I'm Jackie and I watch TV. I'm not proud. Bookmark the blog now as your source for live feed reports from inside the 'Big Brother' house! Come, join in on the fun ...
Monday, August 25, 2008
BB10: Latest Live Feeds
My latest live feeds post is up over on TV Squad. A lot of it is already covered here and in comments, but go ahead and check it out!
Ollie is still in the house, but I bet he got quite a warning!
i would have been surprised if ollie had been booted....as long as he is not hurting anyone it could make for good tv which turns into good money....although i do think bb has been rather restrained in their editing...unless they have all been so boring......but there was no april/ollie showings......go figure
I just watched the video of Ollie/Dan. Ok, I'm a girl so maybe that's why I don't get it. How did what Dan did affect Ollie's "manhood"??
And lololol embarrassed him in front of millions? Maybe but I'd have to add "again" since Ollie already took care of that himself, quite well! Just my 2 cents.
Ollie and Michelle's righteous indignation is just beyond laughable. They're talking right now about Dan, how can he do that? And Ollie says, he thinks it's a game (really? he does??) and Ollie says Dan thinks that because it's a game, anything goes (you mean like you guys were planning to do to Dan next week??? I wonder why they don't discuss that detail??)
Just returned from out of town. I taped BB, but haven't watched it. I may just use this blog to catch up on what has happened.
Jackie, great coverage! Between your write-ups and the videos, I know pretty much what has gone on. I wish BB would air Ollie's melt-down. Let Daddy and Momma see what a fine Christian they raised! That boy needs his mouth washed out with soap.
These two really do believe that if they SAY it, it must be true. Libra said that Jerry lost his BB manual when he expected Dan to be honest, honorable, etc...I think these two did too! I was very disgusted by Ollie's behavior.
It concerns me how the fishies keep showing up whenever M/O/J start talking about Dan being a "plant" and the details of it, like the Monica stuff -- why don't they want us to see that?
Now Michelle is trying to twist it around to Ollie that Dan and the others were really trying to get Memphis out. She's grasping at straws now. She's practicing this crap with Ollie. Bet she tries it on Memphis next.
I wonder if Ollie was threatened with the much-talked-about-but-never-used penalty nomination? I doubt BB wants 3 people on the block for the first eviction, so I think Ollie should get an automatic penalty nom for the second eviction on Thurs! Yes, that's what I want to see!
Can someone refresh my memory, please? How do they do the double eviction? DO both nominees go out? Or is there another HOH & nom ceremony? I forgot...
After all of Evel Dick's foul mouthed ranting on BB8, and he didn't get a penalty, I doubt that Ollie will get one for losing it. Breaking things is another story, but I'll bet they'll overlook that cause it's good TV.
Hopefully the double eviction will show Ollie following Michelle. I can wish can't I?
I doubt that his parents will see his ranting, but I'll also bet that the others in their church probably got the feeds and they know what's going on. Talk about disrespect...what in the world do you call what he's done to his parents. This young man is delusional!!!!!
Petals: basically a fast-forward week, all in one show
1st eviction (at the top of the hour) HOH comp nominations POV comp POV ceremony 2nd eviction
I can't remember for sure, but I think they save the next HOH comp and nominations for Sunday night.
The HOH sometimes is allowed a few seconds to consult with someone about nominations, but the hamsters don't have any privacy to talk about the vote before the 2nd eviction. Everybody's on their own for that one!
{meb} Dick never told the producers to go f*** themselves or to s*** his d***. Not that I recall, anyway. He never destroyed stuff in the house, either, that I recall. Who knows? I'm with you & your wish tho.
Did you guys see when Ollie told Michelle that she should talk to Memphis and tell him that if he doesn't vote her out, that if she wins HOH next week, that she'll let him pick one nominee? (Charlie Brown, I'll hold the football for you!)
Wow. I don't even know what to say or think about that, really. Some people just really scare me.
He's lying to Keesha (surprise!), saying that, effctively, Dan didn't honor the first part of the deal -- which if that's true, then why would they be surprised that he didn't honor the 3rd part? These people need to play chess once in awhile! yikes
HA! Now Dan, Memphis and Keesha are going over all the stupid theories that Ollie and Michelle have been trying to sell them. They're all laughing at how quickly Michelle turned on Ollie, with her promising Memphis she'd put Ollie up if she got HOH next week!
