The show has started here on the East Coast. This post will constantly be updated as the show airs. Typos will happen as I'm paying more attention to the television than my typing, so please forgive me. Everyone is welcome to chime in with your thoughts and reactions as the show goes on! (Where did I last see that beverage cart?)
Recaps, going over the HOH deal again. Dan and Memphis discuss Memphis going on the block, then Dan in his nominations dilemma, noms cermeony. I like Dan, but his projecting in the DR is driving me mad. Hmmm ... new fodder -- Replacement Nominee Roulette, a game of Dan's. Whoops, back to the old noms ceremony.
Finally, back to color on Day 46. Ollie thinks he gets all the good things from HOH with no blood on his hands. Memphis thinks Dan's plan is crap. Jerry thinks he's in trouble ... but he's a fighter. Dan projects that it's a calculated risk that will make people think he and Memphis don't have an alliance.
Dan and Memphis talk some more. Memphis is pissed, but Dan in his mellow way tries to soothe him. Dan told Memphis the third part of the deal and that he'll put up Michelle if someone comes down.
Dan asked Keesha if he made a mistake. Keesha thinks it won't go the way he wants it to, it never does. Renny arrives. Duh, Keesha now knows that Michelle and Ollie have an alliance. Dan tells Renny and Keesha he won't put either of them up. "Oops." He'd have to put Michelle up.
Ollie is tells Jerry and Michelle about the secret third part of the deal. Of course, it was supposed to be a secret. Jerry isn't putting too much stock in the deal. (Judas memories.)
Dan wants everyone to gather in the living room. America's Vote. The phone call. Jerry's eyes lit up and Michelle looked like she was going to cry. Keesha does shed a tear or two in the DR. Michelle goes off crying because she's so lonely and would die to have a phone call from home. She sobs to us. I'm not as patient as Renny with her. Jerry goes and talks to her, too. Now Jerry is upset, 54 years, Parkinsons ... I have more sympathy for him.
The phone rings -- in the living room. Stupid Michelle doesn't know if she should answer it. Jerry's daughter asks for him, his grandson talks to him. Then his wife Jo. She tells him she's okay. They miss each other. Michelle cries, not sure if she's touched. Everyone else is smiling and seems happy for him. When he asks if she thinks they behave, she said, "Well ..." Sure enough, Michelle cried because she misses her family. "Thank you America" - he croak shouts.
Memphis goes to HOH with Dan and Keesha. They're wondering if Michelle will vote out Memphis and who Michelle would put up if she gets HOH. Best case scenario -- Michelle goes home this week. Dan tells us he's going to have to break the deal with Ollie. Very important POV, says Keesha.
Player picking time -- Dan picks Renny, Memphis selects Keesha, Jerry gets Houseguest Choice -- Michelle. Dan did not want Michelle to play. Jerry thinks if she wins the veto he'll get removed. He also thinks that then Ollie gets to pick the replacement nominee.
Ollie goes to Dan about the deal. 2/3 is done, the rest, the most important? Ollie tells him they need him on their side. Dan nods a lot and says okay a few times.
POV comp - All in space gear, Star Wars music playing, it looks like Mars. Ask not what theveto can do for you. Planet Veto, fly puzzle pieces on a zip line kind of thing, extra pieces in puzzles. Two heats..
Michelle Dan Keesha heat one, the others go inside. ONE GIANT LEAP is the name of it. Dan wants to throw the comp to Keesha so she'll use the veto. Michelle wants to win it. Keesha has a lot of rope problems. Michelle has the traveling down. "What Michelle has in strength, she lacks in brain power" -- Dan. Michelle thinks she's good at puzzles, but has problems. Keesha has the puzzle down. And Keesha wins the heat and advances to the finals.
Memhis, Renny, and Jerry are up. Both Memphis and Jerry really want the win. Renny loves being in the astronaut suit and is having fun. Jerry dropped a piece and took a long time picking it up. Like Michelle, Jerry claims to do puzzles all the time and is good at them. Memphis won the heat!
