The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs -- please forgive typos and possible errors. Also, all folks are welcome in the comments area. We're in recaps and the Memphis/Jerry fight is to be aired!
Day 17 - Angie expectedto be nominated. Jessie thinks Keesha disrespected him by nominating him. Memphis thinks Keesha made two new enemies. April and Libra tell Kessha she gave good nominations reasons.
Jessie is sure Libra is orchestrating everything -- he'll just win POV and change everything. He warns Michelle that Keesha will probably put her up when he wins POV. Heh, Jerry tells Dan that Jessie is just a bartender and a womanizer.
Jessie goes to HOH and tells Keesha there's no hard feelings. Jessie tells her that Libra is working everybody and that Steven on the block was due to Libra. Libra and April try to go in, but are told to go away. Jessie tells Keesha that Libra is scared. He tells her she can backdoor Libra if he or Angie wins POV. She's acting like she's believing him.
He leaves, April and Libra enter. Jessie goes to Michelle and tells her Libra is gone if they win. (Not quite what Keesha said!)
Time to pick POV players - Jessie doesn't care, no one really is a threat to him, physically or mentally. @@
Keesha picks Libra out of the bag, Angie gets Ollie, Jessie gets ...pause... Memphis. Dan is selected as host. Everyone had to get in green long john type costumes with flower hats. Plant themselves in their flower boxes, put head on headrest. One hour mark without going over wins. Lifting head from headrest lights a light/buzzer. Garden of Veto. Kinda like Chinese water torture.
The water is cold. Angie likens it to a brain freeze from a Slushie. Compost and earthworms are offered -- added thanks to Jerry suggesting the worms, that's what they get. "What's compost?" asks Ollie.
Keesha couldn't take the worms and left the game. Ollie and Libra are the only ones left from that alliance. Jessie makes Libra admit that she wanted Steven on the block. At about 44 minutes, compost is added. Smells like vomit.
Libra thinks it's near an hour, she gets up. Ollie stays for five minutes more to cover bases. Jessie is out. Jessie is still at Libra over the Steven thing. Angie is out, Ollie is out, Memphis is out.
Keesha wins -- everyone else went over an hour by at least fifteen minutes.
Jessie is now telling Angie that she should push for a backdoor Libra. Angie knows Keesha is targeting her. Angie says she has no personal issues and thinks they have a connection because they were both friends with Steven. Angie tells her she'd rather if Keesha use the veto, use it on Jessie, put up Libra. She doesn't think she can stay another week with Libra.
Keesha tells April that Libra has a target on her. Ollie joins them, agrees with them about Libra. Ollie doesn't trust her. Keesha tells the DR that she might have to cut Libra loose, but she's given her her word.
Now Jessie wants to talk to Keesha again. He tells her he wants her to use it on him. She tells him he has no worries. He gets all upset -- cheeks redden and everything. He goes on yet another anti-Libra rant. She tells him she gave her word and can't break it."I'm in jail. I'm in jail for the wrong reasons. I can't sleep. Falsely accused." He's begging now. She tells him she's listening, but she gave Libra her word.
We get to choose America's Player for one week. Target for noms, vote out of house. The HG we vote for could refuse to accept. The HG chosen gets 20 grand.
Jessie thinks he gave Keesha all the answers to everything. Keesha tells Renny Jessie is constantly at the door. He can't sleep, he can't eat. He goes at them about keeping Libra in the house. Dan, April, and Renny roll their eyes. Keesha tells Libra about him. Jerry joins Libra, April, and Keesha.
Jerry tells her to tell him the room is closed. She tells Michelle she won't go back on her word to Libra, then it's to Memphis and Angie. To Jessie who's outside of her HOH room. (I caught this part on video the other day.) Aw, they cut it and don't show the Jerry/Jessie fight.