ON TOPIC OF JOYN---I went back through the posts and the last time we heard from her was last Wed. There was no mention in that post of her being gone.
I sent her and e-mail and asked for her to check in. I also mentioned that if something has happened and her family is reading her e-mails to please let me know because we are all worried about her!
As for BB--Ollie and Mich. are grasping at straws. No one is going to believe anything they say! If Jerry was smart he would be distancing himself ASAP.
Obviously whatever BB told Ollie in the DR he is still name calling and whispering under his breath! DUMB--DUMB--DUMB!!!
It's 8pm in the BB house, and Dan's crew JUST NOW finally figured out that Jerry knew about the 3rd part of the deal, and that's why he's pissed off. They couldn't figure out why Jerry was upset!
Hmmm. Maybe I've been giving them too much credit?
If anyone want to watch some of what went on it is on You Tube. Just type in: Ollie Goes Off on Memphis. Another one you can watch is: Ollie freaks after pov. Type it in on youtube and you can watch it.
They should the fight and ollie throwing something.
Hello everyone. PDXGranny and I are safe and sound. We had a great evening together and she took me to some beautiful sites as she showed off her state. I have pictures to share later. We forgot we just met today, that's how strong a friendship can be from getting to know each other online. Hope others get a chance to meet. Nana, we missed you!
Now I have to read the comments and catch up on the latest in the house of rage and revenge.
Rennie is telling how she went to the DR in the beginning; she tho't she was "loosing her mind." She is absolutely hysterical. I laughed for about 15 mintues. So Funny.
Laurie glad to see you made it back to your room safe and sound. We had a terrible band of thunderstorms roll in this afternoon. They didn't come from Portland, did they?
Well, enjoy your reading and Jackie has some great videos up. While you two were playing all hell was breaking loose in the house! The feeds were blocked of Ollie during his rampage so we only got to hear about it.
Poor Mich., because of the fast forward, she's gonna get cheated out of being interviewed by Julie on top of being voted out. Oh well, nothing ever works out for her anyway. She should be used to it by now. Maybe Julie will be nice and give her a consolation prize. I don't know what it would be though...A pacifier, a rattle, or maybe a towel to wipe the egg off her face.
Laurie, where did you go with PDX Granny? I lived in Portland for 10years, and my family still lives there, so I visit multiple times each year. I am glad to hear that you ladies had so much FUN!!
OK, I just finished watching Date My Ex: Jo & Slade. At one point, three of the four twentysomething guys were all wearing the deep v neck t shirts that Memphis wears. It must be a style thing with that age group?
OMG, we missed a lot by being out having so much fun. I'm actually surprised Ollie is still in the house. Methinks he went too far this afternoon and tonight. I also think he is all bluster and no substance. Can you say bully?
Well, like Laurie said, we made it back safe and sound. We got carried away while at the former asylum, but that's what happens when getting dive bombed by hummingbirds!!
When suggesting this particular outing to Laurie, I said we should plan on 3 hours...I hope she didn't notice, but it took over 6!!!
It was great to meet an online bud, that turned into a great friend!
By the way Laurie, you left you jacket in my car. Good thing we're getting together for another outing!!
Now, on to reading the posts and comments. It looks like I have a LOT to catch up on!
dla, we took a drive out to Multnomah Falls, stopping at several falls along the way. Then we went to McMenamin's Edgefield Manor for dinner at the pub. Have you been to either of those places? So much beauty in nature. I was quite moved by much of what I saw.
Aaahhh!! Multnomah Falls (and all the falls along the way) are so beautiful!! When I lived there, that was an absolute must do with any of my friends that came to visit from another state. :)
And the McM Pubs are always a classic in that area.
How fun!! What else are you ladies going to do while you are there? And where are you staying?
dla, on Wednesday, we're going to dinner at a small Mexican restaurant on Hawthorne, then I'm going to show off Washington Park and the Rose Test Gardens. The weather should be good that day, so the view of downtown and Mt. Hood will be unbelievable!