Keesha and Memphis in the final round with a new puzzle. Ollie tells us he's happy because he has the power. Dan is happy, couldn't have orchestrated the whole thing any better. Memphis WAY beat Keesha! Michelle grimaced. Ollie did fine.
Ollie is giggling because Renny or Keesha will go up. Dan thinks Ollie and Michelle are going to be shocked.
Memphis and Dan celebrate in the HOH room. Memphis thinks Michelle is a loose cannon, hostility in the house. Dan says they can beat Ollie. Dan tells Memphis to keep things mum. Dan tells Keesha and Renny about the third part of the deal. "Dan's not a very good negotiator," says Memphis. Dan wants Ollie to continue thinking the deal is on. "You're going to need some protection," Renny says.
Ollie wants to talk to Dan now. Dan says he's going to try to talk Memphis out of using the veto. Ollie tells him he wants to put Keesha up. Dan tells him his hands are tied. Ollie tells him three people in the house won't come after him next week -- Ollie, Jerry, Michelle. Of course, Dan already has Keesha, Renny, and Memphis.
Dan wants to cause drama and fights amongst others so the attention is off of him. Dan tells us at the veto meeting, he will get each HG to pick a replacement nominee so they all get mad at each other. Michelle says Keesha, Dan tells Ollie that he needs him to say Renny. Ollie agrees to do it. Keesha has no problem saying Michelle. Renny gets questioning and thinks it's a cop-out. Wait, Ollie's going to say mine? Renny is peeved but says she'll say it. Dan says Michelle is going up, but he needs the fireworks.
Ollie is so proud of himself and hopes it follows through. Veto meeting time! Memphis speaks as POV winner. Jerry speech -- COngrats, awesome job, don't expect him to use it on him, nice speech. Memphis saves himself. Dan gets up, worst case scenario, wants to have fun, play games -- Replacement Nominee Roulette. Who do you wish, be truthful, if you don't say a name, you go on the block.
Michelle: Keesha -- Ollie: Renny --- Keesha: Michelle --- Renny: Ollie
Gamble is a risk, Ollie you lost a bet, Michelle you go on the block. They stare. Daggers! Michelle thinks it doesn't make sense she got backdoored for someone else's deal. She threatens in the DR. He's a plant, y'know.
Ohh , the lollipop throwing and a bit of outdoor. They edited a cringe on Dan as he was in the HOH for the lollipop throw and the backyard rampage.
Here we go!!!!
Jackie- at least I'm here to start it off with you tonight. I know you had to wait awhile for others to join you the other night. I didn't want you to be lonely so I kicked the kids off the computer.
Ollie, Ollie, Ollie, you are so delusional.
The most explosive veto meeting EVER!!
I wish they would show the veto aftermath tonight, but they won't
dan was simply trying to play both sides
Great line- Memphis said it in reference to Dan giving Ollie the right to pick the veto nominee-"What the h**l were you smoking up there?"
Oh, I am so glad the drink cart is here, I am looking forward to a glass of wine!
i love Renny
PlaidChick said...
The most explosive veto meeting EVER!!
I wish they would show the veto aftermath tonight, but they won't
8/26/2008 9:05 PM
DITTO! Howdie everyone.
A smart thought-"That wasn't a smart deal. I don't trust anyone in this house." Who woulda thunk Jerry is the smart one of the group(O?M?J)
OK I have been meaning to do this for days now, and if I could of chopped Dan's head on a plant I would of :)
Since it was the aftermath of veto and this show ends after the ceremony, I don't think we'll see Ollie's explosion. Will they have time for it on Thurs.?
On BBAD last night Keesha and Memphis were going over "what favorite sexual position" they put on their questionnaire. When Keesha asked Renny, Renny's look on her face was priceless. Who would of thunk all of us who wanted her gone are fans?!!
Michelle... the new Amber!
Ohh good Lord.. HELLO AMBER
awwww, Jerry
of course you answer it moron
Time out, I thought the HG's had a fit because Jerry didn't tell his wife he loved her...
I'm crying ya'll
Wow! The telephone call was very touching. I am so glad Jerry won it.
Hey plaidchick - awesome avatar!!