A banner flies over and they couldn't read it before being put inside. They decide to make up something. -- Memphis, Angie, Jessie, Michelle. They said it said "Keesh, Libra is a liar, love Steven." Libra is doubtful. Memphis says everyone is out to get everyone. He never wanted anyone out but Jerry. He called him a womanizer ... he starts screaming at Jerry. Jerry is just sitting there. They cut Memphis telling he'd shove Jerry's head down his throat, but kept the essence of the fight.
Veto meeting time. Keesha says everybody is driving her insane. Her mind is made up and no one can change it. Jessie thinks Keesha is in a wrong mindset if she keeps him on the block. @@
Angie: Very tough week for you, Keesha. Regreted some of the decisions I've made, but true to myself.
Jessie: He talks about his parents and family, justified actions, if I threw everybody under the bus, they did it to me for nominating me. You can make it right.
She chose not to use the veto.
Libra says she owes Keesha. Jessie thinks they're all liars "you hose me, then you hose me again." He says if they don't vote him out, it will be their biggest mistake. Angie hopes Jessie does himself in.
Yeah...BB is ONNN!!!!!!!!
I really hope Keeshia isn't stupid enough to believe this crap!
I'm not home, but I got to a computer and a TV to watch the show..
I'm at my parents house, today is my Mom's b-day, no my Mom is not Renny
Phrase of the season really is "I'm not stupid"
Keesha, I think you are pretty but I have one word for your make up -- BLEND!
Soften eye liner, do away with the 70's racer stripe blush (i know , I lived thru those times)use lipstick that's not frosted and has a rosy or apricot color.
Speaking of 70's - What's with Memphis's choice of sunglasses? He must have lifted them from the costume dept from Boogie Nights, lol.
OK, I'm done, thanks for tolerating my style rant.
Jessme looks like the motivational speaker that Chris Farley played on SNL...
I live in a van down by the river
Someone hit him, please, I know you'll hurt a fist, but I'll give you $1,000 bucks to knock him out cold
Ohh the poor Lost Boys sequal the Corey Haim wanted to do so bad never made it to the big screen... wow....
All this wasted energy when Keesha is set on getting Angie out, no matter what anyone says or does.
loose the knit hat Angie.
Oops, I said I was done. I take it back.
plaid-my youngest son is having a b'd today also. Just a babe 23
This VETO is going to Rock, knowing who ends up winning..
JessME in that flower outfit is priceless.
Petals -- Where are YOU!?!?
patty, that's how old my youngest stepson is too. just turned 23 July 9!
I would have count this out.
The old CHinese water torture? Keesha looks so uncomfortable.
That's one way to get brain freeze
Worms -- a little fear factor put in..
Michelle said I'm sorry guys, when pouring in worms -- NOT.
They are put way at people's feel, and their upper bodies are sitting way up away from any dirt.
whaaaat?? Keesha is out? I thought she won Veto
Sydney said...
loose the knit hat Angie.
Oops, I said I was done. I take it back.
But but Sydney.. it's for the almighty BRIAN... BOW TO HIM.. the FIRST EVICTED
Wasn't this "game" they're playing once used as a torture tactic????
I want to say I saw this on Myth Busters, but the water may of been more of a drip
"Anything without legs and moves is cursed" Ollie is scared!
Shoot! I swallowed my dinner and now no feeds. Oh, there they're coming back now...
At least they did not empty them on their heads!
Jessie calling out Libra!
It looks like honey dripping on their faces.
I thought Keesha won???????
Keesha probably won because everyone went over
Someone should teach Jessme what the word "respect" means. He shows no respect for anyone.
Feeds out again...:(
Plaid -- it is a water drip drip drip
Why is Jessie out? I must have missed that this is a two part veto?
LOL on the make-up.
Sydney, Don't you know you can do or say anything you want and then ask for forgiveness later?
Keep the comments coming!
By the way, I totally agree about Keesha's makeup ... She could tone all that down and be pretty instead of hard looking. Oh wait, do they even use that expression anymore?
That's flipping funny if they all went over the hour time limit, and Keesha wins by default
Oh my, first one out after only 21 minutes and she wins. ha ha
PlaidChick said...
