I do have a live feeds post up over on TV Squad, but it's been a bit of same-old same-old today with the exception of Jerry getting the phone call. BTW - It was three years ago today I had the first surgery on my now new knee. It was supposed to buy me a year.
The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will be updated as it airs and everyone is welcome aboard in comments! Beware, typos will exist. :-)
Recaps, recaps - Dan and Memphis secret alliance, Renny's noms, Ollie and April's relationship took a step forward? They should know the feeds watchers know where it was since week one. Recap, offer cash, April voted out.
Into the HOH comp now. Ollie has his gloves, Dan his jacket. Memphis feels he needs the win or, if he doesn't, Dan or Keesha. Ollie and Michelle want to avenge April's exit. Ollie thinks he's all alone although he knows Michelle is in his corner. Dan tells us he's not here for April's 5,000 -- he's here for 500,000.
Keesha doesn't know how Ollie will do without April. Ollie tells us he's taking the game to the next level. Dan likens the HOH to the Carnival Ride from Hell. Ew,a groin shot of Jerry.
Jerry out at 41 minutes. He can't feel his legs. Michelle fusses that she was the innocent bystander of a balloon toss. She picks off a balloon for revenge and it opens on her -- green ick in it. Good. Keesha out 1 hour, five minutes. Memphis is disappointed in her. He wanted her to make a decent effort.
Michelle out at one hour 59 minutes. She says her sneaker got caught and ripped her from the seat on the vine. Memphis out at 3 hours, 19 minutes, so it's between Dan and Ollie.
Ollie tells Dan "I won't go home." Both are shivering. Dan tells Ollie that he is only up there for Monica and needs to see her photo. Ollie tells him he loves his "peeps" too. Ollie promises Dan if he wins, he won't put him up. Dan promises Ollie he won't go up. Swore on his girlfriend. Supposedly then Dan's gears start spinning. What else can I give you? Who do you want protected? Myself - Ollie's answer.
Dan says to us he has to give all the HOH power this week to Ollie so the blood will be on his hands. Protect someone, one nomination, and choose the veto. Ollie calls all the shots except for one nomination. Ollie drops and is smug about the deal.
Dan tells us he made one of the worst deals in BB history, but thinks it will all work out in the end and he's proud. Keesha tells Memphis that Dan made a funky-ass deal. That's a good descriptor! Ollie tells Michelle that Dan said he could save one more person and there is more to the deal. He tells her there's a third part of the deal which he isn't supposed to tell her. He tells her the third part. "I got a steal."
Dan told Memphis he made a deal that he'll tell him about later. Memphis isn't happy when Dan tells him it might get sticky this week. Renny hasn't a clue, Memphis is mad.
HOH room -- a Taken shirt from Monica, photos, she is pretty. Coaching photos, letter from home. He tells us he will turn on fake tears for his advantage. It works on Renny.
Renny asks Dan about how many women he's dated. He keeps asking definitions. He tells us he loves to pick on her.
Ollie goes to HOH room, Dan gives him a beer to bribe him. Ollie assumes that Dan will nominate Jerry. Ollie wants to nominate Memphis. He thinks that Memphis is more threatening. Dan tells us it would be a huge risk which could backfire if he puts his ally Memphis on the block.
Memphis goes to Dan in the yard. Dan tells him that he made a deal with him that he could put one nominee up. Dan wants him to trust him. Memphis is more worried about others. Dan wants to guarantee two votes for Memphis to stay ... Keesha and Renny are his target votes. He talks to Keesha first, she says she doesn't know if Renny will keep Memphis.
Renny arrives in the HOH room. Renny outright says she doesn't trust Memphis. She thinks he would cut your throat. Dan is trying to convince her that they should use him to a certain point and cut him. Dan tells us his entire game depends on a woman who wears wigs and boas. He calls her "wrecklous." They agree on final three together, Renny isn't too cool with Memphis, but seems like she will go along with it.
Memphis is still not happy, as he has a right to be.
Is Memphis wearing one of Dustin's grey v-necked shirts? Ew.
Dan talks to Monica's photo. He seems torn.
Nominations today -- Jerry hopes Dan has the same "no sour grapes" approach he does. Say what? Michelle is leery. Memphis knows of the deal and expects to be nominated but says he will go after him. Ollie is sure his deal has to be followed.
