Zoetawny has made yet another new BB10 blog logo for us ... yay! The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this entry as it airs and invite everyone to jump in down in the comments section. There may be some typos -- I'm typing as I watch TV. Plus, I'm not too familiar with the houseguests yet. But I'm ready!
Julie Chen is in summer mode with a coral strapless dress ... no winter biker boots for her this time of year! We're in an intro with bits of a house tour and the rules of the game. The outside of the house has been redone with all kinds of flowers and shrubbery. It seems that Julie's bits will be right outside the door. Again, we're told that the game began before they entered the house.
Now they're getting their keys.
They're gathered on the entryway to the house getting the first good look at their competition. Julie tells them they must choose the HOH before anyone moves into the house. They must go on appearance and gut instinct. They cannot vote for themselves. Julie says it will remain a mystery ... for now.
Five enter the house -- April, Dan, Renny, (April tells us she voted Renny HOH). Four more enter the house. The final four enter. April now tells us she's having second thoughts about Renny. Angie also thinks Renny is rude. Keesha tells us she voted Jerry HOH. Now they're all introducing themselves.
Jessie thinks Renny is annoying, too. Dan tells us he'll erase any sins he commits in the house by going to Confession later. Angie is already telling everyone her boobs are real and inviting them to feel them. @@ Renny, who seems to have rubbed many wrong already in the house, thought it was totally inappropriate that Jerry felt Angie's boobs.
Julie's back. She tells us there is more up for grabs in addition to the HOH tonight. They're about to compete in their first competition. "The prize will be a classic." Jessie volunteered to sit out as they need an even number. They have to go to the storage room, get their gear on and meet Julie in the yard. Two upside-down VW bugs, two right side up classic cars. Up for grabs, one of the classic (muscle) cars. Now Jessie is unhappy.
"Bugging Out" - A car race in the sky. The teams must get in one of the VWs, transport gas can to the end. Each time they do it, a team member must leave and not get a chance to win. The teams are also playing for food. Jessie will eat no matter what.
Red team - Renny, Angie, Memphis, Steven, Dan, Michelle, Memphis wins the car and the red team wins food for the week. He chooses the 1969 Camaro.
Julie is ready to reveal the HOH ... 3 votes and second was Renny. With four votes, the first HOH is Jerry. In les than 24 hours he has to nominate two HG for eviction.
Dan thinks he can trust Brian and apporaches him. Now he's working on Ollie. He looked in Ollie's eyes and "saw the blacks of his eyes" and knew he was in with him. The BLACKS of his eyes? @@
Jerry's HOH room -- more happy than most because they voted for him. Photos of his wife. Jerry thinks he has a good chance of staying in the game and playing hard.
In the dark, Renny further annoys people screaming that the door is locked. Her laugh is worse than her voice. In the morning, Jessie complains to her and she tells him to lighten up. She tells us he's a baby. Brian laughs.
They have special music for Renny. The guys are laughing about her. Memphis, Brian, and Dan. Brian and Dan want Jessie and Renny nominated. Brian tries to work on him. Jerry is looking for a committment from Brian in an alliance. Brian tells us he's not all that loyal. Heh. Jerry thinks Dan is a loose cannon. Brian asks that he come in with them. Jerry likes Jessie, but seems to go with Brian's plan to nominate Renny and Jessie.
Noiminations are tough for Jerry. Key order -- Michelle, Angie, Memphis, Libra, April, Brian, Steven, Keesha, Ollie, Dan. Rennie and Jessie are indeed up. Jerry says it was due to the conflict the night before.
Jerry tells us he thinks Jessie and Renny will self-destruct.
I think I'm already liking this better than I liked the start of BB9. But I hope someone knocks Dan down soon.
It is starting YIPPEE!!!
All strangers, YES! Here we go!
So happy for another season of Big Brother....
April's going to be miserable with the slobs thsat usually take over the BB house.
Libra's husband is cute!
Here's the link for the west coasters: http://www.justtvnuts.com/index-main.htm
Rennie made a whoops already.
Love Jerry!