Phrase of the season really is "I'm not stupid"
7/29/2008 9:09 PM
Exactly! But, don't forget "respect". Aretha Franklin should be singing it every time Jessme opens his mouth.
I want to give a MEB report but I fear it will get lost in here....
Laurie said...
She could tone all that down and be pretty instead of hard looking. Oh wait, do they even use that expression anymore?
What did Chelsia say about being rode hard?
The east coast feeds are down. :(
Laurie said...
She could tone all that down and be pretty instead of hard looking. Oh wait, do they even use that expression anymore?
What did Chelsia say about being rode hard?
Whew...glad Jessie didn't win....
Is Meb all right?
PlaidChick said...
Jessme looks like the motivational speaker that Chris Farley played on SNL...
I live in a van down by the river
7/29/2008 9:12 PM
OMG! You are too funny! I can't wait to see it now.
Don't believe anybody who's on the block....period....why is this hard?
Who would of THUNK Keesha would win it with her time?
Sydney-eight friends took a road trip to Nebraska to go celebrate with my son. I hope I don't need to get a second job..LOL!
you said Keesha couldnot take the worms and left the did she win.
Why does Keesha look "hard" to me even without the eye liner? I've been trying to figure it out. Do you think she's had a nose job? It looks rather pinched if you KWIM.
Zoetawny said...
PlaidChick said...
Jessme looks like the motivational speaker that Chris Farley played on SNL...
Seriously he was in the HOH with Keesha and he takes a knee like a football player waving his hands, giving his talk too funny
well, I'm fading on the Keesha is smart path that I was hanging my hat on.
Hey room! ( *sultry voice* Hey ABH)
Time to pick POV players - Jessie doesn't care, no one really is a threat to him, physically or mentally. @@
I'll join you on that -- @@@@
On this being a boring group, I would rather have boring than porno like last year.
RUT ROH.. here he goes again!
Plaid - you are SO turning me on with that pic. LMAO!
Sydney, add it to the last post and let everyone know it's there. Hope it's good news.
If I was Keesha I would tell Libra straight up that we made a promise but she better watch her mouth, as she is digging a bigger hole for herself. Then Libra will not be able to blame anyone but herself if she walks.
I thought Angie was sincere.
Ok...yeah, I'm gonna reduce my numbers by 1. That's a smart plan. I'm gonna let the other side see how weak we are...
Jessie is awesome. He needs to go. He's a liar! I don't like Libra, but I like Jessie LESS.
awww....he lost 6 pounds of worry..
Wow, does Jessie actually have game? I am not watching the feeds, but in the show he is saying all the right sh*t.... It seems to be working....
Ok, wait, I take that back. His "I'm in jail I'm losing weight" speech just tipped it over the edge.
OMG - He's losing weight - as he speaks! AUUGGHHH!! No, not weight!
ABH -- who do you think should be American's playah?
Keesha has a lot more patience listening to Jessie babble on and on than I would! What an immature, self-centered fool!
OMG I'VE LOST weight
Hey JESSME No frikkin way you lost 12 pounds in 2 days... I've been on every kind of diet my entire life
WHAT WHAT WHAT!!! NO TWISTS And here it is.. America's Player is back
Dan may actually be a kewl AP... I do still have my initial love of Dan thing going...
awesome=awful brain works faster than my fingers.
DO we give it to Renny so she has to step up?
DO we go with Ollie to be amused with what he does with it?
I would go with Dan because he has some skill but I don't know...
wouldn't it be funny to pick Michelle and make her get Jessme out??
Petals said...
Plaid - you are SO turning me on with that pic. LMAO!
Please seek a bottle of Xanax and get back to me :)
Jesse loses weight when he has anything heavy on his MIND... too much of a workout.
anybody-don't trust anyone period.
It's just like politics.
Loved your post!
Dan wouldn't be a bad AP
But I think Libra AP would be interesting too...They don't like her already...and if we start getting some weird votes....hmmmm
Or Ollie...send the worms on him...
