? And how good it looks?
I hope they get rid of Dan the Rotty or especially Jessie.
WTG Keesha. I like her more and more and April less and less.
Yeah, Keesha!! You think she will put up Jesse and Michelle?
I've been reading for years, never left a comment, but Jessie's egotictical goodbye message brought me to the computer. Is he REALLY that full of himself??
Please let Keesha be smart enough to give him the bounce
PlaidChick said...
I'm not seeing Julie preggers
7/23/2008 8:48 PM
Hmmmmm? I've thought that Julie looked like she gained a few pounds...or her clothes were just a little too tight. Slim fitting is good on Julie but not when the skirt/dress shows those ripples/wrinkles just below the tummy area.
I'll bet Michelle is doing some vicious swearing under her breath. Jessie! Oh, Jessie! Your reign is pfft! Stay safe. Go look in a mirror for the next week.
Gurl, Libra and April suckin up already.
Is April going to kiss up to Keesha now? hahaha!
ah....another show is over.
ABH - what've you been up to??
ok, Keesha hates April, Jessie....she has been mad at most of them.
If she is smart she wont let Libra or anyone else tell ehr what to do.
I say put up Jessie and Libra...really shake 'em all up!
How many times do we have to hear about that 12 pounds Libra lost?
Yeah!!! Keesha rocks!!!
Sydney, I completely agree about the Janelle vs. Dani reference. She does not remind me of Dani at all, and that is a good thing. :)
Let's see some G-A-M-E this week!
Too bad they didn't backdoor Libra this week, as Keesha would have had a strong ally in Steven...
PS: Welcome Jennifer! I completely agree about Jessie. Unbelievably ridiculous! Ugh.
Julie preggers? Split decision in my mind. If there was a baby bump in the outfit tonight I`m not seeing it. On the other hand the outfit she was in last week left a little question in my mind. At 38 her biological clock is ticking. On the other hand Moonves, who is almost 20 years older than she is, already has two kids from his first marriage, so he may not want a new baby at his age.
Sydney, what is your take on what Julie wore last night on Craig? The red dress or whatever you call it. I am not into fashion and usually don't notice Julie's outfit anyway. I pay more attention now that I know what your job was and because of the comments here.
Good point Brent.
I just HAVE to say.....Not everyone likes a body like Jesse's and those HORRIBLE shirts he wears.I want to gag everytime I see him. His attitude does not help any either!!
I hope he goes...sooner the better!
Plaid --I actually thought she looked great on Fergason last night-- easy breezy, sexy, slim and not robotic at all. She could walk across the stage and not do it certain that she maintained the hip slimming 3/4 angle. She sat down like a person, not like she had a stick up her hoo ha. She laughed, etc... and the dress flowed, was pretty, femminine. I thought, if this is the real Julie, I like her.
woops -- Sorry Donna in AL -- it was you who I was answering there!!!!
Like I said, I don't pay much attention to fashion but that caught my eye and I did like it. I would like to see her hair done some other way. I notice the way she sat and held her head when she was looking at Craig, you could not see her right eye. Her hair comes to far over her face at that angle.
Help please. What did Steven say in his speech? Particularly after the Digiorno joke and before Julie said WOW! I missed it. Anyone?
Ok I am confused. Libra is on slop but one clip we saw her eating a pickle. Is a pickle considered slop?
Syd I totally think Keesha looks like Danielle, not so much Janey to me but definitely Keesha, I personally was not a Danielle fan so not diggin Keesha that much so far.
Sydney- I think we can call Julie "Chen Chili."
By the looks of it, I missed a great group to blog with.
I hope Jessie is the next to go, he is very painful to watch! I am sick of his body and his pin head, I bet if a balloon was afloat in the house and it landed by him, he could pop it with his head.
I know lame joke, but I have just had it with him. Why didnt Jerry have on any Military gear last night? ANd Rennie reminds me of Ashton Kutcher
Not all healty, well adjusted women NEED to have babies. 38 yo clock or just not maturnal (me certainly, and perhaps others here) just don't feel the need to procreate.
Anon 9:53,
OMG! Any shirt is better than no shirt! Jessie's good-bye to Steven... all about Jessie! go figure. hehehhe
Good tidings to Meb, wishing you a speedy recovery.
Jackie, best blog on the net, bar none.
Hugs and Prayers to MEB, may this be a beautiful day for you
Suck it bitches is what Kathy Griffiths says a lot in her shows on Bravo. I don't know if it's a gay thing or not although she is really popular with the gay community according to the show. I like her too. I think she's hilarious.
Renny was truly beautiful when she was younger and I don't know what kind of makeup she was wearing tonight but she looked really good for her age.
I like Keesha too. She doesn't remind me at all of Dani mainly because she doesn't whine every time she opens her mouth. That's a good thing.
I wish Stephen could have stayed. I liked him.
I'll be glad when Jesse goes. Cannot...Cannot stand his sorry butt. I hope Keesha goes after the other alliance of Jesse, Michelle, Memphis and Angie mainly because it will keep her in the game longer. Libra will of course try to convince her to go after Angie because she doesn't like her. maybe Keesha can go over to the Memphis side now that Stephen is gone or start an alliance with Devious Dan and start picking everyone off one by one and they will backdoor either Jesse or Libra. Either one of them can go for all I care and the sooner the better on both of them. Sorry I'm rambling.
Love that Renny nicknamed her kid Sparky unless that's his real name. Nah. No one would actually do that to their kid would they?
ANON 12:44 When on slop, you can eat condiments -- honey, salsa, pickles, mustard, ketchup, sugar, cinnamon, etc... to help flavor the slop. So the last few seasons we've seen ppl on slop eating pickles. Wonder if they could eat olives too?
SWINGTOWN is moving to Friday night. What does that mean? They are trying to get more viewers with a critically acclaimed show or they want to get it canceled, like when they moved FNL around three times.
My god, I'm amazed folks are discussing whether Julie Chen looks pregnant!
She's wearing skintight clothing-- might be too tight and therefore pulling at the seams, but the BODY it's wrapped around is super slim, no swelling chest, no baby bump!
She has never looked thinner or more fit, imho
ANON 11:32 -- wondering if you can find Steven's exit speech, which was really quite amusing and original, on utube?
Sydney - I transcribed Steven's speech in my review on TV Squad.
Even better Jackie -- I have been behind all season so I hadn't yet read it, but I'm headed there NOW! I wanted to see it in black in white so thanks for all that work!
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