Welcome aboard! The show has started here on the East Coast. This entry will be constantly updated as it airs -- please forgive typos. Everyone is welcome in the comments area, so join in on the discussion! My full show review/recap will be posted over at TV Squad later tonight.
We're doing the nomination recaps once again. They weren't that exciting the first time around. Day 32 goes to color. Keesha is sure April had influence on the nominations. Libra - "You know damn right I'm the target." Dan is relieved. Jerry is mad and says the only way Dan could justify what he did is if he's America's Player.
Dan is talking to Keesha. He tells her not to let Michelle see her cry. She's upset that April's key was the first one pulled. Libra wants them to whoop her ass if she goes.
Michelle and Keesha talk. Michelle tells Keesha that she doesn't want her out, she wants Libra gone. She thinks all of the evicted have been due to Libra.
Time to pick players for the POV comp. Dan doesn't want Jerry selected -- he's worried he'd use it. Libra is sure she's on her own. Michelle picks April. Keesha picks Memphis. Libra gets Jerry. The host is Ollie.
April, Ollie and Jerry are talking about how happy they are that Libra and Keesha are on the block. They want Libra out. Jerry thinks Dan is a more dangerous player than Libra. Jerry (stalking) follows Michelle into the HOH room. He brings up Dan -- thinking he's America's Player. Michelle agrees with him. She doesn't trust his religious talk or school talk. Jerry wants her to think about him. He tells us that he wants to win the veto comp and take Libra or Keesha off the block.
They're sleeping ... Dan and Memphis want to look like robbers with bandanas and all. They grab pillows and raid the women in the bedroom, attacking with fluff.
Time for the veto. Ollie has a chef's apron on. Thousands of onions and a big chopping block. "Cry Me a Veto." Libra isn't going to sing Cumbaya My Lord and give her the veto. They have to chop onions and place them in either the veto bin or mystery bin. They have 45 minutes. Memphis is playing to win the prize. He wants to avoid making the decision or going against Michelle. Knife, mallet or dicer can be used. April is splitting her onions between mystery and veto. Jerry developed a plan with the chopper which made him lose almost none of the chopped onion.
Keesha's a mess. They have a little bucket right under their chins which they have to transport the onions. Dan and Ollie talk about Jerry being prsonal and wanting to send Dan home.
It's over. Mystery boxes -- 33.8 for Memphis, April 24.7, Michelle 19.4, Keesha 17.6, Libra none, Jerry 17.2. April wins second place, Memphis first. Memphis chooses an envelope. He wers a custom made onion necklace for 24 hours. April wins a personal stylist to pick five outfits to wear in the house and take home. She's glad the other girls will be jealous.
Veto boxes - Memphis 25.8, April 27.4, Michelle 31.0, Keesha 29.8, Libra 32.0, Jerry 36.8. Jerry wins POV.
Libra tells us put a fork in me, I'm done ... it's a wrap.
Jerry tells a strange story about old bulls. Dan is worried.
Jerry is giving the other room a figure. He again calls Dan Judas. He wants to put him on the block. April and Ollie are laughing about all the Judas talk. Every dog has his day, says Jerry. Michelle and Jerry now. He tells her he did it for Jessie. He reminds her he's 75. He wants Dan to suffer. He wants to take Keesha off so she puts Dan up. She isn't up for it, wants Libra out then says I want you to do what you want to do.
Feast time starts. Keesha thinks they should all say something positive about each other. Memphis confused me. Renny gives accolades to the Colonel -- his age and 110%. He gives a tear, he's felt all alone. Renny tells the girls they're all unique and beautiful in their own way. Dan tells Jerry they had an issue, but all of his talks were genuine, he only had one granfather growing up ... tears. Jerry tells him he treated like a grandson, but now totally betrayed. Keesha hates that she and April have issues. Renny says it's because they put two blonds in.
Libra said the designer dress was why Keesha's being nice. Michelle was mad at that. Ollie says anyone can talk to him, so Libra goes to the SR about the scaliwag and ho comments. She cries. He hugs her. She tells him she wasn't the catalyst for Jessie's eviction and throws Keesha under the bus.
Michelle tells Keesha that Libra was making snide remarks. Michelle gets April to back her up. Michelle wants to turn the friends (Libra and Keesha) against each other. "Bring the bitch in the room, if she wants to talk let her talk," says Michelle. Memphis lurks the doorway with his onion garland.
