The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be updating this entry as it airs -- please forgive typos and possible errors. Also, all folks are welcome in the comments area.
Recaps, earthquakes, previous brouhahas, Dan accepting AP. Jessie got cocky (what else is new). The HOH comp starts ...
Back to Julie and the HOH comp in B&W, then color. Ollie was terrified. Jessie asks Renny who she'd put up if she wins. She tells him not him ... but told us she just wanted to see him fall. Jessie is cocky once again. Whoa, Angie is voted out once again.
I hate this out of sequence messing about. Now Angie's just been evicted again. Good, back to the wall. Jerry drops out 26 minutes in. Libra's out at 33 minutes. Stuff is blown at them and the wall shakes. Dan orates. Michelle is looking uncomfortable. Dan threw it at 45 minutes -- he feels he's safe. Libra is suspicious about him, though.
Ollie is out at 55 minutes. Jessie is stressing, almost crying. Good. He's out at 1 hour and six minutes. He tells us it was a bogus comp. I wonder why all of that was blocked by the feeds? He jumped, wasn't disqualified as thought due to the feeds blockage. Memphis is out at 1 hour 16 minutes leaving Renny, Michelle, and April in the comp.
Dan gives Renny here speech ... on the feeds he had already given Michelle and April similar speeches. Renny's was actually the last speech he gave. Okay, they're giving them, just out of order. He did Michelle's.
Renny out at 1 hour 58 minutes -- an accidental out as she tried to regrab the bar ... supposedly. On the feeds she turned around and that was it. Now Dan is giving April her speech. Wow, did they do an editing job on this comp!
Just Michelle and April, the yard is full of trash. They both tell each other they have a lot left in them. They both want to see pictures of their families. April says she won't put her up. She won't put her up if veto is used. April tells her she'll keep Jessie in the game. She says she won't put Jessie and Michelle up (Which she doesn't). Heh. Michelle is out at 2 hours, 40 minutes. April wins. Michelle cries more.
Keesha asks about the deals. April said she told Michelle she wouldn't put her up. She wants Memphis out. HOH room time -- family pics, nephew, Michelle cries some more. All leave as April reads her letter and cries.
Keesha talks to Memphis. She thinks she can be friends with him. She also thinks he could help her out in the future. He thinks Keesha could help him down the line if he isn't evicted. April is mad because Keesha's hanging out with Memphis. Renny is listening to all of this as April talks to Libra. Renny clues Keesha in. Keesha thinks she should have voted her out when she had the chance. Now, more than ever, she wants Memphis to stay this week.
Dan in action with the AP -- Try to get nominated. He wants Libra, best case scenario is Memphis ... opens the envelope -- Jessie! He's thrilled. He talks to April. She's accepting of the thought. But she goes to Keesha and Libra about it -- she thinks he's acting weird. They think he's America's Player ir a twist.
Michelle is wearing a Renny wig. Dan is trying to teach her not to talk with a Boston kind of accent. Keesha and Memphis talk more. He's sure that he'll be put up against Jerry or Dan. She says that she doesn't know there was a promise made to Michelle or Jessie. Keesha knows she said she wouldn't put Michelle up. Now they're both confused.
April tells Ollie that Keesha is being disrespectful to her. Ollie is yes-sirring her.
Which HG should Dan hug for ten seconds? (America's Player) Voting ends tonight.
Nominations today -- She tells us she's putting up two who she cannot trust. Ceremony time -- Very difficult, not personal, a game ... Key order: Michelle, Ollie, Renny, Libra, Keesha, Jerry, Dan.
Jessie and Memphis on the block. Jessie primarily strong player, people are intimidated. Memphis -- the car.
April and Michelle both say that Jessie isn't the target and he's safe as she promised.
Hopefully, he'll blow it.
here we go
Putting dinner off so I can come here now. ;)
Recaps of course.
Thanks for taking off the word verification, Jackie.
Hey, last two weeks it was AnybodyBut who said that in the first spot!!!!
Hey Sydney!
Hi Z--- glad you put dinner off again. How did your weekend go?
Thanks to Jackie we already know who wins. ;)
I think they just showed Renny's legs with tights and tennies on... was she wearing nylons under those leggings.
Sydney... You're right.. the word is Pressure..
No food comp, this should be interesting....
I think now that the live show is back to Thursdays... PoV ceremony would be tomorrow?!
It's crazy here. But next Sunday we will have 40 ppl for a bbq.
So you can squat on this challenge? Guess so.
Is he kidding??!
Hell I can't ignore him on the shows..
Notice the focus on Jesse? Producers love him.