Well, no feeds to watch with you all. :(
Who does everyone want as AP? I haven't checked out the CBS site yet so wondering what the perks will be for whoever is chosen.
I want Renny!!! Why are they bringing this back? I did not care for it the first time!
Zoe -- Meb is alright, just think the report will get lost her. Will post it after the show and again on the next new post so it doesn't get lost
She looks hard due to the wrong hair color for her skintone but the right make up and blending could make a huge difference.
Wait I take it back-- the only way he has lost that kind of weight is projectile vomit and diarrhea
Actually he makes me throw up in my mouth a little
The part you don't get is GET OUT...she shouldn't have answered.
I would tell Jessie that he can't just barge into my room and go wild like that.
Then I'd be up for eviction the next week
AP is for ONE week only.
that actually WAS great for Libra to walk away from Jessie and not let him engage
Plus $20,000 to do the AP
*popping a Xanax* Ahhh...
So since Jesse is a NATURAL bwhen Jesse blows-up, it's rodybuilder, when he gets roid-rage, it's HEMOR-RHOID rage? haha
do we really think Steven spent $500 on that banner? I think it's CBS.
There is no way that banner said anything about Libra
Is Memphis telling the truth??
Keeshia will be an idiot if she believes this.
ABH - where's the luv?
woah, now Jerry wants "Respect"
Good argument Memphis saying Jerry you are married and are all over the girls? Good point.
Jerry is so cool. Love him.
Oh, I hope JessMe angered Keeshia enough to make her tell the group to vote him out.
WTF was that??? I would of called his ass a womanizer again...
zoe-I haven't been able to get the EC for the whole 'bout you?
Must be devine intervention telling me I should be fixing dinner!!
I'm not crazy about Jerry, but Memphis is crazy...
Between Memphis and Jessie, that side of the house is CRAZY!!!
I think Memphis might have ruined it for his side...
I'm thinking Dan for AP because he has some strategy going on in his head.
That was a little much, Memphis. Jerry should keep his mouth shut, but talk about over-reacting. Sheesh!
SALLY -- I thought the same thing-- Keesha was really patient with JessME going off for the millionth time.
Nana in the NW said...
zoe-I haven't been able to get the EC for the whole 'bout you?
Must be devine intervention telling me I should be fixing dinner!!
7/29/2008 9:50 PM
Me too, but they just came back on. I rushed dinner just so I could join in and no feeds for the last 50 minutes. LOL
Jerry was way out of line. He does not know who Memphis is in the real world. Just because Jerry does not feel his career is of value, does not give him the right to label others. It takes all kins to make the world go round!!!
Jerry just lost a lot of my respect for him.
My mother and father taught us not to judge a book by it cover.
I need a time out. I'm mad just watching that.
Keesha -- STOP making the scrumched up faces!!
My mama taught me not to yell like a mad man.
Sydney said...
do we really think Steven spent $500 on that banner? I think it's CBS.
7/29/2008 9:46 PM
Maybe the banner had nothing to do with BB or CBS. LOL
Keesha reminds me of Jessica Simpson now-- not that that's a good thing... no one can stand her in Cowboy land, but she irked me before she went after errr her dad went after Romo
oh BRAVO genius JessME, stellar speech!
Jessie's speech was again, pathetic.
I think with Angie's speech, that is why I have liked her. She is true to herself.
Everything Jessme says...BARF!
FInally Angie -- get some game going this week. CAMPAIGN
If April can lay low, Jesse will dig his own grave.
"hose me"...hahahahaaha A term he seems familiar with.
But Patty I agree....Jerry was out of line too...
I just think yelling like that...especially to your elder...and especially to someone who's defended my right to speak...and especially when he's not yelling back at wrong.
So no offense... :)
Yes, Keesha, you kept your word, and, man, are you going to pay for it. Dumb, dumb move.