Dan mentions the deal that was struck and that he's honoring the deal. Key order: Ollie, Renny, Keesha, Michelle. So it's Memphis and Jerry on the block as we know.
Dan says he nominated Memphis because people don't know where he stands, vagabond, renegade. Dan tells Jerry that it's not about the Judas bit. He makes a football analogy, then tells them they have the power to save themselves with the veto.
Ollie tells us he controls what happens from here on out. Dan thinks the nom will hide his alliance with Memphis. Memphis says it doesn't make sense.
Hey, where are y'all?
Sheesh, 15 mins into the show and we still haven't seen "the deal" yet. Come on, BB!
And will we see Jerry's phone call tonight?
everyone is MIA...what's the deal?
Jackie's first LOL
I'm here! but flipping back n forth with the Olympics. So great to see the men's volleyball team win gold (and bittersweet for their coach.)
I got caught up in trying to listen to this "deal"being made.Manchelle is full of excuses,it didn't lok like that was why she fell.
Go Dan I want Ollie out bad
This is strange where is everyone I never comment during the show still rotting for anybody other then michelle/ollie/jerry
Keesha was just warming her hand, but they make it look like she was gasping in horror! lol
Can't wait to see that cocky SOB walk out the door
I heard Monica yelling Michelle get your hands off my man!!!!!
Ollie - "So don't reiterate this" ROTFLMAO
Yeah,what was tat with M and Dan,she was all over him. She didn't know she was safe,she was just being Pvt KA!!
They sure played down how beat up Memphis got in the HOH competiton!
Loved the violins as Dan read his letter.
Wonder where Joyn is? I haven't seen her comment in a few days.
Since this happened, Dan really brought his group around and now has Renny and Memphis working together.
If he hadn't, there was probably a chance that Ollie, Michelle and Jerry could have gained dominance. (blech!)
It's fun watching Dan work his "master plan." Didn't expect to like him when I first read the biographies, but I'm sure rooting for him now.
I just got home a few minutes ago. Catching up on what happened. I love listening to Dan's talking to himself.
Jackie, I hate those V-neck t-shirts that Memphis wears! I think he has one in every color of the rainbow. The V is too deep, and he can't pull off that look. (At least he's not wearing a thick gold chain as an accessory!)
I was eating dinner....
This is Russian Roulette at its finest..
If Dan comes out of this and makes it to final he deserves it all
I think Dustin's shirt has come back from the dead YIKES!!!
I thought maybe we would see the AC phone call tonight. They will have more than enough footage from the POV ceremony on Tues (lol, can't wait!!) I think they should dedicate a whole show to the Delusional alliance.
Nice code talk Dan
Dan is such a dork sometimes! I guess that "renegade" comment was meant to reassure Memphis?
Yeah, Ollie, there's going to be a shocker as the week unfolds! You're right about that!! Hee, hee
Whoa... no hand shake between Dan Memphis
Liked Dan's nomination speech. His reference to Memphis being a renegade was a nice touch. And the football analogy for Jerry was good too.
Ollie is WAY too smug, arrogant, egotistical, pompous, delusional, etc. Hope he follows Michelle out the door on Thursday.
clementine..about the v neck shirts that memphis wears..my b-friend is always complaining about them and how you can see his man boobs through the shirt..lol..I thought him and I were the only ones who were bothered by the shirts!
-Jamie Mae-
My grandson (age 15) insists that Memphis has to be gay because of those shirts and the way he acts... I try to assure him he is not, but the v-necks all the time on a guy are a bit to much aren't they? GO DAN!!!! Great show tonight. Memphis not shaking Dan's hand was (IMHO) part of the act to throw everyone off.
i gotta say...i think Dan is one of the smartest players in a long time...he really thinks out all the angles...i think he'll do the right thing...let's just hope ollie doesn't win the next HOH for the double eviction....
or perhaps i'm putting the horse before the cart...gotta get memphis off the block and michelle in his place
Loved Dans nomination speech. The comment 'some people think he is reckless (Memphis)we'll see if he is a "renegrade".' was great. If Memphis plays his part things will be good. Love watching the show even though you know what is gonna happen because of the feeds but the DR sessions really let you into their minds. Dan is gonna be remembered as one of the best manipulators in BB history. He really does know how to read people'
At least I for one feel much better about Dan's complete stupidity.