Boy -- everyone just stiid around in silence last week while Michelle wept her eyes out. Like no one wanted to get near her to console.
The sawdust down my shirt and on my neck would have gotten to me before anything else.
Dan is funny but I hope being AP doesn't make him take things for granted.
Smart of Rennie to wear that cap.
Do we believe Dan's antics?
Dan Dan Dan... we're not stupid... we all knew you threw it...
Hmm when I go work out I'll remember the shakiness comment... I thought it was a sign of wanting to pass out roflmao
I loved when, during the HOH comp, one of the HGs, said, "Jesse, aren't you going to take off your shirt?"
Patty Q
I want to see JessMe DQ'd
Sydney said...
Notice the focus on Jesse? Producers love him.
8/03/2008 8:05 PM
Spot on! I hope cbs doesn't keep him for that reason.
Geeze,Jessie is really shaking. The first time he's being genuine all season methinks. ED drama.
More excuses from Jessme! Just what I figured.
Well, that was a bummer.
what is the black on their hands? Did they give them stuff to put on before hand? Like gymnasts use chalk?
I love Renny!
I used to hate Renny,
Patty Q
The boys are such wimps at this.
OK, I have to give it to her. Michelle has a great set of pins.
Here comes coach Dan
Ohh this is too funny... Dan!!
Dan is too funny being the inspirational coach. LMBO!
I love it!
I was in the other room when he did this the first time, and my husband and I both looked at each other and said.... what is Dan screaming about? So I came back into the room
I can see your hands going numb.
OOOOO Ape's botox is wearing off! Yes sydney???
wow, so it wasn't even that Renny gave up- she just slipped up! ROCK ON SISTAH!
Dan has had some psychology classes. ;)
Renny Ruled! And Dan is hot!
Not the ED/Zack music. Blasphemy!
Lovet he military music during April's coaching speech.
yeah, April has her boy friend watching her???? HUH?
Dan is coaching.
oh wait -- he must have meant Ollie
This comp doesn't come close that endurance. @@
I can't believe how my opinion of Renny has changed since the beginning. I'm now rooting for Renny and Dan.
From what I saw on YouTube, that wasn't the way Renny came off. She slipped off the ledge with one foot and swung all the way around to face the wall. Then they told her she was DQ'd and had to jump off. Not sure why they had to edit it that way.
Zoetawny said...
Dan has had some psychology classes. ;)
He has to whip his HS boys into shape
LOL on the Renny comment Patty Q!
Where is Petals and ABH? And Joy?
Clementie -- VEDDY interesting about them showing Renny's drop off looking so easy after all that she did to hang on.
I loved Coach Dan giving his inspirational speeches to the three girls. I like him and I like Rennie. He is funny and she is one tough broad. She is a true Steel Magnolia.
April really deserved the win.
Yes, Jackie... this is some piece of editing work on this comp.
Gee, APril is sounding so confident. I didn't expect that from her.
Ya we saw that one coming too....
April DID say she'd keep Jessie.
Now see... how did she do this deal and still put Jessie up then?
Hey at least Jessie said he cares about her.
What happens to the tears if you cry upside down?
Woah, is Jesse actually exhibiting compassion???? Look at his face
Why oh why did she OFFER Jessie safety?
Not cool the way cbs edited Renny.
Nice of April to give her a hug, and Jessie brings H2O
Love the sad sack music under all this
At least Jessie is comforting Michelle. I have to give him props for that.
Awww even jerry copped a feel -- um I mean helped her down.
April promised that it would be Memphis who would go...Jessie the pawn.
It looks like the house might go against April's choice but that could change by Thursday.
jessie is only offering comfort because he knows he has to === to stay in the game. Michelle is protecting him.
ok, I am such a baby! How can a girl paint her nails when she is all teary
Even though I am not a huge fan of Michelle, I gotta root for the home town girl. She made me cry.
I thought April said she would she would keep Jesse.
Can't stand April!!!!!!
why is April seeming so excited to reveal she told MICHELLE that she's gunning for Memphis? And why didn't K and L get upset about that?
all the boys leave when she reads her letter. LOL
joy n said...
I thought April said she would she would keep Jesse.
8/03/2008 8:31 PM
She did but the last couple of days others have turned against Jessie.
what IS with the faces Keesha makes?
There is this season's most misused word: DISPRESPECT
They throw the disrespect word around as much as the 'under the bus' phrase. Learn some new catch phrases HGs.
Nice of LIbra to stick up for K
Renny definitely has botox if not a brow and lid lift.
Does Keesha really think April is on her side?