JessMe says if Keesha was in her "right mind" she would take him off the block -- she is an idiot if she doesn't do her best to see that Jessie go home. If he stays he and happens to win HOH he will be after Keesha because she disrespected him! I see at the end he says if they DON'T vote him out it will be the biggest mistake they make. Ah, JessMe utter an intelligent comment!
So what did you think of MM? Subtle, I thought. I love the office dynamics with the redhead and staff.
Plaid chick, Your photo freaks me out
ABH - let's have a showmance. I love your politics. Come on...I'll bring the towel.
Zoe and Nana-- sorry that the feeds are acting up but I sure am glad you're here with us!
Petals said...
So what did you think of MM? Subtle, I thought. I love the office dynamics with the redhead and staff.
7/29/2008 9:58 PM
I watched MM, too. First time, loved it! But, I don't like the way women were treated in the 50's.
Randy Pauch special on now on Primetime.
petals--how xanax did you "pop"?? You are too funny tonight. As for hooking up with ABH that is called a "blogmance" and use protection....we don't want any blogbabies!!
Which station is Primetime?
Zoe - things were different, for sure. I love that there is scotch & cigarettes in every boardroom. How did our parents survive that???
Now I'm on to my 2nd crush: Duff from Ace of Cakes. I am so into Charm City, baby!
(and then a good cry, since ABH won't return my online affection...)
Anybody-No offense personally taken here.
I understand about respecting our elders. With that I however beleive that respect runs both ways. Yes, Memphis did not have to stoop to the level of shouting as he did.
I think Jerry and Memphis are now even, as far as attacking each other.
My blood pressure is back to normal now.
The ec feeds are back up now.
Keesha's voice bother's me.
Zoetawny, Primetime is a newsprogram on ABC.
Nana - HAHA. There are never too many Xanax.
And don't worry - I'm proposing a safe blogmance with ABH - I even have disposable keyboard covers.
(he's playing hard to get!!)
Sydney, where's your report on Meb?
I understand about respecting our elders. With that I however beleive that respect runs both ways. Yes, Memphis did not have to stoop to the level of shouting as he did.
I think Jerry and Memphis are now even, as far as attacking each other.
My blood pressure is back to normal now.
7/29/2008 10:08 PM
Screaming doesn't ever resolve anything and makes both parties look bad.
joy n said...
Zoetawny, Primetime is a newsprogram on ABC.
7/29/2008 10:09 PM
Thanks Joy! I didn't know what channel it was on.
working on it Joy -- was distracted by the Randy Pausch special -- pretty compelling stuff.
DUH on me! I couldn't find Primetime because it's not on here until 9 P.M. I forgot about the time difference. :)
Petals you always have my affections!
Who else could pluck the seeds of hate of Janelle from me???
(I had to mention her one time...)
It is just too bad that Jerry and Memphis could not have a civil discussion about things.
Zoe-you are correct, screaming and yelling makes no one look too good and things generally do not get properly handled.
I guess I am chalking it up that it got a little out of hand being trapped in the house and there's a storm brewing between both sides.
ok so maybe i'm in the minority but, i kinda sided with memphis on that one...obviously jerry touched a nerve and calling someone a womanizer reflects on their character...i would have taken it as a personal attack too and prolly flipped the s*** on jerry too...i think it was very "DISRESPECTFUL" on jerry's part...tho maybe memphis shoulda toned it down a bit...
so ok, memphis is a bartender...and is jerry basing the womanizer remark on a stereotype of a bartender or did i miss something?..i think memphis has been very straight with the women...more so than jerry or ollie!
just my opinion...
Welcome, Z. Thanks, Sydney.
I'm watching Flipping Out.
Jessme is spinning because he can't sway Keesha. If he doesn't go this week, Keesha is going to pay for it big time.
I guess justtvnuts is repeating the show feeds that I missed. Here comes the banner...too bad it wasn't mine. LOL
I'm soooo glad someone brought up the best player ever in BB history...JANELLE...JANIE...BLONDE BOMBSHELL...haha
I wish these blondes had half the game play she did.