It was Renny who kept bashing Jerry for not saying "I love you" to Joanne. She must have not heard him.
If they don't show the POV wreckage tonight, we probably won't see it, right? There's no time on Thurs with the double eviction.
Oh, those BB editors better show Ollie's true character!
Clementine said...
Hey plaidchick - awesome avatar!!
It was Renny who kept bashing Jerry for not saying "I love you" to Joanne. She must have not heard him.
Either that or it was a CBS edit... who knows.. show the POV already!
Oh, Ollie. Things are definitely gonna get nasty. Just not nasty like you want it ;)
is it me or are all these people O and Mi, really stupid. No one would go through with that deal.
PlaidChick said...
Ohh good Lord.. HELLO AMBER
LMAO. We had the same thought at the exact same time. Love, love the PLANT!!! :-)
Clementine said...If they don't show the POV wreckage tonight, we probably won't see it, right? There's no time on Thurs with the double eviction.
Oh, those BB editors better show Ollie's true character!
What? They won't show it. They never showed A/O or even hinted about the knee knocking that went on. They never gave previous house guests who got into a bit of hanky panky that same consideration.
ROFLMAO-- it's Armegeddon!!
plaidchick: I bet you're right about the edit on Jerry's "I love you." It probably makes more sense that he spoke to his daughter last.
I was waiting to see the "space" comp... this should be cool!!
Space suits. Cool!
I was typing too fast.. Armageddon
Ok... this is a redo comp that Gnat won
Once again, I'm chuckling at Dan in the DR, shouting at the camera! Sounds like he's reading cue cards.
"What Michelle has in strength, she lacks in brain power." Ha!
I'm sorry but this veto looks stupid.
Memphis looks sooo much better in a crew-necked tee.
This edit of Ollie is cracking me up!
Memphis and his sounds, he did that all night during the HOH comp.. he cracks me up
Laugh it up Ollie aka P Diddy
Ollie is so cocky. How can he not be even a little nervous about his little deal backfiring.
Memphis looked hot in the spacesuit.
Dan's looking a little peaked... stress?
The Renegade handshake was a definite edit. They had to do it twice to get it right. But I still liked it, lol!
Monty: you did a double-take on the double-take, lol!
Renny said... "What 'da crap was that??!!"
I think that's my new saying... hee
They can't even follow Dan's body language, he has something crossed when he's lieing
Clementine said...
Monty: you did a double-take on the double-take, lol!
I know, lol. I have a heavy trigger finger tonight. That was the second time. :):)
theY're not going to have time to show the freak out at least not all of it. Maybe a watered down version. is jammed up!!
I still think this was a dumb idea, Dan. Overplaying your hand.
Clementine said...
I still think this was a dumb idea, Dan. Overplaying your hand.
I didn't understand this idea yesterday, and listening to him, I still don't understand it.
Hmm.. Dan's neck looks big there. With a vein sticking out. Maybe he really is a football coach!
alright what's going on
One word Ollie: FLIP!
LOL about his neck....
I think "Replacement Nominee Roulette" would have been awesome, in a different situation. If the HOH surprised people with it.
I don't get it
What is that blur where Michelle's mouth should be? Hee
clap clap clap clap
no one gets it. It was a dumb idea.
Watered down is right. Ollie flipping out in slow motion with music in the background just didn't cut it with me. @@
It should have ended with Ollie breaking something. That would have been a great cliffhanger!!
Ollie threw a HUGE tantrum, and all they show is the lollipop and the lamp??? I'm shocked.
Michelle, my belle! YES! It does say stupid on your forehead!
WTF BB--is that all we are going to see of Ollie's rant??!! I may go on a rampage if we don't see anymore than that on Thurs.!
Why didn't they show Ollie with a mouth blur for telling Memphis to suck my bleep you bleep bleep? CBS must love Ollie... NOT!
Wow, I've watched this show every season, and the BB editors can still make me angry.
There you have your summary of Ollie's behavior: tossing a few things as background to the end of show voice-over.
You stink, BB editors.
And there not keeping him around because it makes a good show. A penalty nom or being expelled just doesn't fit into their script this week. No time, what with the double eviction.
