The show has started here on the East Coast. I'll be constantly updating this post as it airs. Please forgive any typos as I'm typing on the fly here. Well, on the keyboard, but ...! Everyone is welcome to have fun in the comments area!
Recaps - Ollie works Renny to get Jerry on the block. And, sure enough, it happens! Nominations once again. Renny's nom speech again. In color for Day 39. Jerry tells us how tough he is with Marines at 17, kill or be killed. Renny tells us April is the target this week. April thinks the whole game is personal and she'd be a liar if this didn't work. Ollie is grateful he's not on the block.
Dan thinks that Renny has a secret deal with Ollie. Dan talks to Memphis and they're worried one of them will go up if the veto is used. Ollie comforts April. April tells Ollie she has to look vulnerable to those people right now. She wants his support.
Renny in HOH room, Keesha arrives. She asks if Jerry is okay. Renny says it's two from the trio and I did what I wanted to do. She likes Ollie and wanted to put Jerry up. Keesha tells us that she doesn't think Renny will put Ollie up if the veto is used. Renny says no one should feel safe. Renny tells her certain people are targeted and they must go.
Jerry in bed talking to himself. Ollie thinks the Colonel is losing his head. He is indeed talking to himself, no religion, no politics, but he misses his family.
POV players pick time -- Dan doesn't want Ollie to play because he would take April down if he won. Renny picks Dan's name, April chose Keesha's name, Jerry chose Ollie's name. Renny names Michelle as the host
Ollie and April are ecstatic that he's playing. Dan, Keesha and Memphis are not happy with the Ollie pick. Keesha tells the guys that Renny likes Ollie and won't put him on the block. Memphis thinks Renny is a loose cannon and has gone off the deep end. He's really upset that Renny would put one of them on the block and not Ollie.
Time for veto comp -- spooky backyard, mummies, graves, python, bones ..."freaky and outright evel" -- Ollie. There's a crow there. There are voodoo dolls representing the HG. They have five minutes to examine the items. Dan figures it's a memory. Five roaches, Keesha is squeamish as Dan is concentrating. Jerry tells us he's like a little streetfighter. Object is to earn three points. BB will ask a question, always an amount for the answer. They write the answer down, look at others and can stay or fold. Closest to actual answer gets point. If you stay and are furthest, out.
Length of serpent: Jerry stays w/216, Ollie folds, ERenny stays w/540, all others fold. 260 inches, Jerry won the point on the snake. Renny is out.
50 pins stuck in a voodoo doll example - pins in all 8 - Big range in answers. Jerry stays w/1200, April stay 705, Keesha stays w 900... Jerry gets a point for the item, needs one more to win POV. April eliminated.
How many cockroaches in tank -- Dan tells us he can't afford to throw the comp. Keesha stays w/20, etc. Dan's 68 is closest to the 195. Keesha is out.
Ounces of blood in containers on table - Ollie and Jerry fold, Dan gets the point.
Nails on bed of nails -- All stay. Dan is closest, wins POV with his third point.
Jerry is upset he was so close and lost. Ollie is upset he let April down. Dan tells us he might have to use the veto to get Ollie and April both on the block. April will do whatever she can to get Dan to take her off.
April and Ollie suggest using gold bars rto bribe Dan. Dan is upset and might use the veto on Jerry so Renny will put up Ollie. Jerry and Dan meet in the storage room. Jerry tells Dan he knows he took a nasty shot at him last week. He apologizes for the Judas comment. Jerry tells him that his loyalty will be to those who help him stay if he stays this week. Dan shakes hands and accepts the apology. Dan tells us he'd have zero enemies in the house if he takes Jerry off.
Dan and Memphis -- Dan thinks Ollie could put either of them up. He thinks Ollie will go after them. Memphis isn't so sure.
Dan gets a Renny haircut. He tells us he's putting his prize possession in her hands, then prays. She tells him she'll cut it the way she wants. He ends up liking it.
The table is smaller. Ollie thinks nothing easy will happen from now out.
April is talking to Dan. He asks if she feels safe, she says no. April says she always tries to be nice. April wonders if Jerry offered him anything, he says no. Dan said he doesn't know if he'll use it or not. April offers her word, Ollie's word and cash. Dan asks if Renny and Ollie made a deal -- she thinks Renny did it on her own because she has nothing against Ollie. Dan says he has to think about it.
Dan and Memphis -- Dan wants to talk to Renny. He wants Ollie going up. One thing I don't like is how loud he is in DR. He says he doesn't want to disrupt her plans, asks if she and Ollie made a deal. She says no, she likes Ollie. Dan throws out scenarios -- Jerry off, she gets stuck on that ... would look at him as a traitor. She tells him she trusts him and thinks he'll keep the noms the same.