This meeting online friends is great!! Next time you come to town, you'll have to let me know!
1am - Jerry is making the moves on Ollie - he just said that if either of them win HOH, they're going to move into the HOH room together and lock the door and just come out for food.
Awwww, reminds of Ollie's time with April, how cute
The incredible delusional twosome (O/J) are sitting outside just ragging on Keesha, showing their pure nasty sides. They both disgust me (and likely most of America too)
Jerry said that tomorrow their plan is to hang out together (O/J/M) like they did today, because "it pisses them off" -- LOL, yeah, D/M/R/K are totally miffed that those guys aren't socializing with them.
Wow. Jerry's got some nerve saying the stuff he does about Keesha. I hope people show him the YouTube clips when he gets home so he can be ashamed of himself. Ugh, he's just foul.
It is pretty disgusting especially considering how sweet they are to her face. Maybe they're ragging on her so bad because she didn't buy into their conspiracy of Dan being a plant. LOL. That's about the funniest thing I've heard today. Dan can't win the half million because he's a plant but does get money when he does crazy stuff. The best part is Dan is trying so hard to make himself look like a weak player and instead they all think he's a loon. Too funny.
I hope Renny wins the whole thing. I love her. She told Dan earlier that if she wasn't married she'd rock his world. She's great. I'm not going to say she's my favorite tho cause my favorite always gets voted out.
I would like an explaination from BB as to why Ollie is still in the house. After his words and actions he should have been pulled out of there by his ear!
I would like an explaination from BB as to why Ollie is still in the house. After his words and actions he should have been pulled out of there by his ear!
8/26/2008 5:20 AM
In my house he would've been pulled out in handcuffs.
Sally said... Weren't some penalty nominations/votes given in previous years for people who broke the house/game rules? I remember there was talk of that last summer when Jen was on slop but was eating other food. Maybe that's a way to deal with Ollie.
If I remember correctly Jen was given an extra vote to evict which made her the only person ever on BB to get evicted with more votes than there were people but otherwise they didn't do anything to her. She was also allowed to go to Sequester House and got to vote on the winner of BB.
anon 1:01- are you typing in as follows, because I just checked and I am getting just fine. Try again. Type in the line the following (one at a time, there are two videos)
The link that Dan gave was not for Monica. It was for the picture of him coaching at Michigan State to prove to viewers that it is not fake.
As far as Ollie getting tossed for his violent outburst, as long as no houseguests state that they feel threatened and in fear for their safety, he won't be ousted.
I the past when HGs damaged BB property, the cost was taken out of their stipend. Most noted for this was Dr. Will in All Stars.
i would have been surprised if ollie had been booted....as long as he is not hurting anyone it could make for good tv which turns into good money....although i do think bb has been rather restrained in their editing...unless they have all been so boring......but there was no april/ollie showings......go figure
I just watched the video of Ollie/Dan. Ok, I'm a girl so maybe that's why I don't get it. How did what Dan did affect Ollie's "manhood"??
And lololol embarrassed him in front of millions? Maybe but I'd have to add "again" since Ollie already took care of that himself, quite well! Just my 2 cents.
sasha....i asked my husband the same thing. he had no clue what he meant...and said he lost that when he 'met' april. haha
On justtvnuts, Ollie is lying through his teeth to Michelle about his conversation with Dan in the HOH room.
Ollie and Michelle's righteous indignation is just beyond laughable. They're talking right now about Dan, how can he do that? And Ollie says, he thinks it's a game (really? he does??) and Ollie says Dan thinks that because it's a game, anything goes (you mean like you guys were planning to do to Dan next week??? I wonder why they don't discuss that detail??)
Just returned from out of town. I taped BB, but haven't watched it. I may just use this blog to catch up on what has happened.
Jackie, great coverage! Between your write-ups and the videos, I know pretty much what has gone on. I wish BB would air Ollie's melt-down. Let Daddy and Momma see what a fine Christian they raised! That boy needs his mouth washed out with soap.
These two really do believe that if they SAY it, it must be true. Libra said that Jerry lost his BB manual when he expected Dan to be honest, honorable, etc...I think these two did too!
