The show has started here on the East Coast. As it airs, this post will be constantly updated -- please forgive the inevitable typos! Everyone is welcome to join in with their thoughts in the comments section. Let's have us some fun!
Recap, recap ... more recap. Michelle has now been evicted twice tonight. Jerry is obviously down and feeling vulnerable. Keesha and Renny feel bad about her eviction. Ollie will avenge her leaving. Ha. Memphis sheds no tears, time for another HOH comp and we're still in Recap City. Hey, Keesha won HOH1 WHAT A SURPRISE! As are the noms. Now we get to see the veto and Ollie run away again. A bit of unseen before footage, but we're talking ten minutes solid of recaps. Horrible!
Renny is bugged by the Colonel, nothing in common. They have cute background music for Jerry's lonely journey through the house. The four are celebrating.
Renny and Dan have a talk about the time zones. Renny is so wrong. Heehee. Heh ... she's insisting the wrong time for New Orleans. Finally it dawns on her that she's wrong. Now they're laughing about Keesha's laugh. Memphis actually imitates it pretty well. Dan shouts to us in the DR about Keesha's laugh. Renny thinks dogs can here her.
HOH carnival -- skeeball. Dan tells us if they can't win three against one (against Jerry), then one of them probably deserves to go home. Each round they will be asked the day number of the event, they have to aim the ball towards the day for the answer. Day Jerry called Dan Judas at the veto meeting -- Memphis broke it down into weeks, a smart answer. Dan knew the rough day. Correct day was 35. They get penalty points for whatever amount they're off. Renny did the worst on this round, Dan best.
Aliens in the windows of the BB house - 14. Dan is doing the best so far with Jerry and Memphis running neck and neck together. The next one was Brian being put up on the block -- 6. Dan still has a big lead. In the news is next -- 32. Renny is still doing the worst. Memphis is NOT doing well. Dan remains in the lead. The earthquake -- 22. Jerry got it spot on. Dan only leads by two points now.
Jessie eviction day -- 31. Oops ... Dan's ball bounced off his rather correct answer goal. He blew it. Jerry is in the lead by 6 points. America give the lollipops -- 39. Dan got it right, but too late for the points to win. Jerry wins HOH. He gave an odd cough-hiccup.
The crew of four is dismayed. Dan is pretty sure he'll be on the block. Memphis says he won't make a deal with Jerry.
Jerry's room -- they're all puckering up to kiss his ass according to Memphis. New pictures. Jerry knows they're being nice to him because he's HOH. He doesn't trust them. He starts telling stories. Sigh. I hear too many stories from him on the feeds. But the way this is edited is perfect!
Memphis and Keesha talk. They know one has to leave. Memphis wants to be taken with either Keesha or Dan if they win. He wants Keesha to think he will choose her for the final two, but doesn't want to come out and say it.
Renny is sleepwalking. Sooky-sooky. Memphis tells us Renny is more than wacky -- she's completely off the reservation. Keesha thinks Renny is hilarious even in her sleep. Cute segment.
But it's morning. Renny says she woke up with candy bars in her bed. Keesha and Renny talk. Keesha is worried. She's thinks that she and Renny might be put up together because they're so close. Dan and Memphis talk. Memphis thinks Jerry wants to be promised safety. Memphis thinks making a deal with Jerry is their only hope. They just can't be on the block together.
Memphis goes to talk to Jerry. Memphis tells him that he wants to stay off the block. Jerry tells him he'd like to go to the final two with him -- safest for them both. Memphis tells Jerry he wants to battle the best in the game and it's him. Jerry wants to put Dan on the block. Memphis tells Jerry he doesn't trust Dan because he put him on the block. He's playing Jerry very nicely. Jerry tells us he trusts Memphis more than the others.
Nominations today -- Memphis feels safer after the talk. Dan is sure he'll be going up. Both Keesha and Renny are worried. Jerry tells us his decisions aren't personal and will only get him further in the game. Dan and Memphis are wearing their matching shorts. How odd.
Key order -- Renny, Memphis. It's Dan and Keesha on the block. Jerry says both have nominated him, trust issues with Dan, Keesha is a good player. The PoV will determine who goes home. Jerry tells us Keesha is a pawn and he wants Dan out.