Well, I guess Ollie's family was spared the embarrassment.
Wait this flip out you guys saw... I didn't see that here in Western Mass!!! I saw nothing except him walking! What the hell!!?!??!?!
The naming a person who you want on the block was nothing but a rouse to cause turmoil. Renny, Memphis and Keesha knew that going into it, Ollie and Michelle did not.
Ollie got cocky and lost. Do I think he's the one who should of gone up? Yes, but Michelle is a stronger player.
Ok in the commercial it said we could have a hand in the HOH comp on thursday. Just go to to find out how. I can't get to the site. Has anyone else been able to?
Hi Joyn, good to "see" you!
Anonymous said...
Wait this flip out you guys saw... I didn't see that here in Western Mass!!! I saw nothing except him walking! What the hell!!?!??!?!
It was on the feeds yesterday after the veto. CBS edited it BIG TIME. They might show a short recap Thursday night, but it'll have to be quick
Jackie has YouTube clips on older posts...
yeah it's a voting thing
which current houseguest could you see with this headline in the future.. blah blah blah
I am voting but it's taking a while
Joyn: oops, the "see" in quotes was not meant as a comment on your eye infection. Just a poor choice of words. (feeling the need to explain myself, lol)
no I saw it in the feeds and from Jackie's videos... I DIDN'T see it on tv... I mean no lolipops.. nothing.
I didn't understand Dan's plan or the reason for it. Renny looked PISSED!! I know now all seems forgiven by his alliance but it might come back to bite him......
Did you hear on the feeds this afternoon that Mich. newest theory is that Dan is a child molester!!! That's why he teaches at a Catholic school!
Clementine said...
Wow, I've watched this show every season, and the BB editors can still make me angry.
It irks me too, that's why I say, if you're going to watch, you need to read the blogs or have the feeds, because you're not going to get the whole picture via what is shown on TV that is only 40 minutes long.
Can't get on the CBS site.
Michelle is calling Dan a child-molester?? OMG, I would sue her ignorant a**
based on the poll is taking we know what the HOH or POV comp. is going to be on Thurs......
"Which HG did America say best fits this headline....."---just my guess put no other reason for the poll.
I think Dan uses his teacher voice,yeling at the kids in the back of the class
The newest Michelle lie just reinforces what I said a while back. They all lie---but she lies maliciously against other players. (The lie about the plane & Libra)
Michelle is scum, and so is her friend Ollie.
Anonymous said...
yeah it's a voting thing
which current houseguest could you see with this headline in the future.. blah blah blah
I am voting but it's taking a while
8/26/2008 10:03 PM
Which houseguest gets lost on the way home???? I hope that means a trip after the wrap party, so I'm voting for Mi not....Renny!!!
I got on the CBS site and it asked the question "which houseguest which you want to get lost coming home frorm work? I didn't answer because I don't know if it is good for them to be lost.....or bad. Was going to vote Ollie, but if it means something good I can't do it.
I think Nana nailed it about the comp questions...
so far I answered "gets lost on the way home" - Ollie
"has plastic surgery to remove crow's feet" - Memphis, lol
ollie has a big round head and a very little face in the middle of it...he needs to wear his hat
there, i feel better
No prob, Clementine, I knew how you meant it. Believe me, I'm glad to "see" all you guys again, too! LOL!!
The questions are getting dumber and dumber as I go on. I'm guessing the house guests will have to guess who we picked like a or b like they've done in the past
"headlines national comedy tour" - Dan
These examples are going to be hard for the houseguests to guess what America said... because they don't really "fit" anybody too well
"called a hero after saving family from burning building" - Dan
I so wanted to see Ollie's face when Dan put up Michelle, but he must have been in shock, cause he didn't do anything at that moment. And what they showed him doing (lollipop and knocking over table) was nothing. I'm really disappointed... I wanted to see him freak out on TV, cause most people won't see the feeds and the true Ollie.
I need my watermelon shot now to calm ME down.
OK everyone... it's my bed time. I'll tune in tomorrow to read ya all's comments.