Jessie and Dan are definitely going to be annoying.
I like Brian...hope he doesn't disappoint.
Thanks for removing the verification, Jackie!
Here it goes, April left e1 feel her breasts....YUCK
Rennie! Blech!
Wonder what April will do on BB After Dark?
Look who's talking about inappropriate. A married woman who loves to party! She never mentions partying WITH her husband.
What the heck, April shoved them boobs in Jerry's face and offered them up. Probably the best he's "felt" in ages.
OK, I'm actually watching with you guys!!! I got teary when Jerry said good-bye to his wife....Libra is crazy leaving those babies....don't like April-who cares about feeling your boobs--she doesn't even know these people!
Hope Jerry wins HOH. He will be the fairest of all the HG.
Back to the show....
I thought Jerry "handled" it well with April screaming in his face egging him on.
Hi Nana!!!!!!! ::::waiving:::: from CA. :)
Don't like Jesse and his physique. ;)
Oh, no, already there are some that I will find hard to take. Renny is WORSE than Shelia, April inviting everyone to feel her breastand, Jessie the body builder. I like Jerry. Hope he stays for a while. Perhaps his wife will forgive him for cropping a feel by the time he gets home.
"Bonehead gets to eat and feed his muscles. LOL
Figures Memphis took the Camaro. Maybe he could "mix" something in it. I would have taken the Mustang.
Memhis wins a Camaro.
OCD April wins slop.
Renny seems to be a klutz.
Jerry took a pretty good tumble there. Hope he does alright this season, somehow.
How dumb let's play rock/paper/scissors??? Idiots! Luckily, ??(don't know his name) bailed before the white team caught up. Memphis has just put himself on the chopping block.
I can see some alpha males feuding already.
Where are you? Want to know what you think of Julie's dress? She looks good in that color.
They like Jerry...COOL! But, will he make enemies from the start? Being the first HOH isn't a good thing most of the time.
Yeah!!!!! WTG Jerry. Doesn't HOH get to eat?
Awwww! Love that Jerry is HOH
Dan already thinks he's running the show. He's no Dr. Will.
Jerry is HOH! He has to make two noms. Memphis may be one of them.
Hope Jer isn't influenced by Dan's warped views.
Danis playing a dangerous game.
Ollie don't get scammed by Dan!
Rennie might be worse than Sheila.
Can it be?
OMG! That laugh will drive me up a wall! Worse than Danni's voice!
I've heard a lot of southern accents, and I can hear a little "nowleans" accent in Renny, but she is annoying, and it definitly sounds like a different accent than someone from NOLA. Next annoying person is Michelle. Renny acts older than Jerry.
Please don't let Renny last long. ~Patricia
Rennie is very defensive. I was hoping to like her but...
I caught that,too, Jackie. The "blacks" of his eyes? Methinks, the man's biases are peeking through.
Whoops! Renny.
Jerry's a Marine (there are no "ex-Marines"). No Marine will refuse an offer to feel a woman's boobs. Oorah!
Please evict Renny!!! That laugh will get her strangled by some annoyed body builder!! LOL
I can see the catholic teacher(Dan)and the preacher's kid(Ollie) becoming an alliance.
Will be interesting to see if the two blondes join together or are jealous of each other.....
joy n said...
I caught that,too, Jackie. The "blacks" of his eyes? Methinks, the man's biases are peeking through.
7/13/2008 8:42 PM
Why don't I see Jackie's comment?
OMG!! Renny has got to go.. (what is with the wig???!)
I was glad to see that the girls are actually wearing clothes so far and not hoochie mama shorts.
I hope Brian doesn't turn out to be a jerk. But it sounds like he's trying to screw over Jerry already.
PlaidChick said...
OMG!! Renny has got to go.. (what is with the wig???!)
I was glad to see that the girls are actually wearing clothes so far and not hoochie mama shorts.
7/13/2008 8:45 PM
It's still early. I'm sure we'll see some hoochie mama clothes. LOL
It's on the main post, Zoetawny.
Jesse needs to stop thinking and TALKING about his physique.