Dan considers the veto -- use or not. He wants what's best for himself. April is worried that Dan will take Jerry off, Renny will put Ollie up and she goes home. Jerry doesn't think he'll use it on April and would like if he used it on him.
Speeches -- Jerry: I'm 75, grew up hard, set in ways, don't sugarcoat, stretfighter's mentality, Judas apology again, use as see fit.
April: Congrats, honor Renny's wishes, don't expect you to use it, but would love it.
Dan: Respect both for coming to talk to him. One brought interesting $ proposition for him, gave him a tough decision ... decided to ... pause ... not use the power of veto. Dan tells us he mentioned the money to put doubt in the game and stir things. Ollie says they have to get votes to keep April. April is going to be a total bitch (she says) if it looks like she's leaving this week.
I want some ice cream.
--passing anon some ice cream--
Hey guys!
Jackie, you nailed it about Holywood Wannabes. April seems to think she's poised on the brink of stardom? Even the incredible Janelle is still in Florida with her VIP waitress job, and she is the number one blonde BB bombshell. April is a poor man's Holly; she's NO Janey.
Hot for teacher!
Is tonight Craig or is it tomorrow? I can never remember.
Yeah, someone is this game is praying for you Ollie. It's all of us praying for you and April to go home.
Wednesday night is the Ferguson appearance.
The Jerry segment was a hoot. I can't wait to see this comp they've all been describing.
Even if Renny was keeping Ollie in her back pocket for later, why would she tell Keesha her thoughts about not nominating him before that scenario even played out? TMI, Renny! Keep those thoughts in your head! Now you're alliance thinks you're a loose cannon.
Jackie - your opinion of the AprOllie Folley?
Ollie and the crows, LOL.
My hand would NEVER go in the cockroach box!
Anonymous said... Yeah, someone is this game is praying for you Ollie. It's all of us praying for you and April to go home.
Amen and amen!
I had thought that after Renny was put up the first week that she had gone into game mode and was playing a good one. I think she has now pooped in her nest. She has destroyed the trust Keesha, Dan and Memphis might have thought she had.
I think Jerry was yanking on our chain. His comment at the end and the big smile made me think this.
Looks like a neat Veto comp.
what ever happened to aprils OCD? my guess is she lied about having it on her tape to up her chances of getting on the show. ocd doesn't go away, and it definitely shows up when its there
this is a pretty good pov challenge....
April should win a prize for poor loser!
....ollie wanted to play it safe...surprise surprise. has he been working at all to try to keep april in the house?
The Renny doll is cute with it's little boa.
Thanks for the Eskimo pie Petals.
jerry looks like he's dropping some weight
i swear ollie is throwing this thing
ROFLMAO, April got knocked out after round 2...
I would be terrible at this game.
Dan, good poker player! But not liking your new haircut. That is the new haircut, right?
i wonder is ollie secretly wants april out.....done playing with that toy.....
GO DAN!!!!!
YAY Dan the Man!
i agree with dan that renny messed up by not putting april and ollie up
I think "Ali" (as Michelle so irritatingly pronounces it) is just incredibly ineffective!
And Snape-ril really does look snakish (not to insult any reptiles out there, lol)!
anyone notice when Dan is in the DR he talks different almost like he is shouting or something..i dont know,its only him that does bothers me
-Jamie Mae-
Clementine: Renny just cut Dan's hair so that is the old Dan. :)
Jamie Mae it's probably because the DR person is telling them to speak up, use names, and to speak clearly
Dan is awesome.
Here comes the apology.
Col KA at his best...
Just like CBS to play with America. No way is Ollie going up, but they want America to think so. @@
Dan is hot even with bad hair! :-)
Jamie Mae, you sound like an "Anybody But Dan." I'm afraid you've landed amidst a gaggle of Dan-fans, but keep it comin'! We love to defend our man!
nancy in nj said...
"jerry looks like he's dropping some weight"
...It's all that bending over to kiss everyone's a$$!
ROFLMAO. Love the church music in the background. :)
Kissability? Oh, yeah, baby! Much better hair, too. Good job, Renny!
Lying little "Smitch"(to use Dan's word)....she denied offering Dan any money.....
Glad she's going!
Renny's the Tough Cookie Woman!!!
Renny is not a smart player. She is really disappointing me.
April did straight-out lie to Jerry on BBAD. She did make a clear offer to Dan.