Hey had to mention her one last time.. ha
Just heard Jamie Lynn Spears is getting married and Brittany will be her MOH. Just don't let her be the godmother to that little girl!
zoe--I was cracking up over you trying to find Primetime! I do that too after I have watched the feeds of BB. I forget which time zone I'm in!
syd--loved all your fashion "evaluations" tonight.
So who are we voting for??
The evil side of me would like to see Dan offered AP.
The very very evil side of me wants Libra to do it.
justtvnuts is out again. Guess I'll just have to wait until 9 PT.
But, I'll hang out just to read a report on Meb.
Can't someone freeze frame the banner and read it?
My WV looks like xanax.
Nana in the NW said...
zoe--I was cracking up over you trying to find Primetime! I do that too after I have watched the feeds of BB. I forget which time zone I'm in!
7/29/2008 10:23 PM
LOL As if life isn't complicated enough. We don't know what coast we live on. :D
Nana, let's all vote out Jessie and fly our own banner over the house.
Hope Josie's staying out of her chase mode for awhile. I already know you are! LOL!
mrs.whiggins said...
The evil side of me would like to see Dan offered AP.
The very very evil side of me wants Libra to do it.
7/29/2008 10:25 PM
Libra would be good at lying about everything, but will she last long enough? I think I'm voting for Dan just to see what he does with it.
Sorry, Nana, guess you meant the AP.
joy n said...
Nana, let's all vote out Jessie and fly our own banner over the house.
We tried but I don't think the hamsters saw it. :)
Just now watching veto meeting with Jessme "eating crow".
Angie is going to try to get Jessme to blow up. Let's help her. Know where we can get some explosives? ;)
Wish I knew. If you find any, I'm in.
joyn and zoe--I'm in on the explosives...but let's wait till it dark...I'll bring the face masks so we can't be recognized on the hidden cameras--oh yeah, they don't run 24/7, right, Ollie?
I better go take a nap so I can stay up that late! LOL
OK, some MEB NEWS--
I suddenly felt OK to make a call tonight... but I called her daughter (KLM) instead (whose number I had boldly asked for just in case we hadn't heard anything for a week or two from her). She was a delight to talk to. Filled with energy and upbeat, just like her Mom.
Apparently it was a good thing, as KLM said that her mom had been telling even them she needed a few days without visitors. I had an instinct not to call and I'm so glad I didn't. (Maybe I can give that old psychic Miss Cleo a run for her money. Call 1-800...)
Apparently things have been slow going the last few days. She's been having some difficulty with how those lovely meds make you feel. And she hasn't gotten more food than liquids so hopefully she will get some of that in the next day or two.
Fortunately her daughter had gotten her into drinking Herbalife shakes for a while before all this happened and is thanfkul that that made her strong enough to go through this. Indeed!
Our dear MEN may be in the hospital for several more days. The doc said some ppl go home in 3 some in 7, some in 10, and MEB just fixed her sights on three. So guess it's is normal enough to stay longer.
She IS getting a little better as she was sitting up for several hours today, and her family did do a quick visit with her this evening. Hopefully she can get a little solid food into her next.
Her daughter asks that we keep her in prayer (which I would heartily second) because she really needs to heal. Let's pull together and send it out!
Sydney--did you post your update report about MEB? Hope it's good news.
If I would have waited a few minutes, I could have answered my own question. Thanks for the update, Sydney. All progress is good news.
Syd-thanks for the update. I feared it was going to be rough going for her the first few weeks. Given the fact that 85% of her colon was removed she probably an external bag that she will use the rest of her life. Just getting used to that emotionally and physically will be very difficult. I'm glad to hear her daughter had her drinking herbalife shakes. If she can't tolerate solids, at least those will provide some protein. It sure makes my plantar's frachitis seem minor!
Prayers and hugs going out to her.
So glad to hear that Meb is showing some progress. She is definitely still in my prayers. It cant't be easy at 71 to go through such major surgery. I'm 10years younger and not sure that I could handle it as well as she is.