I had no idea he went to Michigan State! That explains it all!!
Hahahaaaaa -- Ollie ---
Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haha --Ollie __ Surely you must miss April? Ollie's Confident D/R speech regarding having control to funny, He need to be backdoored. I can't stop laughing at Ollie's comments following nominations.
OMG Jackie I was thinking the same thing about Memphis' shirt...haven't we seen that nasty thing before? Maybe Dustin stood it up in the corner for the next person that wanted to wear it?? LOL!!!
I have a theory, but just don't want to spend any time researching to find out if it's true.
But my theory is that the people in the house who spend lots of time at the chessboard tend to end up in the final four, possibly final two.
The only evidence I have is last season, Adam and Ryan. And who plays the most this season? Dan and Memphis.
And it's not a coincidence, either.
I don't remember about prior seasons, or even if there was a chessboard. Anyone?
Regarding the Jessie/Michelle aphorism: "Whatever doesn't come out in the rinse comes out in the wash."
It does sound stupid, but y'know, I've been thinking about it.
Maybe they're talking about the dishwasher, because if they're like me, I rinse all my dishes off first before I put them in there to wash. Plus, the dishwasher actually begins with a rinse cycle.
Just sayin'
And yes, this is random.
Best BB episode yet. Not sure if anyone else in that house is smart enough to check their emotions and play to win.
Best BB episode yet. Not sure if anyone else in that house is smart enough to check their emotions and play to win.
**Is there any way you can leave the word verification off until the west coast episode airs?
Best BB episode yet. Not sure if anyone else in that house is smart enough to check their emotions and play to win.
**Is there any way you can leave the word verification off until the west coast episode airs? Fourth time might be a charm.
Umm, I guess it worked the 2nd time. LOL
yes there was a giant chess board in the backyard for season 8 and zack and dick wld play all the time. they wound up in the final 3 with danielle, with dick1st and danielle 2nd. not a coincidence. the whole game is simply chess with real people.
if memphis is gay then marcellas is straight....hahahahaha
fa.....are you there?
keesha is saying she doesn`t have an alliance w/ renny....all along she has been the closest to her...what is everyone`s take on this? if the final 3 are keesha renny, and dan or memphis...will keesha and renny be the final 2?
Too bad hooters doesn't have a dental plan. The whiner could replace that snaggle tooth.
Sallie,my sentiments exactly regarding Dan's speech and Ollie's
arrogance,etc. Hope he does not win
SandieKay-Tell your grandson that
wearing V-T-shirts does not mean you are gay. My husband is quite the opposite of gay. He can not
breathe in crew t-shirts.They are
too constricting! Fa,regarding the rinse/wash aphorisom,.I agree. If you cannot remove the stain the easy way(rinse)then you go the hard way(wash).
Thanks to all of you! Reading this
blog is one of the highlights of my day!
Heh, they are all hoarding the booze and blaming each other. Keesha with her wine glass topped off, etc. If you enjoy a glass of wine at night, it doesn't suprise me that the bb house would drive a person to drink more. Doesn't make a person an alcoholic, pluheeze.
I'm eager for the POV meeting! Hope everyone talks alot about it afterward so we find out the details of what happens. And then I hope that Ollie and Jerry get so discombobulated that nether does well in the HOH competition.
Jackie, Is is appropriate to wish you a happy 3rd anniversary, regarding your initial knee surgery? You got nearly three times the anticipated use after that surgery--let's hope you have an equally successful result with your recent knee replacement.
And thanks again for writing all your concise, witty live feeds reports and show recaps. BB wouldn't be half as much fun without you and your followers! (How did you ever find time to work a day job?)
I hope Jerry doesn't give up the money. I think it's dirty of the others to try and con him out of him. I would sure like them all a lot less if they do.
IMO Jerry deserves whatever happens to him.
Has anyone heard from Joyn? Did I miss something while I was on vacation? Is she away? She hasn't posted for a while. Very unlike her. Miss you girl...where are you?
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