I love Dan but just said to my sons, why does he holler in the DR?
arrgh -- I signed on at 8:30 my time and didn't see the live blog post so I thought it was preempted or something... grrr... now I will be watching it on the West coasters time. I miss live blogging with you all
Well, she is unique. I can't remember anyone ever playing the game this way before. I'll be interested to see where her strategy goes.
They said he is coaching.
Petals - Poor Man's holly is right!
Lol Anon 9:11
yeeha jerry and april sitting in the chair.
Jerry isn't going to cry is he????
Hey, I'm on the Atkins diet so pass the virtual ice cream!
Jerry does look like he's lost weight. I wish I could believe Jerry was sincere... April's rang more genuine (except for that smile) that Jerry's
Dan's voice is cracking -- nerves?
Is April sunburnt or just red with fury?
Woah, Ollie lookin tough
NICE Dan. I love it! He's more of a player than folks give him credit for.
She's gonna be a total bitch... and how is that different than how she has been acting?
Was it you petals who said april's natural boobage is too high up to be natural? More and more I am agreeing with tha possibility...
April says she's GOING to be a total bitch? What does she call what she's been all along?
HI Clementine!
lol JoyN
April: They're going to kick me out so I'm going to be a total bitch to them. Hey April isn't that what got uyou put on the block in the first place. LOL
April is going to be a total *itch? Hummm, how is that going to be any different?
Renny goes a little overboard with her dress sometimes. I agree, she is one Tough Old Cookie.
I notice that shouting when Dan is in the DR, Jamie Mae.
Donna and Joy: I'm shocked at you both! You're obviously jealous of April. It's sad, really. Don't hate her because she's beautiful!
but I am so jealous of her high forehead and big mouth.
OMG, jealousy all over the blog! What's a Snape-ril to do?? lol
She's prettier than me too and much nicer too. She's such a good person. I'm so jealous I can't stand it.
Donna, we think alike.
I'm so jealous of her high opinion of herself. She is perfection in her own mind.
Oh I know, I know, all those designer clothes and gold bars and that boyfriend that would do anything to get her off the block.
I just can't stand myself, I want to be her!
So far, Ollie sucks at comps.
OK, I'm watching it from the start -- Ollie seemed to be pretty supportive of April when she was hurt about the noms.
Suprised to hear Keesha say she thinks Renny would put her up on the block if one of those on it came down after POV.
Oy, Renny calling everyone for that POV... her voice is still so odd, but I've come to like her enough to forget about it (um, til NOW again)
I'm confused. I'm getting the impression that who ever win's POV is safe from the block. That's not the way it was in pior years, and it's mentioned two times this year.
Bummer-- Renny's weeks so far has lost her hard-won points iwth the people in the house. Hope it doesn't come back to bite her.
I love Dan but just said to my sons, why does he holler in the DR?
Donna in Al,I can't beleive you said that too! I had just looked at my husband and said the very same thing. It's a wonder he's not as hoarse as Jerry as much as he hollers while in the DR.
While I am at it--what is with that pouty mouth that Renny always has.
AND, most of the time Keesha has a look like she's about to cry because she just smelled sh*t or soemthing.
I hope Renny has not lost the trust of the others this week. I beleive she thought she was playing a good game but that it may backfire and come off as them beleiving she is not one of the Rennygades after all.
Guess that is enough of my BB10 pet peeves for the night.
Oh no! Are we all jealous of April? She's everything we ever wanted to be ... how sad that we can't be happy for her and instead we let our petty jealousy get in the way of really getting to know that nice girl.
Somebody let me know when April starts being a bitch, okay? I'm afraid I won't notice the subtle difference between that and how she usually is.
Her saying she's going to start being a bitch is like me saying I'm going to start being sarcastic. Yeah, I'll let you know when that starts!
I was cracking up at Dan and the way he talks to the camera about the game, like a sports announcer. He acts like he is yelling a script, lol. It is so funny but unpersonal at the same time. sarcastic? April a bitch? come on!!
You are spot on...she has been irritating, bitchy and in no way does America like her!
Hi Terry!
No she is not America's Sweetheart, is she?
PVO Comp: with the red hair dye and the white streak Michelle not only looks more like magenta, she is really looking like the old Black and white Bride of Frankenstein, dontcha think?
Laurie-- I know it's been said but I am just loving the outrageous obviousness yet utter subtlty of your Danana avitar.
With her dreams of fame, April probably would be delighted to learn that her picture is in the new Entertainment Weekly magazine. Unfortunately, it's in the "Sound Bites" section with one of her catty quotes abut Jerry: "If it's a picking-your -nose competition, I'm sure he'll do fantastic."
