Renny doing her midget dance.
Heck, even Michelle called her a "keeper" for it (see video at bottom). I can only hope it's true. With the exception of her friendship with Keesha, Renny is one of the few I like in the house. I'd love to see Dan and Renny at the end. Here's the happenings from that Big Brother House of Silly Renny and Unstable Jerry:
- Jerry's speech at the veto meeting continued to be a topic of conversation. Michelle and Keesha said Jerry had his facts screwed up. Ollie is still in shock that Jerry went as far as he did. No one in the house agrees with anything Jerry said, yet Jerry is still oh-so-proud that he "got it off his chest."
- Memphis and Dan talked -- if Jerry ends up on the block, he's sure to go home (or, actually, sequester at this point).
- Memphis, Renny, and Keesha mentioned that April and Ollie latch onto the HOH no matter who's there.
- Ollie said that Jerry told him that he wanted to make people think he was taking Libra off the block with his speech. (Note: he did not use the veto.)
- Michelle doesn't want to encourage Jerry's bad behavior and plans to say nothing if he asks what others think of his speech.
- Ollie is afraid of crows, has been since he was a child. Some came into the backyard and he ran inside freaking out. (I wonder if he knows a flock of crows is called a "murder.")
- Even April said that Jerry's speech was a personal attack on Dan and inappropriate.
- Michelle, April, and Ollie think Jerry has lost it and is overly paranoid.
- Memphis talked about squirrel hunting and Dan was reminded of Deliverance. Ah, so nice that some classic movies are still popular with the younger generation.
- Renny heard the conversation and said she won't eat rodents.
- Ollie thinks the winner of BB goes on Letterman. I think that hasn't happened in a few years, but maybe with the Ferguson bit the winner will probably go on there.
- Memphis thinks Renny can be so entertaining that she might be offered her own show.
- Ollie thinks that the audience will change their view of Jerry after seeing his POV speech. I think we changed it a week or two back.
- When Renny did her midget dance, Jerry told her she would be boycotted.
- Memphis likened being in the house as "taking acid and watching Groundhog Day over and over again." Keesha said it was like being locked in a mental institution and fighting to stay locked in there.
- When Michelle again brought up America's Player to Dan, he said Libra started that rumor.
- They counted the minutes until midnight when they could eat.
- Holly, Michelle's stuffed dog, had a rough time last night ... visited the hot tub.
- All are asleep as I post this.
Yay, I'm first. Just wanted to say that, now I have to go back and read the post, LOL.
does anyone have a link to Jerry's POV speech?
JK - The speech wasn't on the feeds, thus no video available. It should be on tonight's show.
I have been thinking about this for the past few shows and have come to the conclusion that there really must be some form of laps of reality from being in the house. I have always thought that paranoia is contagious anyway. These houseguests are causing me to believe that thought is truer and truer each day they are in there. Most of them are so seperated from reality it's not funny.(I'm thinking of Jerry first) This season has to be the worst of all seasons in the loss of reality department.
On a lighter note....
Next they are going to say they heard voice in the middle of the night and seeing visions in the mirrors...scary huh? They may even have us believing these things.
Hey hamsters...It's a game !!
Debi in Ohio
Good morning all. I was wondering last night if Jerry is getting enough to eat and drink. At his age, he could get really unbalanced if he is malnourished or dehydrated.
More training for me today, so I won't be online. *sob* See you tonighT
Anonymous said... I have been thinking about this for the past few shows and have come to the conclusion that there really must be some form of laps of reality from being in the house. I have always thought that paranoia is contagious anyway. These houseguests are causing me to believe that thought is truer and truer each day they are in there.
Debi in Ohio
8/12/2008 9:56 AM
Debi, I think you are right. All three of me agree with you, even though the other two are out to get me. I see them talking and they have to be talking about me. LOLOLOL
Laurie said... Good morning all. I was wondering last night if Jerry is getting enough to eat and drink. At his age, he could get really unbalanced if he is malnourished or dehydrated.
Laurie, I hadn't thought about that, but you might be correct. Or maybe he isn't taking his meds.
Now I am off for my acupuncture treatment. Catch you later.
Morning, all!
Re: Houseguests' lapse from reality: I guess if you say something enough times, you begin to believe it. I'll try it right now: "I really am a size 8. I really am a size 8. I really am a size 8."
Poof -- I'm a size 8!! I'd fit right in with the banner crew, huh?