They bring up Libra. Libra claims she was joking and now the whole context is skewed. Memphis runs away. Now Keesha is upset. Let's go there then!" MEOW. Downstairs, Memphis mentions liquid courage.
April is looking all smug. Dan is happy because people will forget about me. Libra brings up that she talked to Ollie and Ollie told her that Keesha got the vote going against Jessie. Keesha says April told her things about Jessie. So now April, Keesha, and Libra are all under the bus.
Michelle and Keesha are screaming. Keesha is mad, but Michelle keeps at her telling her she wants to know what's going on. Keesha doesn't like April. While Libra won't admit what she does, April will blame it on everybody else. Food for thought for Michelle. Keesha tells her that April plays all of them, camera keeps cutting to April with an evil smile.
Time for the veto meeting. Jerry thinks it's his chance to get Dan out ... or he can honor Michelle. Expect the unexpected. What's with Dan's footbal paint stuff? OLSM?
Jerry's speech -- He has the pwoer to veto a nom. Keesha says she knows why she's here, evict Jessie, full and complete repsonsibility, doesn't expect the the veto. Libra -- same sentiments, doesn't expect him to use it.
Jerry talks a bit about how he feels and last week. He had no power last week. Dan, he's sorry he's not there. Walked around wearing the cross, told Jessie he'd give up his religion before breaking his word in the second week, Juda. He doesn't use it.
Meeting adjourned.
Dan doesn't think Jerry's speech accomplished anything. He'd rather be lucky than be good. Keesha wants to fight to stay. Libra has now turned on Keesha -- will let them know Keesha is the one who gathered the votes for Jessie.
Keesha plays a better and smarter game then she's given credit for.
Can I be first??
The Barbie Wars heat up here pretty soon. They better show some of it. ;)
I don't know who I want gone more now... old goat or Alien head
The feast has to be coming up soon. Then fight night!
I vote Old Goat
I was just sitting here thinking about something and I realized that Jerry is an a**hole.
Heh, SSW
It is a quandry, Plaidchick. :)
9:11, we pretty much agree.
I also realized that when Jerry called Dan a scumbag if he was in fact America's Player that he is in fact calling all of us scumbags too. And I must say I am offended
Does anyone know if Libra actually swore on her kids to vote out Memphis? I think this might have been addressed before but I'm not sure.
If Renny, Memphis or Dan get HOH I can almost guarantee it.
I'd love it to be the old goat, but it ain't gonna happen this week, folks, unfortunately.
More out of sequence events.
Here comes the POV!
Yuck! I hate onions
Who thinks this stuff up!
No Libra they all weigh the same. Few big pieces or many little ones. @@
I didn't see Jerry's eyes water once!
That sucks. LOL
OMG, that's terrible!
Stop trying to look like Janelle April....
Yuk! I can't stand April. Smug bitch!
Yes, April. It's so obvious all the other girls are jealous of you @@
Man, that had to get Libra's hopes up for a minute.
I just threw up in my mouth!
interesting analogy, Col KA
Who wants to smack that cap off the old goat?
Not Old Goat, apparently "Old Cow" lol
Jerry's a smug bitch, too!
Get ready, the fun's about to begin. Fight, fight, fight.
I never saw or heard Libra swearing on her kids. That's an April or Michelle fabrication.
joy n said...
Yuk! I can't stand April. Smug bitch!
And later...
Jerry's a smug bitch, too!
I'm having thoughts of Jerry being boo'd when he walks the plank.....
Thanx Jax
Hope the old dog's day is coming soon!
Jerry---- Karma is a Bitch too.. remember that...
Weeeeee, here it comes.
Great now he's getting the good edit we all expected. @@
what an asshole
Yup-- they didn't show April telling Ollie to take his hat off
I would be saying the food is getting COLD...lets EAT!!!!
If these people are going to practice Group Therapy, they really need a certified professional in charge.
It's about to go very, very bad.
And there goes Keesha under the bus
OMG--- Michelle totally took that comment out of context... Libra was totally being sarcastic!!
Oh man, these people are so immature with having to pick fights with each other....sheesh
And there goes Libra under the bus
Am I seeing that wrong? She wasn't saying it to be ugly..... she was totally looped when she said it
yes plaid...it was totally a joke...the BB producers are taking it out of context as well
Clementine said...