I was very disgusted by Ollie's behavior.
Witt :)
BB brings out the worst in people for the 10th time. And we watch and comment on the train wreck. Hey, I am here too, it's just a train wreck tho.
It concerns me how the fishies keep showing up whenever M/O/J start talking about Dan being a "plant" and the details of it, like the Monica stuff -- why don't they want us to see that?
It's starting to make *me* suspicious
Now Michelle is trying to twist it around to Ollie that Dan and the others were really trying to get Memphis out. She's grasping at straws now. She's practicing this crap with Ollie. Bet she tries it on Memphis next.
I wonder if Ollie was threatened with the much-talked-about-but-never-used penalty nomination? I doubt BB wants 3 people on the block for the first eviction, so I think Ollie should get an automatic penalty nom for the second eviction on Thurs! Yes, that's what I want to see!
This cracked me up...
From Jokers:
The big striped fish has a thick neck. The others are eyeing him suspiciously. Must be a plant.
Well if they arent going to boot him then how about taking away hoh for the rest of the show for him
Can someone refresh my memory, please? How do they do the double eviction? DO both nominees go out? Or is there another HOH & nom ceremony? I forgot...
After all of Evel Dick's foul mouthed ranting on BB8, and he didn't get a penalty, I doubt that Ollie will get one for losing it. Breaking things is another story, but I'll bet they'll overlook that cause it's good TV.
Hopefully the double eviction will show Ollie following Michelle. I can wish can't I?
I doubt that his parents will see his ranting, but I'll also bet that the others in their church probably got the feeds and they know what's going on. Talk about disrespect...what in the world do you call what he's done to his parents. This young man is delusional!!!!!
Still missing joyn and Ryznshyn????
Petals: basically a fast-forward week, all in one show
1st eviction (at the top of the hour)
HOH comp
POV comp
POV ceremony
2nd eviction
I can't remember for sure, but I think they save the next HOH comp and nominations for Sunday night.
The HOH sometimes is allowed a few seconds to consult with someone about nominations, but the hamsters don't have any privacy to talk about the vote before the 2nd eviction. Everybody's on their own for that one!
Dick never told the producers to go f*** themselves or to s*** his d***. Not that I recall, anyway. He never destroyed stuff in the house, either, that I recall.
Who knows? I'm with you & your wish tho.
Ollie and Michelle are working on Keesha with the Memphis was the one going up story. Hope she's only pretending to listen to this crap.
They're also telling her Dan was trying to get votes for Libra to stay.
Thanks Clementine! :)
Did you guys see when Ollie told Michelle that she should talk to Memphis and tell him that if he doesn't vote her out, that if she wins HOH next week, that she'll let him pick one nominee? (Charlie Brown, I'll hold the football for you!)
Wow. I don't even know what to say or think about that, really. Some people just really scare me.
Stupid Keesha is listening to them. Ollie's saying, let me explain.
Ollie "I felt like a puppet the entire time"
He's lying to Keesha (surprise!), saying that, effctively, Dan didn't honor the first part of the deal -- which if that's true, then why would they be surprised that he didn't honor the 3rd part? These people need to play chess once in awhile! yikes
Is Ollie ever going to take off those sunglasses in the house? Guess they're supposed to make him look all big and bad.
So did Renny clean up that mess in the kitchen that Ollie made? The candy?
Because I distinctly remember Ollie saying how Renny was Keesha's "maid" -- guess he thinks she's his maid too?
If Renny continues to give any consideration at all to Ollie, I will lose complete respect for her. Not that she cares.
Earlier I saw Memphis picking up chairs & putting them back where they belonged.
What's with the feed guys; they show four pics of the same thing. They've been doing that all day.
When do you think Keesha is going to wash her hair? I hope she gets voted out so we can see that melt down too.
HA! Now Dan, Memphis and Keesha are going over all the stupid theories that Ollie and Michelle have been trying to sell them. They're all laughing at how quickly Michelle turned on Ollie, with her promising Memphis she'd put Ollie up if she got HOH next week!