"turns slop into international diet fad" - Jerry
"awarded Noble peace prize" - Dan
Well, none of them would probably guess Dan for that. These descriptions really aren't good for these houseguests. Wonder if BB pulled out an old list from previous years?
"caught selling counterfeit veto symbols" - Memphis
Thanks Jackie for all your updates I read a few times a day for a few years now!! I don't blog much but here goes.
Can't stand Jerry but I loved that he got the phone call from his wife. It was very touching & I cryed. I really want Memphis & Dan to be the final two. Both deserve it. Didn't like Memphis in the beginning but he's grown on me. Watched him in the you tube video you have when Ollie was throwing his tantrum & I like that he sticks up for himself & for Dan with the Judas stuff from Jerry.
I hope Ollie goes this week with the double eviction, he obviously doesn't think this is a game after watching his talk to Dan in the HOH room. He feels disrespected give me a break!!
Thankls again Jackie for all your hard work. Go Dan & Memphis!!!!!
"self-help book goes to #1 on the bestseller list" - Renny
I wanted to be mean so I voted on Jerry beating Jessie in an arm wrestling contest
Wow, Joe Biden's son is smokin' hot! Sorry, I'm multitasking :)
Dan, hats off. Classic move here, buddy. Way to PLAY the game and not let the game play you.
Ollie/Michelle, I'm afraid your Duhliance is coming to an end.
"sexiest person of the year" - Danana
I can not believe that the show will not air until 1:30 AM Thursday in NY that stinks!!!
And he's in the military (Joe Biden's son, that is)
hi guys...have enjoyed reading all your comments tonight.
lynn..thanks for the well wishes!
i am beginning to really wish i had gotten that pain perscription filled.....ugh!
nite all...
Has Bill Clinton's nose always been that bulbous?
"devotes their life to helping the poor" - Renny (only because there wasn't an N/A)
This poll will be hard for the HG to get correct because they don't know how BB has been editting each one for the show. I suspect those with feeds/Jokers/blogs will answer quite differently from those who only watch the show.
However, being a DE week it will be a good comp--over in about 5 minutes.
I cried when Jerry got his phone call, too. And I don't even like him!! LOL
How funny will it be when Rhenny wins the game?
Clementine said...
Wow, Joe Biden's son is smokin' hot! Sorry, I'm multitasking :)
LOL!! I too am waiting the riot breakout in Denver...
Anon.. Bill's schnozz does look cartoonish tonight, I agree
"life story made into a feature film" - Renny
Geez, how many questions are there??
Sorry for running up the comment count, Jackie.
"arrested by the fashion police" - Memphis, for the V-necks of many colors
What do you mean 1:30AM That sucks. Where did you see that? Can someone else confirm that? I have to tivo it and ignore all the popsts so that I can watch it Friday instead!!!
Everyone is right what a love fest they have for Ollie. How much do you want to bet when he finally sees April again they shoot it in slow motion as they run toward each other through a fake field.
Why are they allowed to be so biased.
It happened again!! I'm in the middle of a comment, and a new post comes up, leaving me all alone. : (
Oh well, I know how to copy & paste!
Hi ORKmommy!
Hi dla!
Hi Laurie!
Hi Teabbfan!
Hi Becky!
Hi terryinca!
Hi all of you out there in denial!
Hi, I'm Elaine, aka PDX Granny. I'm a Jackieholic.
I must admit that I've let Jackie's take over my life. Even more so than BB. It's gotten so bad that I've even started up meeting with strange women that are hanging out around their keyboards. I know strangeness because it's the same thing I see when I look in the mirror.
I have a confession to make. I found out today that one of my coworkers is a BB fan. She hasn't succumbed to the temptation of watching feeds and reading blogs so I know she's not a true addict. I'm thinking of telling her about Jackie's. Is that a bad thing? Will I have to go to confession? Oh, wait! I'm not Catholic! Scratch that last part.
But will I be worse if I'm not only an addict, but also an enabler?
Oh help me!! Help me!!
STOP!! Don't help me!! I'm having the time of my life. No matter how much I need it, I don't want help!!