I was hoping that tonight's episode would show April getting her fancy designer clothes. Wanted to see just how much of an ingrate she was. Maybe the sponsors didn't want to be dissed on national TV.
Anon at 10:19--I raised that question about the POV a few days ago. The answer: If you're not on the block and win the POV, you are safe whether or not you use the POV to save one of nominees. If you are on the block and use the POV to save the other nominee, then you aren't safe and could be evicted.
Still watching the tivo'd show -- took a big break in the middle for track and girls' gymnastics -- but seeing Dan shouting in the DR with perfect, announcer -like narrative makes me wonder if they have given him cue cards/
Mayve it's all Dan's sports coaching... his shouting reminds me of that too.
Perfectly scripted coaching tho
ooooh, love that Dan gave Renny a review after she cut his hair. That was hot.
Ah Sydney, thanks for the lovely compliment on my Danana. Subtle and outrageous are such good descriptions of lil ol' me!
Sally, you know April will take any publicity available to her. There are several quotes they could have used, but that's probably the only one that could be printed. And yet, she's such a nice girl. Go figure!
Will there be a shotgun wedding or is the honeymoon ovah? On another note, this is the first year where there is no praying for a win. Praise the Lord.
Watching the feeds: Michelle is totally wasted. No one else seems to have drank, though. She's making a fool of herself.
just tuned in to feeds, Michelle is alone in spa room, crying, why? It seemed like she was all rambunctious a few minutes ago, then everyone went off to bed and now she's alone crying.
What happened?
Yea, Syd - re: her boobage. I just had reduction/implant surgery in June, and my implants haven't "dropped" yet - but they don't sit nearly as high as hers! She could rest a dinner plate on her cleavage, and she doesn't wear special lifting bras, either.
Good Morning all. Hey Jackie, what happened? I can't be first if you don't put up a new post, LOL. Just kidding, I know you have other things to do.
After watching last night's show I have decided I really don't like Keesha - as much as I have tried to, I just don't. She can see the faults in everybody else so clearly, but not in herself. She was ragging on Renny's nominations again and saying how she doesn't know what she was thinking. Well when she was HOH she used it to get Angie out purely out of jealousy. She certainly wasn't thinking about her alliance. The other thing that bugs me is that Keesha, Dan & Memphis were so upset that April and Ollie were not put up together. Although I can see the benefit to them of that, once Dan won POV all they had to do was keep the noms the same and as long as the three of them voted out April, she would be gone. Mission accomplished. They can't get them both out the same week, so as long as they know April's going why all the stressing out? Also, Dan is starting to get a little cocky. He is not out of the woods yet, and better keep stepping it up from this point on.
Just now watching last night's show and I think we are watching the end of the A/O relationship during the Veto comp.
The looks that April is giving to Ollie are deadly! I have a hunch this isn't the first man who let her down in a crunch. However, she's the one who called on fate. heh heh heh
Did anyone else notice Keesha eating a banana? Did anyone else give a little chuckle... or am I really the most twisted in the bunch?
I always wonder what makes people so confident that they can win comps or HoH. Ollie hasn't done anything in any comp so far and I don't think he's throwing them. Why did he think he could win this one for April??? She has a better track record than he does. She did look really mad when he didn't do well even though she went out early in the comp. I think the only way Ollie and April will last as a couple outside the BB house is if Ollie somehow wins the $$ (and his family doesn't hold an intervention).
Dan is my fav but he should be careful not to get overconfident. That's the downfall of many - including Renny apparently.
Ollie hasn't done anything in any comp so far and I don't think he's throwing them. Why did he think he could win this one for April??? She has a better track record than he does.
Exactly! We watched Ollie play that veto game the same way he's been playing the whole game. Sitting back,folding, and hoping someone else will win. April going out was a do or die moment for him and he didn't step up. At least April and Jerry really do play to win.
I wonder if Ollie lives his real life this same way. You know, laid back ... too cool for school ... not drawing attention to himself ... slip,sliding through life.
I do think you are right. The romance (it's real you know) will last only if he wins the big money and only if they don't go to his home town. Oh, and only if they don't look on youtube!
The really sad thing is that I think Ollie truly was trying to win that POV comp. He just really sucked at it, LOL. The funny part was Jerry damn near won the thing. If he would have stayed instead of folding on the roach question, he would have won. Wouldn't that have been interesting? Just to shake things up and make things interesting, I kind of want Ollie to win HOH on Thursday. If its a mental comp he has no chance (snicker, snicker), but they should be about due for a physical comp.
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