If these people are going to practice Group Therapy, they really need a certified professional in charge.
It's about to go very, very bad.
These people can be so UGLY!
I'm almost as old as Renny, and I don't know what the he!! a scallywag is. How does Libra (know)...and is it really the worst thing you can be called?
I'm guess'n not so much.
Touche Anon2
And let's not forget he called her a HO too. I guess having sex on national tv for the world to see doesn't make you one tho.
oh wow Keesha is drunk..and they are playing on that
scallywag - a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel
knave, rapscallion, rascal, rogue, varlet, scalawag
scoundrel, villain - a wicked or evil person; someone who does evil deliberately
Love Dan!
benefit dinner...it benefitted me. lol
Dan: "Do you want cherries?" lol!!
Hi everyone -- I'm late!
April sitting back all cocky. And Keesha's voice.
JB a "scallywag" is a racially insensitive term...usually paired with "nappy-headed" or ironically bald headed....I'm black trust me I know...
BTW love how the tables turned on Michelle and April
slurring in the diary room
Yea, Keesha. She's got April's number!
great quote -- I can't be middleman between Crazy and Crazier. LOVE IT Keesha
She may be flippin drunk, but she's right
"I can't play the middle man between crazy and crazier"
I love it!
Honestly, I guess that I'm surprised that Libra would be so upset over the scallywag thing because it's such an oldtime word that no one uses anymore. Maybe she was act'n a little or she feels a certain friendship toward Ollie.
And Keesha is one-ugly drunk!
That stupid smile on April's face. Ugh!
Not a bad edit, but they skipped most of the craziness. April didn't come out of that too well. Good!
If Keesha didn't fly off the handle all the time, she sure would have this game figured out. She's smart, but she doesn't keep anything to herself and use it against people for strategy. She just flips out.
Okay, I think I can speak for everyone...We are all sick and tired of hearing about Jesse. They talk more about him now than they did when he was there.
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
He's gone. Gone. Gone. Gone and he's not coming back (fingers crossed). Never. Ever. Now Get over it. Please.
Can someone tell me cuz I missed it...what was the line that Michelle took out of context?
jb said...
Honestly, I guess that I'm surprised that Libra would be so upset over the scallywag
That was edited too... Libra has said on the feeds she didn't know what scallywag meant
lol SSW about your first two posts. I'm just now taking the commercial to read back
Here comes Jerry's vicious attack on Dan.
Kay: maybe Jessie really is the center of the universe like he always thought? If so, stop the world now, cause I'm jumping off.
Trust me if we get to vote someone back in the house it will not be JessMe...kind of like James talk talk talk about when gone. PUKE!!!
libra is very pretty
was that the best thing to say Keesha?
Sydney....April won a few designer dresses from BB...Everyone sat down for a feast and went around the table to say nice things about each other...Libra joked and said the the only reason Kessha said something nice to April was because she wanted one of the dresses...but it was said in a very joking way
I agree, Sydney, she is pretty
Keesha looks so much prettier when she doesn't wear a lot of makeup.
Libra looks pretty too.
No one cares how you feel Jerry.
@@ Memphis ROFL
Jerry is a horrible old geezer. And I'll bet they REALLY toned this down a LOT.
I thought a scallywag was a pirate??
Jerry was over the top, that was just ridiculous...
Yeah for Memphis for the eye/head roll! Right on!
Wish Dan didn't even respond to that, though.
I know someone asked this a ways back but I didn't see the answer.... DID Dan ever swear on his religion?
And for all Jerry's talk about Dan, why didn't he use the POV? Because he could not guarantee Michelle would put Dan up?
A little more sleuth in my activities? Um, would you mean stealth?
As usual they didn't show what we all heard the HGs talking on the feeds say, and what we were all waiting to hear. Thanks CBS. grrrrrrrrr
me too Clem -- Dan shouldn't have said a thing.
Technically anon...but it has been misused in the black community..I've heard people call others nappy-headed scallywags....it can also mean "slut"
What did they edit out?
Thanks ANon 2
What did Jerry say that was so bad on the feeds
Anybody still watching Swingtown? It's actually growing on me a little...though with all the fake sex scenes with the swinging neighbors it's starting to look like soap opera romance.
