Zoetawny made us a nifty graphic (and oh-so-true, too) for the show. The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will constantly be updated as it airs. Be advised -- since I'm paying more attention to the TV than anything else, there will be typos. Everyone is invited to join in down in the comment section!
Recaps --nominations, veto, etc. Julie has on black slacks and a nice mathing slightly poufy-short-sleeved top. I don't know about that gangly chain around her neck, though. She brings up the fact that someone might try to buy Dan's vote (although they couldn't buy his veto). I really wish Dan would stop shouting in the DR. Jerry is surprised that April offered Dan money. Michelle wants the person who offered money gone. Jerry said Renny told him he'll stay.
Michelle goes to Dan looking for information about who offered the money. Much ado about nothing, I say. Michelle tells Keesha and Memphis that she doesn't think April offered the money and blames it on Jerry. Now she thinks Jerry needs to leave the game.
Keesha says she has to stay with her desire for April to go. Memphis thinks they should still vote out April. Dan is quiet. April says they have no reason to put her on the block - all she's done is be nice, give people stuff, make cakes. One person doesn't like her and it's jealousy. (Yay, Zoetawny graphic!) April wants to sway a vote her way.
Michelle tells April that no one has talked to her about the vote. Ollie told her that keeping April is best for her. Michelle says if the house wants April out, she'll vote with them rather than being a target. Ollie tries Dan ... Dan doesn't commit. Dan always looks so uncomfortable in these situations.
Now April is working on Dan. She asks him if Jerry offered him money. She asks him to take money into consideration, offers hims safety if she can. He tells her he'll think about it.
In DR sessions: Ollie wants to keep April because they connect so well (like dogs during sex?), Michelle is worried about going against the house. Memphis doesn't like either of them, mentions Jerry is a liar twice.
Ollie and April families. Ollie tells April his parents want him to be happy. It's to the family church of Ollie. He thinks Ollie's upbringing made him what he is, morals, principles. @@ April's family? Her twin sister says April is the dominant twin, she thinks Ollie is like herself -- laidback.
Ollie's father doesn't know what a showmance is. Ollie's father is totally clueless! His mother said it was unnerving at first, but Dad says he stands by his son's decision.
Marriage proposal -- her sister is upset. They want to live tgether. Gag.
Talk to HG: Talks to Ollie, scary week, crows. She asks him about the birds. He says they're dirty. To Dan -- congrats on winning first comp of the summer. Renny -- emotional when seeing parent pictures in HOH -- she wanted to see husband and children, but goes on about living memories of her parents. Very emotional. Jerry -- slop for half your stay -- He fries it. Audience question for Memphis -- Bring one HG back? He says Brian just for giggles.
More DR -- Keesha thinks April should stop bragging about herself. Dan thinks Jerry could be a liability, he's the swing vote again but doesn't really want to be in this position.
Julie talks to Renny: Kooky Renny, now serious player as HOH. She hopes the others underestimated her. She thinks she's very strategic, gives 110% and hopes America is crazy about her. Back to parents ... made her strong woman she is today. Wary of Memphis? She'd like to see him go, thinks he's shrewd, needs to learn respect, etc.
Nominees talk. April -- So grateful to get to know each and every one of you, will treasure every moment, play for yourself, if she leaves cereal boxes not in order. Jerry -- Besides slop, something special, memories, will take no sour grapes with him to jury house, tries to keep word.
Live voting starts -- votes are to evict:
Keesha - April
Memphis - April
Ollie - Jerry
Dan - J ... April
Michelle - April, sadly
April is evicted. She was expecting it. She hugs them all including Keesha, handling it well. Ollie looks like he wants to cry, but gives Jerry a quick hug.
The talk -- Keesha? Fiendemies? She says she has nothing bad to say about her, Keesha turned on her, not sure why the house turned. Ollie? Is that part of why evicted? She doesn't think so. If she acted in the house as she is in this interview, she'd still be there. Future with Ollie? Ollie wanted to move to Arizona anyway, he'll get his own place. Marriage was a joke. Goodbye messages: Dan - Ambitious hurt you, target with Ollie, prolong life in game. Renny -- Amazing, vivacious, competitive, love you. Keesha: Rocky relationship. Ollie" Found such an intellectual and beautiful, will you be my first girlfriend? She says yes.
HOH comp - They're in the yard on ropes, King of the Jungle. Be last person hanging on jungle vine, argh ... it's an endurance. It's raining. Ollie has gloves. Vines have life of their own, they rise.
America's vote: They miss loved ones. Phone call from home.
Next week is a double live eviction, fast forward. The check back has them all still hanging in. Jungle noises, Ollie looks scared. They're getting slammed against walls, going up and down.
Did I make it first?