Memphis tells us Renny is the only one in the house he doesn't have a deal with. His goal is to get her out this week.
so excited!!!
thanks Jackie!
Memphis DR sessions are pretty funny tonight...
I was almost late but they are still in black and white mode.
Yeah, I have been waiting for this show to come on.
I am jumping in now to tell Lynn1 and anyone else to please check in if you can when you get to the hotel.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
I'm not sure if I trust BBs subtitles anymore.... not after the Cabbage Patch Kids.
Monty - I still think they had to have him say that in the Diary Room. He never ever said it on the feeds at all that I've caught. I would have remembered as I myself might be a red-headed cabbage patch kid.
never commented while the show is going on.....HELLO ALL!! >^..^<
I loved Memphis' comment about Michelle & Dickens - very astute.
I love the chemistry between Dan & Renny LMAO!!!
Keesha's laugh sounds like a herd of dolphins.
Just love the segment of Keesia's laugh...feel for ya Jackie as you have to listen to it more than most!!!
Keesha's laugh, lol. The only one in there with worse is Jerry!
School of dolphins? Pod of dolphins? :)
Jerry: I'm all alone in this house. Why? Cause you're an ass that's why.
Renny thinks dogs can here her.
Renny is wrong. If dogs could hear her they would howl.
In her defense, Memphis looks like Alphia (sp??) with his hairdo, Dan is annoying in the DR with his shouting and Jerry's voice sounds like chalk on a blackboard.
I can't wait to see how Jerry could possibly have won this.
Thanks Jackie. I agree they had to pull that comment from somewhere but not during the blow up. I watched your Youtube of the fight and Ollie never said that.
This HoH is a total crap shoot... no wonder Jerry won it!
A quick review of what I've learned watching every season of BB:
-Ugly people think they're pretty/handsome.
-Dumb people think they're smart.
-Fat people think they're thin.
-Obnoxious people think they're...not.
jb: to summarize, people's capacity for self-delusion is infinite. ITA!
Well done jb...
school or pod of dolphins is correct
alfalfa too funny
This is BB at its finest. Memphis says he's not making a deal with Jerry. Well we know better now. :)
someone pease give me the link to watch, jerry lewis is on in oregon
no sign of bb
mamawolf try
It choppy
OMG, obviously BB is just as bored with Jerry as most of us are. LMAO
I was just wondering:
If this is the furthest along the oldest person in the game has ever reached??
"Renny, don't eat the ping-pong ball"
Memphis is cracking me up tonight
jb: Well, Sheila was "oldest" last season and she made final 3.
Renny is such a hoot, I'd love to sit down & drink with her!!!
So Jerry approached Memphis with the F2 deal... interesting. Jerry's also not vindictive, lol. So far this has been a fun episode. I wonder what the folks without the feeds think?
clem..that's what I meant; just couldn't remember. Thanks!
Also: That's the smartest thing Memphis has done the entire game.
wow jackie
I don't know how you watch and thanks for the link Pms. I thought i was going to miss it
will catch up on the posts after the show can't multitask
ok now I can get caught up and all my reading. Jackie don't know how u keep up
Okay Memphis, no hard feelings. Sniffle sniffle. I don't blame Memphis for wanting Renny out. She would beat all of them hands down on jury votes. I still don't want her to leave though. There goes the fun and watching her cook those meals.
All in the path of Gustav, stay safe and my prayers are with all of you.
if memphis saves dan couldn't jerry put memphis on the block instead of renny?
Joyn: sorry to hear you won't be posting anymore! I hope you continue lurking, and I'll be thinking of you. I wish you all the best. Be happy.
Nana: thanks for the info about justtvnuts, but I can't even get the page to open. It freezes my internet window and makes a repeated clicking noise. I have to manually shut it down everytime I try, so I just gave up. Thanks for the other link!
For our Gulf state friends, Monty said it best, so I'll just quote:
"All in the path of Gustav, stay safe and my prayers are with all of you."
Anon: the person who wins and uses a POV is safe from nomination. Jerry can only replace Dan with Renny.
Blogger refused my WV 5 times. I think thats a record!
I actually started laughing at K's laugh, maybe its because they were making fun of her laugh though.