Come on Renny, keep these fools from making another mistake this week.
Yep, not one crows foot, no crepeyness in the eyelids for Renny.. and her forehead is smooth as Nicole Kidman's lol.
Zoetawny said...
Does Keesha really think April is on her side?
I think She flips back and forth, they K&A are making "nice" but eventually it will be be Keesha & Renny vs. Libra and April...
It's smart to have the "girls" alliance, but when they turn on each other... MEOW! And they do every other day!
Sydney said...
what IS with the faces Keesha makes?
8/03/2008 8:34 PM
I know! She's needs Botox now or she'll be all wrinkled by 31. LOL
Sydney, DR told April to read her letter to herself first before reading to the group outloud and she took them literally. She made them all leave then had them come back in. @@
Well, the wicked web is once again in play. Everyone starts to distrust everyone. Everyone starts deceiving everyone. Maybe it will get a little more exciting around here.
the AP theme music!
I still think of Eric when I hear it. I think I've been traumatized...
PlaidChick said...
I think She flips back and forth, they K&A are making "nice" but eventually it will be be Keesha & Renny vs. Libra and April...
It's smart to have the "girls" alliance, but when they turn on each other... MEOW! And they do every other day!
BFF one day and enemies the next.
8/03/2008 8:38 PM
GO DAN!!!!!!!!
crack up with asking her if she can even say water!!!!!!!
Dan is a natural born teacher. LOL
turd or turn???
She can't say it. LMBO!
Dan cracks me up! :)
Keesha could never play poker....
OMG!! My grandmother was an English teacher and they lived in NO when my Mom was little, she was hell bent on my Mom NOT having a NO accent...
That took me back to her teaching me to talk with a Texas accent roflamo
Keesha spilled the beans.
Sydney said...
Keesha could never play poker....
She's a sucker fer sure!
BIG time MEOW!!!!
plaid -- And she shows everything on her face too
There's Joy! Hola chaquita
OMG! If we want to mess with the AP it should be Libra or Jessie. Problem is I don't want to mess with Dan. :(
10 seconds is a loonngg hug, if it's someone you don't like!
I think he should hug Renny, that could be entertaining and shouldn't get him into too much trouble.
Thanks for turning off the WV, Jackie
Buenes noches, Sydney!
Keesha and April were catty from the very beginning. April latched on to that "respect" word again. Strangle Jessie for initiating that one.
Jerry needs a nice long hug. From Dan!
ITA Clementine!
Monty Said: DR told April to read her letter to herself first before reading to the group outloud and she took them literally. She made them all leave then had them come back in. @@
OMG double @@!!!
Let's make it easy for Dan. We want to keep him. ;)
Libra &Co are already saying Dan is AP, so I don't want to mess with him... I think a lot of us were sick of Eric's play last year. I like it only lasts for a week........
Splitting my votes between Renny and Jerry.
Now we know the "DR" powers that be is engineering more than we thought.
Sydney-- April needs some bangs.. her forehead irks me
um did dan work HARd to get Jessie on the block? This has to be where we miss a lot in the show cut
I was thinking Jerry, too. Dan sits and listens to Jerry go on forever.
PlaidChick said...
Sydney-- April needs some bangs.. her forehead irks me
8/03/2008 8:51 PM
I know! They call her Alien-head on other BB sites.
did Michelle just call Ollie Ali when she took his key out of the box? Lol
Zoetawny said...
I know! They call her Alien-head on other BB sites.
I hadn't seen that! I just see pics of her and Ollie's first born :P
Has anyone that has seen April's boobs tell me if they are real of fake? She must have a steel bra for them to rest so high on her body. I say fake.
No major face from Jessie this time? Guess he expected it?
OHHHHHHH! April is jealous of Memphis winning the car.
I can't stand April...more and more.
Well, she is still young so they could be high and big. I had a few very proud GF's who had those back in the day. Otherwise, there are bras that can do that to you no matter what your age..... I got my clients into them to create the same look but I doubt she's wearing one.
Don't be too sure Libra. I think April's as hell bent on evicting Memphis as Keesha was on evicting Angie. UGH!!
Well, guess BB isn't giving me dinner so I'd better get into the kitchen now.
Thanks, Jackie!
What doesn't come out in the rinse...comes out in the wash?? Jessie is an idiot. It's the other way around you fool.
Okay, I dislike Jesse less after seeing him tend to Michelle after the comp. That was sweet.
Dan is still my favorite. I missed what the AP question is. What is the question?
Here's a good laugh for you guys, if you haven't seen it already... it's a YouTube video of Renny and Jerry sound effects!