Brian won't be loyal to Jerry. I wish we could fly a banner plane already to warn Jerry.
make her stop! Her voice hurts my ears!!!
joy n said...
It's on the main post, Zoetawny.
Oh! LOL I can't see read the comments and the original post at the same time.
Jerry seems like a trusting guy. That may be his downfall.
ACtually LIKE JC's dress... we shall see how the season unfolds on that front.
Love Jerry, of course, and knew he would be first HOH. Don't like that he trusts the airforce guy simply becauseI don't feel the trust will be returned as Jerry is expecting due tp the implied brotherhood of the service. :-(
Think pairing of Ollie and the Catholic school teacher is brilliant and will take them a long way.
Well besides that the intro interviews of people packing and talking to the camera was totally scripted, doing HOH right off and the first challenge was pretty good.
Already hate New Orleans of course. Anyone who can't respect when someone is sleeping -- my pet peeve... or take respobnsibility for at least their part
joy n said...
I hope Brian doesn't turn out to be a jerk. But it sounds like he's trying to screw over Jerry already.
7/13/2008 8:46 PM
I don't like Brian much for that.
Jessie and Renny up for eviction. Jerry's not thinking for himself. That makes me nervous.
way to go Jerry!!!
BRIAN...WIPE THAT SMIRK off your face.
Good approach by Jerry putting it on Jesse and Renny. WTG!
Well supposedly the POV has aleady been played and supposedly it was used...
I think the house will vote her out!
PlaidChick said...
Well supposedly the POV has aleady been played and supposedly it was used...
Where did you read that? I've got to get my spoiler links up. ;)
Loved the show and love this Cast! I have to watch it again, though! I was multitasking and missed most of it.
I'll decide my picks once I've watched it again. Looks like it will be a great season.
Jessie is kind of a muscle-head jerk and Renny is over-the-top annoying, but Jerry should have gone with his gut and got Dan nominated.
I like the noms.
As far as clothes & hoochie mamas---let's see what midnight brings....
Back to painting :(
Good to see my summer guilty pleasure back...Jackie will be the 5th BB that I follow with you!!!
I wish Jerry would've nominated Dan too. Hope he catches on to Brian's manipulation soon.
So Dan thinks he can do whatever he wants all summer, as long as he confesses his sins later? Interesting take for a Catholic teacher.
Sally, sounds like Dan follows the same take on his religion as Gnat did. Do whatever you want, ask forgiveness, then do it again and again and...........!
Does BB After Dark start tonight or after the next episode?
I'm glad you could stop by. You must be sick of painting. How's the pain in your foot?
I'll watch again on my time. Maybe I'll get their names down. LOL
Welcome back Jackie! I am so glad you are feeling good and up to following this "hopefully" great season. I love Jerry and do think he is going to be alittle trustworthy of others but also keep in mind that he has watched all 10 seasons. He has to have some BB smarts. I hate top say this but I already ...sorta...dont like my hometown girl, Michelle. She seems like she is going to get outspoken. We shall see. May we have a BB winner in Rhode Island?
Zoetawny! I almost forgot. Love the new graphic!
We have the FISH CAM again, yay! Feeds haven't started yet, but they should kick on between now and midnight ET. SHOW2 starts tonight, Zoetawny!
I can't wait...
I can't stand Renny I really hope she goes 1st. I like Jerry, I just hope he can keep up and doesn't trust Brian for to long. He's a rat!
Nana, you and Josie. Limping in tandem? Leg, knee and foot problems seem to be the thing this year. Standing on ladders won't help any. You need to sit still for a bit. Really, hope it feels better soon.
Zoetawny said...
PlaidChick said...
Well supposedly the POV has aleady been played and supposedly it was used...
Where did you read that? I've got to get my spoiler links up. ;)
Ya get em up because while I don't have mucho time to watch the feeds, I have a list of places I go to in order for spoilers.
I am loving this cast so far, and LOVE the boys' alliance (including Jerry as one of "da boys")
Jackie, Zoe, Joy, Delee, Everyone!HI GUYS!!!!!! YEA!!!!!