Wow, Zoetawny, what a perfect representation of April! I'm jealous (for so many reasons)!
Is April wearing one of her designer dress prizes tonight? Sydney, we need your expert eye.
Dear Sweet Delusional April! I've come to realize that there's quite a few delusional people in the world... and April ranks right up there with them.
Ooohhh, April and Ollies' family and friends are coming up! I can't wait!
I just threw up in my mouth-- can A/O LOVE LAST????
Gee should we start a pool?
wow ape & ollies families!! film at 8:30....lol
hey Manchelle...it's Ollie not ALI!
LOL, I'm two posts back catching up on comments and missed the first 10 minutes of the show....
Oh yeah....interviews with the families....let's see if they are as delusional as A/O!!!! Ollie's parents should be picking their words carefully...LOL
Gotta go and catch the EC feeds.
Monty -- so I don't forget -- have a great vacation this weekend!! going near water?
, I'm leaving Sunday for a week or so's road trip driving from Houston to Colorado. Husband has a cabin up there 13,000 ft up (!), no running water, generator electricity. Little log house on the prarie for us.
Congrats Donna -- you're first.
Oooh, O/A's fam -- this ought to be good!
HIs dad has a similar cadence to Jesse Jackson...
Woah, April's sis has boobs too Petals...
what a liar april is.
Oh, I can't stand this! Ollie's preacher dad talking about raising a child with "morals, principles and integrity"! They need to show how far this "romance" has gone! And all of Ollie's talk about his previous escapades!
April's sister is prettier than her!
How is this-- Ape's twin is better looking than her...
I can understand my sisters who are twins don't look alike much anymore
didn't april dan the money? what a liar!
I think I'd crawl under a rock and never come out again.
Sounds like Ollie's Dad is all about him winning the money...
Mrs Whiggins -- YES, what is up with the Ali????
Sydney said...
Monty -- so I don't forget -- have a great vacation this weekend!! going near water?
Nope, no water but it will still be relaxing. I need it after the summer I've had. ;)
Enjoy the cabin. Sounds ideal to me.
Renny is so beautiful and I loved her answer to Julie. GO RENNY!
Keesha looks pretty in that DR-- not as harsh as we were talking about weeks ago. I think that color does a lot for her skin and eyes...
Let's see we're 30 minutes into the show.. I'd have to say DE is not going to start this week
Plaid - agreed
April's twin looks alot more "real" than her...hair, make-up, even skin tone. I bet Ollie's parents don't watch anything but the CBS show. They probably have been told about the sexcapades but not seen them. April better hope that whole group isn't sitting watching BBAD and the live feeds.....
we seem to wonder for weeks when we're at this point so I don't think DE will come for awhile.
Renny just has the most youthful smile. It transforms her already pretty self into a cute as a button gal
cereal boxes in descending order is not OCD
hmmm.. do we believe Jerry? I WANT to believe this version of him, but he isn't that person so much of the time...
Ohh you know a group of them gather and watch BBAD and the feeds...
The conversation between Ollie and April telling him there are a million girls who look like her in AZ-- that's a major eye roll
Jackie, you're right, Julie looks very nice tonight. She has been looking far better overall this whole season.
Boy bettah vote for April to stay
What was that??!
Oh gee, Dan you're a real card -- I think he turns into a real geek when talking to Julie each week.
Michelle actually looks really nice, and he Hi Julie was pretty low and husky-sexy. Did anybody think that????
I vote to evict J... April. Gotta love Dan! Who could resist him? :)
I hope Ollie gets the HOH to revenge April...Maybe CBS will do a vote back in a houseguest, which I heard that was going to happen, but even if April is one of the chooses she America probably won't vote for her...
Her goodbye to Ollie wasn't very sentimental.> Though she looked like she was going to cry when she got to him, but she picked up her bag so quickly, it prevented her from giveing him a very big hug.
Perhaps she was already thinking of her interview?
OK, i still say April is quite pretty. Her sister did look more real -- someone here said that - BUT sis had the same white blonde hair, so it's not the haircolor/skintone combo.
They weren't best friends, they were &^%^ buddies
Way to go Julie! How's that for calling out April and Ollie?
How old are we?
Wow, April completely restrained her bitter, egotistical side and was charming. Who knew she could do that?
PlaidChick said...
Ohh you know a group of them gather and watch BBAD and the feeds...
The conversation between Ollie and April telling him there are a million girls who look like her in AZ-- that's a major eye roll
Lmao...the eye roll was her last comment...a million girls like me , only fake!!!
BTW, Housecalls today was pretty interesting. Gretchen had Robyn, the BB casting director, as a guest. She said this was about the 4th season that Dan had auditioned for the show. She liked him all along, but they make decisions about the cast as a whole, and I guess he didn't fit in the puzzle until this year.