ON TOPIC OF JOYN---I went back through the posts and the last time we heard from her was last Wed. There was no mention in that post of her being gone.
I sent her and e-mail and asked for her to check in. I also mentioned that if something has happened and her family is reading her e-mails to please let me know because we are all worried about her!
As for BB--Ollie and Mich. are grasping at straws. No one is going to believe anything they say! If Jerry was smart he would be distancing himself ASAP.
Obviously whatever BB told Ollie in the DR he is still name calling and whispering under his breath! DUMB--DUMB--DUMB!!!
Keesha might gain more weight than Jun did in the bb house. One more lollipop or bag of Lays and she will need to borrow Renny's sweats.
It's 8pm in the BB house, and Dan's crew JUST NOW finally figured out that Jerry knew about the 3rd part of the deal, and that's why he's pissed off. They couldn't figure out why Jerry was upset!
Hmmm. Maybe I've been giving them too much credit?
Dan snuck this in:
to see that pic of Monica (then fishies..but too late)
oh boy, watch their servers get crashed...
If anyone want to watch some of what went on it is on You Tube. Just type in: Ollie Goes Off on Memphis. Another one you can watch is: Ollie freaks after pov. Type it in on youtube and you can watch it.
They should the fight and ollie throwing something.
It is getting crazy in the house.
Jackie I hope you don't mind me posting it.
I meant to say the show ollie throwing things.
Ugh. If you can hear the feeds you would be disgusted by all of them.
wth patti, nothing on youtube with those leads.
Hello everyone. PDXGranny and I are safe and sound. We had a great evening together and she took me to some beautiful sites as she showed off her state. I have pictures to share later. We forgot we just met today, that's how strong a friendship can be from getting to know each other online. Hope others get a chance to meet. Nana, we missed you!
Now I have to read the comments and catch up on the latest in the house of rage and revenge.
Rennie is telling how she went to the DR in the beginning; she tho't she was "loosing her mind." She is absolutely hysterical. I laughed for about 15 mintues. So Funny.
Laurie glad to see you made it back to your room safe and sound. We had a terrible band of thunderstorms roll in this afternoon. They didn't come from Portland, did they?
Well, enjoy your reading and Jackie has some great videos up. While you two were playing all hell was breaking loose in the house! The feeds were blocked of Ollie during his rampage so we only got to hear about it.
This is going to be a fun week!!!
The HG think they have 4 more weeks there. I read the finale was Sept. 16th. That puts them at 3 weeks left tomorrow.
Renny hopes they have a DE soon....won't she be happy come Thurs.(only if Ollie/Jerry don't win)!
Poor Mich., because of the fast forward, she's gonna get cheated out of being interviewed by Julie on top of being voted out. Oh well, nothing ever works out for her anyway. She should be used to it by now. Maybe Julie will be nice and give her a consolation prize. I don't know what it would be though...A pacifier, a rattle, or maybe a towel to wipe the egg off her face.
Memphis said he use to model till a couple of years ago. Does anyone know what name he modeled under or have a link?
Laurie, where did you go with PDX Granny? I lived in Portland for 10years, and my family still lives there, so I visit multiple times each year. I am glad to hear that you ladies had so much FUN!!
OK, I just finished watching Date My Ex: Jo & Slade. At one point, three of the four twentysomething guys were all wearing the deep v neck t shirts that Memphis wears. It must be a style thing with that age group?
OMG, we missed a lot by being out having so much fun. I'm actually surprised Ollie is still in the house. Methinks he went too far this afternoon and tonight. I also think he is all bluster and no substance. Can you say bully?
Well, like Laurie said, we made it back safe and sound. We got carried away while at the former asylum, but that's what happens when getting dive bombed by hummingbirds!!
When suggesting this particular outing to Laurie, I said we should plan on 3 hours...I hope she didn't notice, but it took over 6!!!
It was great to meet an online bud, that turned into a great friend!
By the way Laurie, you left you jacket in my car. Good thing we're getting together for another outing!!
Now, on to reading the posts and comments. It looks like I have a LOT to catch up on!
dla, we took a drive out to Multnomah Falls, stopping at several falls along the way. Then we went to McMenamin's Edgefield Manor for dinner at the pub. Have you been to either of those places? So much beauty in nature. I was quite moved by much of what I saw.