SYD! Hey. I, too, thought of you when I saw JC's ensemble. I liked that she seems to have put some meat one those bones, and I liked her dress. Her arms had too much glitter lotion, tho. IMO.
Whose brilliant idea was reaching out of the car to get the gas cans? After the red team when out to a lead after the first time, you'd think they wouldn't repeat it the second lap. Alternately why were they allowed to get out of the car in the first place. That would have made it more challenging.
Also - (sorry if this has this been mentioned already...) Hasnt the ONLY person in the house to mention Jesse's body is...Jesse? We get it, already. But no one else seems as pre-occupied with his physique as he is. hehe
Oh, and another "hehe" that the bartender insists on being called a "mixologist".
Hey,lately I've been bumming aroune my house...what does that make me? A lackadaisicalogist?
Looks like a good season ahead for BBX. I'll be back.
Hey Petals, glad you joined us and TY for the shout out.
Zoetawny, can not wait for all the great graphics for this season, starting with this one.
The typical guy gang-up is starting. Hope the rest see this, which they should. Loved how Jerry came up with a signal with Brian that they needed to talk, but some will wonder soon what is up with that, unless they change it weekly.
Still early with the opposite views to have kicked in, hopefully soon. I can see Dan and Ollie butting heads over different views of religion.
I wonder since they do not have a microwave, if maybe that could be an item they can win?
Renny is truly annoying and Jessie is so narcissistic either one can go. I don’t think I can take a week longer of their actions! Jackie thanks for being here for us. Glad the surgery is behind you and you are on the mend!
Interesting cast, I must say.
Dan seems like he's probably too cock sure of himself but I'm going to reserve judgment until after we see him play some more. He and Ollie can be a powerful alliance. (I think he meant pupils with the blacks of the eyes comment. But that already shows he's dumb if he doesn't know the correct word for it.)
Brian is super ICKY. Already telling us how he would gladly turn on Jerry. He's thrilled to run Jerry's HOH (although props to Jerry for backing us his noms with a reasonable excuse). Brian's smirk at the conclusion of the nominations ceremony was despicable.
Memphis seems selfish, it wasn't that he just went for the car. He was aggressive and rude at the same time. Brian and Memphis should pair up. I'm not rooting for either of them.
Ollie should watch what he commits to w/ any of the others. I really like him and I think he could play a really good floating game. He just seems nice.
Maybe the girls will play well this season. Or not seeing as April and Michelle have big mouths.
And Remy!!! OMG, she is super annoying and not in a way where the viewer is entertained as in Jen or even Sheila. She is horrible, I want her gone.
I agree with everyone's assessment of Jesse being obsessed with his muscles. He's probably going home if he doesn't win HOH. No one is going to view Remy as a threat so she'll survive.
Right now I like Jerry and Ollie!
Sorry I'm boring you guys. I'm hoping Jackie posts with some of her thoughts soon because I'm getting BB happy.
I didn't like how all the women were content to give up the car so quickly. What's up with that? I understand not wanting to have a target for winning so early, but sheesh, show some backbone and fight.
Thanks Jackie, its going to be great reading your takes on the show!..I am very excited, it just isnt summer without Big Brother, hopefully this season will be less "porno" and more interesting than last big brother!!
Yeah! Its BB time again!
Thanks Jackie for all that you do !
Louisville Ky
Yeah, what's with the blacks of his eyes? A little slippage there...
Zoe- I am just now reading back and see you asked about Julie's dress, lol... I just jumped on to comment before reading anyone's as I was making dinner for my husband and his son while the first 30 minutes of BB was on and could not read back. Just stole a moment to comment when I could.
Nana, I had asked what color you ended up picking...and now I can't remember what it is.
Nana- I had planters fascialitis for a few months this spring. Did they tell you to REALLY stretch your calf on that side every day?? Especially when you're getting out of bed in the morning (or middle of the night, lol) before you walk? I did that and also ran the arch of my hurt foot over a tennis ball every time I sat at my desk looking at Jackie's blog (read,A LOT) and it was gone in a few months. Hope that helps.