"entrusted with national security secret" - Dan
"beats Jesse in an arm-wrestling comp" - Jerry (good idea, Anon!)
Jon said...
What do you mean 1:30AM That sucks. Where did you see that? Can someone else confirm that? I have to tivo it and ignore all the popsts so that I can watch it Friday instead!!!
-------------- will be streaming the show for those who get pre-empted is another site you can watch it
"petitions gov't to name a holiday after themselves" - JessMe (oh darn, not an option) Michelle
loses spelling bee to a fifth grader...MICHELLE. Hope that one makes it so she can see how stupid America thinks she is.
Some CBS stations--not all--will be broadcasting preseason football games on Thursday evening, delaying the broadcast of BB until after their other evening/late night programmming. Check your local listings to see if you'll get it at the regular time.
Lucky me, I won't be able to watch it until 12:30 a.m. on Saturday! The local CBS affiliate broadcasts the Packer game at 7 p.m., then rebroadcasts it at 12:30 a.m. Friday, leaving no time for BB.
"used car salesperson of the year" - Memphis
"uses winnings to build a farm for abandoned animals" - Keesha
"gossiping gets them fired from job" - Michelle
"loses spelling bee to a 5 year old" - Ollie
"tips one dollar on a thousand dollar tab" - Jerry
Oh, thank goodness, I'm done.
Thank you all for your patience. My OCD kicked in, and I had to finish documenting. I know you're all jealous of me because I'm more beautiful, more special, and just a better person. Please don't hold it against me. (This is April, blogging to you from sequester, by the way.) When my man wins, you'll have even more cause to be jealous, but I hope you rise above. And when I'm a big movie star, having been the first BB houseguest to make it in Hollywood, I'll remember all you little people from Jackie's blog.
Does anyone know how long the poll will be up. I can not get past the first poll question. I am hoping to get on after the rush.
pms in kzoo
Oh, by the way, be a lurker since Evel Dick season. It's been fun watching/reading/lurking with you. And yes if you are wondering PMS are may real initial. Thought you might get a giggle out of it.
as a long time lurker here, I have one question for all of you:
Why does Jerry receive sympathy and kudos for leaving a sick wife but Libra got bashed for leaving her kids? Isn't leaving a sick wife worse?
as a long time lurker here, I have one question for all of you:
Why does Jerry receive sympathy and kudos for leaving a sick wife but Libra got bashed for leaving her kids? Isn't leaving a sick wife worse?
clementine--I just finished too. I kept saying "How many more questions are there??!!" There's no way they will ask them all!
I answered very similar to you! LOL I guess great minds think alike here on Jackie's blog!
I haven't read the comments yet,but I had to tell you all that in an act of solidarity I just ate a banana for dinner. It was really yummy.
Welcome to all the new posters. Nice to have you out of the land of lonely lurkers. Remember, the first step in getting better is admitting you have a problem. We share the problem and will do what we can to enable you to hang on to it. If you wanted to get better you should have gone somewhere else! Here, have a banana daquiri, no charge.
Terry in CA ... Welcome home!
PDX Granny ... On a previous post you mentioned meeting up with strange women... I resemble that remark and look forward to having dinner with you tomorrow!
Okay, on to read the posts. I took a little nap after training today so I may stay awake and watch the show tonight. If not, I am so thankful for Jackie and all of you to tell it like it is/was.
connie--I can't speak for anyone but myself....I don't agree with Jerry leaving his sick wife and have never given him kudos for it. That being said I did hope he would get the phone call and was touched with him talking to his wife.
I don't like Libra and questioned how she could leave her babies. But if she had been in the house I would have wanted her to hear from her family too.
Sounds like I'm talking in circles--it must be my split personality....the good side that has a soft spot and the evil side that says"What the hell wrong with these people"?!
Just making fun of myself--no one take any of this personally!!
i voted for manchelle to beat jessie in an armwrestling comp. i also said ollie would lose a spelling bee to a five year old. the only thing ollie will ever win is a temper tantrum contest.
i, too am a jackieholic-i shall remain anonymous- and i vow to enable the enablers:>
OOPS, I posted too early, I kept getting an error message when I voted so I had no idea it was a 20 question poll! Silly me.