Looks like your instincts were right, Sydney, to hold off a bit. Thanks again for being our link for news of Meb.
Be sure to let her know we miss her and are looking forward to having her back with us as soon as is possible.
My brother-in-law had the same surgery about 15 years ago when he was only 55. He has a bag, and it did take awhile to get used to it. But get used to it, he did, and you'd never even know he has one. He says being alive with the bag is much better than the alternative.
Nana and Zoe; We must be polite at all times. Can't have him thinking we're disrespectful before we blow him up!
Well, one good bit of news -- no bag for MEB. So that is one less thing to adjust to. How the body works still is a miracle and a mystery to me.
I told KLM that EVERY post of Jackies there have been sprinkles of hugs and notes to Meb -- that has to make a person feel pretty terriffic. She said oh Mom will be so glad to go back through it all and catch up and see them. While she also goes over all the previous BB eps, as they have recorded each one for her!
Thanks for calling Meb's daughter.
I understand how conflicting it is to decide to call or not to call. I'm relieved to know Meb made it through the surgery. However, I didn't think 3 days in the hospital would be enough time. In my experience, doctors always underestimate recovery time and hospital stays. Meb's surgery was very serious. With her bright spirit I know she will be wanting to be back posting with us asap.
Keeping Meb and her family in my prayers and sending out positive vibes her way.
lo - just caught my typo saying our dear MEN will stay in the hospital for several days, instead of MEB!!!!
joy n said...
My brother-in-law had the same surgery about 15 years ago when he was only 55. He has a bag, and it did take awhile to get used to it. But get used to it, he did, and you'd never even know he has one. He says being alive with the bag is much better than the alternative.
7/29/2008 11:17 PM
He has a great attitude and must be a special guy.
Sydney, I didn't mean to assume. Was thinking about the possibility. Glad to hear that won't be the case for her.
Also glad to hear she won't miss her BB episodes and also, that she knows we are ALL rooting for her.
Sydney said...
Well, one good bit of news -- no bag for MEB. So that is one less thing to adjust to. How the body works still is a miracle and a mystery to me.
Well now that's very encouraging news. I was very concerned about that. I know I would have a hard time with it and worry about how discreet it would be and if my clothes would fit. I had a friend who had to have a "bag" and she never wanted to go out of the house in case she had an "accident". It was very sad.
Meb will be delighted when she sees how much we all care about her.
Thanks again, Sydney, for taking this on for us.
Zoe, he's been my brother-in-law since I was 10, that's over 50 years. He is special to us.
n said...
Nana and Zoe; We must be polite at all times. Can't have him thinking we're disrespectful before we blow him up!
7/29/2008 11:23 PM
LOL I don't know about you but I'm not worried Jessme will evict me if I disrespect him. But, if something did happen to him the FBI might come looking for us. ;) Don't worry, Jackie, we'll say you knew nothing about it.
joy n said...
Zoe, he's been my brother-in-law since I was 10, that's over 50 years. He is special to us.
7/29/2008 11:41 PM
Awwww, I'm sure you are very proud of him and vice-versa (sp?).
Just on TV...more about the eq rattling the BB set on our cbs local news tonight at 11 p.m. I'm sure that house being a "set" must have shaken pretty good. I'd love to know if the staff manning the cameras behind the walls went running out.
They can beat, threaten, or torture us. Well, maybe not. As long as they don't bribe me with chocolate, I'll NEVER talk.
Joy - no, I assumed that would be the case too -- and like us all, was concerned how that would be to adjust to...
OK, one more post before the show starts here. I have bad news for us west coasters who watched the east coast live feeds and BBAD on justtvnuts.
Apparently, CBS is suing any site that posts any videos of BB live feeds or BBAD. It might even go as far as not allowing any blog sites to use videos (including YouTube)...only stills. I'm not sure of the details but the person responsible for the east coast streaming videos has to shut it down. I'm hoping that it will only be the live feeds and not the actual episodes that is aired on CBS.