RBennie, you crack me up. LOL
Happy Tuesday!
Witt :)
Totally off topic, but the hamsters are boring me right now anyway...
How about those male gymnasts of ours!! I guess they showed everyone that you don't mess with the US!!
Time for Col. Kiss Ass to be boycotted!
Agreed ORKMommy! IT was tense there for a moment but I figured they'd come through with the bronze!
Orkmommy, the gymnasts were FABULOUS! Their accomplishment was amazing, considering that they had team member substitutions as late as last Wednesday and had no previous Olympians!
Sydney, I love your idea...CKA lost me a long time ago.
Happy Tuesday!
Witt :)
I also only like Dan and Renny. The rest are overly dramatic, their arguments get too heated and overly dramatic, and they play the game too personally.
And each is obsessed with one other person and ignore the game and other players who are threats.
Keesha and Renny are obsessed with April as is Memphis and they are ignoring other threats who are also good players.
Jerry is now obsessed with Dan. First it was Memphis, now Dan. He focused on one player and is fixated to the point of obsession. And Jerry talking about Dan burning in hell went over the boundary of a game and way over the boundary of decency.
April and Ollie are too focused on each other or Libra. They seem to ignore other key players who are strong players. I think April was on the right track that Memphis is a threat to her. Memphis is obsessed with getting her out.
But now Ollie and April are too fixated on getting out Libra and then Keesha.
OrkMommy: those male gymnasts were fantastic. The negative talk about them was actually coming from Americans on forums and blogs who were saying without the Hamm twins, the team was doomed. I am glad those kids showed America that they were fighters. Fantastic!
How about that Mens Relay Team in Swimming.? The French should have never opened their traps as that just motivated the team.
And how about Jason Lezak winnning it at the end, the veteran who often has been criticized by swimming fans. I was so happy for all of them.
Jackie, is there any way you could put up the video of Renny making fun of Jerry's POV speech? I can't get it to come up on YouTube. Don't know if anyone else is having that problem. At least we could maybe get an idea of what the heck the old man said. I have a feeling it might be "very" edited for tonight's show.
Jerry is a stubborn self important old coot. I doubt he will change his mind about Dan even after he finds out Dan voted the way American told him to vote. He has chosen to think he and Dan had some sort of agreement when in fact, as we all saw, he "talked" to Dan and Dan just munbles and didn't commit to anything.
I am dun(Gnat) with Jerry. He needs to get off that pedestal he's on! How is Dan taking off his cross before going against his word and worse than Jerry not wearing his Marine clothing when he went back on his word?? Obviously being 75 has made him forgetful!
Renny's dance was so funny. Hopefully, no one takes it as anything other than having fun.
Too bad we won't see the whole POV speech. BB will probably edit it to not make Jerry look bad.
I'm starting to like Memphis---I know he's playing both groups....but he has stayed out of the fighting and seems to give Dan someone in the house to talk to. Maybe it's just that he's one of the best of the worst!
BTW, was happy to hear that Craig was the Mole, that Mark won over $400 thou and that Nicole LOST!
Sydney - I was actually holding my breath during that last pommel (sp?) routine. When he nailed it I yelled & jumped off the couch! My poor dogs were sleeping and they started barking and jumping around like "What the hell?? What's going on??"
Good thing I didn't wake up the little one! :-)
Ok, this is bad...I know it. But I keep waiting for Jerry to get upset with Libra and drop an "N Bomb". I really think he is worse than we have seen.
Not that I'm hoping for it, so don't take it that way...I just think he spouts off at the mouth. He makes me uncomfortable just watching him! I don't know how that is possible!
Regarding Jerry and his derogatory capabilities: the other night, during that really heated argument (after the Jessie vote I think) he called someone a (cover your eyes if you're easily offended)... (scroll down)
he called someone (Dan maybe) a "DUMMY"!!!
I swear, he did. I was waiting for him to follow that up with something like "poo-poo head"
LMAO, Oh no he didn't! Well if he calls someone a "whiney baby" next its on! Too, too funny.
Sharon, I'm so sorry to hear you're still under the weather girl. Oops, I better punctuate that it doesn't look right. Sorry to hear you're under the weather, girl. It's nice a lose a little weight, but you sure never want to do it that way. Get yourself back to the doctor quick.
He called Libra a DUMMY and she answered him by saying she was no dummy she graduated from Rice University summa cum laude.
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