Taking a poll on whose watching Mad Men? I know Petals and someone else.. is it Meb or Joy or??? is watching MM. Sue said she's started watching it too.
Wish I knew what was really said at that POV, too.
I love Mad Men....my fav last summer and this one too!
I don't think it was a wise thing for Libra to say, but I thought as I watched that she was just joking and meant no harm.
I never knew more about scaliwags than I've learned tonight.
Yes Syd I watch both shows and I love them both. Hope Dan or Renny win HOH this week because Jerry or Apri has to go. I am rooting for Judas
OLSM = Orchard Lake St. Mary's
The school Dan teaches and coaches football.
OMG, I say double eviction next week April and Jerry.
She is a snotty, bimbo Barbie.
Jerry gets drunk with power.
I like Keesha, but she should think before she goes off and keep the alcohol out of her gameplay.
Joyn, I was really hoping there were going to show the whole POV speech by Jerry.
I think Jerry's in for a rude awakening when he gets out of the house. He'll probably take it with a grain of salt, but he has earned all the critics he's gained. I was a fan early but no longer. Jerry and April would my top two targets next week. Watch one of them win HoH on Thursday. Yikes.
Monty: If the BB gods rule, maybe Keesha will win HOH? Oooh, I want to see April on the block. I don't think we've even scratched the surface of her bitchiness!
I hope Jerry doesn't win HoH. He has shown us that a little power makes him demented.
Wow, it seems everyone is agreeing that April or Jerry needs to go. I don't think in all of the season's of BB that we all agreed on who need's to go.
I was surfing other sites to try and get info on the POV speech. Somewhere I read that Jerry called Dan a mother f***er--c**k s**ker. I don't know if I believe that....would Jerry really say all THAT!?! I think Dan might have re-acted differently if he said it.
Who needs Webster's Dictionary when I have all of you :)
delee: had to blow up your avitar--I thought you were holding a stuffed pig from a roasting pit!! LOL
Syd--must have had a busy day, heh?
I just caught the end of the show--they really editted Jerry. When that was happening the feeds were down for about an hour.
I'll probably tape BB because gymnastics is on the Olympics and I don't want to miss any of it.
I hope Keesha, Renny or Memphis get HOH.
I think they all would put up April.
I say put up April/Ollie and Jerry as a back up if one of them win POV
I think if April, Ollie or Jerry win it, it would be very hard to watch for a week.
Coumadin/Warfarin does make u very tired my mom was on it until she started breaking out in these red spots her dr kept saying it wasnt the Coumadin ...but I knew she didnt have the spots until she started taking it ...by the time she was red all over her body he finally up the dose and she started to welp up and I had to call in the sisters to help get her off it needless to say it was the Coumadin...I hope u are careful with it BY the way I love ur pictures and I love hearing about ur life ..its kinda cool
I'm hoping for a double eviction next week.
April (because I'm so jealous of her like everyone else) and
Jerry (because I'd like to see him gone, gone, gone).
I've never heard scallywag combined with nappy-haired. I'm really sad if Jerry meant it that way. Not that I would put it past him, I just think it's wrong to use racial slurs (even if they are cloaked behind and old fashioned word).
I'm joining the Renny/Dan in the finals bandwagon. Everyone else can go ... NOW!
Anonymous said...
What did Jerry say that was so bad on the feeds
8/12/2008 9:59 PM
His speech wasn't on the feeds. The information we know came from the HGs afterwards. Michelle was extremely upset and was Ollie, Memphis, Renny, April, well everyone but mostly Michelle.
He went on and on about having all the power, made it sound like he would use it and replace the nominee with Dan. Michelle said she was so angry when he was going on and on that she would NOT have put Dan up becuase of it. She would have put Renny up. Either way, Libra goes home. Jerry burned a lot of bridges with that little speech. Unfortunately we will never hear it. Again, thanks CBS.
They did the same thing when ED took Danelle off the block S8. Justin's eviction week. All the HGs went on and on about how touching and poignant his speech was and how they couldn't believe it, and CBS showed none of it really.
Clementine said...
Monty: If the BB gods rule, maybe Keesha will win HOH? Oooh, I want to see April on the block. I don't think we've even scratched the surface of her bitchiness!
8/12/2008 10:11 PM
From your fingertips to God's ears. ;)
Sorry didn't mean to bring God into BB. :)
Nana in the NW said...