Jessie probably complained.
A friend of mine had colon surgery and was able to have her's removed after 15 months. Sometimes people are able to have surgery to remove them.
Glad to hear Meb was able to avoid this.
So glad to hear "no bag" for Meb!! That should make recovery a little easier for her.
joyn--I'm with you...I'll never talk unless they tempt me with chocolate!! If they do....sorry...but a girl has to look for #1 and what's life without chocolate? I'll let everyone here know where you are...tehehehe.
The show is over and I am tired. It rained today so I didn't have to paint. :) I spent the day working on my scrapbook.
Night all.......
I think we should vote for Michelle for America's Player and make her get rid of Jesse for us. Or we could have Memphis do it. Or even better we could make Jesse America's Player and make him get himself out.
I hope when they have another all-stars Evil Dick is in with Jesse. I still don't like ED but I would like to see him rip Jesse a new one.
I'm so bad.
Glad to hear news on MEB. My friend had very similar surgery last Tuesday and went home after a few days. She is now back in the hospital - not sure what is going on. I think they sent her home WAY too soon. I am glad they are keeping MEB longer. Will keep MEB in my prayers - please keep my friend, Phyllis, in your prayers, too. She is on oxygen 24/7 and is awaiting a lung transplant, as well. One of the sweetest ladies you would ever meet.
Back to BB: regarding Jerry vs Memphis
I think Jerry may just be trying to get Memphis off his game. I heard him talking with Dan, I think, about how Memphis could win the whole thing and no one was going after Memphis at all. I think maybe that is just part of Jerry's strategy.
KAY SAID: I hope when they have another all-stars Evil Dick is in with Jesse. I still don't like ED but I would like to see him rip Jesse a new one
I'm so bad
Kay, that would be SO FUNNY! I can just imagine those two together! I must be bad, too! LOL
Sydney, thank you for the MEB update!!! It is great to have you as our liaison!
Hugs to (((MEB))) and (((KLM))) and family. I hope they allow MEB to stay at the hospital until the very moment that she is well enough to continue recuperating at home. She deserves the care. :)
Kay -- your comments are just brilliant. I'm all for it all!
this is a little late to say Nana, Zoe and Joyn, but I do have a ton of leftover fireworks in my living room here -- they let you buy them in TX. I was saving them for a special occasion... I can give them to you to help the cause.
These people will say anything to save themselves. Libra handled herself great! I'm hoping she can turn this around. I know this is a game. But they are really targeting her like I have never seen.
Thank you Sydney for the update on MEB. I think of her everyday and say a little prayer for her. Maybe she will get much more rest and care in the hospital. Insurance companies are requiring people to go home too soon after surgeries just so the claims are not so high.
Isn't Jessme acting and doing the same things he has said Libra has done? Maybe he will just dig his own hole and Sydney can save her explosives for another occassion.
(((MEB)))and (((KLM))) and all of MEB's family. Thanks,Sydney,it's a relief to know she is making progress and that there is a lot of good news. She needs to stay in the hospital as long as they think she should,because it's a whole new ballgame at home.Rushing going home isn't a good idea,I know. I begged to go home(after three months in the hospital)and ended up right back there for another week. (((MEB)))....heal!
Now on to trivial matters,I can't believe that Keesha can be sooooo dense that she doesn't see or hear what a threat Jessme is to her if he's not gone!Angie can go next or any time,but this guy is a whack job!And I'm sick of seeing him and hearing him!
Memphis reminds me of the Pillsbury Dough Boy,the guy needs to keep his shirt on!EWWWW!
I think we should vote for Renny for AC. It would win her $20K,cause she may be out soon and it would be nice if she walked away with something. I don't want to reward Manchelle or Jerry with $20K. And it's only for one week and we know she can keep her mouth closed if she has to.I'm voting for Renny!
Donna, just in case Jessie doesn't dig that hole for himself, we may take Sydney up on her offer.
Sydney, it might be nice to see Jessie go out with a bang1
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