Just saw an ad on the other channel saying Idols, Survivors and bachelors - -and some date in September -- wonder what that was about.
There's the vines.
Dan is the new Rocky Balboa AND was he the only one who thought water would be involved???
How did Dan know to wear a jacket with a hood?
"I'm not from Dearborn, I'm from the Amazon!!" lol
Good luck, Dan!
I'm voting for Jerry. I know, I know, but I hate to see anyone be that lonely (no matter how badly they acted)
OK well I'm moving rooms to watch the feeds
I'll bet Ollie is wishing he had a hat on!! Somebody with extra "cushion" on the backside will probably win. That wooden plank they are sitting on is going to start hurting....
Jerry probably will be out within the first half-hour.
This may be Memphis's week....Keesha will wimp out with a sore butt.
Back to the show.
Go Dan, smart to wear a hoodie and gloves!! win HOH for most of us here. I'm voting for Dan.
double evication!
Pre-announcing the double eviction, Julie? Looking for ratings, I think.
I'm voting for Jerry too. IF I can get on line to vote.
dang that looks like it hurts
BB, let me in there. I want to compete in this one! :)
Wonder if CBS will get in trouble with the censors for whoever screamed "My nuts!!"
like they did for the Libra F-word slip
Michelle looks awfully comfty...
Ollie looked like he needs a pair of oops I crapped my pants...
Wow, what an episode! Ollie's parents couldn't pronouce showmance. I think they don't have internet access or something. Moral is not a word to describe either Ollie or April.
Dan was wearing a jacket in the HOH comp. LOL
I'm gonna have to catch up on these comments later. For now, I'm gonna tune it to the competition.
all they need is to have a crow -- even a fake one -- siting around and Ollie will be toast
yup Plaid - I think Michelle has it in the bag.
Oh Jerry doesn't deserve the phone call. I'm guessing Dan will get it b/c we all like him best. I don't want to hear his wife say she's proud of her hubby who's crude and mean.
reading comments made during the show--Sydney, April said/gave Ollie his "real" good-bye last night...and the night before....and the night before....etc., etc. LOL
Uugghh....I missed most of the show from Fay. Lots of wind and rain on the NE coast!
Meant to say Hi Nina -- saw you got first comment a post back.
Thanks Nana -- that makes more sense, lol
OMG...it just dawned on me, BB is slamming a 75 yo man into a wall!!!
This looks like a fun comp. although not for hours! I was wondering about censoring "the nuts" comment too. I think it was Memphis that said it.
Keesha will get cold real quick.
Are the feeds up? I'll have to keep checking in and go to Joker's.
Syd-I thought April's sisters hair was not as bleached blonde looking and her skin was much more tanned(maybe softer make-up).
Laurie, I just saw your comment in the "Street Fighter" post.
I work 2 blocks away! I'm at 1100 SW 6th Avenue. There are lots of great places for Happy Hour close by. Email me when you get a chance and we'll make plans! mammameea@aol.com.
This is gonna be fun!!
Now back to reading what's been going on since last night while waiting for the show to come on here. I'm not reading anything yet 'cause I want to be "surprised" when I see whose evicted.
Just reading over on BBDish, and Dan was told by the DR and he told others tonight was an endurance comp
Feeds back, they're still all on!
Nana, I just read your comment. Wouldn't it be great if you could join us! I think we all have about the same twisted sense of humor. :)
I just looked it up on Mapquest. It's only 142.17 miles.... Not quite the same as 2 blocks, is it?
Now back to reading earlier posts...I still want to be surprised when I see Apr...er, I mean "who"
get's the boot!
BYW, this blogging with no WV is pretty slick. First time I've done it!!
that dress woulda looked better on Keesha.....April ugh....lol @ Clementine April I'm jealous (for so many reasons)
PlaidChick said...
I just threw up in my mouth-- can A/O LOVE LAST????
Tea said: rofl
I wonder if Aprils sister is jealous cause Aprils is soooooooo pretty...I think the twin is much prettier and more real
ok i will hush now
i just heard on jokers Dan won, ollie fell or dropped not sure...
Hahahaaaaaaaaaaa Hahaaaaa Classic April design.
Oh, I can't stand this! Ollie's preacher dad talking about raising a child with "morals, principles and integrity"!
Geez I'm glad I didn't have time to watch tonights Epi, my ears are hurting throbbing badly as it is, I tried headset but my ears are super senitive, I can't spell either my head is throbbing, but i'm glad Dan won HOH, I wonder if America votes who is put on the block.
I'm gonna look at Aprils horrific image haha gave me a good laugh ..My laughter is loud, Dan's quiet compared to it.
watching showtime 2, that pretty much confirmed it....
dan made a deal to save ollie and michelle.
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