I was surfing other sites to try and get info on the POV speech. Somewhere I read that Jerry called Dan a mother f***er--c**k s**ker. I don't know if I believe that....would Jerry really say all THAT!?! I think Dan might have re-acted differently if he said it.
He may not have said those specific things in the speech itself, but he's said them over and over again to Michelle, April and Ollie. Jerry is a nasty, nasty little man.
Before Michelle made her nominations for eviction both Memphis and Renny brought up April's name. Now Keesha has said somethings to Michelle about how sneaky April is.
I honestly think whoever gets HOH will definitely put up Col KA and if the HOH is anyone exceptfor April, Ollie or Col KA I think it is likely that April will be nominated too.
A girl can dream can't she???????
Jackie I noticed on your Feed update on TV squad someone suggested that you do a poll on who was the most disliked Hg for this season.
That would be a 3 way toss up among Jessie, Col KA and April. Just trying to think about chosing one of them as the worst makes my head hurt! LOL
I grew up in the South and although I am not black I have heard the term Scallywag used since I was a child.
In my world it meant someone who would take advantage of others like a con-man. A mean spirited person who would prey on unsupecting people.
When I was growing up it had no racial connotation. Anyone could be a scallywag. It may not mean the same thing now as it meant when I was a child.
My final comment on tonight's show is that the BB editors spared COl KA but they showed April to be the Barbie Bitch she really is.
She is not a nice person and I see no redeeming qualities at all in her.
Knowing that she has a twin makes me realize that she IS the evil twin I have heard about all my life.
Michelle knew what Jerry was going to say, but they all have had this mentality since Day 1... RESPECT MY AUTHORIT-I-!!!
So... Michelle would of been really angry if Jerry had taken one of her nominations off, but yes Jerry couldn't get Michelle to guarantee him she would replace Libra or Kesha with Dan and we saw that in the DR Leak-- to spite Jerry should would of put Renny up to make sure Libra would go. SO he wanted to make Dan sweat-- for as little or as long as he could.. because it's all about RESPECT
Nana -
I just get caught up in watching the Olymipcs and join live blogging late... two for two this week. And I totalyl believe Jerry would say MFer
Monty said:
Sorry didn't mean to bring God into BB. :)
I am taking a poll about Mad Men because if there are enough of us I'm hoping Jackie might might might put up a discussion meet up link for us to comment on it.
PlaidChick said...
Michelle knew what Jerry was going to say, but they all have had this mentality since Day 1... RESPECT MY AUTHORIT-I-!!!
ROFLMAO. I love that Cartman!
oops I meant Cartman clip.
Okay, April is a dumbass as well as a smug bitch (Joyn). They're talking about bringing someone back and April said the HGs brought Amy and Kaysar back. AMERICA brought Kaysar back. Idiot! Can someone let me in that house to b!tch slap her?
I know I already had a too long comment but I had to add my 2 cents on one more thing.
I thought Libra's comment about Keesha being nice to April was meant to be funny in a sarcastic way. I don't think Libra was trying to be mean spirited or start another fight.
Michelle blew it way out of proportion IMO.
Although I believe Michelle said she was trying to get Libra and Keesha to fight as her reasoning for bringing it up, I have serious doubts that she was thinking about that at the time she did it. I just don't think Michelle is that clever.
I just read on Jokers that Ollie, April and Jerry say they will vote Keesha out and they want to get Dan to vote with them.
That would be an interesting twist!
lynn1, she isn't. Plaidchick (I think) pointed that out as editing and she was right on. They left so much out of that entire fiasco. BB chose to show it as all Michelle's doing, like she made a mastermind move there. Truth is the alcohol with a little few subtle seeds from Renny fueled that night.
The other thing was the whole toasts that started it off. Keesha made her request to say something nice after that. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on the timing. It was a screwy edit if you actually watched all that go down on fight night. Speaking of correcting my memory...
BB, up Jerry's meds. He still thinks eviction night is on Wednesday. ;) He just said it and Michelle had to correct him, RFOL.
Oh my God over on Jokers now O,J,A,M want to vote out Keesha now & plan on talking Dan into it. Keep L as a target. Also Jerry made up a lie & told them K & M were planning on meeting in Tohoe to split the money which is what got this going!