Renny and Jerry
Mary! St. Joseph! lol!!!!
Off Topic: Design Star finale on HGTV right now.
Syd - April is 39 or something, right?
I'm just saying... plus, her sister had little niddlers in that photo of them... I just think she "prosteth too much" about them being real. Like, okay already.
Even Ollie called her cheap, right?
MAD MEN tonight!
Zoetawny said...
Let's make it easy for Dan. We want to keep him. ;)
I agree with Clementine. I think Rennie would be a good choice.
I like Rennie and I like Dan.
oops again. "She doth protest too much"...that's it.
Sorry, off my game tonight.
Hey, are there any smokers in this group?
Petals, according to her bio April is only 30. IMO she looks older but 30 and no kids could keep 'em high like that.
Thanks for all the blogging tonight. Y'all entertained me when I came in from gardening. I'll watch the show in California time later tonight.
Smokers in the BB house, I mean..
Angie was the only real smoker. Michelle bummed a couple early on but haven't seen her smoke since. I think Brian did too. Not sure.
Thanks Monty. I had BBAD for the Donato season, but not since, so I feel so out of the loop. Does this group get crazy and pull antics for BBAD, the way last season did?
funny petals, i thought you meant smokers among us.
Syd -
I just KNEW that she kept the baby, didn't you? And I love the redhead. This episode is great. Draper has a heart - who knew?
uhoh... I smell trouble. His dad was on their plane!
if anyone gives a hoot, tomorrow People comes out with a 19 (that's right) page layout of Brad and Angelina's kids. Twins are on the cover. HEard they paid $14 million, which I assume goes to charity?
yes, Draper is fast becoming moral isn't he?
Tough meeting with Mohawk. I thought that's why guys had heart attacks at that age. I knew the young, hungry guy would show at the meeting with American.
I knew you'd love the redhead... She's so complex.
I was wondering tonight how much of her is padded and how much that is her bodacious bod. Very Marylin. I have always thought it was her own, but tonight it looked like they heavily padded her bust when she was in teh green dress talking to the writer who had the party in NJ. I am familiar with all the padding and ways to make someone look heavier (like they did with the girl who didn't realize she was preggers).
I have to say, some of what she said went over my head tonight to the ex-secretary after people were giggling about her age. I'm not sure if she still has the power to dictate to her now that she's not a secretary, or if the ex-sec who is now part of the creative staff is above the redhead now but still is afraid of her.
THe plot THICKENS with the baby staying in the family... and the mother has possibly got reasons to hold it over her head somewhere up the road. This career girl does NOT want this out.
Petals - looks like that IS all her bod --
Thanks for the recap Jackie.
umm.. I actually watched the endurance comp on the feeds and I'm pretty sure Dan spoke to Rennie first then Michelle b/c she insisted next. And then April said not now and then asked for it later. So the order to me seems to be the way I recalled it. Just wanted to mention that Jackie.
Since I like Dan now, and want him to stay, Rennie is probably the best bet to keep him from being found out. But I think it would be so funny to see him have to hug Libra that long. She already thinks something's just not right!
I feel really bad for K. She worked so hard to get out Angie so that she could get Memphis all for herself and now it looks like he might be going home. Plus, she can't even talk to him without all of the people in her alliance getting all upset about it. I think we should have a pity party for her next.
I did like it when Jesse said his alliance sucks. At least, he's not as stupid as I thought. Oh wait, dill weed your alliance sucks because of you.
First of all, I need to say that I sure did call it when I said the girls were having a PMS fest the other night. Keesha and Libra both have their periods today. It was so obvious that they both were in extreme PMS mode during the big dust-up!!
Secondly, no, Memphis is not going home, UNLESS -- unless Jerry plays the POV, which he says he won't do, but what if the Diary Room gnomes get involved and somehow "convince" him to? Hmmmm?
Keesha has been walking around like the cat who ate the canary (is that how that goes?) because she got Dan's word that he'd vote out Jesse (and, as AP, isn't he obligated to anyway? - or is that separate from the nomination task?) Libra and Renny want to get Dan to swear on the Bible first though, before they'll believe it. Keesha believes him. So, Memphis, Dan, Keesha, Libra and Renny are going to stir things up on Thursday, IF Jerry doesn't use POV tomorrow.
Zoetawny, I'm totally with you: I have done an about-face and Renny and Dan are my favorites.
I loved his inspirational speeches...he must be a hoot in the classroom!
Hope he has to hug Renny that long...I think that would cause less of a "raised eyebrows" look.
Happy Monday!
Witt :)
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