I voted Manchelle 5 times! She got lost, beat Jessme,wants holiday,lost her job for the gossip and losing the spelling bee.
Dan got 4 votes, comedy,nobel prize,working for the poor and nat'l secret.
Renny got 3, crows feet(but I don't see 'em) best selling book and movie.
Jerry also got 3, slop diet, fashion police(those sleeveless shirts) and the big tipper.
Memphis only 2 votes, sexiest and hero. (winks at Orkmommy)
Ollie also got 2, selling fake vetos and used car sales.(he's just so ghetto)
Poor Keesha only got my vote for using the money for a farm.
Happy polling all! Sitting on pins and needles till Thursday! G'night everyone.
I just wanted to say great postings on Big Brother. I am an avid watcher/fan of the show and the one on Showtime as well. It's getting really ugly in there now. I expect fireworks from here on out. Keep up the great posts. A Louisiana Big Brother Fan. Geaux Renny!!
if thursday will be a double eviction that might mean the house guests vote out -(michell i'm guessing), will be able to take someone with them. if michelle is voted out how much do you want to be she takes dan with her? -jeannemarie
Anon, 12:02 Has there ever been an eviction like that? It doesn't seem fair, but then ... it is big brother where we expect the unexpected.
PDXGranny, what do you think of my new avitar?
For everyone else, this is a picture of a painting we saw last night at the great place we went for dinner. It had the most amazing hotel that used to be a home for the insane. I nearly went insane in it but elaine got me out just in time. I loved this picture and announced to her that it would be my new avitar.
Why isn't BB on at 9:00 on the west coast? Anyone?
Jerry did tell his wife he loved her right as they were hanging up. As for Michelle, she might just take Danny boy with her! I personally want him gone.
anon 12:06 The convention delayed TV tonight. I think we get it at 10 but "check your local listings".
Connie - I never bashed either of them for leaving their families. However, I reserve the right to bash ALL of them for going on the show! They have to have a screw loose!
Welcome aboard. :-)
Thanks Laurie. I was just a little impatient. :-)
Hey, Laurie! Great avitar. :)
I'm been busy reading over at Jokers while waiting for 10:00. I can't believe the words coming out of M/J/O's mouths! I was thinking that the trio needs to get their mouths washed out with soap. After thinking about it tho, I realized that wouldn't work. When my grandson uses "icky" words I look in his mouth to see where they're hiding, and he tells me they aren't there. They're in his stomach.
If that's the case, maybe they need to have a group stomach pump!
Oh goodie!! Only 10 more minutes, then it's on here!!
jeannemarie--interesting idea.....however, DE usually means the 1st person is evicted(Michelle)immediately, then there is a HOH comp, nominations, POV comp. and ceremony and a second eviction!! All this will happen in the 1 hour LIVE show.
I sure hope Dan doesn't leave...:(
anon 12:06--the show times are going to be messed up for the next two weeks. Be sure to check your local listings. Here in Seattle area we are on a 1 hour delay on Tues./Thurs.
Dan is a little devil, no insult intended. heh
OMG, I'm such a sap!! I had to stop my DVR because I couldn't see thru the tears when Jerry got his phone call. I think he really meant it when he said he wished everyone else could have gotten one too.
I agree that they all have a screw loose (and one too many ridiculous dreams of being famous) for going on this show. But hey, I'm obviously willing to watch them put themselves up for public ridicule! I tell people that the reason I think I like BB is that I can let loose on my inner 'mean girl' without guilt since these people put themselves on display. That said ... anyone else notice that CBS seems to enjoy shots of Michelle chewing her food in her usual open-mouth way???
PDX, I cried too. Nice to see real emotions on the show, isn't it? I think he meant what he said, too. He knows how he felt and would have liked everyone to get a call.
The POV comp just ended. Michelle is such a piece of work. She is a classic victim, isn't she? That girl needs help. Maybe you should take her in and show her what's what. You can get those bad words out of wherever she keeps them, too!