Aaahhh!! Multnomah Falls (and all the falls along the way) are so beautiful!! When I lived there, that was an absolute must do with any of my friends that came to visit from another state. :)
And the McM Pubs are always a classic in that area.
How fun!! What else are you ladies going to do while you are there? And where are you staying?
dla, on Wednesday, we're going to dinner at a small Mexican restaurant on Hawthorne, then I'm going to show off Washington Park and the Rose Test Gardens. The weather should be good that day, so the view of downtown and Mt. Hood will be unbelievable!
This meeting online friends is great!! Next time you come to town, you'll have to let me know!
I just checked the local CBS station. BB will be shown at 10:00 on Tuesday, and 9:00 on Thursday.
PDX Granny and Laurie, have a great time. What a great day you have planned. I love the Rose Gardens. :)
Thanks, dla! I'm sure we'll figure out a way to have a good time. : )
Now, it's off to slumberland for me.
Have a good night, all!
1am - Jerry is making the moves on Ollie - he just said that if either of them win HOH, they're going to move into the HOH room together and lock the door and just come out for food.
Awwww, reminds of Ollie's time with April, how cute
(did they get alcohol?)
The incredible delusional twosome (O/J) are sitting outside just ragging on Keesha, showing their pure nasty sides. They both disgust me (and likely most of America too)
Jerry said that tomorrow their plan is to hang out together (O/J/M) like they did today, because "it pisses them off" -- LOL, yeah, D/M/R/K are totally miffed that those guys aren't socializing with them.
Wow. Jerry's got some nerve saying the stuff he does about Keesha. I hope people show him the YouTube clips when he gets home so he can be ashamed of himself. Ugh, he's just foul.
It is pretty disgusting especially considering how sweet they are to her face. Maybe they're ragging on her so bad because she didn't buy into their conspiracy of Dan being a plant. LOL. That's about the funniest thing I've heard today. Dan can't win the half million because he's a plant but does get money when he does crazy stuff. The best part is Dan is trying so hard to make himself look like a weak player and instead they all think he's a loon. Too funny.
I hope Renny wins the whole thing. I love her. She told Dan earlier that if she wasn't married she'd rock his world. She's great. I'm not going to say she's my favorite tho cause my favorite always gets voted out.
I would like an explaination from BB as to why Ollie is still in the house. After his words and actions he should have been pulled out of there by his ear!
Mrs. Whiggins said:
I would like an explaination from BB as to why Ollie is still in the house. After his words and actions he should have been pulled out of there by his ear!
8/26/2008 5:20 AM
In my house he would've been pulled out in handcuffs.
In my house, he would be lying on the ground crying. I've got a baseball bat and I know how to use it.
LOL Good morning anonymous 6:14. You could've swatted a few flying lollipops with your bat :>)
Renny embarassing Dan (so funny)...
Good Morning Anne, Actually it's good night for me. I'm heading to bed. Good night all.
Sally said...
Weren't some penalty nominations/votes given in previous years for people who broke the house/game rules? I remember there was talk of that last summer when Jen was on slop but was eating other food. Maybe that's a way to deal with Ollie.
If I remember correctly Jen was given an extra vote to evict which made her the only person ever on BB to get evicted with more votes than there were people but otherwise they didn't do anything to her. She was also allowed to go to Sequester House and got to vote on the winner of BB.
Monica has a myspace! hmm
anon 1:01- are you typing in as follows, because I just checked and I am getting just fine. Try again. Type in the line the following (one at a time, there are two videos)
1)Ollie goes off on Memphis
2)ollie freaks after POV
I hope this helps everyone so they can see it.
These videos are on Youtube.com
For fm:
The link that Dan gave was not for Monica. It was for the picture of him coaching at Michigan State to prove to viewers that it is not fake.
As far as Ollie getting tossed for his violent outburst, as long as no houseguests state that they feel threatened and in fear for their safety, he won't be ousted.
I the past when HGs damaged BB property, the cost was taken out of their stipend. Most noted for this was Dr. Will in All Stars.
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