Renny is a hoot~ she would be so much fun to hang out with. Her family must really miss her. I can't believe Dan is able to miss teh beginning of school. I also teach in a Catholic school, I can't imagine my principal letting me take a leave and go on BB! Subs make 75.00 a day, I would have to give my winnings back to the school! Have a nice Labor Day.
Thank you Jackie!
It is obvious by the way Renny is acting in the house that she has not been told about Gustav. What is CBS and BB thinking?? There is a good chance she will not have a home to go back to when this is over. I realize she signed up for the game but I'm sure that all of the HG figured that in a crisis they would be notified.
On a light note if you want a good laugh go to Youtube and watch the video of Jerry falling in the pool....he falls in, climbs out, and is more concerned with what the banner on the plane might say!!
I didn't get to watch the show on EC feeds so I will be watching on WC time tonight.
Based on the low number of comments many people must be busy this holiday weekend....or just watching the TV in anticipation of Gustav.
Have a good night all.....
Where did I hear that Memphis and Dan want to keep CKA in the final 3 because they think they beat him more easily than K? If this is true are they crazy. Who's HOH this week. Who's won the most comps.? Who's got more friends on the jury? If they keep Jerry in there and he wins it all, they deserve what they get. I know that they would eventually have to betray their alliance but it doesn't mean I have to like it.
I hoep if and when Renny gets there, she gets to see her family sitting in the audience. That way even if she does learn about Gustave she know they're are okay. And as long as your family is okay, everything is golden. You can get another place to live and more things but you can't replace the people in your life who matter the most.
Today is the anniversary of my dad's death and sometimes I feel the loss so acutely. Please no sympathies.
Has BB let Renny know what is going on in her home town??
I love Renny to death she is so hilarious!!!!My only concern at this time is her family. I hope they inform her about the hurricanes and if she feels the need to leave the show will get to do so on her terms.
This sure is a quiet night for comments. I had to wait until the show was over, before I could join in. Like Mamawolf, I can't multitask
By the way, where in Oregon do you live Mamawolf? We got the show here in Portland.
I really got a kick out of Renny tonight. Did anyone notice the lightbulb (or at least big yellow spot) that flashed over her head when she finally got it when talking to Dan about the time difference between Calif. and New Orleans? Too funny!!
And did anyone else catch themselves trying to imitate Keesha's laugh when they were all laughing about it? All I can say is I'm sure glad there was nobody else around when I was watching it!!
Even tho I already knew what was going to happen, it's good to watch it with a bit of insight. Thanks Jackie, and all who post what they see on the feeds.
Laurie, I'm glad to hear you're healing well!!
Susan, you're not invisible!! Well, maybe a bit, since none of us can see each other....but that's the only way!
Joy'n, I'm glad you're still going to be lurking! Your comments will be missed, but know we're all wishing you well.
Zoetawny, you and my cousin must have been on the same wave length today. She sent me an email reminding me to pray for our country. Between Gustav, upcoming Hannah and the politics we definitely need God's wisdom and blessings!
Okay..really trivial...BUT while BB showed Keesha laughing over and over...there appeared a somewhat noticeable missing tooth on her upper left-side that in early clips was there!
Did she lose a tooth?
Geez Louise! Haven't they told Renny yet?? Oh my goodness!!
I lurk here all the time and appreciate you all so much. Howdy to everyone and prayers to those in the path of such danger.
I don't have a "user name" so call me Sierra Thunder. <;o)
I would guess BB has been in touch with Renny's family and have let them decide what course of action to take. Knowing how much Renny wanted to be there and seeing how far she's made it, I bet her family would agree to letting her finish the game.
anon 7:12: I think you're right. Her family should make the decision. I know my kids would've contacted CBS and said tell her we're fine and to stay right where she is! It's not like there's anything Renny could do at this point; certainly going home wouldn't make any sense. She just needs to know her family is somewhere safe.
Happy September! My favorite season!
Keesha's had the tooth gone the whole game. And wouldn't you think the camera people would film her from the other angle? No! They always are showing that side of her.
PDX Granny....I think we are all on the same wave length...there is so much to be on our minds and on our knees!
PDX granny
I live outside of medford, Gold hil
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