BB, up Jerry's meds. He still thinks eviction night is on Wednesday. ;) He just said it and Michelle had to correct him, RFOL.
oops, my fingers are stuttering tonight. ROFL. {blushing}
OK Michelle isn't in on it just J,O,A to get rid of Keesha. Micheel came in room & said jerry is losing it. Oh & Jerry said Keesha & Mem would meet in Tohoe if they won 1 & 2 not split the money but they were olny talking about Men taking his girlfriend to Tohoe not Keesha Jerry really is losing it.
Get ready for BBAD folks. Dan's murder mystery begins and Keesha, Renny and Memphis have to find Eli the elephant.
Tonight's BBAD entertainment show. :)
At least these hamsters find things to do besides beer pong and hanging out in the hammock.
Sydney, I am still watching Swingtown, and I started to watch Mad Men based on your recommendation, and I LOVE IT!
I found Season 1 On Demand, and caught the first 9 or 10 episodes before they took it off. :(
I need those 4 episodes or so that are in between where I left off and the beginning of Season 2, so will probably rent the DVD's.
Great show, and I really like our twisted soul Donald Draper. lol
Dla- glad you are LOVING Mad Men! Jackie I know you're waaaay busy, but do you get A&E? I think you do... have you caught any of MM last year or this. OK, humor me, as the last show I yacked this much about was Dexter and that one caught on with our fellow crew here.
Monty your humor is HOT tonight!!!
April just put her foot in her mouth talking about hiring Mexicans. BIG TIME.
Sydney said...
Monty your humor is HOT tonight!!!
8/13/2008 12:16 AM
It's actually sad. I have three more days off and I'm bored. :) I can't get out much these days staying with my mother and all. I've turned her into a BB addict as well. She now dislikes Jerry, wants to watch them fight, and she doesn't like "that girl vho always wears red" (Michelle), lol. If I channel surf during commercials she asks me to turn it back so she can watch them fight or vote Jerry off.
I wish we both could see Jerry voted off. ;)
Ok so I know you all are in bed sleeping(except maybe April/Ollie) as it's 11:30p.m. here on the WC...BUT I am watching the Olympics and Natia Lukin just did an awesome bar rountine then Michael Phelps won another gold!!! I want to wake up my hubby but decided to write here instead. LOL
Will comment about BB in the morning.
I'm out of here... April and Ollie in bed arguing and I know they are going to do it again. That's how the feeds go these days. Argue then make-up sex. It's hard to keep a tally on their sexcapades. They've definitely set a record. Night all. :)
April and Ollie are in bed talking, he's questioning why she hasn't slept w/her guy friends. Is he finally figuring out what a slut she is (and what a man-slut he himself is). "I only sleep with one guy" (she left out "at one time"). HA. I can't believe her. Yes, there is a double standard, but who goes on national tv & sleeps with the first guy she meets within HOURS.
I want that two-faced, kiss ass bit** out, out, out. What must her family think?! And Ollie's father, the minister. Ugh!! They are sickening. On many levels.
From my dictionary:
Scallywag: n. a scamp, rogue
(Am. hist) a Southerner willing to fraternize with the enemy after the Civil War
While I agree that April and Jerry need to go. I dislike Michelle the most. I wish she could go next week.
I agree Michelle is the biggest liar. She will get hers soon.
I've been searching for a video of Jerry practicing his speech to Michele before the PoV meeting. Sadly, it's not coming up anywhere.
For anyone who might doubt that Jerry called Dan the vile words referred to here and by the houseguests, it would offer the proof you need.
He's a vulgar and vile man with definite double standards. Despite her claims of innocence, Michele knew exactly what he was going to say and gave her stamp of approval. She backpedaled when she saw the reaction of everyone else.
Amazing that Dan's only 'crime' is that he didn't vote how Jerry wanted him to.
I wish Dan would call Jerry out for the liar that he is.
Sydney - Just catching up to all the comments now after being tied up writing last night. I watched one episode of Mad Men and it just didn't capture me. Maybe I'll try again.
So what is up with Jerry getting all over Dan for "breaking his word" when Jerry did the same thing the first week??
And oh pious Jerry took off his military gear (how many times did we have to hear THAT?) and that made it okay, but Dan taking off his cross was being Judas??
That man is wacked!! And yelling "hide behind your cross"? Geeze. Take a pill, mister.
Dan is doing a very good job of laying low and "taking it".
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