Yay, feeds are now live! Here's to a great BB season!
Hello again, i know tonights show wasnt live, but i was just wondering on how long the HG's have been in the house for? And why is the first episode of the season on Live?
Sho2 is better than the live feeds right now. The feeds, for lack of a better word... suck! The audio is really bad.
Dan is in the back yard with Brian and appears really upset. Could Jerry have used the veto and put Dan up in either Jessie or Renny's place?
They keep mentioning Semper fi (sp?) (my apologies to the marines out there) and whether he swore on it.
Finally, got a chance to watch the show on Tivo. A few comments:
1st, PETALS: I love the "lackadaisicalogist"l term -- I must be one too! Memphis isn't someone I think I will like.
2nd, Rennie is like a really bad, really annoying cartoon character. PLEASE vote her out!
Don't think I like Dan or Brian yet. Do like Jerry & Ollie.
I am trying to do this on the world's slowest rural dial up ever. This page has loaded really funky and I have a two inch by 1 1/2 inch block to try to type in. EEEK! Tuesday, I'll be back home to my highspeed! Can't wait. ZOETAWNY, sorry to say I can't see your new graphic. Sure it great, as usual.
Glad to be back with all of you & our summer obsession!
I saw the POV next to Jerry's name on Sho2 He removed Jesse and put up Brian. Me thinks he's watching Brian and Dan, and how quickly their scheming began...
Tuesday show will be good if they'll catch us up!
I believe the expression is "the whites of their eyes" no matter who you're referring to.
I shudder to think that this guy is a teacher.
So Dan thinks he can do whatever he wants all summer, as long as he confesses his sins later? Interesting take for a Catholic teacher.
7/13/2008 9:03 PM
It has been my experience THAT is how most Catholics think.
Hi everyone!
I am a day late, but a bit under the weather, and FELL ASLEEP and missed the show last night! Can you believe that?!?
Just watched online to get caught up, and immediately annoyed by New Orleans. Make her go away!
They need to keep their eyes ("blacks", whites and colors!!) on Brian and Dan. I would get them out ASAP, cannot trust either of them. And I just laughed out loud when Dan said he would simply go to confession after the show. Kinda sums him up, eh??
Love Jerry, and I am liking Angie right now. Could change by the end of this week.
AZ girl who told them her boobs were real, and made everyone cop a feel is already on my last nerve. After the last season of porn, I don't need any more of that.
I am looking for some good STRATEGY and GAME PLAY!! I hope we get it this season!
Loved the episode. I could see Jerry, Brian & Ollie forming a strong alliance.
Anonymous @10:19
I am a Catholic and it has been my experience that most people who are Christian try to practice their faith at all times and not think of confession or the asking of forgiveness as a safety net for sinning. When Dan states he can do whatever he wants and then just simply ask for giveness he does not truly understand the concept of repentance. I feel Dan will have no regrets for what he has done and will only go through the motions of confessing.
I am also a teacher and I would not want my students thinking it is okay to do soemthing wrong as long as they confess afterward.
Missed it last night, just watched the show online. Yes, Julie looked good, but the dress looked to me like what we used to call a "foundation garment". It was much MUCH too tight, and the top looked like a longline bra. As far as I'm concerned, she forgot to put a dress on.
"Blacks of eyes" - The myth is that if you see a lot of whites, then the person's eyes are wide open, which indicates surprise or fear. If you see a lot of black, the pupils are dilated, and that means the person is relaxed, pleased, and truthful. (Or on certain meds.)
I'm surprised the guy chose the Camaro. That's chick wheels! The male equivalent was the Firebird.
In the car comp, I thought the rules said the ousted team members team could "help with the ropes". The last pass, the winning team pushed the car! Why weren't they called on that?
Isn't this great to be back watching BB for the summer? And seeing all your familiar names and witty comments? I am happy! I hope jerry lasts long enough to get into a decent alliance. And did I not tell you that the middle-aged gal would embarass us all?!!
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