Ollie's smugness is so annoying. He has such a long way to fall and he doesn't get that yet. Love it. He and April and Michelle and Jerry all deserve each other, don't you think?
Oh boy, here comes yesterday's festivities! Whoo hoo! The higher you fly, the harder you fall ... watch out Ollie.
I think the phone call vote was for his wife not Jerry
Poor lady with a jaj for a hubby
Finally finished watching it! Boy, I'm sure glad I knew what was (or wasn't) coming up. Otherwise I might still be waiting for the fireworks! I have a feeling I'm going to be spending time later this week searching Youtube for the "good stuff".
I'm off to bed now so good night all!
Laurie, remind me tomorrow to tell you about the black helicopters that were flying over downtown Portland last night.
Awww- they just showed our new baby elephant bonding with his mama on the news. That's good!! When he was born Saturday afternoon, Rose Tu, the mama, kicked and tried to trample him. It's normal for them to kick a bit while trying to get the babies to stand, but she was more aggressive than she should have been. They've had to keep them apart, but now they're doing good. It's so cute and I'm so glad!!
Just got home from one of my nights out and what do I see... Laurie is using a picture of me!!!
Thank heavens it's not the one in which I'm wearing only the hat!
Counting my lucky stars Andy Warhol didn't release that one.
Another big welcome to all the new posters today!! WOW! Jackie, this is amazing! :)
Laurie, love the avatar!
And, Plaidchick, I wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your new "plant"!! lol
I also have to admit that I cried during Jerry's phone call from home, and I have grown to really really not like him... It was very touching.
Well, what a joke regarding Ollie's big blowup. CBS definitely shows America a different show than what is actually happening on an extremely regular basis. Not that I expected anything different.
I can't wait to see the CBS Poll questions on Thursday! It will be fun to see how the HG's guess at the answers. I have a feeling they will not be matching up with America very often.
On Ollies CBS bio: To this day, Ollie does not drink, smoke or curse; staying true to the values he was raised with as a child.
LOLOLOLOL I guess two out of three ain't bad.
Dan for the win!
CRAP!! I missed the whole party - I wake up - the place is trashed - nothing left but a few dried up jello shots and something sticky and crusty all over the floor - smashed lollipops!!! who let Ollie in???
The best part of waking up is Jackie's blog the morning after - I love you guys...
Earlier tonight Jerry was talking about how, during his phone call, his daughter said to him: "don't worry about the money, just come home" and he's trying to figure out what she means.
I think it's pretty clear. She's trying to tell him that he's making a huge fool of himself and that he should cut his losses now. No?
He, naturally, thinks it's something completely different, something flattering to him.
Can you imagine his family watching him on either BBAD or the feeds for the past couple of days/nights? All the absolutely horrific garbage that he's been spewing? He's one mean bastard. The others, O/M, are also doing similar, but at some point you have to consider the age differences -- they are young and it's not uncommon to hear that stuff from younger people. But a man of his age? Shame on him -- at least I hope he feels the shame at some point. Clearly his family already does.
Jerry was talking himself earlier said on joker's earlier that he didn't like the person that he's become since being in the house. He knows exactly what a huge ass he is. I think he's just trying to fit in with the two looney toons MI and O. for the most part. I can understand that because that's how they are. That's how O and A were too. And he doesn't have anyone in that house that actually likes him. Maybe he feels like he has to be like them in order to have someone to talk to. I understand that but it still doesn't make him any less of an ass.
Anne, LOL....
Hi PDX ! So glad you got to meet laurie and have such fun.....glad to hear about the elephant....
My son is in heliocopters so Im interested to know about what wuz up in your hometown.
Laurie! come home! Miss you!
Jackie, as always great job!
IMHO Ollie is a baby and needs to grow up. I was touched by Jerry's call from home and figured he would get it.
I voted on the questions....I thought it would only be 2 or 3...silly me.
Todays another hot box here in CA...
hmmm why was dan allowed to particiapte in POV as HOH? Did I miss something? Thanks
Anon, HOH always plays in POV along with the nominees and 3 people picked at random
Thanks Mrs. Whiggins! I don't know what I was thinking...a senior moment I guess.
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